How to Start Forex Trading for Beginners in 2024 | Full Course

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hey you probably clicked this video because you are new in the Forex game and you're looking for some solid information to get you started if you're brand new and you're like what do I do where do I start this video is for you I created this video because five years ago when I first started learning how to trade um there was very little information comprehensive information not to say I had to piecemeal things together in order to make sense of it and I was a paying member of an organization um that did not give me the depth of knowledge that I was looking for to get started in this industry by the time you finish this video you will have a solid understanding of what Forex is who the players are in the market how the market moves you'll also have an understanding of the lingo and the language and then finally a good grasp on Technical and fundamental analysis so I encourage you watch the video all the way to the end I have sectioned it off so that if you do know something already you don't necessarily have to watch that section but if you're new you need all the information okay you need it all my name is Casey Jackson and I am a registered commodity trading advisor with the National Futures Association I started trading a little over five years ago and by day I work in Economic Development and real estate development and then I love love absolutely love that job love my industry but I have fallen in love with trading and so I started my Channel I want to say about three years ago or almost three years ago to create a space where people could come and they could see a comprehensive approach to the market and get some good education so this video I should have done it a long time ago I didn't I waited till almost three years but it is a starter course right and you're probably like why are you doing this free like people people sell this information well I'm doing a free one because I know when I got started I didn't have a whole lot of money to begin with and then two because someone took the time to invest in me and share with me the knowledge that they had and so I am paying it forward I guess you could say okay so that is why I'm doing it free um and I hope that you get something from it if you're looking for a channel where you can get consistent uh good information you want to make sure that you consider to subscribe and then if you like this video you get all the way to the end and you're like okay I like what she talking what do I do now you want to make sure you click the link in the video description for my free mini course that'll get you on to the next steps okay and then if you know somebody who wants to get started trading make sure that you send them this video and if you find anything helpful in here give it a thumbs up all right so I'm not going to hold you up any longer I'm gonna let you go ahead and get started alright let let's get started let's get started now I don't know how you're going to do this if you're on a computer if you're trying to take notes on the computer but my recommendation is that you grab a pen and you grab a paper so that you could take it old school and you can take some notes for this good information that you're about to get about Forex I want to make sure that you're focused so turn your phone on silent you know your friends your family right ready enough can wait they can wait till you finish and then lastly just focus and make sure that you taking notes this video will be here so you can always come back to it and refer to it as needed okay so I just want to go into I'm just gonna assume that if you're watching this video you don't have a whole lot of experience uh with Forex and so we're going to start at the very beginning to make sure that we're all on the same page so Forex is the buying and the selling of Global Currency and so when we trade Forex we're doing that buying and selling currency across the world but it's being done simultaneously and so a lot of people explain it like if you were to go out of town and um you trade your home currency for whatever that country's currency is uh then you you do an exchange that's essentially what's happening when you're trading Forex except it's done electronically you're dealing with a broker who handles all that back-end stuff and you're able to do it from a mobile device a laptop or a computer um and so it makes it really convenient and really accessible for anyone who wants to trade now there are more than just us retail traders in the game you know there are banks who trade foreign currency there are producers and business owners who trade foreign currencies and you're probably like what do you mean producer so somebody who makes jewelry might very well trade gold in order to mitigate the potential loss of the price of gold going up you know they may trade the market in order to make a profit to offset that cost increasing so that when they get ready to sell it they'll make what they make from the sale and then they'll recoup whatever that difference is if that price has gone up and so you'll see that uh in several different instances uh in Commodities and things like that so again there's more than just you know little old me and you trading the Forex Market there are far bigger institutions um with specific reasons as to why they participate now I get this question a lot how long is the Forex Market open and one of the main things that attracted me to this Market was the fact that I could create a schedule that worked for me so when I started I was in grad school and I was working full-time so a lot of times I would get home at nine ten o'clock whatever it was and because this Market is open 24 hours a day for five days a week it allowed me the flexibility to be able to create a schedule that worked for me and so if you can't figure it out like when it works for you to trade in this market I hate to be a pessimist but it's like you're probably not going to figure out much of anything but that's one of the things that I love about this Market now that I mentioned that's one of the things but there are several things that I actually love um and there's five main reasons that people trade the Forex market and the first one is going to be liquidity like you can easily get in and out of the market without a whole lot of hassle without a whole lot of hoopla and headache right and then two is the accessibility and so as I mentioned as long as you have a computer as long as you have a laptop as long as you have a phone connected to the mt4 you should be able to trade the market we just talked about the flexibility having the ability to be able to go in and trade in the Market at whatever time you see fit during the weekend that works for your lifestyle makes it super attractive when we talk like stocks and stuff like that there's a set time that you have to be in and out and for many of us we work in regular jobs so to be able to go in you know and trade while you're at work your boss probably not going like that so um just the flexibility is amazing and then the opportunity right so once you get a good hold of this information and you understand it fully and you are able to practice and to implement and you find something that works for you the opportunity is endless there is no one who can dictate how much you can earn I like to think of this as you having the ability to print your own money now of course there's a maturation process and I wouldn't tell you that you're going to be able to go do this tomorrow because you're not um but if you just keep in mind the end goal as you go through this journey and learning like you're going to be able to do some really really good things okay and then finally is the leverage so leverage creates a low barrier of Entry so that virtually anybody who wants to trade can trade and we'll go into detail about what that means a little bit further in the presentation but I mean you could take fifty dollars and start to grow it and compound it and this is why you see a lot of people on the internet who's like I took three hundred dollars and I flipped it to 10 grand you know but the goal of it is to be able to continue to grow it over time you know so that um you don't lose it all so Leverage is a good thing and it's a bad thing if you don't know how to use it and what you're doing but these are the reasons that the Forex Market is attractive to so many people and why they choose to trade it so the other question now you don't tell me about leverage you don't tell me about opportunity how do I actually make money what do I have to do what are the steps until you see I got a little chart on the screen because essentially you you're trading you got to learn and you got to understand the charts you know you got to understand a little bit about fundamentals how the market moves all of that good stuff but this is how you make the money okay drilling down just a little bit further we make money through Pips and Pips stand for percentage in point and so what it does a pip basically is the smallest unit of measurement in the Forex market and what it does is it allows or I shouldn't say allow it measures the price differential between two currencies that create a currency pair and so you're trading that movement and that difference and um depending on your lot size which we'll talk about uh that dictates how much money you'll make and predicts like what you're earning so I want to go over an example here now let's just say this is Euro USD and so we're counting Pips basically right and so you'll see that for your USD and pretty much every other currency except JPY so pairs that end in JPY and then also gold and silver you got to multiply by four decimal points in order to get how many Pips you earn so let's say you see at the top it says sell you sold Euro USD at a dollar right and so it says buy because buy is what happens on the back end to close your sale trade out and so uh you made 100 Pips now I know 0.0100 does not look like a hundred but how we get to 100 is you multiply that by ten thousand and that gets you to your 100 Pips okay and so there are different lot sizes you heard me say lot size now when I first started learning how to trade I didn't have nobody tell me what lot size was I went through trial and error logged into mt4 and played around and figured out that this is my multiplier right so if I catch 100 Pips and I'm trading at a dollar that's a hundred dollars right so you'll see that there are different lot sizes that you could trade you have a micro lot and it's listed as .01 that's not really a penny it's 10 cents so one pip in this situation if you were trading it would be 10 cent increment so 0.02 would be 20 cents 0.03 would be 30 cents so one pip at 0.01 is a thousand units of the currency and it's 10 cents per pip a mini lab is a little bit more it's a dollar right but it's listed as 0.1 so one pip is one dollar and that's ten thousand units and then you got the big daddy the standard lot and that's going to be listed as 1.0 2.0 3.0 and that's equal to ten dollars a pip and I know it might sound exciting like oh I'm gonna start off at ten dollars a pip or twenty dollars a pip you don't want to do that so slow your roll you want to make sure that you are managing risk appropriately so that you don't bust your account wide open but the standard is a thousand units of the currency right okay so let's just say you get into this you find a system that works for you you find two pairs that you really like and you're able to consistently average 50 Pips on each pair so that's 100 Pips a week so we're not talking anything major we're not talking anything crazy but what that does for you based on those lot sizes that we discussed if you consistently did that and you were trading a micro lot that would be ten dollars that you would earn so ten dollars a week at you know you just going in what spending an hour to maybe on a Saturday finding those setups that's pretty good money because it's gonna compound right but what's even better is if you're able to grow your account and you're able to trade a mini line where that's a dollar per pip those same 100 Pips it's now a hundred dollars because of your lot size now let's say you really get a hold of this you master it and you're trading ten dollars a pip that hundred hundred Pips is now worth a thousand dollars and so it goes on and on and on just imagine if you were able to get to a point where your account can support you trading twenty dollars a pip all you find a week is 100 Pips that's two grand a week that's pretty major right so this is what I mean when I say the opportunity is Limitless for you but you just gotta go about the right way in doing it so now I want to touch on we talked about the five reasons why people like Forex but what we're going to talk about in this section is going to be the leverage okay Leverage is why people can flip these accounts and grow them super fast but leverage will also have you crying when you bust your eight thousand dollar account like I did when I first got started okay so um the Brokers that you work with they're going to require you to have a margin account and a margin uh account is basically uh the amount of money that the broker wants you to have in the account in order to control a position so the reason that you use margin is it provides you with the ability to have leverage so let's do a deeper dive into leverage and how that works but before we get there I'm just going to break down this margin so if the broker requires that you have two percent margin in your account and um you want to have access to a hundred thousand dollars in capital to trade that means that you have to deposit two thousand dollars now that sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me you deposit two thousand dollars and I'll let you trade like you have uh a hundred thousand like that's pretty huge okay pretty pretty huge so let's go back to the leverage piece and how it fits in with the margin and so Leverage is basically uh money that you borrow from your broker once you make that margin deposit that they allow you to trade so again Traders like Forex because of the higher leverage that it allows you uh in order to make money and so you don't have to deposit a whole lot of money in order to see a bigger result so like in the stock market in order to really see some gains you got to be working with a pretty sizable account which is not the situation in Forex okay and so let's break this down even further when you find your broker you're gonna have the option to choose from different amounts of Leverage now as being leveraged as low as 10. to one and I've seen it as high as two thousand to one and so what that means basically is let's say you choose 50. that means for every dollar that you put in the account the broker is going to give you access to fifty dollars they're going to treat it like it's fifty dollars for every one dollar let me backtrack say that again for every dollar that you put in your account the broker is going to treat it like it's fifty dollars so let's look at this even further let's say in your brokerage account on your 51 leverage you put in 250 okay you put in 250 bucks and the broker's Gonna Give You trading power of twelve thousand five hundred dollars and the way that I arrived at that is I took the 250 and I multiplied it by the amount of Leverage so if this was a hundred to one that means you take the 250 times 100 you have access to trade capital of like twenty five thousand so this is why people like Forex now you're like okay I learned about Pips I understand what it is it's the measurement of movement in the market and how we make money but now how do I get these Pips and basically what you're going to be doing is you're going to be looking for buying and selling opportunities and so you'll hear as you continue to study this you'll hear people call buying oh I'm going long or I'm bullish on you know x-pair or you'll hear selling I'm going short or I'm bearish on this pair and so when you hear those terms they'll probably be used interchangeably but this is what we look for when we either do a technical or fundamental analysis in order to determine where I need to get in to buy where do I need to get in to sell in order to catch these Pips to make this money now I just mentioned it before that there are two different ways you can do and excuse me an analysis but actually I think they kind of work in conjunction with each other I don't think that one is more Superior than the other instead I think that they're influenced so I think the technicals are influenced by the fundamental and so technical meaning you're using tools to look at a chart in order to figure out what's going on in the market right so you're evaluating patterns and historical Trends and price action in order to determine your hypothesis now with a fundamental analysis you are looking at a country's economy or their currency the value of their currency based on underlying economic factors and so you'll see people say don't trade the news like what news well there are economic reports that come out every single month that's related to a country's gross domestic product inflation interest rate rates and then you have monetary policy that happens or political or social events that influences how that currency moves and the value of that currency I guess that's a better way to say it it influences the value of the currency so you'll see that some people heavily heavily rely on fundamentals and then you have some people who don't even pay attention to them and trade just the technicals I think that there is a healthy balance between the two in order to um you know have a little bit of edge in the market now that you have an understanding of what a currency pair is and how it's put together you know we briefly talked about fundamentals and how they influence the value of a currency so I just want to make sure that you understand in what way the currency pair is impacted depending on the value of the currency so I'm using Euro USD again as the pair but this goes for pretty much any pair when your base is strong and your quote is weak that presents potential buy opportunities let me say it again when you're based so your base in this instance is the euro the quote is the US dollar and so when the base is is strong and the quote is weak you're going to be looking for buy setup so a lot of people often are like okay so I have this news but I really don't understand how to tie it back into my analysis so if you start paying attention to what's going on with monetary policy with the interest rates with inflation with gross domestic product numbers that come out and you start to understand a country's currency and its value you can say okay well numbers were a little weak and it devalued the currency and so for a US dollar I know that I'm going to be looking for buy setups that is how uh news influences the value of the currency and how you relate it back to your technical now the inverse is same currency pair different values right so you got a weak base and a strong quote that presents potential sale opportunities so it doesn't matter if that said USD JPY it doesn't matter if it said GBP JPY or if it's at GBP odd if GBP is weak and odd is strong I'm gonna be looking for sales so you want to make sure that you capture this slide because this is important this is very important and so you want to commit it to memory so that when you see that news you can automatically say okay well I know I'm looking for sales I know I'm looking for buys because of XYZ now in order to successfully analyze what's going on in the market you have to have a basic understanding um of how to mark up a Forex chart if you peruse through this channel there are videos on top of videos on top of videos of me walking you through that process if you're looking for something a little bit more detailed then you can definitely go to forward slash 400 Pips and there is a mini course that will take you through it it's no cost but I like smart Trader and that's because I am a fib-based Trader and there's some proprietary uh tools within smart Trader that allows me to um automate the process and make it faster and easier to go through and mark up the charts that I mark up and then there is smart uh trading view trading view is not bad this is where I started and I actually really liked uh trading view it just requires more work as I developed as a Trader I understood what made sense for me and my approach to the market and that was Fibonacci and I didn't want to spend all day at the charts and unfortunately tradingview does not have that same um internal automation that smart Trader does and so um that's why I'm with smart Trader but tradingview is a phenomenal platform again that's where I got started it'll allow you also to get in some practice of learning how to draw the Fibonacci and learning some technical analysis um but I I like them both I think they both could be useful now if you're going to look at fundamentals there are a couple websites that I use and swear by I guess you could say and that's going to be that's basically giving you the summary of a specific political event or a monetary policy event like the rising rates or how the market is responding what people are anticipating that gives you more commentary and then Forex Factory is structured in a way that gives you um information as far as how volatile price is anticipated to be based on whatever news is coming out so it not only gives you a calendar of events it tells you hey you want to be careful in the market today because this news is coming out this is how price typically reacts to this sort of news based on the results so these are the two websites that I would recommend for you to start understanding that fundamental analysis now that you understand the makeup of a currency pair a little bit better I want to Deep dive into counting Pips okay and breaking this down for you so when you see the number you really understand what's happening so you'll see I got Euro USD up here again and let's say the exchange rate is at a dollar so was out to the left of the decimal point is dollars what's two places after instance and then those last two is what we call the Pips the price interest point and so looking at this even further let's break it down just a little bit more right so immediately following I feel like I'm going back to like what third grade breaking this down um but immediately following the decimal point is the tens place following the tenths is the hundreds and then the Pips is represented in the thousands and the ten thousand so when before we multiply it by ten thousand it was for the reason that the currency pair we were trading had that many places after it so that's what we needed to do in order to get to the number of Pips now I mentioned before that JPY pairs are a little bit different right JP white parents don't have four decimal places they have two and so it measures you'll see the pipette is going to be the thousands so that's the very smallest version of a pip but what you're looking at when you're looking at JPY pairs is going to be the tenths and the hundredth place all right so we went over Euro USD in our kind of fast-tracked you into that but going over the major currencies that are traded you're going to see the Australian dollar you have the Canadian dollar you have the Swiss franc the euro the Great British pound the Japanese Yen the New Zealand dollar and the US dollar and so I would encourage you to familiarize yourself with the short firm excuse me the short firm I can't talk familiarize yourself with the short form or the abbreviation of the currency pair because that's what you're going to be looking at when you're in metatrader 4 or you're on one of the charting platforms and you're trying to look at a currency so when I say the short form I mean like for Australian dollar it's AUD for a Canadian dollar CAD right so you want to get familiar with that now this is just the individual currency when we put them together you got the major currency pairs right so you have odd USD so you're trading the Australian dollar against the US dollar euro against the US dollar GBP against the US dollar USD CAD USD Swiss so CHF USD JPY and the New Zealand dollar against the US dollar so in the major currency pairs there should be one thing that is common that you recognize type it in the comments below what do you see in all of these currency pairs that make it um the same or related okay I give you enough time they all got the US dollar in them so it makes it the major currency pair okay so the US dollar influences a lot that goes on in this market all right so then you have minor currency Pairs and minor currency pairs don't have the US dollar in them it's usually um you know uh different countries matched up so you got the euro versus the Great British pound the euro versus the Canadian dollar the euro versus the Australian dollar the euro versus the New Zealand dollar the euro versus The Swiss franc the euro versus Japanese Yang the pound versus again Australian dollar versus again New Zealand dollar versus the Yen and then Canadian dollar versus the year then you got the Swiss Franc versus the Yen the Great British pound versus the Canadian dollar the pound versus the Australian dollar um the Australian dollar versus the New Zealand dollar and the Australian dollar versus the Canadian dollar Australian dollar versus the Swiss franc New Zealand dollar versus the Swiss franc the Canadian dollar the Canadian dollar versus the Swiss franc and then the New Zealand dollar versus the Canadian dollar so I know this seems like a lot please do not feel overwhelmed um I will advise you that once you get good at marking up charts and understanding the fundamentals like these can work together for you to maximize the earning potential that you have don't focus on that right now just focus on understanding how they're constructed what's major what's minor and um get that first but don't be intimidated I promise you it's really not that deep it's not it's a lot of information but I know you got it okay then you have exotic currency Pairs and then Commodities and so um these are the Exotics are uh pairs that aren't traded as often and then they have like really volatile movements um so I stay away from them there are some brokers who don't even have these that they trade and then there's some that do sometimes the spread is like really major on them because they're less liquid than those majors and those miners but I did just want to show those to you and then I talked about the Commodities and so xau USD is gold versus the United States dollar and then you have silver which is then you have silver then you have silver which is x a g USD and then you have oil oil is another one that I stay away from as far as actually trading it but it is a good indicator as it relates to the Canadian dollar um and so it can give you some insight fundamentally on what you're looking at uh for those Canadian dollar pairs now when should you be trading this is one of the questions that I get a lot and I really think it depends on what style of Trader you are so you got to spend a little bit of time to figure out what that is and so we'll go over it though a scalper that's somebody who's in and out of the market relatively quick and so they trade like the five minute they trade the 15 the 30 and they're in they're out those style of Traders take a little bit higher risk in order to make profit in the market that may work for you then you have intraday Traders and the intraday Trader Falls somewhere between a scalper and a swing Trader so their trades may take a couple hours to play out it may even take a day I think you still can consider that intraday um and so then you have swing Traders like me and that means that I'm taking setups that can take days that can take weeks or even months to play out so you really got to spend some time and figure out what works for you and what can you be consistent with what can you maintain and you try to coordinate that and I mentioned before that I think a lot of people get hung up on what they want to be versus what they really are what they got going on in their life and what they can consistently do so spend a little time and figure that part out okay so now there are three Peak sessions for trading right there's the Tokyo session or you probably hear it called Asian session and that's from 7 P.M to 4 a.m Eastern Standard Time That's Tokyo then you have the London session that's from 2 A.M Eastern Standard Time to 11 A.M Eastern Standard Time and if you're in Pacific or um Central you want to just you know adjust based on what you see Eastern Standard and then there's the New York session that's 8 A.M to 5 P.M now you don't have a specific time that you should be trading I personally think that if you do your analysis and you get to a point where you can find a potential setup and um you can set the trade up then set it up you know I trade when there's a setup I don't limit myself to just the time but I am a swing Trader and everybody's not going to be a swing Trader so I have on here that you know what a scalper is going to look for is volatility in the market and the the time frames that that will happen is most likely during London session and New York session right a swing Trader I'm trading whenever I see something I'm executing and so again I don't limit myself to a specific time that I have to be on the charts what I do do though is I sit down every single week and I go through and I mark up my charts let's talk about these brokers I get at least three to five questions a week about if I have recommendations for Brokers and I would suggest that you do your own homework to figure out what broker you want to work with but I will give you some information that will be helpful in figuring out what makes sense for you now there are two different types of Brokers you can have a regulated broker or you can have an unregulated broker and just probably what you're thinking is correct a regulated broker is a firm that is licensed by some sort of government Authority in order to offer services trading services to clients so in the United States that's going to be the commodity Futures Trading commission better known as the cftc and four different countries they have something equivalent of what's considered a regulated broker right so with a regulated broker let me go back with a regulated broker um your Leverage is going to be lower than with an unregulated broker how you withdraw how you deposit is different um the commissions and the spreads are probably going to be a little bit different too um and if you experience something with fraud or loss or something like that you have an entity that you can go to you can file a complaint and they can investigate the matter for you with an unregulated broker you don't have that capability right so there's no licensing there's no one that the company has to answer to they don't have the same rules in place that a regulated broker does so it's a little bit more risky as far as you to participate with an unregulated broker but it gives you more flexibility so when I talked about that higher leverage that 2001 I would hope that that's not standard practice uh that 2001 but you know um some people when you get to that level it might make sense for you to do that I don't know I'm not judging you but you can choose you know whatever you want to choose so I've just got a couple different companies on here um that I have dealt with in some capacity all except maybe one or two I take that back and so you have like TD Ameritrade in the US that's really huge everybody knows who they are they are under a regulated Authority so they have to follow those rules and then you have kot-4x which does um indices I think they do crypto and foreign exchange currency um and then you have Orlando which is regulated interactive brokers and IC markets uh back in 2020 when the pandemic happened a lot of the unregulated Brokers stopped accepting U.S clients and so the clients that were a part of the company or had an account prior to uh you know when things went crazy you still have your account so I have an account with a regulated broker and I have some accounts with an unregulated broker and I've had no issues thus far but you want to make sure that you do your due diligence in order to figure out who you personally want to do business with for me it was making sure that I had Direct access to customer service that I got a prompt and timely response I looked at the spreads and then the types of instruments that I trade I don't trade indices and I don't trade crypto so it made the choice very easy for me okay now I do want to say this because um people have asked like why are they asking me for this information it's basically know your customers so most Brokers are going to require that you submit some information to them in order to open up your account and it's going to be documents that you're probably like why they want to see my utility bill why they need my home address why they need my ID well they need it because they're probably regulated by some entity that requires that they get this information and so this is called again know your customer so they may ask for ID or a passport utility bill something that has your home address on it they'll want your phone number and then your trading experience and any other financial information that's relevant to you opening that account okay so let's talk about Market uh order types right so I mentioned before that as a swing Trader I kind of just mark up my charts on a weekend and then when the Market opens I set my trades and then I go about my week and you're you're probably wondering how are you able to do that and that's through the various types of orders that are available to use in the Forex Market when you trade so you have Market execution buy and sell limits and buy and sell stops now let's first let's talk about the market execution it's exactly what you think it is so the minute you press the button on mt4 whether it be on your phone or on the computer your trade is activated right then within seconds of you pressing that button that means you're taking it where price is at if you are like me and let's say you decide Fibonacci is one of the tools that you're going to use in order to trade this is where limit orders can come in handy so we'll start off with the buy limit in a buy scenario price is above your desired entry but you know that when price travels it has to retrace and so you say Okay I want to enter at this level and so you see that price is above and you see that green solid line I'll put my mouse over it this green solid line price is above where you want to enter and you say Okay price has to come down in order for my trade to be activated so your desired price is below where price is currently at that's a buy limit so I like to think of limits as like bounces um so price has to bounce at that lower level before the trade is activated and the sales scenario is just the inverse so price is below your desired entry level so current price is down here at the bottom and it has to travel up and bounce off a price in order for the trade to be activated and continue so price would need to rise in order for the order to be activated okay then you have stops stops I like to think of as like elevator they have to go through a price level in order for it to be activated so if you're in a scenario where you think price is going to continue to rise and you want to buy that means in that scenario price is below your desired entry level so you'll see to the left we got the green solid line price hasn't quite made it to that level that you want to buy at but you think it's going to still go up so you say okay hey I want you to activate me or enter me into this trade at this level and so price would go through and you would be activated and the cell is just the opposite price is above the level that you want to be entered into and so price has to go through that level in order for the trade to be triggered and to be activated and that's called a sale stop all right so you made it to the end I know that's a lot of information but I encourage you not to become discouraged you will get this keep watching this video over as many times as you need to in order to get a good grasp now as I mentioned before if you went through this and you're like okay I got this I I got a good foundation what do I do next go ahead visit the link in the video description for the mini course and move forward now the key is to start implementing it's repetition it's practicing marking up charts over and over and over and over and over again at some point you're probably gonna be sick of them but in the end you're gonna love it you're gonna love it so if you want to learn how you can find your own key setups if you want to learn how you can go in slice up and dice up a chart and be able to know when to get in know when to get out and use all of this information together to formulate your opinion click that link in the video description I appreciate you guys for watching I hope it was helpful tell me in the comments below and I will see you on the next video have a phenomenal phenomenal day [Music]
Channel: Kaci Jackson
Views: 413,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: forex trading for beginners, forex trading for beginners uk, forex trading for beginners full course, forex trading, how to trade forex, how to start forex, how to start forex trading for beginners, learn how to trade forex, forex beginners course, forex, fx trading, forex trader, forex for, forex for beginners, forex trading for, forex course for beginners, forex trading for beginners 2023, how to start forex trading in 2022, learn to trade, how to start forex trading in 2024
Id: K3v5hxROoeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 19sec (2539 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2023
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