How To Start Your Own Business

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I love starting businesses it's one of the most amazing things in the world it can literally change someone's life and that is just so magical to me I've seen it happen multiple times and that's what we're gonna do in this video we're gonna change someone's life and it doesn't matter what business you have the steps are the same if you're selling a service like she is that's great if you're consulting or making a product all the steps are the same my name is Tyler Moore and in this video I'm gonna show you how to start a business step by step with no steps skipped I'm gonna take a real business from scratch from nothing all the way up to getting clients and getting clients is the hardest part that's when people actually pay for your product or service so that's when you know it's actually a good business that is valuable to people this video started because my friend Angelica wants to quit her job and start out on her own as a personal trainer now you don't need to be a personal trainer in order to get a lot of value out of this video because the process is the same the steps are the same it doesn't matter if you're selling products or services or you're doing consulting it's gonna be the same sort of process so we're gonna apply the process to her business try to get her clients and try to fundamentally change her life she isn't gonna go to a job anymore she's going to grow as a person and grow her business but I know she's up for it she's amazing the goal of the business is to make a hundred thousand a year and I think Angelica really deserves it she's so passionate about helping people and I want you to follow along with all the steps I want you to follow the steps and create your own business it's not that risky it doesn't cost that much money and I want to show you that so let's see how we can do it so here's our to do the first thing that we're gonna do is research things we're gonna research on Google Yelp working on research other people's websites we're gonna ask for help maybe people will help us I don't know and we're also gonna ask Angelica Angelica is already a personal trainer but she works for a business she wants to quit her job and start her own business but she still has a lot of information on her clients and things like that the next thing that we're gonna do is create things we're gonna create our website we're gonna create a logo maybe we'll do a video of her maybe we'll make pictures and I really feel like this is the foundation of her success having a website having a logo having some high quality pictures that's very important to her business it may not be very important to you but probably having a website and a logo is at least pretty important to your business the next thing that we're gonna do is advertise we're gonna try to get clients so we're gonna send out some flyers and send out some Facebook ads and we are going to see what works alright so let's get started with research so the first thing that we're gonna do is go to Google and I'm just gonna type in Manhattan Beach personal trainer I just want to see what's out there and who her competition is so if we take a look at the top three results that are not ads we can see that they all point to Yelp so Yelp is probably the best place to check out our competition so let's go ahead and check them out so here we have it all of the personal trainers in one spot all on Yelp so is that a good idea for your business to be where everyone else is and most people would say yes but I would say no you don't want to be doing the same thing that everyone else is doing in my favorite business book understanding Michael Porter he says you have to do different activities from businesses to get different results so in order to get ahead you have to do something unique if we put Angelica up here on Yelp how are we gonna be number one these guys have 15 reviews or 44 reviews or 41 reviews all 5 stars there's no way that we can compete with that right now I don't know about you but I only like to play games that I can win or at least have the potential of winning and this is something that I know that I can't win and even if I did win at this let's say we got her a whole bunch reviews and put her on here we're really putting the power in the customers hands because what are they doing they're going through all of these profiles and they're checking you they're checking how much it costs what your reviews are and comparing you with everyone else and all of this competition is just gonna drive down the price and make her product a commodity it's gonna make her something that isn't valuable and not valued because there's so many people offering it so the answer to the question do you want to do what everyone else does and that is no because you'll get the same crappy results as everyone else so you want to do something different so your results can be different and so you're not competing with all of these people but that doesn't mean that we can't learn from these people we can learn much by just looking at the comments on Yelp let's take this for example it says she is extremely helpful in keeping me motivated so motivation is a huge factor we've just learned in getting people to want to work out and getting people to want to train with you now that may be really obvious so let's look at another example this one says he is very personable so obviously being personable and motivating people now we know is really important to people I have never been bored so making the workouts fun is really important and we're starting to get a shape in a feel of how the website should be it should be motivating she should be personable and of course the exercises should be fun if we scroll down a little bit we can also see that it's very important for her to be knowledgeable so it says he is extremely knowledgeable so obviously you want someone who is knowledgeable and this all has to reflect in our marketing so those were just a few examples but obviously it's so important to read the comments and you can get so much information on how your website should be and what you should be saying to clients based on comments and testimonials of clients all right so I'm gonna go ahead and read a lot more comments but I'm not gonna do this live because I'd be really boring but I'm just gonna spend an hour researching all of the comments so I can get a feel of how the website should look what the Flyers should say what the website should say how it should all feel and what is most important to people when they're looking for a personal trainer so after I do that I'm gonna go through about a hundred different websites so these are all from Yelp and I searched different areas not just my area but I also searched New York and also searched Atlanta and also searched Miami for personal trainers and I wanted to find the very best websites now most of these websites are really bad but some of them are really good and we can see what types of pages they have and what types of logos they have and you can really get a feel for what is good and what is bad and you also get ideas so you want your website to be like this instead of that and that's super helpful because it's making your vision clearer and clearer on how your website should be and what it should look like and what works and what doesn't when you see a website that works you'll know it instantly and when you see a website that's really bad you'll also know it instantly so again most of these websites are really bad and the competition is very weak and of course I want her website to be number one I wanted to be the best personal training website in the entire world and that's what your aim should be for your business also so after we do all that we're actually just gonna go to or wherever your favorite bookseller is you know it's Amazon anyway so just go to and I'm gonna search for personal trainer books because if someone wrote an entire book about your business then it's probably a really good idea to read it I mean we could be missing something so easy and obvious to the author but not really obvious to us and it can make our jobs so much easier so someone took the time and has the experience to write an entire book it would be crazy not to read it and of course someone has written a book about being a successful personal trainer so I'm just gonna go ahead and buy that book and I'm just gonna read read read and read it so I'm all done reading the book and it's a great book if you're a personal trainer but if you're not a personal trainer then you can probably skip the book but of course if there's a book that exists on your business definitely get it the next thing that we're gonna do is email some personal trainers to see if they have any tips for us my thinking is that maybe some personal trainers will have some good tips and I'll save us tons of times tips for advertising tips for I don't know anything if they have some really bad tips we probably just wanting to pay attention to them because that's how I am so this is what I email the personal trainers I emailed them I said hi name whoever it was you did such a great job on your video on your website I loved it you're the best personal trainer in the field and I couldn't think of anyone better to email than you your business seems to be thriving so I was wondering if you give me some advice my wife's personal trainer in Los Angeles Angelica wants to leave the big box gym and start out on her own I was wondering if you had any written advice for me to help Angelica get new clients and retain old ones thanks for your time Tyler now this is all true I said here you did such a good job on her video on your website maybe they won't have a video but I wanted to add something personal that I really did like on their website and we will see the response so I emailed this already to about five different people and we're just gonna wait for the response and see what they say so yesterday we emailed about five different people and one guy responded so that's about 20% which is pretty good you know it's the random person that I'm emailing and it was only one day he says training and so cow is really competitive and there's no foolproof game plan I just hit the streets did a lot of free stuff to get my name out there and once people call you got to sell yourself because they have called four to five other trainers as well so the best advice is to be persistent she'll burn out nowadays if it's not something she loves because it's that competitive so we didn't learn anything too productive from that and I really hope that we can have a better outlook on business than that and it all comes down to doing something different so we're not competing with everyone else so let's just move on but another thing that happened yesterday is my wife sent me an email of the most popular fitness trainers on Instagram and so I emailed all of them about 10 people the same thing and one of them responded and said if I called back at 5 o'clock in the morning then he would take my call and talk to me and this guy is the most famous personal trainer I'm not gonna say who his name is because I don't agree with his advice but he has trained people that are household names in the United States you know every single person will know who the celebrity is that he trains so he is the most famous obviously very successful at it but he had said things that are very discouraging so let me read you some of the things that he said I jotted them down alright so the first thing that this most famous personal trainer said to me was you have no idea how many people I know that sit around and sketch your logo or come up with some cute little name and make pens and business cards and hats and and they haven't really flush it out in terms of a viable business they can generate income well that's pretty much exactly what we want to do we want to come up with a logo I think he's missing a step obviously we need to advertise and not just business cards because that doesn't really work so we want to do all the stuff that he says that we're not gonna make pens but in hats but we're gonna come up with all the stuff that we need for her business and advertise and see if we can get clients so him saying that is pretty funny so the next thing that he said was so in terms of getting clients and how to get clients quickly I don't think that exists well that's again exactly what we're gonna do we're gonna try to do at least we're gonna try to get her clients quickly the next thing that he said was she doesn't just step in and go hi I'm a trainer and but she has seven clients that day no chance well again that's pretty much what we want to do and some other choice quotes that he says was I bet you anything she's asleep right now which it was 5:00 in the morning and I think she does wake up at 5:00 in the morning so I don't think she was asleep but I would have definitely been asleep in the last thing he said was like I said I want out work you it's just a mindset so all this wasn't very encouraging but hopefully we can outthink him and produce for her some amazing results so even though one of the most famous personal trainers was kind of discouraging doesn't mean that our ideas still won't work so we're just gonna go ahead and push forward and make it happen the last bit of research that we need to do before we can begin creating cool things is to ask Angelica who her current clients are so right now she works at a gym and she attracts a certain type of client so I met up with ang and we figured out that her current client is 30 to 60 year old woman who live in Manhattan Beach and they're not really overweight maybe they want to shed a few pounds but really just to stay in shape but they're definitely not bodybuilders they are moms or professionals like doctors and lawyers and they're almost all from Manhattan Beach it would be a mistake to target all of Los Angeles because it is just too big what we want to do is just dominate a small slice of the world and then expand if we need to but we're not gonna need to because that's definitely enough clients for her so now that I got all this information I know who I'm talking to so it's gonna influence the way my flyer looks it's gonna influence the way my website looks it's gonna influence everything for instance we're not gonna have a really fat man on the front page of our website because that's not gonna speak to her audience and there is something else Angelica told me after we spoke that is really really important she quit her job and gave a two-week notice surprise that was a surprise to me I thought we would have a little bit more time to work out the details and maybe get her some clients before she quit her job but sometimes we just need to bounce and get out of there and burn all bridges and that is what works for us but that is definitely too risky for me if I have risk abilities like a family to take care of our kids to take care of that I'm definitely going to do what's making me money because that just seems like very risky but sometimes it works sometimes that's what you have to do in order for to succeed and she believes in it so much so now we have to make this happen so let's really get started and let's start doing it so the first thing that we're gonna do is we're gonna start building her website right now she's not advertising to anyone but you build a website and you have a potential audience of the entire world so let's just open up our to-do list in mark off what we have done we research Google we research Yelp we looked at different websites we ask people for help which wasn't very productive and we talked to ang about her demographics so we are all done with our research so now we get to start creating things and the first thing that we're gonna create is our website and we can break down making a website into three different parts getting your domain name getting hosting and creating your website a domain name is the same thing as your website name Google's domain name is facebook's domain name is my domain name is Tyler com it's the name of your website of course you can have a dotnet org info whatever you want a domain name cost about $12 per year Hosting is a computer that's on 24 hours a day that holds all of your website information so if you have a domain name or a website name but no hosting if someone goes to your website your website will come up blank there needs to be a place to hold all of your files in information and that's what hosting is so let's say you have text in images that are supposed to go on your website all of that is stored with your hosting account for budget hosting which I recommend a lot of the times you can look at my other website tutorials they recommend budget hosting and Hostgator which is amazing it's about $10 a month for premium WordPress hosting which is what we're going to be getting in this tutorial it's about $35 a month I'm gonna show you how to get a discount for the first month for $24.50 or you can pay yearly which is what I think I'm going to do I'm gonna pay yearly for 245 dollars now this is a lot more expensive than budget hosting because it adds a lot more features if you're just starting a business obviously spend the least amount possible but if you have an established business or you really have a lot of faith in the business then you can go with premium hosting which is what we're doing with the premium hosting that we're gonna get the support is really quick the website speed is amazing you get built-in security and backups and it's really geared just towards WordPress alright so again it's $10 a month if you want to go for the budget hosting or $35 a month for the premium hosting or $245 per year all right the next thing that we're gonna do is we're gonna create our WordPress website and that is free because we are doing all the work so we don't need a pay anyone because we're doing it ourselves in WordPress itself is open source and free we're using the free open source software and not the commercial WordPress business alright so in total if you wanted to spend the least amount of money it's $12 for the domain name and $24.50 to start with premium hosting with the discount so it ends up being $36.50 and that is really the only expense that you need to have for starting a business in my opinion you can do everything else for free I'm gonna be spending a little bit more in this video but it is possible just to only spend this amount and have an entire business started alright but my actual cost because I'm going to pay for a year of hosting for ang is $12 plus 245 which is two hundred and fifty seven dollars alright so let's get started with number one which is getting our domain name a domain name is the same thing as your website name so you tell someone go to my website it's Tyler com it's it's it's whatever that's your domain name the most popular place to get a domain name is GoDaddy calm its Gio da dee dee why dot c om and just press enter and here we have it so I'm gonna type angelic event Reis calm and click search domain now our domain name is available but a lot of the time your domain name isn't available so you need to be creative or maybe not use the dot-com you can use a org info dot ninja dot whatever you want practically there are lots of domain extensions available but we're just gonna go with the com and we're gonna press continue to cart alright here we can't do privacy protection if we want what privacy protection is is that it hides all of your contact information so if someone has your domain name they can look up your domain name and they can see who it belongs to your email address your phone number and your name and usually I don't care about that because I trust people but since I'm making a tutorial online that hopefully will go out to millions of people I want to term privacy protection on for ang and so we're gonna pay the extra $7.99 per year now if we scroll down it says it includes go Central website for free I think that's a bunch of crap so we are going to unmark that we do not need that and it's gonna say do we want to create an email address to match the domain name and no we do not if we're going to use an email service I recommend using Google and not GoDaddy all right then we can press continue with these options and it's gonna say hey do you want to do it for five years at a time and that seems like a good idea but it's not and that's because why pay five years at a time when you can pay one year at a time you always have the first right to renew so no one can steal that domain name from you especially if you press Auto renew alright so we see that the domain name is $11.99 per year and $7.99 to keep her information private and so the total is twenty dollars and sixteen cents which is actually amazing for what you're getting all right but I'm gonna round it up for charity and we'll send this one to hope for Haiti and we are going to proceed to checkout now I already have an account so I'm just gonna press sign in then I'm gonna press place your order all right I am done we are the proud owners of Angelica Ventris com or if you're following this step-by-step which I hope you are you're the proud owner of whatever your domain name is congratulations that is awesome now that we have our domain name the next thing that we need to do is hosting hosting is a computer that's on 24 hours a day that holds all of your website information if you have a domain name that's great but if you go to it will show up blank but if you have a domain name and hosting we're hosting holds all of your information if you go to your website it will show all of the content so hosting is what holds all of your content like the images the logos all the text everything that you see on it is what hosting does now there are thousands and thousands of different hosts and angelica told me that she wanted the best of the best hosts even if it cost a little bit more so I knew exactly where to go and that is WP engine com that's WP e and Gi and e dot c om and WP engine is amazing because they specialize just in WordPress so if that's how you're building your website which I recommend is how you should do it then definitely use WP engine if you want premium WordPress hosting and there are four different options here we have the custom which is four gigantic businesses scale growth and startup we're definitely in the startup category because the startup category is offering one site which we have 25,000 visitors a month 50 gigabytes bandwidth which is totally enough CDN and SSL what CDN is a content delivery network so they have computers all around the world that will load your content and deliver it faster to the customer so if the customer is in Texas maybe they have a computer there that's really close to Texas that delivers it faster and if the customer is in New York then they have a computer in New York that delivers it really quickly and the customer is in Los Angeles then they have a computer there that delivers your website really quickly to the customer SSL is website security so it's already included in there which usually cost money they do migrations for free so if you're transferring from one host to another host they'll do that for free and you get a whole lot more and if you run into any problems you can chat with them alright so we're gonna go with the startup plan and we're gonna click get started and so here we have the plan we can do monthly at $35 a month or we can do annually at 350 dollars and get two months free and we can also put in my code which is save code that's SAV e co de that gives you an additional discount and wpengine told me that this is the biggest code that you can possibly get and that brings it down to 245 dollars for the entire year that discount also works on the monthly but you only get it for that month and I do get credit for this code so I really appreciate if you put it in and give me credit this helps me do things like create this entire tutorial for free all right we don't need any of this content performance geo-targeting or WordPress multi-site that doesn't apply to us at all and we can always add it on later so we're just going to skip all of that enter in all of our billing information and click create my site alright once we do that they're going to email you and you can accept the invitation and they're gonna ask you to set your password and you are in they're also gonna send you another email showing that your website is up so they're gonna tell you your temporary site URL and your WordPress login and we can go to the temporary site URL and we can see that our site exists there's no content on it really and it's not linked up with our domain name so that's what we're gonna need to do is link it up to our domain name and that's what we're gonna do next and this is so that we don't have this weird and V WP engine com it's just the regular Angelica Ventris comm and we need to link up our domain name because we bought our domain name on GoDaddy but we have hosting on WP engine so we need to somehow link them together the next thing that we need to do is point our domain name to our hosting what this means is that GoDaddy doesn't know we are hosting with WP engine so we have to tell them that our host is WP engine and this is probably the hardest part in the entire tutorial and it's soo we're easy if for some reason you get stuck WP engine has live chat support and they will help you within a few minutes so no worries about that so the first thing that we need to do is click on this and V installation WP engine makes this automatically for you and this is where your website lives next click on domains and where it says cname record just highlight it and copy it then open up a new tab and go to GoDaddy calm login to your account and click visit my account and find the domain name and click on DNS next where it says C name and ww we're gonna click on the Edit pencil and we're gonna change the @ to Ange v WP engine comm so just paste it in there and what this will do if someone types in WWE angelic event Reese calm then it's going to actually redirect you to Ange v WP engine comm and that's where her website actually lives and for a TTL one hour is fine and we're gonna press Save Changes alright now that our changes are saved what happens if someone just goes to angelic event Reese calm without the ww-well then the website won't redirect to Ange v WP engine comm and our website's not going to show up so in order to fix this scroll down and under forwarding click add and where it says forward to HTTP colon two forward slashes just put in WWE Romain name com so now when anyone goes to your domain without the www it's going to forward to the www and that is going to forward to the and V WP engine comm or whatever you have set it up to so I hope that's not too confusing but again live chat is there to help you if you run into any problems alright next click update my name server and DNS and click on save and now we can go back to WP engine and under domains again let's click Add domain because now we need to tell WP engine what her domain name is or what your domain name is so just click on add domain and we're going to add in ww your domain calm or whatever it is and click Add domain then we're gonna click set as primary because we want this to be our primary domain name and for the and v WP engine comm we're going to add a redirect and we want it to redirect to WWN jelica Vinci's comm or whatever your domain name is then click Save Changes and now let's add another domain and let's add the non WWE angelic event Reese calm so we'll just type in Angelika Finch Reese comm or whatever your domain name is and click Add alright and for the non WW we're just gonna add a redirect and we're gonna redirect it to the www and this is just for a safe measure it should work anyways but we just want to make sure all right everything looks good we can exit out of this right here and we can refresh this and don't worry if it says failed here it will update soon and now if we go to angelic event Reese comm it will forward to WWE angelic event Reese calm but the website still won't work now why is that and that's because WordPress was already installed on Ange v WP engine comm but now WordPress doesn't know that her real website name is WWE angelic event Reese calm so all we have to do is update WordPress to let them know that it's changed but how do we update WordPress if we can't log into WordPress and again I just want to do this all myself because I know how to but if you don't WP engine will do it for you in a matter of minutes so again how do we let WordPress know to update our domain name well we have to log into the WordPress database and change it directly in the database so WordPress holds all of your website content and information in a database and to access it just go to PHP myadmin and I'll open up right here you don't want to click on the snapshot you want to click on WP underscore whatever your name is so just click on that then go to WP options and where it says site URL click on edit and we can see here that it's the old ang v WP engine comm so just click on edit and we need to add in TP : two forward slashes WWE Angelica Ventress calm make sure you have the HTTP in there it's very important in your website won't work right without it alright scroll down a little bit and press GO and the second thing that we need to edit is the home so just click on edit and do the same thing at an HTTP colon two fourth slashes WWE website comm net org whatever it is press GO and now we can go back to WP engine and exit out of there and we can go to angelic event Reese calm or whatever your domain name is and it will automatically forward to the WWE website comm and you should see your brand new WordPress website alright so now we have a blank WordPress website and a lot of people charge a lot of money just to get you here but as you can see it's really easy and this is a fully working website it's set up more as a blog but that's fine we can click around and it will work but we want to make the website much better so let's do that the first thing that we need to do obviously is log in to the backend so that we can change everything so let's do that so how do you log in so you go to your website comm forward slash WP dash admin that's WP dash a dmin and press enter this is how you log in to the backend and our username is the username that WP engine sent to you in your email and your password is the one that they sent you in the link that you clicked and you change your password so whatever you set that up as use that then press login and now we're all logged in to the backend of the website and to the dashboard and now we can start making changes one of the changes that you can make of course is to change your password so you can go to users you just change your password so you probably don't need to but you can it then click on your username and scroll down and click generate password and you can change it right there then press update profile the next thing that I like to is update WordPress so it's already all updated but if you hover over dashboard and go to updates you just want to make sure that it is all updated before you start making changes so just do that what I usually do at this point is recommend that everyone delete a bunch of plugins plugins are add-ons that some hosting companies add on to your website but WP engine is a really high-end hosting company so they don't add a whole bunch of unnecessary plugins they only add this one which is fine to have so if you are on a cheaper hosting plan they probably add a whole bunch of plugins because they get paid to install basically you know advertisements on your website there's no nice way of putting that but to delete them you just click on here then you go to deactivate it press apply it then go press delete and apply so that is how you delete all unnecessary plugins and here you can have no plugins here so we'll just delete this one and we'll press no thanks I already backed up because we have nothing really to backup so it doesn't really matter and now that is deleted so that's perfect the next thing that I like to do is edit permalinks so if we go to our website and we hover over right here and press visit site and we scroll down we can go to hello world this is like a blog post this is just a default blog post they put and we can see that it's our website comm question mark P equals one but shouldn't say if this is a blog post about hello world shouldn't it say hello - world up here another example would be a sample page it wouldn't say angelic event Reese comm port slash 8 it would say four slash about right or forward slash sample page there's no sample page there obviously but I think you get the point so how do we make our URLs look really nice look really pretty so let's see how to do that you go back into the dashboard and then you go to settings in permalinks and our permalinks are set to plain right now which is you know a number but we want it to be post name so we're just gonna click on post name and Save Changes and now we can view our site and now if we go to hello world it goes to her website comm fourth slash hello - world which is a lot better because then I'll be instead of forward slash one two three four five it will be four slash about four slash contact forward slash training or whatever we set it to so that is much better alright the next thing that we're gonna do is change the theme the theme is the design of the website so if we go to our website here we see that this is the design of website it has this huge picture right here and you have to scroll down to look at all of the content and that is really just not a good idea you don't want all the space up here wasted if you go to the best websites in the world like let's see Apple com we can see that they don't waste any space they have their tool bar all the way up here and if we go to air B&B we can see the same thing their tool bar is way up here and they don't waste any space but this wastes all ton of space so people have to scroll in order to see your content and that's really a bad idea alright so how do we change the design of our website so let's go back into the dashboard and this is where WordPress really shines and we can go to appearance and themes and there are thousands and thousands of themes to choose from right now we have three but if we go to add new you can search for all of these popular themes and I have a favorite theme and it is called ocean WP ocean WP right here and the they may change the thumbnail that what it looks like when you're doing this tutorial but if it says ocean WP and it has all these stars five stars 148 views and we can go to details and we can inst so it is the it is a correct if it says ocean WP by ocean WP don't worry about what this looks like they change it all the time so then just click install and click activate now once we do that we can visit our site and we can see that it has changed it doesn't look very good but it's definitely changed so this has changed the design of our website and I really like this theme you're really gonna like it - it can do a whole lot it doesn't look like much now but we're gonna transform it into something amazing alright one of the next things that I like to do is delete the sample page if we go into our dashboard and go to pages we see that there's a sample page right here and we can view it and we see this sample page is just a sample page but I'd like to show people how to delete pages so just go ahead and click on trash and click on trash again and delete permanently so now we have no sample page bogging us down alright now that we have no pages we want to add all of our pages so we're gonna add a few different pages to her website your pages may be different maybe you have a products page or an our work page or gallery a photo gallery I don't know but you probably want to add some of these pages at least to your website so we're gonna add a home if we can spell it right home and we're gonna press publish all right and we're gonna press add new and we're gonna do in an about page and press publish and add new and we're not adding any content we're just adding all of our pages then we're going to do training training publish add new and we're gonna do our testimonials publish add new and we're gonna make a free training session free training session publish add new and we're gonna make a contact page contact so that they can contact publish all right so now we have all of our pages but if we go to our website we're not gonna really see anything right here but that's okay we're really gonna get to that later right now we are going to change this tagline right here because it says you're super-powered WP engine blog and when we hover up here it says Tyler Moore blog which it is at my website so I don't want that there so how do we do that we can do that by hovering over customize right here then clicking site identity and for a site title I'm gonna put Angelica of entries because that's her name and for tagline this is something that describes your business so I am going to put Manhattan Beach personal trainer so you can leave this checked right here it doesn't really matter alright then we're gonna press save and publish and we're gonna exit out of here and now when we hover over it says Angelica Ventris Manhattan Beach personal trainers and this is really good for the search engines because it's describing her business what she is who she is and people will be able to find her if they type in Manhattan Beach personal trainer hopefully all right the next thing that we're gonna do is create her logo so I'm just gonna open up this new window and go to logo maker com that's l OG o ma k r dot c om with no e and we can exit out of this video because I'm gonna show you how to do it right here and what we can do is click on the text icon and we can type in some text I'm just gonna type in AV for Angelica Ventris because I think maybe Angelica event Reiss is a little bit too long and the AV might look really cool so I just type that in there and expand it and make it bigger and I could click on the color and change the color and now I could click on the fonts and change the font maybe I want it handwritten that looks pretty cool actually or scary and dark I'm not really liking that that's pretty bad that sucks terrible awful nope definitely not alright I guess no nope uh-uh bad boring childish weird I don't even know what that is amateur boring not creative looks like a restaurant looks like a kid did it no no no alright maybe I do need to type out her name do that make it smaller and maybe I need a graphic type in fitness drag that terrible awful horrendous amateur just plain bad definitely not maybe the worst and man my logo skills are really lacking today I could open up Photoshop or Ike pay logo maker calm itself money to create my logo but I actually have a friend who is a logo designer so I'm just gonna go to and ask him for some help because I desperately need it but just as a side note you can choose a fancy font for your logo and that works fine most of the time I wouldn't spend a lot of money if I was just starting out on a logo no one's gonna use your service or not use your service based on your logo just make it some simple basic font and that's fine it looks professional enough in my opinion so I'm gonna find my friend right here and you can email him yourself if you need a logo or anything so I wrote an email and in the email I attached him some images of advertisements that I really like and a look and feel of what the logo should be of course I wanted to look and be as iconic as Nike and these were some images I liked so I just sent them to him I also drew him out a few of my logo ideas but here is what I said in my email I said hey Collin can you make me a logo here are some inspiration and a logo idea sometimes it's hard just to start out and I thought of this idea so I wanted to send it to you then I said don't be jealous of my great drawing skills I'm awesome at everything and so here are my great drawing skills the top left one is an A in a V reflected on each other the next one which I really like is in a and a V next to each other pretty cool and so on now I know these are actually terrible but I just wanted to sketch out some things and my drawing skills are just awful but it just goes to show you that you don't need excellent drawing skills to make a business or think of a logo concept you just hand them whatever you have and hopefully they produce you something great so after that he emails me back in a few hours he says no way these are awesome and I think he's being sarcastic so we're just gonna let that slide and wait until he sends us some awesome logos all right so it's been a couple of days and he emails me this logo concepts PDF so we're just gonna open it and we are going to see what it is and there's that first idea it's the reflection with the a and the V that is pretty cool I really like that let's keep on going we see the next one that's a sort of playoff the same idea oh I like this one this one's kind of like a pyramid or a mountain or something kind of fitnah see pretty cool all right these are all looking pretty cool I like that one those are pretty cool too and there it is that is the one that's it I know that that's it that is perfect I love that one that is so cool it looks like very sporty to me and fast and fun alright so I'm just gonna tell them that this is definitely the one no need to send me more and more and more concepts I'm positive this is the one and just to send it to me in a format a PNG format so that I'm able to upload it to my website and you want to get your logo in a PNG format because then it allows you to have a transparent background so without it being PNG you'll see a white in the background but if it is a PNG then it'll take on any background color that you have in your header and he gave it to me in black and white so I can use it either way which is really cool sometimes we'll use the black logo if there's a white background and sometimes we'll use a light logo if it is a dark background alright now that we've got the logo done we were gonna change the navigation up here so we're gonna add in the logo we're gonna add in some navigation just like if we go to we can see that the logo is up here and all of the links are up here we're gonna do the same type of thing so to do that we need to add a menu so just go to a customize and go to menus and add a new menu we're just gonna call this main because it's our main menu and we're gonna press great menu now where does it go it goes in the main area and now we're going to add items so we're going to add our pages to it so we're going to add our page that we named called home not this page this is a custom link so we're gonna add the home about training testimonials free training session and contact so we're gonna add in all of those pages and if you want you could click and hold and rearrange the order or if you want to add sub navigation you could click hold and this will be sub navigation under the home all right but we don't want any of that so we're just gonna keep it like this we're gonna press save and publish and we're gonna exit out of here and we're gonna see what it looks like so now we have all of our pages up here we can click on them and it goes to the about slash about training testimonials free training sessions contact it all works perfectly we click on her name and it goes back to her website all right the next thing that we're gonna do is we're gonna add her logo up here so instead of having her name up here we're gonna have her logo up here but you're probably not gonna be able to see it because her logo is white and the background page is also white but we're still gonna add it so let's do it so we go to customize then we go to header and we go to logo so we're gonna select our logo and select files and it's on our desktop and we're gonna press open and we're going to select then it's gonna ask us if we want to crop it we're gonna say skip cropping because we don't want to crop it and it will put in our logo right here and as we can see we can't see it but it is here if we click and hold we can kind of highlight it and sort of see it but for max-width I'm going to make it fifty nine let's say so that looks pretty good I mean it doesn't look like anything right now and the screen is so small it's gone on to the mobile menu but if we press save and publish and exit out of there it is in here but you know we can't see it but that's fine so the next thing that we need to do is we need to get rid of this top bar right here we can barely see it but it is there we don't want this we just want to be very clean so to do that click on customize it didn't scroll down and click top bar and click general and enable top bar uncheck that that'll make this go away right here press Save and publish you can exit out of there alright and now that's gone and this is looking much better next we're going to change this so that it is transparent it looks transparent right now but if we put a picture in the background the picture will only be right here so we want the picture to actually go behind the menu and so that's what transparent does so we're going to click on customize and then we're gonna click on header and we're gonna click general so we can change the style to minimal or transparent which is what we're gonna use in transparent we'll make it see-through and or we could change it to Center that doesn't look good for some reason we could change it to full screen which will make this little mobile thing right here which is kind of cool but we want to set it as transparent and we're gonna mess with the height a little bit we want it to be 80 so we can see we can see that a little bit now and we don't want a header border bottom you see a faint little line right here I don't know if you can see it but it's very faint you can uncheck that all right now we're gonna change the background color to black and the border bottom color can be anything because it's not showing up we have disabled it alright once we have done with that we can just head back and let's go ahead and click on menu so now we're going to change the menu colors and things like that so for the link color I'm actually going to make it white so just click on it drag white ffff is white that's the color that's a hex code for white and now it's really hard to see but when we hover over it you can see this blue looking color it's not just blue looking it is blue click a select color and we can change that to a different color we're actually going to change that to zero one D D C D which will give us a nice little aqua color so now when we hover over it I'll turn that color which is really cool link color current menu items so when we're on like the home page what color do we want the links to be so let's also make that the same color as this copy that paste that alright so now we're when we're on a page it will be that color so it'll be highlighted that color when we're on that page which is pretty cool and we don't really need to mess with anything else except for this search icon which you could barely see sorry it's a but we are going to disable that search icon also so search icon disable all right and we are all done with that so that is looking pretty good I mean you can barely see it but it will look pretty good in just a second so we can save and publish that and we can exit out of there all right now that we've done that we fixed up our navigation we need to gather the tools in order to build our page building your page is really easy let me show you the old way of building a page let me just click on this about and we can edit page and you can this is the old way of doing it and you can add media you can insert images you can bold things you can quote things you can link things it's pretty good and if we press update and view our page we can see that we have some content right here but it's not great it's not like a visual way of building a page it's not very modern there are better ways of doing it and the better way of doing it is to install something called a plug-in and a plug-in extends the functionality of WordPress it's again why WordPress is the best thousands of people make plug-ins for WordPress and some of the plugins are like contact forms or photo galleries this plug-in helps you build pages so we're gonna click on plugins we're gonna click add new this is the best page builder there is and it's called element or elem en tio our element or 300,000 active installs you know 5 out of 5 stars we're just gonna install now and we're gonna press activate all right now we have element tour installed so this is gonna help us build our page visually alright now that that's installed we can change all the fonts on our website so you can choose from hundreds and hundreds of different fonts and we're not gonna see them much here because we don't have much text here but we can go ahead and click on customize then click on typography then click main menu and for font family we can use all of these so you can use a whole bunch if we change it we can see that it will change and see it changes but we're gonna use one called Roboto so that's a very cool font Roboto and we're gonna change the font size to 14 we're gonna make it a little bit bigger and we are going to text transform it we're gonna make them all uppercase so now we can see that it is all uppercase and we're gonna make we're gonna press save and publish and we're going to exit out of here and we can see that they all became uppercase and they look really good all right we can also go to customize and go to typography again and go to body and for a font family we can change this again we can make it anything crazy and all this will change and you can do a lot of crazy fonts but again we're just gonna stick to Roboto so that's the one I like and to look at any of these fonts you can go to forward slash fonts and you can look at them and preview them and see what they're like and you can see the most popular or featured ones and it looks pretty cool so you can you know just only do handwriting ones if you want and these should all be available from the font chooser basically all right so we're gonna exit out of there we're gonna save and publish so now we have the fonts done for our main website but we don't have the fonts done for Elementor itself so we're just gonna click on like an about page and you can click on edit page and you'll see this edit with Elementor so we're gonna click on edit with Elementor and you can click on this up here and you can change you know choose default colors default fonts we're just going to choose default fonts primary headline it's already Roboto secondary Roboto so that would be how to change your fonts inside your web page inside element or itself so just make sure to change that to match up with your entire website fonts and it should work great alright so we're going to exit out of there view our page and now that we have everything pretty much set up we can go back to the home page in we can actually go and get some images take some images so that's what I'm going to do I'm going to take some pictures right now if you don't feel like taking pictures you can go to a website like and they have free 100% copyright free images that look really amazing so you can take any of these download them and put them on your website but I do recommend eventually taking your own pictures because it adds that sort of personal touch so that's what I'm gonna do right now I'm gonna go out and take some pictures so I sit down and talk with ange and we decide we not only want pictures but we also want a video on the front of her website and we want to do this because the rest of our competition doesn't have that so we want to be different from them we want to be separate we want to stand out so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go to that's you p wo RK dot c om and I'm gonna look for a video agra fur in los angeles and i found an amazing person I watched his demo real and he's even won an Emmy and I email him this I say hi name and I'm blinging out his name right here because he does not want to be known for this type of work he wants to build his career and do different work that doesn't involve advertising personal trainers so anyways I say hi name I love your blank film it's really amazing work my wife has a personal trainer who wants to leave her work and start training people on her own anyways I wanted to create the personal trainer a short minute or so video advertising her services but make it really cool like on the beach and in people's houses training them we only have a 1k budget but I thought it would ask I know you're worth more than that thanks so much Tyler and he responds hi Tyler thanks so much for reaching out and for the kind words about my film I'd love to make a video with you guys let's find a time to talk on the phone to discuss your project and I give them my phone number and we talked and we set a date for Sunday to make the film and take the pictures but before we take the pictures and videos we have some work to do so we all work on a script for her together and we rewrite it a few times and write it a couple more times until we all like it and we think it's perfect now in the video and in the pictures we realize that we need Angelica working out with people so we're gonna have my wife Angelica's other friend and we need to hire an actress for one more person to be in the pictures and in the video so the video cost one thousand dollars the pictures cost two hundred dollars in the actress cost one hundred dollars so for thirteen hundred dollars we get help with the script pictures actress editing and the filmmakers friend who is also going to help before we can make the video I also need to scout locations so I go around town and I take pictures of the locations that we're going to film and take videos of basically I think it's called a shot list where I get all the different shots that I want and make a list out of it so what I'm gonna do is take pictures on my iPhone and just send them over to my video Agra fir and I've never done any of this before so I'm just making all of this up I'm doing what I think is the right thing to do I don't know though and that sometimes is what business is all about you're doing things that you've never done before and it's kind of fun but it's kind of scary but you just got to do it and before we know it sunday is here so we do the beginning shots at my house and the actress comes and we do the inside shots at my house and we go outside and it is gloomy I guess you win some and you lose some but you still got to keep on going and we do more outside shots with Angelica her friend my wife and kid and the whole process takes about four or five hours we say our goodbyes in a few days later we have the pictures and they are awesome in a few days after that he sends the video and it also looks pretty cool but we have a few edits so we tell him and a few days later we get it back and here it is it's amazing you hi my name is Angelica mitrice and I'm a certified personal trainer and fitness nutritionist when I was in my 20s I decided to hire a personal trainer I was never really fit in fact I was kind of a chubby kid I never played any sports I danced I maybe did the elliptical but I definitely was not in shape hiring that personal trainer changed my life I started to see results pretty quickly I remember working with him and thinking that three pound dumbbells were super super heavy which is crazy after working with my personal trainer I decided to get certified on my own I felt super passionate about being able to teach other people what I learned myself I would be working out in my gym in New York and people would ask me what I did how I change and I really wanted to help them I felt a deep desire to help transform other people's lives just as I had transformed myself your workouts will be tailored specifically to you your personalities and your goals to get you the best possible results you can always expect a new and exciting challenge along the way we all have different goals and desires for the level of fitness that we'd like to achieve I can help you if you want to gain muscle lose weight or just simply feel better so you can do the things you want to do and lead the life you like to lead [Music] [Applause] it's amazing so now that we have the pictures and the video we can continue working on the website all right now that our pictures are done and we've taken our pictures it's time to set up the home page so how do we do this well right now our page is set up like a blog so that doesn't look all that great we want it to be a regular website so how do we do this we can click on customize and where it says a static front page click on that and click a static page so instead of your latest blog post on the home page you're going to want to click a static page and for the front page we're going to want to make it home because our front page is the home page so we're going to save and publish that and now our front page is the home page but it doesn't look very good but we're going to change that so how do we edit this to do that just click on edit page then it says this theme recommends the following plug-in ocean extra and press begin installing plug-in we need this in order to edit our page so just click install and it says plug-in activate successfully so just go back to pages and click on home again now we can scroll down and that plug-in has made this toolbar available so for main we want to under content layout we want to do a hundred percent full width so that's going to get rid of that sidebar and then for title under display page title we want to press disable so we want to update that and we want to view our page now we can see we have a blank page to work with so everything is blank and that is exactly what we want so now what we're going to do is we're going to click on edit page and we're going to press edit with Elementor and here is where we can add new sections so if we add a new section and you can add one column two columns three columns four columns anything you want so we're going to add in one column and now you can drag an image is or pictures or texts you just click hold and drag and you can just type right here hello and to get more elements you just click here and we can add in images just click hold and drag and choose your image again click on it and upload files and select files and just choose any image that you want you can add background images and I have entire tutorials on how to do this and I'll make more sense in a second but what I'm going to do right now is just add in a template so I have already built the website basically all i've already built the hard parts and what I want to do is just load up all of the templates right now so I'm gonna exit up here and view the page and we see this it's looking blank but pretty good so we'll go back into our dashboard and we'll scroll down and go to Elementor and click on my library and now we're going to import templates so just click on import templates and we're gonna choose file and this file is in the description below this video so you can have all these templates for free so I'm just gonna press open and import now and now it's gonna import all of the pages to our website so that I'm not wasting your guy's time building the pages you know it takes a few hours to build the pages but if you have templates like this then it could be much much quicker so now I've imported all of the pages so now when we go back to our website and click on visit site and click on edit with the Elementor or click edit page then click Edit with element or we can go ahead and click on this icon right here and go to templates library and go to my templates and click on home and press insert so now I've inserted this entire home page and you're gonna see double images and weird things and I'll explain that in just a second but we're gonna press save and we are going to exit outta here and view our page and now this is what it looks like so that looks really awesome and we've built it really really quickly now what happens if we want to edit this well it's really easy we just click Edit with Elementor and we just click on any of these and we can change it just like this so it's super easy and we can change this and we can change where the play button is you can add other elements if you want you can add another button here if you wanted and you can Center it and do all types of things and this is I think an easier way to explain how this works when it's all set up like this so we're gonna exit out of there and let me explain some more things at how this really works so this is the desktop version and mobile version so let's just exit out of here you our page so we have this right here and this is our desktop version right but we also have a different version if we squish this page and it looks like mobile we'll get the mobile menu and it will change so instead of the text going over the picture it goes under the picture and so does the button and this works a lot better on the mobile website so that is looking really good and now we can go back to the desktop version and that is looking really good too so if we click Edit with Elementor we're gonna see both the mobile version and the desktop version so we see some of these sections are doubled so if we click on this right here and we scroll down on the advanced and click on responsive it says hide on desktop and I mean show on desktop and show on tablet so if you're on a desktop or tablets this is going to show but it's gonna hide on mobile so it's you're not gonna see this version on the mobile but if you go down here and click on the column settings here and go to advanced it's going to say hide on desktop and hide on tablet but show on mobile so this is going to show on mobile so is this and so is this but this is not going to show on mobile right here so basically we have two versions of the website all on one web page so when you're editing you're gonna see double but one of them is the mobile version and one of them is the desktop version and I believe this is the best way to make a website because your desktop version is not always gonna look you know great on a phone so you want it to you know you want it to design your website where it looks amazing on a phone and on a desktop and you really do need two different types of versions or two different sections in order for it to look perfect you know when you go to a website sometimes and it's not optimized for the phone you just can't read things and things are really difficult well that's never gonna happen on your website it's gonna be professional because you're gonna have thought out the desktop version and thought out the mobile version all right so now we can eggs data there and view our page and I'm not gonna save it and that is looking really awesome but if we click on this play video right here it's actually going to take us to YouTube and it's not going to work and what I mean by it's not gonna work is what I really want to happen is when I click this play video I want it to pop up you know I want to look really cool and be right here so what we need is a plugin for that to happen so what we're gonna do is we're going to go to the dashboard and what we're gonna do is we're gonna search for a plug-in so we're gonna click on plug-in and add new and we're going to look for one called fancy lightbox and here it is AR I fancy lightbox or maybe it's re I don't know click install now and it will install and press activate so now we have it activated and we're going to scroll down and we're going to say convert YouTube links we're gonna check that and we're gonna say Save Changes alright and now there's all these options right here and we can change them we can if we want we can go to style we can you know change what the background overlay overlay looks like and everything but we don't need to do that so now we're gonna visit site and we're gonna press play video and now we can see that it pops up and it auto plays and it looks really cool and we can just click off of it or do fullscreen or whatever we want and that is really cool so that is the re lightbox or a fancy lightbox and that is really awesome the next thing that we're gonna do is create our about page so just click on about and remember we have to get rid of this title and the sidebar right here so we're gonna press edit page and we are going to under main for we're gonna do 100% full width and under title we're gonna press disable so we're gonna update that and if you don't do that then you're gonna see bars on the side of your website and you don't want that then we're gonna click a view page and then we're gonna press edit with Elementor and I have some text right here I'm just gonna exit out of there and I'm going to click on this folder right here go to templates library and go to my templates and click about and insert it into the website and now I have designed this and again this is doubled up because this is showing on the mobile version and basically what I did here was I added two different columns so what I did was add new section at two front columns one to the left side one to the right side and I added a picture on the right and just titles and headlines and if you click here you can add a text editor and the text editor comes with a drop cap so I put drop cap on and that's why I get this nice a right here so that's awesome but we don't need this section so we're just going to save this and exit out of there and view our page and now we have a really cool about page so that looks awesome and it works well mobily and everything like that but we can see up here that this navigation kind of gets lost because this is white and so is the background so how do we change that and we can do that by pressing edit page so we go down here and under header just click on header instead of header style instead of default we want to do minimal so let's do minimal impress update and that will make it instead of transparent that I'll make it our other header which is the black background and it's the minimal style and that looks really awesome and now our logo and everything doesn't get lost because of that white on white the next page that we're gonna do is our training page so just click on the training and again we're going to edit page and under main for content layout we want a 1% full width so it goes all the way across and under title we want to disable display page title press update and view the page now we have a beautiful blank canvas and now we are going to press edit page and edit with Elementor alright once we do that we can click on this folder right here and go to templates library go to our templates and go to training and press insert and now we have this beautiful training page very nice and we have the desktop version and both of these are the mobile version press save exit out of there view our page and we have this nice beautiful training page looks very good all right the next thing that we're gonna do is our testimonial page so just click on testimonials and you're probably getting really good at this click on edit page make sure to make the 100% full width and the title as disabled and press update now we can view our page and now we can press edit page edit with Elementor and we can click on the folder templates library click on my templates go to testimonials and insert alright this is all inserted looking very good we can press save and I do want to tell you something about this that is very cool so the text right here was too light for the background and it kind of got lost in the image but Elementor thought of something really really cool if you click on this edit section here and you go to style and you click on background overlay you can actually overlay a gradient background okay so under opacity I'll make it less transparent and you can see that that's very cool because I can make this side darker in this side lighter in order for the text to show up and I think that is really really awesome so we'll keep it at about 50 but it's really cool and you can go ahead and change the angle and do all types of really cool things I kind of like it like 250 maybe and you can hardly see it unless you're looking for it you know we can make it even lighter but I think that is really awesome and I did that too a whole bunch of these I added some background overlays because you couldn't see the text really well you can see this one now that you're looking for because the sky was too light in order to see the text but now you can see it perfectly and you can see this one too I added darkness up here then it gets lighter and lighter and it looks really cool so this is the first color so if we do on here we see that this is the first color and we can of course make that you know green or whatever we want and this is the second color and you can make that whatever you want also but I made it transparent so this would be not transparent for the second color make it green and this is all the way transparent so I wanted to go black to transparent and yeah it looks really cool so that is looking awesome we're gonna save that page we're going to exit out of there and we're going to continue on next is free training session so we're going to click on that we're going to edit page of course we're going to under content layout we're going to make it a hundred percent full width and under title we're going to disable it press update and then we can just click edit with element or right here and now we can click on that folder and go to templates library and go to my templates and go to free session and press insert alright so now we have this form you know contact form seven whatever thing right here and that doesn't look very great so how do we actually put in a contact form because what I'm trying to do here under this free training session is have them fill out some things basically just to get their information so the aunt you could get to know them and you know sell them on her personal training service but we have this contact form right here but it's not showing up because we never installed a contact form plug-in so that's what we need to do we need to install a contact form plug-in so we're just going to exit out of here and view the page and it looks pretty good but we don't have this contact form in here so we need that contact form seven so how do we do that we go to the dashboard and we go to plugins and we press add new and we're gonna look for contact form seven all right and we're gonna press install now and we're gonna press activate all right so now we have the contact form here so we're just gonna click on contact and we can go ahead and click on it so let's see what happens if we copy this code right here we're gonna copy this code and we're gonna go back to our website and go to the free training session and we're going to edit with Elementor you see it's already popping up there but we'll edit with element or and we'll go here and we will paste it in and press apply all right so now it's added in this contact form and we can exit out of there we can view the page if we want but how did I you know make it so that it can accept this contact form basically what I did was you click on here and you go to something called shortcode and you click hold and drag will just drag it over here and you can you know paste in your contact form so that's the code in order to paste in your contact form but we're not going to add that you know we're going to delete this that's just how to do it and now we can see if we save it and view our page we can see that it has added a regular contact form but we don't want a regular contact form we want to ask some specific questions that will help Anjelica help the client so we want to change this around so if you ever want to change a contact form this is how to do it alright so we're just gonna go ahead and go to edit contact form so your name that's great we need that for your email I'm just gonna copy that or cut it then I'm going to go ahead and go down and paste it near the bottom because I want to ask their email last but I'm gonna add some more I'm gonna add something so I'm gonna copy this and I'm gonna paste it here and I'm gonna add some more I'm gonna instead of saying your message I'm gonna say do you have any medical conditions or injuries alright I think that's a really good thing to know and for text area this is the code in order to put it in text area but I don't want it to be your message I want it to be your injure ease okay so you need this your dash injuries to in order for it to submit to your email properly and I'll show you in just a second and text area is a big text box where text is just one line box all right so I'm gonna copy that and I'm also gonna paste it and I'm gonna say do you have any short or long term goals short or long term goals alright and I'm gonna make that your goals um for this one it's just gonna be text so it's just gonna be one line I'm gonna say how many hours of sleep do you get each night alright and I'm gonna I'm gonna make that your sleep your - sleep and then I'm going to copy this and put do you smoke and I'm gonna make this you smoke and the visitor never sees this obviously then I'm gonna say your email great and then your phone number so what I'm gonna do here is copy this your email and I'm gonna say your phone number I'm just gonna say phone number actually phone number and in order to get the phone number code you can press this number right here not this number click on tell T L and the field will be called tell - phone alright and we're not gonna require it and we're gonna insert it all right so it says tell tell - phone we're just gonna copy this and paste it here and this will make it so that they can't put any other weird things they can only put you know phone numbers alright then it's just submit but we are not done because we what we need to do we're gonna save it though what we need to do is how does all of this stuff email us and why did we add it all here so we're just gonna go to mail and it's gonna email let's make it email to my main email and it's gonna say from your name that's fine so it's gonna take this your name from here let's say Jerry wants some personal training and he puts in Jerry as his name on this form right here so he puts Jerry then for mail you want to say from it's gonna say it's gonna insert Jerry here and for subject we don't have a subject anymore so I'm just gonna say for subject your name contacted you alright then additional headers your email that's fine so for the message that's gonna say from your name your email that's great that's gonna insert their name their email and it's gonna say subject your name contacted you all right so someone contacted you it didn't gonna say basically all this stuff right here so for the question do you have any medical injuries and then this you just take out all this all we need is this your goals alright so now it's going to insert all their answers into here all right so we can save this and now we can refresh this right here and it should so your name Tyler do you have any medical conditions or injuries nope do you have any short or long term goals get skinny get buff I cannot spell the day how many hours of sleep do you get night 9 do you smoke not do you smoke no email Tyler and Tyler calm phone number zero all right so now we're gonna press send and it says thank you for your message it has been sent now let's go to our Gmail and we have Tyler has contacted you do you smoke nope do you have any long-term goals to get puff you know how many hours of sleep do you get night 9 do you smoke no email Tyler Tyler calm phone number phone number so that is awesome now Angelica has their information and now she can hopefully call them and set up the free session and close the deal so that is really cool that is how to set up your contact form alright the next thing that we're gonna do is create the contact page so just click on contact we can exit this out and we can click on edit page already and we can scroll down and under a Content layout we could do 100% full width and under title we can disable and press update and now we can press edit with element or and we can create this page again so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go here go to templates library my templates contact insert alright that is looking awesome and press save and exit and view our page and again we don't see we have a couple of problems no contact form found that's an issue and this title up here is blank so let's do the title first let's edit this page and what we need to do is we need to go to header and make it the minimal header instead of transparent because we have a white background and press view our page and now that's showing up but now we solve this contact form issue because we haven't created a contact form for this yet so we can go to our dashboard go to contact and let's add a new contact form add new and the default form is fine we're just gonna call this a contact page page and we are going to press save and now it's gonna give us a code that we just copy right click copy command C on Mac ctrl C on PC and we'll go to visit site and we'll go to our contact page we'll click Edit with Elementor and we will click on this and we'll just paste that form and it should paste all in there perfectly which it does and we press save and we exit out of there and view our page and it should work perfectly the only thing that we have to make sure of is that the email is actually going to our email so we go to contact we go to contact page that's the one and we go to mail and make sure this is your real email address and everything will work fantastic we fill it out it'll go to our email just like the other one did alright so everything is looking fantastic except for this bottom right here I mean it should have her maybe Facebook maybe a link to her navigation it should have some more things that are better so what we need to do is we need to create a footer so what we do is we go to the dashboard and we scroll down and we go to theme panel and click on my library and we're going to add new so we're gonna add a new footer because we want this to display on every page at the bottom of every page so we're gonna say footer and we are going to under content layout we're gonna make it 100% full width and under title again we're gonna disable it so same thing as everything else and we're gonna press publish and we're gonna edit with Elementor so we are going to add from the templates library my templates the footer one press insert and here I have added two different types of templates I've added the desktop version and the mobile version and it looks sort of the same but if we go to the mobile version click on this go to mobile we can see that this one all is centered so this one goes to the left this is the desktop version this one goes to the left the menu Center and this goes to the right but everything here is centered aren't mobile so that's what we want just press save and that is saved and we can exit out of there and view our page it's just a footer so it's gonna look really funky so that looks funny but if we go back to our dashboard and go to our theme panels and go to my library we're gonna actually see this footer page here which is really cool all right so if we go to our website it's not gonna show up here how do we get this to show up here so what we can do is we can click on customize and we can scroll down and under footer widgets scroll down we can enable footer widgets show on all devices and then we're gonna choose templates so for that templates we're gonna call it footer and that looks pretty good but there's a bunch of padding around it so let's make no padding so let's just put a bunch of zeroes in here all right and there's no padding so that looks pretty good but we need to get rid of this copyright 2017 stuff so we need to go back and go to footer bottom and press enable footer bottom uncheck that it will disable it and we'll press save and publish and we'll see exit out of here what this looks like and that looks pretty good let's see what it looks like on the mobile version really really awesome alright so we are done creating our website and we can go to training and we can go to testimonials and our free training session and can fill that out and we can go to the About section and we could go to our home page and we can click on the video and it will pop up and we've done the logo and we've done everything so it's looking really really awesome we go to our about page and it just looks really awesome and really perfect the last thing that we need to do is just log out so what we're gonna do is we're just gonna hover over here and press log out and now when we go to our website we can see it just like our visitors will see it and everything works great and the mobile version works great even this scroll yuppie thing he works great and we can go to her Facebook we go to our Instagram we can do anything we want and it looks really really awesome but now we have an issue where our website is set up but no one's going to our website so now we need to figure out how to get people to our website get people to start a free training session and get her clients so that is what we're gonna work on next next we're gonna advertise and the first idea I have is to do flyers and I've had success with flyers before so why not try them again now the first thing that you need to do to create flyers is to either hire a graphic designer to make your flyer or you can download Photoshop yourself I think there's a 30-day free trial I do recommend the whole entire Adobe suite but really you can just get started with Photoshop and I believe it's about 20 dollars a month still not super cheap but definitely worth it in my opinion so anyways after you hire a graphic designer or get Photoshop for free with the free trial we need to go to a printing place because I'm not gonna print these all out myself I'm gonna print like two thousand of them so I'm not gonna have printer print them it's not gonna be high quality and it's gonna look really weird so I like dot print calm there's a whole bunch of printing places it doesn't really matter where you get it from I think most of them are pretty good G ot PRI NTC om of course you could go to any printing place this is just the one that I'm familiar with and once we do that we can click on templates and we can scroll down and click ëedití m postcards and after we do that we can check out the different sizes so we have four and a half by eleven or six and a half by nine or six and a half by twelve vertical or horizontal and once I figure out a couple of sizes that I like I'm actually going to sit down with ang and just cut out some paper that is that size to really get a feel for what it's like to hold it in your hand what is six and a half by twelve or six and a half by nine what does that actually look like I can't really visualize it so I'm just gonna get some paper measure it out cut it out and decide with Ange yes this is too big too big too long between these two that's cool but this is too small I need to square so I think this is a good size three little testimonials look at the nice long image mm-hmm flip it over on the bed right now I mean this is good - that is good that's kind of cool it's kind of different yeah but I don't know if we have that line of a picture I mean we know the tree one is pretty long on the back that's true and then which we're using the beach one probably all fix pants on this so we decided on six and a half by twelve horizontal that feels really cool and really different to us so we're gonna just use that one and we're gonna go ahead and download the Photoshop template alright and once we download it we can double click to unzip it and we can open up the file right here so now we have our six and a half by 12 inch file open in Photoshop and we can see where the stamp goes and we can see where everything will go and what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna open up a picture so I'm just going to right click and open with Photoshop a picture that I like for the postcard I'm going to select everything and paste it on this template now I'm not the best at Photoshop so I don't want you inheriting my bad habits there's tons and tons of Photoshop tutorials online from Photoshop experts I don't want to pretend to be in Photoshop expert because I'm not and so it's way better to follow those tutorials than this one on Photoshop I just want to be upfront about that because I'm really good at making websites and stuff but I'm just okay at Photoshop alright but I'll show you a couple of cool things but don't take this as gospel this is just what I like to do sometimes and what I want to do because this picture isn't big enough is I want to actually expand the water out to the right and so what we can do is we can actually select the area that we want to protect and save selection and we'll call this protect me and then I'll select the whole image and I go to edit content aware scale this is going to scale it smartly whoops I forgot to protect it so go to protect go to the protect me layer and now we'll just expand it out and press Enter so we're gonna have words over there so it's not gonna be really noticeable that that is all stretched out and looks weird and I can make another selection I want to get rid of this because I want there to be text over this so I'm just gonna get rid of the shadow hopefully no one will notice and I'll hold shift and press Delete and do content aware delete this is really cool this will get rid of it Photoshop is very smart so it gets rid of it magically and it just looks like sand pretty amazing this content aware stuff is definitely my favorite and now what I'll do is I we'll open up her logo in Photoshop and just copy it and paste it over to select everything press command a if you're on a Mac or ctrl a if you're on a PC then copy it by pressing command C or ctrl C if you're on a PC and pasting it by pressing command B or ctrl V if you're on a PC so we'll paste that in there and let's add some text we want some text here and we'll put the testimonials over here maybe and we can actually make this transparent and we can see all the lines where the safe zone is and the trim zone and the bleed zone so we want to stay in the safe zone all right and we can see where the stamp will go and all of that all right so I'm not gonna show you what I'm doing with all of this because it took a few hours and that would be a very boring tutorial trust me so after a few hours I get this and that is really cool now on the top right you can see local postal customer and you can see the stamp and we need this in order for the post office to know that we've already pre paid I mean we haven't pre paid yet so I'm gonna show you how to prepay but we're just gonna put that in there now all right now what we can do is we can do the front so we can just duplicate this right click and duplicate it and we can rename it to front and we can open it up and get some more photos we can check them out that one looks pretty good so I'll right click open with Photoshop copy that over let's go to the front and paste it alright make it a little bigger by pressing command T or ctrl T if you're on a PC so that it fits perfectly and we're gonna put in some text in some more text and a few hours later this is what we have so that is very very cool I think so we have the front and D back so another thing that I didn't show you is how to get this local postal customer stamp up here in this other stamp up here I think it's called an indicia I'm not sure about that so if I'm wrong I'm sure people will comment below but anyways I'm just gonna call them stamps because I don't know if I'm saying indicia correctly so to get those stamps I actually had to go to got and I went to eddm at the top here and I clicked on the EDDM downloadable templates and I clicked on instructions for EDDM but where are the downloadable files and I looked at Google for them didn't see him I looked at alright once that is done you can press select all ctrl or command a and paste it right in there alright so that's how you get your stamps on there but now we need to go ahead and order these flyers so let's go ahead and do that alright so I'm gonna go back to got print calm and under products click post cards and let's double check that we have the right size which we do six and a half by twelve all right let's go back click on upload your design and let's search for six and a half by twelve and find it make sure its horizontal there we are and what paper do we want I'm not a paper expert so I'm actually gonna go to a YouTube YouTube sabesp and I'm going to search for 14-point verse 16-point paper watch some videos on that and the sixteen point is thicker and better I think watch a couple more videos just to make sure I'm doing the right thing and we need to do a little more research between 16 point and 100-pound and we see that a hundred-pound is actually twelve point I believe and we see that the 16 point doesn't actually come with any gloss so it's dull so I want the fourteen point which is gloss that's the middle-of-the-road one but with the gloss and we're gonna go with full color both sides because my flyer is colors on both sides and how many do we want we want 2500 I think that should be enough to get us some clients and it's gonna ask you for some more options and I'm actually going to rush it because I am impatient regular cost 327 but I'm going to rush so that's gonna bring it up to 420 to 60 all right now I'm gonna upload both my files first I'm gonna upload the front and it's going to upload that looks pretty cool then I'm gonna continue and upload the back and there we have it the front and the back all right that looks pretty sweet I'm gonna click I agree to the Terms of Service check it one more time because I'm paranoid put in my initials and add to shopping cart checkout create my own user account fill out all of the billing and shipping press apply and confirm and continue all right for my shipping method I'm also gonna do next day and that is going to increase the cost even more to $88 more because I am impatient patience can save you a lot of money but I guess not today for me all right then I'm gonna enter in my credit card information and place order of course gonna check it one more time cuz I'm nuts all right then place order it's gonna thank you for my order send myself a receipt and it should be here very soon they will email you a receipt and it is on its way alright it looks like my package has I think arrived I got a message on my ring let's check this out there it is alright so we're gonna go check this out to make sure that we got the right package and that the postcards look really good baby-proofing whoa there I guess this is what 2500 postcards looks like so I hope these look good see oh yeah they did a good job very very cool look how many there are that is a lot really awesome very happy with the prints looking very good sometimes you just get lucky Wow Wow very impressed with this paper feels good too I was worried about being too thin and floppy feels very good enough this is 14-point UV coated I believe yeah the next thing that we need to do is go to and we're going to be paying for something called Every Door Direct Mail and what that means is mailman's have different routes so they walk and they deliver mail to 100 200 300 different people and what every door direct mail is you give them a stack of postcards and they will deliver it to every single house so it really makes it easy for the mailman to deliver it because he doesn't have to think about where to put it he just puts it in every single house and it's a lot cheaper for us because it's not like mailing a traditional piece of mail so the mailman is just gonna do his regular route and he's gonna drop a mail piece in every single mail box alright so to purchase it just go to business and click Every Door Direct Mail once you do that you can put in your zip code I'm gonna put in nine oh two six six because that's for Manhattan Beach and now what you can do is just hover over the map and click on each route that you want and up on top right here it has how many residents is what their ages are what their income is I think this income is a little bit low because these houses are four and five million dollars so they probably make a little bit more than a hundred and eighty thousand dollars a year but again these are all just estimates just to give you a feel for what the demographic is all right so in total I'm gonna select five different routes and I'm going to have one thousand seven hundred and twenty different addresses it delivers two so people it will deliver it to so it's gonna go to seventeen hundred and twenty different homes so the cost is a little bit under eighteen cents each and that's a way better deal than traditional mail all right so I'm just gonna press continue and I don't have an account yet so I'm gonna sign up and I'm gonna fill in all of my information like my username and password then I'm in a create account alright once that's done it's gonna ask me when I want to drop off all of my flyers and I think I definitely want to drop them off Monday so they have time to get there all week instead of like Saturday or Friday because I want it to be delivered at the beginning of the week all right then it tells you where I need to drop it off it's an El Segundo so just drive there and drop it off and now I'm gonna check out and I'm going to pay for it alright so I'm going to enter in my credit card number and press Continue then I'm gonna press place order and then I'm gonna press print all forms now because we have to fill out these forms in order to take to the post office so that they can mail it correctly all right so I'm gonna print all of these forms right now the printer is now printing once you print the forms you have to make the post cards into stacks of 100 because if you don't it'll be too heavy for the mailman to carry so he needs only stacks of 100 if you have something like 345 you would do three stacks of 100 in one stack of 45 for that route alright so we have five different routes co19 Co 32 Co 44 Co 51 & Co 54 and we can see the number of mail pieces on each of the route so all we have to do with the printed document is fine Co 19 or whatever it is and then put the date put how many are in that bunch it input if it's one of four two oh four three or four or four or four so for this Co 19 we have 342 I've already done three stacks of 100 now I need to do the fourth stack of 42 so I'm gonna put that there's 42 in this bundle and that this is bundle 4 of 4 and for each stack you fold it in half and you slip it right on top I'm holding it all together with some big rubber bands and I think that's what they recommend so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to get all the mail pieces together for each route and just stack them up like this alright so these are all of our different routes we have c 54 c 19 t 32 c 44 and c 51 all organized alright once you do that it's time to head over to the post office with your receipt and all of your bundles you might want to put them in boxes and just go over there and drop them off here's two batches and then the restaurant the trunk sweetness off - we're off to the post office to send these babies out on they're on their way all right we're at the post office and now I'm gonna go get bins for these boxes what you have to say let's do this [Laughter] all right we just went to the post office and it was they were very friendly he was non-eventful what do you think yeah it was really good experience and all the forms were filled out and it was easy breezy no biggie easy breezy no big deal people around here are very nice I guess yeah thank God all right we waited about a week for the Flyers to generate some calls some sales something then I've texted and called edge multiple times they didn't want to call yet they didn't want text yet did anyone do anything and nope no one did anything so we sent it out to 17 hundred and twenty people and no one responded and that is just sometimes sometimes that's just business and it sucks and there's no way of getting around it it just is terrible and I could you know try to guess why it didn't work I probably should have instead of sending it to that many people I probably should have send it to you know 300 people multiple times instead of just one time 1720 people instead of putting a complimentary consultation on the fire I probably should have just put free training session that would have been much better language instead of complimentary consultation like what does that even mean yeah it just sucks I mean there's no this you know no way of getting around it it sucks and it really sucks that you know and quit or jump in order to do all this and I haven't produced results it's it's only the first try you know I'm willing to try a lot more times and I'm going to try a lot more times and I'm definitely confident that I'm going to succeed in the long run but it always sucks not to get the results you want and for Portage just be you know unknown if it's gonna work you know so it's it sucks there's a there's nothing else to say really it just sucks so um we're gonna move on I'm gonna move on and I'm gonna try something else so let's move on to Facebook Ads maybe maybe Flyers is so you know 20th century and Facebook ads that's the future so we're gonna try that and we're gonna keep on trying and cuz it's it's very important that we get clients it's the most important thing all right let's keep on doing it the next thing that we're gonna do is Facebook advertising so we need to sign up for Facebook and signing up for Facebook is really easy all you have to do is go to and you can sign into your account right now I'm signed into my account so I'm gonna log out and we're gonna sign into Angelica's account alright once we're signed into our account all we have to do is go to the top right and press create page then we're gonna select that it is a local business or place and we're gonna fill out her information right here they don't have her exact occupation so we're just gonna put local business and we're gonna fill out the rest of her information impress get started all right once we do that we're gonna add a picture of her so just click add a picture and we're gonna find our photo select our photo and upload it and we're gonna crop it so it has her face in there perfectly and next I'm going to add a cover so I'm gonna click add a cover and upload photo all right then I'm gonna choose the photo and I'm going to upload it and I'm just gonna drag and position it a little bit better and we're all done with that all right now I'm gonna scroll down and click add website alright and I'm gonna copy it and paste it into the URL field right here just to make sure that I have the right website then I'm gonna press save and it wants to ask me if I want to promote it I don't want to do that yet until I add all of her friends so I'm gonna press not now and now I'm gonna open up a new tab and search for Google how to share my facebook page with all my friends and I find the information so I'm just gonna click on the dots and click invite friends now Angelica has over 600 friends so it's gonna take a while to press it all manually so I want to see if I can figure out a way to invite all my friends just in one click so I keep on googling it and I can't find it and I just do the math and I think it would be much quicker just to just click invite friends over and over and over again so that's what I do it's not glamorous it's not that much fun but hey it's not too bad all I have to do is click invite about 600 times and I'm done so I'm just gonna do it alright that wasn't too bad like most things I try to get out of it but when I actually do it it's not that bad and we already have 10 likes so that's amazing if you don't have as many as Angelica like I don't then don't worry about it there's other ways to get lights I don't even think any of her friends are gonna use her services because they would already be using her services if they were interested getting a whole bunch of people to like it is more social proof that Angelica isn't some sort of stalker or weirdo that she has friends and that people like her and like her page it really just gets people to trust her more but I don't think it's gonna give us any business at least not directly all right so the invites are still rolling in which is pretty awesome and now I'm going to invite myself so I'm gonna search for myself add as a friend and now we can go over here on the left and click likes and we can see that we have 23 total page likes and 14 new page likes so this is where you can get all of the stats for your likes and our likes just keep on rolling in I'm going to take a little break right now just to let them all roll in and I'll come back to you in a blink of an eye all right so I'm back and we can check our likes again by clicking on likes and we can see we now have a hundred and twenty total page likes that means her friends mostly like her it doesn't really do anything else it's not gonna get us business but it's gonna be some social proof that she's a normal decent cool person and that you can feel safe trusting her alright now that we got her a bunch of likes the next thing that we're gonna do is create her and add and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna fast forward through this because once again we have failed I actually created this ad we ran the ad and no one responded to it once again so now I'm feeling kind of super bad about myself you know I failed with the Flyers I failed with this ad I need to realize that I need some help and it's ok to realize that you need help as long as you know that you need help it's a disaster when you need help and you don't know that you need help I know that I need help I need some different new fresh perspective on this I need to step back from the situation for a second I need to get someone else's opinion and I just need to really be humble about the whole process because ego I feel like can make it so that you're not successful you need to realize your faults and what you're not doing right and I'm obviously not doing something right right here so I need to step back and I need to reassess the situation maybe get a consultation so I'm gonna go and I'm just gonna think about this for a little while because obviously I'm not doing something right and Angelica has to succeed at this we can't have her quitting her job and not getting any customers that would be a disaster she needs to eat she needs to pay for a rent she needs to do a whole bunch of things in Los Angeles is not a cheap place to live so it is very expensive especially in Manhattan Beach so we really need to make this happen and we need to make it happen for her Angelica trusted in me that I could do this and I just need to do it but first I know that I need to step away from it take a break give it a couple of days try to rest and relax in brainstorm get some new perspective and then we'll come back at the situation but it's super disheartening not to have it work so to try twice and not have it work and you know I'm willing to try 10 times 20 times 30 times it will get resolved eventually I am positive of it but it just sucks and it always sucks when you expect something to work out and it doesn't alright so I'm gonna take a break for a couple of days and that is actually the most productive thing I could do because I keep on doing things and it's not working so I'm gonna take a break for a couple of days and I'm gonna come back and I'm gonna come back with the solution and if I don't do it the next time then I will do it the next time and if I don't do it that time then I'll do it the next time after that business is really interesting like that all you have to do is succeed one time you can keep on failing over and over and over again and then have one success and people will say you're an overnight success it's really strange it's like playing a video game you can play the level over and over and over beat at one time and you go on to the next level anyways that's how I view business but right now of course it sucks I mean there's no way of getting around it it's just it's terrible really so I'm gonna go lick my wounds feel sorry for myself for a couple of days and I will be back all right so I have sufficiently felt sorry for myself and now it's time to get back to work and I think I am now more clear-headed on what to do there's a website called clarity fm they're not paying me or anything to do this I I wish they would pay me so clarity Hey but there's a website called clarity fm CLA RI t y FM where you get consultation so we can just go to clarity fm and I need to search for Facebook Ads because I haven't given up on Facebook yet and what we can do is we can search for different people so here we have all of the different people and it costs per minute to talk to them so you just talk to them and you tell them their problem and they are Facebook at expert or whatever problem you're having they're experts in that or they're supposed to be and so you request a call and I have requested a call I talked to two different people the first person was very good they gave more general advice their advice was for Angelica to be more personable for her on Facebook to just offer more like training and to be more real just to have the camera like right in front of her for it not to be as polished and I really liked that advice and it was really good in everything but it's just something wasn't right with it it wasn't the perfect advice but then we found the person we found the man we found the guy that really had the answer to our problem this guy specializes in getting clients for gyms so it was just like it was perfect we got so lucky and the answer was really obvious I mean it's really obvious once you know it the answer was to create something on our website that said free training session to offer a free training session that right there is just mind-blowing ly simple and obvious but it's maybe not obvious if you don't know it so he suggested to offer a free training session and then on the website have a forum and it doesn't really matter what you ask in the forum just have some questions so it feels like there getting a detailed assessment of who they are so for us the questions was your name do you have any medical conditions or injuries do you have any shorter long term goals how many hours of sleep do you ki each night do you smoke your email and phone number now this is all to get more information for them but it also is he told me a way to convert people more so I think what he was saying was that questions don't really matter as long as you get their phone number and the email and that is what's most important so that when people fill out the form you can actually contact them instead of them contacting you and now so instead of our advertising be random and for us not to be proactive for us just to have something there and for us to just expect people to call her and get the sale now she's offering a free training session which makes so much sense why wouldn't people want to try it before they bought it it just is so obvious but it's not obvious if you don't know it it's really obvious when you do know it but it's not obvious when you don't know it so it was just really amazing it was so enlightening I knew and I know that as soon as I heard that advice that's it that of course is it offer a free training session and have it on your website where they can fill out a form to get the free training session it is so simple so beautiful so easy that is the correct thing I am sure I'm positive I just know it inside of my heart that that is the real deal and whatever it was for clarity it was worth it was it you know $50 $75 $100 whatever it was it was worth it it was worth to get that advice that one small piece of advice can really just change the outlook of your entire business and that is just that's amazing I don't know it's just it's just incredible alright so that's what we're gonna do we're going to try this out again we're gonna try Facebook again I feel like it's gonna work we are going to see I am very hopeful so let's see if it works all right so let's go to and let's manage our page click on the three dots in press create ad alright now it asked what we want and we want traffic to our website I'm gonna click on traffic and we can name our campaign ok then press Continue and now it asks where our location is so who do we want to target in what location and I'm gonna exit out of United States and I'm going to type in Manhattan Beach California and I don't want the surrounding areas cuz that has a potential reach of seven point six million people I want it to be a little more narrow down so just the current city all right and for our age this is where you know we talked to ang and we asked who is attracted to her training and it's women who are 25 to 65 and older and just woman and you can see in the top right it has a potential reach of 28,000 people which is pretty good but if we want more detail targeting we can enter in here I'm gonna say physical fitness fitness and maybe motherhood because ang works with a lot of mothers who are pregnant or have just had a baby and we can also put in healthy life so if you're interested in these things then you're probably more interested in getting a personal trainer so that brings the potential reach down to 21,000 people which i think is pretty good and I'm just gonna click expand interest when it can increase link clicks all right so maybe Facebook will figure out how to target even better I don't know all right for my daily budget I'm just gonna keep it at a hundred and fifty dollars if we didn't need results so quickly maybe I put this at five dollars or ten dollars but since I want to get Angelica a lot of business quickly I'm gonna put it at a hundred and fifty dollars so hopefully that people will pour in all right then I'm gonna schedule the ads I'm gonna say this will be good for one week and press Continue all right for a format I'm just gonna do single image and of course you can mess around with all these options to get a better conversion rate to get more clicks to get more calls so it really takes a lot of testing just playing around with it to see what really works but I'm just gonna keep it simple and I'm going to go to her website so that the landing page is free training session all right so when someone on the ad it's going to go to that free training session the person's gonna fill it out and then Angelica is going to contact them set up a free session and hopefully they will continue being a client alright I'm just gonna pay some text in here I'm gonna say hey I'm Angelica a personal trainer in Manhattan Beach I would love to help you hit your goals or just get fit fill out the form for a free training session to see how much you can love your workouts I think that's pretty good and maybe I'll put free training session down here and free training session up here just so people can see it people like free all right now I'm going to upload an image and I'm going to crop it that looks pretty good all right then I'm gonna press confirm and now our ads are in review so it could take five minutes ten minutes all the way up to 24 hours it usually doesn't take that long for your ad to be reviewed by Facebook all right if we click ads manager and click ads manager again then we can see that our ad is in review so we just have to wait a little while for it to get approved all right so it's been a little over a week now and our ad was approved it is active and it works and has been getting people from Facebook to her website filling out the forms and she's been going on free training sessions and a couple of people have already signed up in order to become clients so we can see right here from the results we got 342 clicks to our website and we've reached twenty-two thousand eight hundred seven people and our cost per click is two dollars and seventy seven cents and so we've spent nine hundred and fifty four dollars and sixteen cents and about fifteen people filled out the form and contacted her so out of the three hundred and forty two people fifteen people filled out the form and said I want training now a few of those people didn't respond back but the majority of them did and she is setting up free training sessions and she's already got clients that have signed up so that is awesome it is all working as planned and it's really cool all right so now the really fun part we're gonna go over how much everything cost and how much everything could have cost because I spent a lot of money that I really didn't need to so the first thing that I bought was that book it was twenty dollars and sixty nine cents it could have cost zero dollars if you don't need a book or if there isn't a book on your business if there is a book on your business then I recommend getting it the next cost was your domain name or website name and that cost me twenty one dollars because I spent money not only buying the domain name or website name but also giving her a privacy protection because I didn't want to share all of her information with the entire Internet but it could have cost you 1199 sometimes it's fifteen dollars sometimes it's ten dollars it really depends on the promotion that they're doing that day but it should be under $15 next we got hosting again that's the thing that holds all of your information that holds all of your content and images very important that costs us 245 dollars because I got an entire year for Angelica but if you just went month-to-month it would only cost $24.50 the next thing that we got was a logo and I had my friend do it and he did it for $300 that could have cost you $0 because you can really just type out your name in some cool font and that could be your logo if you're just starting out next we did a video and that cost $1100 it was $1,000 for the video and $100 for the actress and I'm not sure that we really needed a video but I'm glad that we did it because it made me feel better about the entire project I think it was a really cool video so that could have cost zero dollars and we got some pictures and we could have taken the pictures on a phone but I decided to have it professionally done so that was $200 we could have done it ourselves and gotten 80 or 90% there and it probably would have been fine next we printed the Flyers and that was five hundred and fifty five dollars and 59 cents and it cost more because I did the rush printing and the rush shipping so that could have cost less the idea didn't work so definitely don't spend money on that but who knows it may work for your business I'm not sure they just didn't work out for this one so next we had the post office send them that was three hundred four dollars and forty four cents again that wouldn't cost you anything if you didn't do it so next we did a clarity call and we did two calls and they were about seventy five dollars each so that cost $150 if you ever get stuck in your business then this is recommended but hopefully you won't get stuck like I did so hopefully this can cost you zero dollars and we'll talk about the Facebook ads in just a second because I look at that cost a little bit different and so in total I spent two thousand eight hundred ninety six dollars seventy two cents but really to start this business you only needed to spend thirty six dollars and forty nine cents so that's a huge difference especially if you're just starting out you can pay thirty six dollars instead of almost three thousand dollars if you're just a little bit more patient and willing to do things yourself and for the Facebook ads we spent about $1,000 and with that thousand dollars we got 15 people that were interested most of the people filled out the form but some people called and also out of those 15 people a couple of people didn't respond back so they said that they're interested but then they just never responded back and she went on a free training session with ten of them and she turned eight of them into long-term clients so that is really really awesome so let's say it cost about a hundred dollars for every new client and right now it costs us a little bit more but of course we can do things in Facebook we can change up the ad we can split test things we can try new pictures and that price will drop eventually especially when people see the ad over and over and over again they'll finally say yes I do need training now here is a spreadsheet of all the people who have signed up and I'm gonna follow up in a couple of weeks and really give you an overview of how everything is working but I feel like this is really working and I'm very excited about this Jerry has people signed up which is really cool and at this rate she is going to be booked very very soon she's not gonna have any more time and I'm gonna consider this a successful project all right talk to you soon I mean we did it the Facebook ads keep on rolling in we're getting about one to two contacts per day you know we're getting their email address or phone number Angelica goes on these free training sessions and she converts 80% of them about to become a long-term client and that is a huge you know testament to Angelica or itself that is a huge conversion rate of free trainers into long-term clients I mean we did it we did it we did it we did it it is amazing it's amazing it's amazing that when you have a vision in your mind and you make it into a reality there is nothing more gratifying than that there's nothing more gratifying than that I mean okay there are some things like babies and puppies and stuff but there is nothing I don't know I don't know there's something so satisfying about seeing your vision become a reality and it actually work out it's actually working so much that we had to stop the ads so Angelica was like Tyler we need to stop these ads because it's there they're coming in too quick I don't have any more time all of her time slots are getting booked and we needed to stop the ads so we have paused the ads which is just a crazy thing to do but she has no more time so yeah I think that's it that's the end of this video I mean we have been successful she's booking clients the Facebook ads worked you only need one thing to work you can feel like a trillion times and you only just need one thing to work it in you're booked I think we have definitely changed someone's life and I hope this video has changed your life and I hope we got a lot of value out of it please remember to comment rate and subscribe I'm Tyler Moore thank you so much [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Tyler Moore
Views: 71,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to start a business, how to make a business, how to create a business, start a business, make a business, create a business, become an entrepreneur, how to become an entrepreneur
Id: wbDIfMkMjFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 41sec (8201 seconds)
Published: Tue May 29 2018
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.