How To Start The B-17 Engine

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master and ignition switches on batteries and inverters we'll start by turning on the alternate inverter and using it to test our batteries the inverters changed direct current to the alternating current the engine instruments need let's check our batteries using the inverter as a guide turn our number one battery inverter humming that means number one battery's putting out now turn off number one and put on number two number two's okay now try number three alone [Applause] okay turn all three on now and check the voltmeter on the instrument panel [Music] [Applause] what does it say the inverters putting out 26 pulse check now try the inverter on normal voltage 26 pulse right in the button will lead the inverter on normal you notice it Mullins is keeping an eye on the inverters moving the instrument flying curtain away from the inverter so I can get some air and he's checking to see that there are no metal objects down there that might contact the inverter points and cause a short another important point whenever possible we use an external source of electrical power to start the engines to save the batteries right reach out the window and give the mechanic this the right to the job that's a hand signal to connect the external power in this case it's that portable generator you saw it there marking brakes and hydraulic check brakes on pressure about 800 check booster clumps and pressure on check carburetor air fill is on to keep dust out of the engine fuel quantity tanks one two three four right and left all folks okay we're all set to go signal a start number one [Applause] I got the okay but I couldn't see the guy with the fire extinguisher he's in back in the engine you see it's easier for him to direct the extinguisher into the engines from there through the open call flaps and as less dangerous getting excited and running through the prop in case there is a fire I just get throttled so they won't creep when the engines get going move the throttle lock up slowly and keep testing throttle movement until it's enough friction to hold the throttles firm but you can still move them with a fair amount of ease you got it yeah close your throttles right down against the bottom now we're going to crack them so we'll get about 1000 rpm from our engines when they start off all that be Oh have to guess but I'd say about three quarters of an inch open move the end boards up past the outboards about that far now bring the outboards up even with the in boards that's easiest way to judge the distance they'll probably need some adjustments when the tack gets going and we can fill more accurately all right here we go with one hand I've owned the start a switch for 15 to 20 seconds and with the other hand I set the hand primer for number one engine and pump it a few times to get the air out of the primer lines unlock your mixer control and be ready to pull number one mixer control back as soon as the engine fires with this newer type starter you hold the starter switch on while you're meshing it okay [Music] check your oil pressure if it doesn't rise in 30 seconds the engine has to be shut down on the trouble investigated all right check your rpm adjust your throttle for 1000 number ones okay signal to start number two now before we start number two engine such a vacuum selector switch there to left we want the vacuum pump to start delivering just as soon as number two engine starts so we can see whether the pump is working okay and also to see whether the flight indicator is functioning properly the horizon should snap in a position firmly and quickly just as soon as the number two engine starts alright let's start it from here on it's just like number one watch your flight indicator now [Music] check your other estimates for number two engine oil pressure you will pressure rpm check alright three and four just like number one [Music] there we are better huh check SM us now don't we yeah fuel pressure should be between 14 and 16 pounds the oil temperatures high enough now that we can advance the throttles to about 1200 rpm so the engines will warm up faster
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Views: 768,721
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Length: 6min 35sec (395 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2010
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