How To Stay Focused | 3 Tips

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for me it's extremely hard to stay focused and I've had to try you know different things to get there and I know it can be tough I know it can be tough so in this video what I'm going to do is Share three things that I do that has allowed me to do more output especially creating content on social and I'm sure these tips can help you in other areas of your life and we're starting right now so first tip less is more less is more uh so the example I'm going to give here is there used to be this event this convention that was called E3 I used to go there every year until they canceled it back in 2019 and in this particular event one of the things that you know we were doing is we were bringing uh equipment to that particular event to make sure that we recorded you know interviews and recorded podcasts and things of that nature and the goal for me was to make sure that whatever I brought was extremely light right but at the same time it provided the value that we needed uh for the content that we're going to record so for example when you look at this particular uh video right now the only thing I'm using is a microphone an audio adapter and my phone that's it okay that's it and I think in every area of our life if we can you know kind of like minimize uh minimalize the things that we use you know for you know output I think those things are going to to be extremely beneficial the other example we can use here is yes a tablet is great but have you tried a pen and paper to write some things down to even do some things that you're going to do today so you take uh the biggest thing that's going to take the most time at the top of the list right and then with a pen and paper and you write those things down in a list form you can do that less is more you don't necessarily need a tablet and there's just something you know different about you know actually writing those things down uh with with a pen and paper versus uh you know typing them on a tablet or you know scribing them you know on some kind of you know paper eaper type of device I think there's something extremely special about writing things down and executing them uh same thing I've done here for this video and most of the things that I I tend to record and and put out into the world so less is more uh practice that and hopefully that brings you a lot of joy and a lot of uh accomplishments as well okay so that's the first thing uh number two the next thing is declutter okay declutter now over the years uh being in a tech and gaming space uh this is not a gaming channel this is not a tech Channel but being in that space for an extended period of time and working with a lot of different brands and companies what tends to happen is you get a lot of stuff okay you go to these events and they offer you you know different you know headsets or they offer you keyboards and they offer you mice and they offer you maybe uh computers or or different things that are being shipped to your home because you're working with Brands you're collaborating you're doing all these things and in my case I'm using that you know in in the context of of having a lot of stuff now that's around the house that because you have all those things more options uh at times can paralyze you from creating right I think sometimes that gets in the way so so for me what I what I've done over the years is either donate those things um most most of them have been donations over the years uh because I don't need you know 18 pairs of headsets I don't need you know 24 keyboards right and I think even the the decluttering of the room that you're actually uh putting out content and I think is extremely important so so make sure that you're you're cleaning that room in a regular basis and the the desk that you use I think is extremely important as well so if there's a desk that you use all the time what does that desk look like every time you're about to you know perform your task or do your work is it clean is it decluttered right I think you have to uh consider these things and just try it just try it and see if you don't feel different approaching the desk um there's something uh directly tied to all that stuff being on the desk and you feeling not as motivated and inspired to create because it's a messy area so definitely consider cleaning the area that you're working in uh cleaning the room that you're working in and things will look a little bit different for you moving forward I promise it does work uh these aren't Pie in the Sky uh things these are definitely uh manageable so last but not least planning planning which goes back to uh writing things down if I know I'm going to record a video and or let's just use a podcasting example cuz I that's a little bit more extensive in the process you know podcast can take our podcast about 45 minutes to an hour right so we plan that podcast 7 days before we actually record it okay okay so the notes that we're getting the articles that we're getting um how that's going to be structured we're planning that 7 days out before the podcast drops so if you hear the podcast and and you're like hey this podcast flows pretty well you know the the topics are are lined up pretty well you know how the hosts are interacting with each other you know there's a lot of chemistry there there's planning that goes with that you know it's not something that we just wake up and actually do I think well that's not technically all true because we've I've recorded with Daniela for a long time my co-host so there's definitely chemistry there so that can't be learned some people say it can but I think we definitely have a lot of chemistry but in terms of the actual subject matter that we have written down those things are 7 Days uh prepped in advanced and they're not rehearsed when we record so the only thing that's not technically planned is how the conversation goes on a podcast because I want that to be um have a level of spontaneity to that right but in terms of all the topics from topic number one to topic number 12 or topic number seven right those things are adjusted in such a way that they make sense to how the conversation is going to flow based on what we're passionate about uh from lowest to highest right so if you ever listen to the show the things that we may not necessarily be passionate about they're probably get stuck between topic one and topic four and the things that we're extremely excited about they're probably going to be stuck between topic number seven and topic number 12 right so by Design there's like a up and down nature of the podcast because we're setting it up in such a way to get excited about what is coming right so if you're planning something or if you have tasks that you unnecessarily like you can actually put some of those tasks at the beginning so the tasks that you do like they're kind of going to show up later right which kind of keeps your energy level excited for the things that are coming so planning whether it's a podcast or it's a a video or what whatsoever you're doing uh in your life I think planning uh is extremely important it it definitely takes out a good portion of the anxiety right because there's still sometimes anxiety for the unknown but if you do plan uh it does help out a lot so that's pretty much all I have in this video uh these are the three things I would consider um when you are trying to do your level best uh to stay focused so hope you enjoyed uh please make sure you like And subscribe and I'll see you on the next video [Music]
Channel: Andrew Alliance IRL
Views: 10
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Stay Focused, how to stay focused, how to focus, how to concentrate, how to focus on studying, stay focused, how to be focused, how to focus better, focus, how to focus on study, how to stay focused in school, how to focus intensely, how to focus on work, how to stay focused as a student, how to focus your mind, how to focus on school, how to focused to study
Id: Ps9YHrywe1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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