How to start customizing Neovim

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Hello everybody welcome back to another video in this occasion I would like to show you how to start customizing your neovim editor I just installed neovim from source code so I should have the latest version as of October 2023 let's confirm I do have version 0.9.4 so far so good before we go to the config figuration you might have noticed that I'm typing n Vim this is new the new vim's binary I suppose it's so that NE Vim can coexist with Vim but I only use one of them so let's do something about it so that we can simply type them all the time we can achieve this by creating an alas in our bash configuration to n vm. bash r see let's create an alias right here Alias them equals and then and that's it let's save and reload the file now when I type VM I get n VM instead all right back to the configuration on Linux newm will look for the settings file in the . config slnm directory the first step then is to make sure the directory exists mk. config and b-p the configuration file should be named init.vim let's create it and put a few settings in it vm. conf. inetv I'm going to add a few settings and I will briefly explain what they do set clip board equals unnamed plus set number set ignore case setting search the first setting integrates vim's clipboard and the operating systems clipboard so that you can copy and paste between them and any other application normally this is not the case the second one will instruct them to show us the line numbers on the left side you will see that in a moment ignore case allows us to search for text without caring about the case of your text whether it's lower case uppercase it doesn't matter in search will will allow you to start seeing results as you type your keywords so let's see if this configuration file is working okay it is not working because I put it in the wrong directory mv. config do init that VM config and VM all right let's check again v.on SL vm. init.vim and there you go now we have line numbers and if I were to copy something from let's say the browser I could paste it here using uh vims commands let me copy this line copy then back to themm I can simply type P and you have the contents I just copied from the another application let's do the opposite I'm going to copy line number three go to the browser and paste it let's say here set ignore case so NE is picking up our configuration file and everything seems to be working that's basically it however them itself is very limited uh it doesn't have many fancy features like other text editors the way Bim has or can have additional functionality is via plugins and one of the easiest ways to use plugins is with a plug-in manager let me show you how to set up VM plog it is one of the most popular ones and also the one I use so this is the homepage for vml let's see I'm I'm just going to follow the instructions here NE themm and Linux copy come here and paste and that's it that's the installation now we have to configure the plug-in manager in our configuration file we have to create or put this two lines call plugging begin in the middle we can add any number of plugins and after that we have to call plog and all right them do confit and b. in. Bim let's paste this line and modify this to call hand here in this place is where we can add our plugins let me show you how to install one plugin VM surround it facilitates working with parentheses brackets HTML tags Etc so the first thing you have to do is find the plugins repository on GitHub I think it also works for other services like gitlab but uh I have never done it so let's go back to our configuration file here we have to use this function plog the plugging name and that's it we have to reload them and as you can see in this Wiki we have to call plug install to actually download the plugin and make it available so let's call block install and that's it we should be good to go all right let me quickly show you how this plugin works just to confirm that it is installed and it is working this is a text with parentheses normally if you wanted to delete these parentheses you would have to delete one at a time with this plugin you can do something like DS and then a parenthesis and it will delete both see that's it all right I believe this is a good start go ahead and customize them to your liking thank you for watching see you next time
Channel: LetMeThink
Views: 35
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Id: 2k8hJ3X8HAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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