How to Start a Cybersecurity Career In The Next 5 Days Without Coding Skills or Certifications!

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how to start a cyber security career in the next 5 days without coding skills or certifications let's go hi this is cyber career Transformer em in a global cyber security expert with 20 years of experience and I help professions lent multiple six figure cber SEC roles that they love without sing up certifications even if you don't have the right job experience if you're new here don't forget to like And subscribe because the future episodes will help you a ton in your C SEC care Journey so in this content we'll talk about the five easy steps that you can follow to start or grow your cyber security career and the best part you can execute these steps in just five days so in the very first day of your journey you need to nail it down you need to master just one thing which is your career Mastery positioning and this involves answering three very simple questions what you want to do what you can do and what's needed in the C secet Marketplace first of all did you know that there are more than six categories and 200 different job titles in the S SEC domain and what makes things even even worse is every company has a different understanding of these job titles finding the ideal fit is crucial for your career happiness satisfaction and also your career growth and this is particularly important if you are sick and tired of answering job experience related requirements on the job descriptions or working tirelessly trying to get your A+ Network plus Security Plus cssp C maybe C cism cesa there are lots of certifications out there but at the same time if you are not making the type of money that you want if you are not enjoying your life and career or if you don't have the lifestyle that you want that means you need to focus on this career Mastery positioning right now by identifying your career Mastery positioning you can focus on the specific set of skills that you must learn and forget about the rest why because you don't need to learn them it's very easy to stack up the things that you must learn and you must do Etc but it's not so easy to focus on just one thing and with this care Master positioning you can do so and another benefit of career Master positioning is you can align your skill set the things that you can do with what is needed in the marketplace this way you will guarantee the job offers and opportunities why because instead of focusing on what you want only or following the trends Etc you will focus on what's needed in the marketplace right now because guess what the companies will pay and support your career at the end of the today if you do not help them fix their problems if you do not support them how can you get to your career goals if you're looking for the actionable tips to follow here's what you need to do first of all let's just take a look at your personality because when you identify your personality your unique set of skills your unique set of natural talents and abilities then you can easily start applying it towards your ideal career in cyber because when you truly discover your personality and you will go through 16 personalities I will show you in just a second or big five tests then you can understand whether you're a good fit for a corporate organization dealing with cyber risks following GRC policies Etc or maybe working for a startup dealing with cyber security issues and Tackle vulnerabilities because these are completely two different things on the front end they might look maybe similar but on the back end and applying it to your personality they are completely different that's why it's very important to understand who you really are and obviously it's not just personality it's not just your natural abilities you also need to identify what's available in the marketplace so that instead of of learning things that no one would buy you can focus on what you really want and what's needed in s sector Marketplace and what you can do and now let me walk you through so that you know exactly what I'm talking about and let me show you how to do this first of all go to this is one of the personality test websites that when you take the test you will learn a lot about yourself and the initial version the basic version is free simply go to 16 personal take the test and then you will find your personel type out of 16 could be one of the analyst ones as you can see Diplomat ones Sentinels or explorers and you will receive the detailed report and when you read the report you will learn more about whether for example you are open to experience and you will also understand whether you are a manager type of person or you are more like a follower and it's fine no personal type is either good or bad but it's important to understand who you are so that you not only identify the specific job opportunities in cyber clearly being a penetration tester cyas manager GRC professional digital forensics they're all different and this test can help you understand who you really are so that you can apply that specific job title and also the organization the company just like we have cover right so six personels you can go you can take a look at this and the second one is this big five okay bigf you can come here take the test again this is free and then you will find the result something like this the big five nism exion openness to experience agre conscientiousness you will understand and learn more about who you are and this way during the interview process you can identify whether the companies are right fit for you the rol is are right fit for you and then how you can bring not just your skills or experience but also your naal abilities and aptitudes and that's very critical and important okay and the second benefit is companies will love this because you're showing up in an open way and you tell them your weaknesses and your strengths so they can also identify whether you are the right fit for the role or maybe they have something else to tell you and then give you those offers and then another part when it comes to technical skills angle is go to this is the website and then what you'll find there are a couple of things first of all you can explore the heat map to take a look at where the opportunities are and you can identify what kind of opportunities based on years Metro areas locations so that you can make Intelligent Decisions if you want to relocate you can just cherry pick certain locations because you increase your chances okay go to cyber seek and the second part is this angle so when you scroll down on the homepage the heat map you'll find operate and maintain oversee and govern collect and operate secular provision protect and defend and analyze roles and when you click you'll find lots of different subsections data analyst system admin Network operation specialist and here is the maybe challenging part because OB domain there are more than 200 different job titles which one is the ideal fit for you so what you can do though if you click career path and come here you would understand coming from one of the feed roles like networking software development maybe systems engineering Financial Risk analysis security intelligence or maybe it support it will help you a ton why because you are bringing lots of technical experience but did you know one out of five professionals join service security from non- technical background so that's why what you need to pay attention here is when you click for example s specialist you'll find what do they do certain skills what kind of skills requested and then common job titles so that you can narrow your research down in a nutshell there are six major categories to pick from especially if you are starting or you are making a switch you are either focusing on defensive roles offensive roles GRC roles which is governance risk and compliance and GRC roles also include management and top leadership executive positions and then you are focusing on Security Administration that could be including Cloud Security Management secure software development high level technical Hands-On roles from an admin point of view not defense not offensive but managing the technical infrastructure and the fifth is digital forensics and incident response and the sixth one is indirect roles Marketing sales project management there are lots of different opportunities in cyber and when you take a look at this this nice document you will also see knowledge skills and abilities requirements here I'll talk about this in just a second you will learn more about that specific job title that you can focus and it's very important to focus on one specific category not very granular but choosing one of the six is crucial at this stage okay now that you know a lot more about yourself and what's available in the market place and what kind of jobs are out there now we can focus on day two the second step of starting or growing your career in this R secutive Field is skill transfer system this step involves assessing your current skills not just technical skills but also soft skills people skills process skills and applying it towards your ideal s SEC job this way you can save a lot of time by leveraging what you have and applying it towards your ideal s SEC job without losing more time without stacking up certifications without learning irrelevant things that they list on job descriptions why because you already have a lot of things to offer if you know how to apply them and here's the part did you know that most people think s is just about technology eal likeing penetration testing and I know because I've spent a lot of years as a penetration tester exploit researcher developer but the honest worth is this cyber SEC is also about people in a process especially indirect roles like Cy marketer sales professional or maybe focusing on GRC roles governance risk compliance in those roles you don't have to have a lot of technical skills in fact coding skills they're definitely not needed that means even if you are not a coding expert that's perfectly fine if you are coming from technical background if you want to leverage them that's great you can absolutely do so and yes there are lots of high paid opportunities for you to regardless identifying what you can do what you already have is a must so that you can apply this skill transfer system and this is particularly a frustrating Point especially if you have let's just say 5 10 15 years of experience and if you want to make a pivot to cyber security you might be wondering I don't want to take a pay cut I'm already making 100K 20K it seems like s entry level roles like so analy s analyst roles they pay typically 80 90k range but still that's lower than what I'm making right now I don't want to do that and when you know how to apply the skill transfer system that's no longer a problem for you why because you can continue growing your career from where you left in fact you can immediately get a 20 30 40% salary increase by leveraging the skills you already have available once again it's not just about technology by going through your personal assessment just like you have completed in day one now you know your natural talents abilities and aptitudes that's number one and then leveraging the it skills that you have if you're coming from it heal test background support even if many years back you spend a lot of time on computers and it's your passion that means you all have a lot of things so that's the technology element and then there's the process element especially for project managers business analysis you know how to run a business you know how to identify the requirements you know how to connect with different decision makers and those are all valuable skill sets in the Cyber SEC domain and people skills especially if you're coming from different backgrounds like marketing professional sales professional again project manager or maybe a manager in different fields that means you all have tons of things to offer why because cyber security is not vertical it's horizontal meaning you'll be in touch with different internal clients external clients you you need to explain certain things in a way that clients or the people that you work with can easily understand and if you have that skill set readily available you can quickly get the technical bits and then it will present a complete picture and the best part you will also bring the experience because it's not just the skills that you have learned or watched videos Etc these are the things that you have already done and completed and as part of the skill transfer system let me also walk you through how you can identify the technical skills because at then of the day it's not enough to just talk about your passion or your people or process skills those are very important but you also need to know what's available for you already and then create the break breakdown of knowledge items skills abilities and the tasks that you will be doing when you get your ideal job so in day two let me walk you through a beautiful Excel file that you can identify what you know already and the missing items so that you can quickly brid the Gap and then get the skills that you need if you ready let me just show you how to use that file find that file use that file first of all search for n nice go to this website okay and you will find lots of amazing work regarding cyber security ecosystem collaboration and what you want to do you go to nist framework work okay and then you can learn more about this and when you click resources you'll find users Group Employee resources learner resources it's slightly academic and I love their work I've attended a couple of their conferences and helped them with the future of Serv good work and abilities and potential job opportunities and what you want to do though when you come to this website and when you click current version under n framework data reference spreadsheet this is what you want to do okay let me just show you the website URL again it's slight long but if you search for this the workforce framework for for service the nice framework under data reference spreadsheet just click on it download and when you download you'll find this Exel file and it's amazing why because you can simply take a look at specialty areas and require set of skills when you click let's just say you want you identify GRC could be a nice match for you and risk management all you have to do just click here ksas and instead of trying to learn all the things out there now you know what kind of knowledge items what kind of skills and what kind of abilities you need to do that job and that's it so this will help be a ton because now you don't have to memorize you don't have to learn irrelevant things like offensive defens Etc because you are very focused does that make sense this part you can come to table of contents and when you click tasks and these are the expected set of tasks for this specific role and when you identify that specific Niche using your personality using your background then everything would be a lot easier for you okay so far so good you have completed these items by spending just a couple of hours a day and now this is your third day and on the third day you will focus on active job hunting blueprints this step involves creating a very targeted approach very focused approach like a sniper instead of applying randomly hundreds of jobs trying to get something just to get your food in the door did you know that randomly applying for jobs really leads to success taking a very focused approach increases your chances of finding that ideal role not a random role but an ideal role in the Cy secutive field and also it makes things a lot easier because of the reasons I'll tell you in just a second if you are sick and tired of randomly applying for jobs trying to update your resume all the time and then pick up the phone someone is getting back to your application but you have totally forgotten about that application if that's you you probably know what I'm talking about here following up with different roles and applications that you submitted especially with an untargeted approach is very painful it's timec consuming and it doesn't help anyone not you or recruiters with the active job hunting blueprint you follow and pursue a very targeted laser focused approach on a specific company specific job title specific role so you don't have to learn different things you don't have to apply for random jobs out there you'll be very focused and it works so well because this way it's a lot easier for you to create your marketing materials accordingly like your resume your LinkedIn page I'll show you in just a second how to do it the right way and all other personal portfolio documents because you are specifically targeting a specific industry company and the roles and this will attract them to you just like you are approaching them because this is a lot easier for you and also for recruiters to identify you as an expert and they will come to you because they will allow to talk with you you won't be accomodated this way instead you are providing a solution providing a value for a specific set of organizations and without this blueprint you might find yourself in a sea of random applications trying to navigate you don't know them you don't have the time to follow those companies you don't have the time to understand their pain and that's exactly what they don't want why because companies when you look from their angle their point of view they're interested in professionals while looking to serve and support their companies not just a random C SEC professional but are you interested in our organization are you willing to help us and why do you believe in our values do you know who we are Etc and these are the questions they always ask but unfortunately most professional most obviously professionals they only focus on themselves trying to get the skills Etc that they don't care at this stage because what they do care is whether you want to help them or not creating an active job hunting blueprint starts with a very simple elevator pitch instead of randomly adding secur plus s professional Etc on your LinkedIn page just follow this guideline so instead of adding random letters after your name talking about who you are Etc let's just start off with this very simple syntax I help group of companies achieve or accomplish this result this kind of goal so that they reduce their cyber risk manage cyber SEC vulnerabilities better so for example instead of adding hey I'm a Cy professional I have cssp I have secret plus I know sock I'm a so analyst Etc spun CM whatever how about replacing your LinkedIn headline with I help New York City based fintech companies manage their cyber risks so that they are compliant with socks pcidss and nist Frameworks or another example I support International Healthcare institutions reduce C vulnerabilities so they protect Phi data personal health data and stay Hippa compliant let's take a look at how to do it practically on your LinkedIn page first of all this is my LinkedIn account if you haven't added me if you haven't connected with me already please do so just visit my profile search for my name and then send a request and here's how to do it many times people add their like I mentioned secret plus yesp this Stu whatever try to create an influence but honestly companies hiring managers they see that all the time letters after your name letters after someone's name and they don't really care why because they care about their problems and if you are not a focused professional if you're trying to help all the compan out there that means you're not helping anyone any company so here's how to do it by consciously narrowing down your Target because at the end of the day you need one two maybe maximum three opportunities at the same time even if you go crazy but many times one is enough if you're focusing or maybe two let's just say so that's why I don't feel like oh my God I need to widen my net and then try to collect all the fish out there no it just doesn't work that way in fact the opposite is true so here's how to do that when you take a look at my profile I train mentor and recruit High achieving profession for the ideal roles in cyber six coach six cyber expert and consultant so when someone reads this they immediately get a feeling of what can I do for them and how do I do it so this exactly what you want continue with the same example let me just show you let's just say okay this is where you enter your um headline let me first of all give you the framework because this is just like a syntax right this is the syntax you should follow I help okay who your client your ideal business your ideal Target and then what you want to do accomplish this is what you do right accomplish action this is the this is what you do so that they can get to the outcome and this is how we frame it so that's ultimate out as an example I help let's just say New York City based fintech companies and why do we do it because if I'm a recruiter if I'm managing if I'm a high HR Manager for a New York City based ftech organization and the moment that I see your profile I'm like yes this is exactly who I want to work with and that's what we do intentionally and if you don't want to work with fch organizations or if you don't want to work in New York City maybe somewhere else obviously tailor that accordingly but it's just a framework and we are targeting once again readers not ourselves this is how you collect more leads and how you attract the right type of people okay companies let's just say you want to mitigate cyber risks you can change it you can maybe say I help New York City based fintech companies reduce their vulnerabilities by 20% or whatever you can come up with figures as well if you want to or identify the vulnerabilities make sure they have known vulnerabilities inside Etc but it's just an example so you enter what you do at this stage mitigate cyber risk so they are compliant with PCI DSS socks and nist Frameworks okay so this is how you do it you can literally copy paste and then change your title here it works so well because here's the thing when you do it you are not targeting you are not trying to connect with everyone out there it's not a numbers game you are targeting the right type of opportunities even if you don't have lots of connections even if you are just getting started this way you can overcome all those obstacles yes if you have 10,000 followers connections Etc that might help but honestly for most s SEC professionals and HR managers hiring manager cosos Etc they focused on a specific IND individual and a specific problem so that they can get the solution maybe you didn't pay a lot of attention on LinkedIn trying to grow your network with thousands of people Etc but instead you're only serving a specific set of group specific set of companies and it gives you peace of mind this way it is a business marketing approach and you're applying it to your career this way you you can overcome experience requirements you can overcome trying to be everything for everyone you focusing on a specific set of organizations just like this and you can apply it starting today by presenting yourself as an outcom driven outcome Focus professional this active job hunting blueprint works so well because all competitors all other people out there they're randomly adding letters of the their names and it doesn't click because recruiters HR managers they don't care they care about who you are and how you are going to help them how you can contribute to those specific companies and those specific hiring managers success and why do you want to do this just following this blueprint will take you from where you are right now and help you overcome those competition and overcoming lots of of different stress and challenges and now we are on day four six figure interview hacking so in this step what you will learn you will forget about all the stressful interviews it's like a grind and it's like interrogation they ask about their your background this that whatever that you don't want to talk about because maybe you have some insecurities maybe you're kind of feeling hey this is new for me I don't want to talk about my background because it's not in cyber I've done something totally different and I've been doing this that whatever but now look at the job description Etc this company oh my God I'm so scared Etc we take the interview from that and show you kind of like an enjoyable experience that you get to learn them that you get to ask questions to discover their problems and you show them how you would help them and this way instead of talking about your lack of skills certifications that they really don't care you will focus on their problems and come up with solutions that they need and that they like and you will also understand is this something that you want to do is this something you want to help them is this something you can help at least at the entry level at least doing the basics and then in the next couple of months you'll be fully on board are you really interested in hiring manager those specific problems and the company itself the values does it really click so instead of answering the questions like an interrogation you also get to ask questions to discover their problems and see if you like them and that's exactly what professionals A- level players do and you might have insecurities about this you might feel like oh my God I'm just getting started I'm not in a position to negotiate I'm not in a position to ask questions I'll just obey I'll just answer the questions and when you do that subconsciously you're telling them you're not good enough you're not ready for this role and that's exactly why you are getting rejections after rejections but with the six figure inter hacking instead of focusing on commodity angles like skills certifications use of experience instead you talk about their problems and how you would help them because essentially that's all they care about and here's another reason why this method works so well regardless of how many years of experience you have I have 20 years of experience I have cssb this that tons of qualifications but if I show up for an interview and I talk about this that whatever what I've done they will always and easily they can easily find something that I don't have and honestly there are lots of different fields in cyber that I don't know okay and I have no idea and it's perfectly fine so that's why regardless of how how much you learn how many skills you have different certifications Etc there will always be something missing but when you focus on this method this approach it's not relevant anymore because you understand their pain and problem and you show them how you help them let's just say you will save $2 million over the next year you okay 2 million bucks and asking for just 10% which is 200k as a salary in just one in one year think about that that's a very different discussion than grinding and talking about the skills or lack of skills or certifications that you might have and another note if you are starting a new career like in cyber or if you are making switch chances are you don't have a lot of direct experience that you can talk about and imagine the hiring manager recruiter HR they have tons of applications right and What Makes You unique if you try to play their game it's kind of like you will lose even before you you start but when you focus on the conversation and take you to a position that they really care about then everything is a lot easier so action item one approach interviews in a way to see if you want to help them if you like them and whether you can really help them or not at least at the basic level to get started okay because even if you have two three decades of of cyber security experience when you start working somewhere there's an onboarding process and it takes couple of weeks if not couple of months so it's perfectly fine if you don't know the specific tools or technologies that they have for example maybe you know Microsoft asure but they use Amazon AWS you can get on board in just a couple of weeks no big deal and identify common challenges in the service SEC industry and how your skills can address them this is also important during the interview when you focus on these common challenges that they're facing right now and how your previous adaptable skills from people process technology it goes a long way that's why it's very important to practice articulating these points in a compelling narrative in a compelling way and all you have to do just practice this practice and come up with five different questions that you might want to ask during the interview just by asking questions it shows interest it shows commitment and that's exactly what they want to hear another useful tip you can conduct Mo interviews if you don't have anyone let's just say if you don't have an IT s professional around you you can even do it yourself looking in the mirror asking questions getting responses asking again by focusing on the problem and problem Sol in kind of like a storytelling you can identify the missing elements and you can take a look at your story objectively and improve your skill set and another tip is this let's just say you're project manager and you want to get started C project manager or maybe cute risk consultant in the GRC space instead of focusing on the skills or cesas yeah some certification Cris whatever why not focusing on the previous projects that you have helped maybe you have solded a confidentiality issue before integrity and availability maybe you made sure the project executed on time and Del variables were fine and that's a s skill too but you need to present it in a way it's compelling that's exactly the case but you need to practice it before those interviews and asking the right questions such as their pressing needs right now in terms of the s project maybe there's a delivery coming up you can learn more about their resources and the time frame and then you can articulate your message accordingly and that's what a level professionals do and also remember this approach also verifies and validates the company is a right fit for you so it's not just they're trying to hire you it's also like if you like them or not if you don't like the company if that something that you don't want to do after a few months that you would regret just say no and then if you have someone in your network you can just introduce to that hiring manager and to that company it works so well because now you're truly helping them and serving them even before they hire you and it goes a long way on the final day which is the fifth day we focus on rinse and repeat with continuous support so here's what that means you will learn a lot of things about the companies about the industry about their problems it's very important to identify and take the insights from those informational interviews and all the interactions that you'll have this way let's just say you have identified that you want to become an offensive security professional you are focusing on roles like penetration testing ethical hacking exploit researcher or developer and then you noticed that's not good for you maybe you identified you're more interested in GRC space along the way it's very important to reflect rinse and repeat and then focus on growing towards your ideal Direction you will save a lot of time this way instead of learning different things and you will understand after 6 months one year two years that it's not a good match for you you will save a lot of time up front and then quickly switch tracks within the S sec industry and another part is this let's just say you want to focus on so analysis you want to focus on Splunk and then you noticed that's not good enough for you or you are not interested it's very important to focus on the specific solutions that you're interested and the company need the intersection is crucial then that's exactly what you're focusing on right now by reflecting rinsing and repeating all the processes that we have covered so far maybe right now companies are considering using Ai and CH GPT at a higher level and they're worried about the previous concern and they're worried about the security elements to that in that case that's great you can focus on that but if you only focus on what you like to do without focusing on what they need then you'll always find something to learn but you'll never be able to start making money out of this and consider a obse professional who is not interested in continuous learning the domain is so volatile it changes so fast the easiest way to focus on what you need to learn is by focusing on company's needs not what you're interested in alone or not what you think or a Maybe random Facebook group or Google you search and people are talking about this that whatever the easiest way is by focusing on the company's problems and reinvesting in yourself always growing your skill set and then leveraging it to the next level on a side note continuous learning is not something that you would want to do alone why because there will be lots of Trials and errors lots of mistakes that you can easily avoid in just a few minutes conversation with an expert and if you don't have that if you don't do that maybe waste a lot of time weeks months years sometimes because you don't have the strategy right you focusing on the wrong set of skills maybe your mindset is off or maybe you simply don't have the right type of help that's why please make sure you surround yourself with other experts other professionals maybe with peers that are contributing to your success not like taking you down you cannot do this you don't have that just go back to whatever nonsense advice instead get into kind of group that you can grow together follow mentors and coaches and experts that you can always grow and this way you will save a lot of time and energy and for professionals who are already in the S maybe you want to grow your career that's why you are watching this right now or maybe you just want to get started and here is a very crucial element in the S domain in the S SEC field the top is a moving Target maybe you are interested in getting your your first role but I bet just like my previous students that I worked with or lots of people I know in the industry in just a few months you would start thinking about growing your career again and then how when can I become a chief information security officer maybe you want to start your own cyber SEC consultancy company that Target is always moving ahead so that's why it's crucial for you to understand the importance of getting the right type of help support and reflecting understanding and learning from your own challenges and mistakes so here's an action item for you write down what you have learned from your previous interviews and marketing Outreach so far you have identified so many different things because this is day five what kind of problems you have identified that you can help them with and you want to help and number two join a s SEC group could be a professional mentorship coaching style or maybe finding the best fit an amazing community that are here to help you fine and make sure that you participate do not stay as a readon mode make sure that you give back and contribute someone else's success if you don't have any network no problem just go to www cyber and watch the training and you'll be automatically enrolled in an amazing group and you can also follow our different social media environments and we have different platforms that we contribute we support your success this way you can stay in touch with high achieving professionals just like you and also learn from the experts without losing time so that's it starting tomorrow or even today you can apply these principles and start capturing the C SEC opportunities that you have always wanted maybe that's 100K your first goal maybe 200k 300K maybe starting your own business and making millions sky the limit and you can make it happen all you have to do is to follow this process and do not be a victim of that bright shiny object syndrome which is let me just get under certification of whatever instead of focusing on values instead of solving specific problems for certain organizations so you can execute these steps by yourself with lots of maybe mistakes and thr and error but you don't have to there's a specific video training that I prepared for you in a greater detail that you can find in the same link www cyber that will walk you through the entire process and explain how you can get to the outcome as fast as possible and the best part we can help you go through all the steps and we can do most of the items for you we can also coach you through it so instead of making lots of mistakes mes and errors you can make sure and guarantee your success in the first attempt that will save you a lot of time money and energy and you get that ideal maybe that's your first goal maybe first Cy SEC job maybe that's the next level cyber SEC role that you've been always thinking about we can make it happen so just head over to and accelerate your six figure C SEC career Journey once again by following the five key steps career Master positioning skills transfer system active job hunting blueprint inw hacking and rinse and repeat with continuous support you'll be equipped with the skills knowledge and confidence to excel in your new cers career don't settle for a job that you don't love life is too short for staying underpaid and undervalued if you haven't done so already make sure that you like and subscribe to video because I don't want you to miss future episodes that will help you make more money in the S secet domain and enjoy every bit of it I'm sber C Transformer em and I will see you in the next episode bye for [Music] now
Channel: Cyber Transform | 6-Figure Tech Career Coaching
Views: 195,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 6-figure jobs, 6-figure non coding tech jobs, 6figures, careerupgrade, cyber, cyber career path, cyber career usa, cyber security certifications, cyber security course, cyber security jobs, cybersecurity, cybersecurity analyst, cybersecurity bootcamp, cybersecurity career change, cybersecurity career path, cybersecurity careers, cybersecurity careers salary, cybersecurity certificate, cybersecurity jobs, cybersecurity salary, how to start a cyber security career, sixfigures
Id: gauoR8HTxtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 57sec (1797 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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