How to Start a Vegetable Garden planning, planting, and maintaining

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how to start a vegetable garden step-by-step  instructions for planning planting and maintaining   a productive veggie patch growing vegetables  is a hugely rewarding experience and those   homegrown crops taste so much better than any  you get from stores growing offers a plethora   of rewards on top of those tasty vegetables alone  as gardening can offer both physical and mental   health benefits that come from having your hands  in the soil don't forget to like And subscribe   to our channel for future interesting videos  10 steps to starting a vegetable garden one   pick a spot you want to choose a spot in your  backyard in which your vegetables will Thrive   that means finding a site for your vegetable  garden that gets lots of sun ideally around 6   to 8 hours a day there are vegetables to grow  in shade that will be happy though none will   Revel growing in the full shaky spots so avoid  anywhere with overhanging trees or in the shade   of buildings any sight for a vegetable garden  wants to be level and sheltered from strong   winds that could potentially damage plants the  soil wants to drain well and definitely not be   water logged in Winter an issue I unfortunately  encountered when during the first winter at my   Len I found that all the water on the site ran  down to my corner and my vegetable beds turned   into swimming pools for extended periods two  start small if you are planning how to start   a vegetable garden in your backyard then the  potential size is likely dictated by what yard   space you have some people may have grand plans  when planting a kitchen Garden though if you are   new to vegetable gardening that it may be best to  start with a small space starting with focusing   on small vegetable garden ideas allows you to  learn and get that satisfaction without the   risk of getting frustrated by a large vegetable  garden that gets weedy and out of control quickly   by starting small it means you can get a feel for  how long things take to grow and nurture and the   time involved in weeding watering fertilizing and  harvesting three test your soil your soil is going   to be the most important element when you start a  vegetable garden it will make or break the success   of your plot it is recommended to test your soil  to see its type pH and nutrient make up before   planting anything so you know what you are working  with and it gives a chance to make any amendments   if required a fe test will tell you how acidic or  alkaline your soil is ideally it would be neutral   as that is best for most plants an example of a  home soil testing kit is the Luster Leaf products   professional soil kit available at Amazon for a  vegetable garden the soil type ideally wants to   be loose and well- draining clay soils can be very  heavy and send your soils to light the structure   fertility and soil health of any Garden can be  boosted by adding compost well- rotted manure   or organic matter into the site and continuing to  do so year on year four managing your vegetable   garden once you have identified the perfect  spot for your plot the next step for starting   a vegetable garden is to actually consider how you  want to manage that patch traditionally Growers   would dig their plots every winter either by  single or double digging and work in lots of   well- rotted manure or organic matter as they  went however nowadays there is more of a common   thinking that no dig or no till gardening is the  way to go it is thought that too much digging and   working of the soil actually harms the structure  and the beneficial microbi life within the soil   no dig gardening involves laying a base level  of cardboard and then mounting the compost or   organic matter on top adding to this each winter  the materials smother weeds and rely on worms to   incorporate that compost down into the soil over  time it is now a very popular method of growing   and has many benefits I myself started running  my allotment using no dick principles and have   worked in kitchen Gardens that were no day I  found them highly successful ways of growing   and I would class myself as an advocate for that  growing method alternatively you can create full   vegetable gardens using raised beds and that  allows you to have more control over the soil   that you are GR growing in raised beds can also  be beneficial for anyone with mobility issues   as you can adjust how tall a raised bed should  be to suit your needs five clear in weed before   you get to sew any seeds or put any plants in  the ground there comes the task of clearing   the area and getting it ready for your vegetable  garden the amount of work involved will depend on   where you are planting the plot and what stood on  that area previously any rubbish debris bricks or   large Stones need to be removed and the soil needs  to be cleared of any weeds especially perennial   weeds that must be removed fully with the roots  to stop them coming back if you want tips for how   to get rid of weeds you can remove them by hand  smother them to suppress the weeds burn them or   use chemicals as a last resort if you are planning  to convert an area of lawn the turf also needs to   be lifted that is unless you are planning to  go no dig or du a Lasana Garden as those beds   can be created directly on top of existing Lawns  or weeds six choose your crops surely one of the   most exciting parts of thinking about how to start  a vegetable garden is planning what you are going   to grow there is such a huge and varied range of  vegetables that you can grow and perusing websites   and SE catalogs could be potentially daunting  to a novice however the best way to go is to   grow what you and your family like to eat there  is always room for some experimentation but a   good way to start is to think about what you eat  regularly and focus on growing that if you eat a   lot of carrots opt for looking at how to grow  carrots even for that one root crop there will   be so many different varieties that you can try  that you will not see in grocery stores another   good tactic would be to start off trying some of  the easiest vegetables to grow things like lettuce   radish peas beans carrots kale or beets a good  piece of advice would be to not rush and go with   the seasons seven pick your growing method after  flicking through the seat catalogs or browsing   retailers websites and deciding what vegetables  you want to grow in your garden comes the next   decision how to grow them there are often several  choices available you can either grow them from   seed by small plug plants to pot up and grow on  or get plants that can go straight out into the   vegetable garden each one comes with their own  advantages and disadvantages for example seeds   are the cheapest way to grow vegetables but you  often need somewhere warm to germinate them if   you want earlier crops and space to propagate  and grow them on seeds can be direct some into   the ground when the soil warms up and root crops  such as carrots and parsnips always need to be   direct sound however it can be a more inconsistent  method than sewing seeds indoors and growing them   on to plant out eight crop rotation and companion  planting when planting your vegetable garden and   deciding what crops will grow wear it pays to take  crop rotation and companion planting into serious   consideration crop rotation means moving where  you grow vegetables around the garden your onye   this offers several benefits including preventing  the buildup of diseases in the soil and it can   improve the fertility in the soil helping you get  bigger yields from your crop companion planting is   an organic method of protecting crops from Pest  and diseases by the simple process of planting   beneficial crops near each other some crops for  example aliums like onions and garlic prevent   pests from attacking others by the smell that they  emit nine get inspired here comes another fun part   of how to start a vegetable garden that is the  process C of Designing and planting the vegetable   garden here is the chance to get inspired and be  creative to create the vegetable of your dreams   look at a lot of books and magazines and also  use social media such as Instagram and YouTube   to see other people's vegetable gardens and get  inspiration there are so many popular vegetable   gardening influencers that can be seen publishing  daily pictures and reels of their plots with   Gardens ranging from large kitchen Gardens to  homesteads allotments and Tiny Urban vegetable   gardens in small backyards 10 buildings and  structures this might just be the luxury for   those who have larger backyards or bigger budgets  but at the start of planting a vegetable garden is   the best time to plan for any large structures  or buildings you want structures such as green   houses Polly tunnels or Cal frames can help  increase the vegetables you can grow opening   up the door for more heat loving plants that maybe  would not Thrive outside in your climate the list   of vegetables to grow in a greenhouse is long  and most crops will be able to take advantage   of that protection even through the colder winter  months such buildings also allow you to extend the   season start sewing seeds earlier and give you  indoor areas to Potter if you still want that   gardening fix when the rain comes green houses  and cold frames are also a great way of protecting   plants from frost and backyard green houses are  now more popular than ever if you enjoyed from   this video don't forget to like And subscribe to  our channel for more content thanks for watching
Channel: Ted's Garden
Views: 7,347
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Keywords: vegetable gardening, self sufficiency, how to garden, vegetable garden, how to start a vegetable garden, garden planning, vegetable garden planning, planning a vegetable garden, planning a garden, planning a vegetable garden for beginners, how to plan a vegetable garden, garden, vegetable garden planner, how to start a vegetable garden for beginners, how to plan a garden, how to start a vegetable garden from scratch, planting vegetables
Id: MccVrSW5vEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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