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i'm going to give you the progression that we use here at garage strength to get all of our athletes to squat deep and we're going to start right now [Applause] what's up everybody it's dave miller from and if this is your first time to the channel make sure that you like you subscribe and you smash that notification bell so we can help you become a beast so when we're training all of our athletes here we like to get our athletes to squat deep and there's a couple reasons why that's a big thing that we got to talk about immediately is is it actually important to squat with full range of motion and when i'm saying full range of motion i'm saying ass to grass i want to see the the glutes draped over those calves okay now we don't always squat astrographs but i like to have my athletes have that capability and a couple of reasons why okay we want to see that full range of motion so that we can understand the athlete's mobility where are they tight where they lose where can they actually work through that full range of motion and then on top of that we train a lot of weightlifting movements and there's a large carryover from a high bar back squat that's full range of motion into weightlifting okay and then that next key factor is that we want to train dynamic trunk control for all of our athletes so if we're training for sports performance we have a wrestler they're going to be in deep ranges of motion if we have a football player they're going to be in a very deep range of motion they're going to be in these deep positions and so if they have that dynamic trunk control from that full depth movement that's going to enhance their overall performance so all these factors are really really important to consider when we're doing that full range of motion movement is that we want to enhance sports performance we want to enhance mobility and we also if we are training specific weightlifting movements the technical coordination movements we will see a direct carry over from that high bar back squat into the actual technical coordination so this is our progression that we use specifically for the high bar back squat okay so when we start to teach the full range of motion squat what we need to do is actually have the progressions established ahead of time and we have youth weightlifting national champion ryan mcdonald here he is what's 60 kilos and he's cleaned over 245 pounds what would you be in eighth grade ninth grade ninth grade extremely strong extremely explosive and he's got excellent mobility so the first step that we're gonna do when we get our athlete in the door and we want to see how they move let's say we have a fifth grader or sixth grader that comes in our door is we wanna see them set their foot width so we're gonna go a little bit wider than foot width apart and we can do the little cheat where we just go here and then we put our feet here and then we just move it out another six inches okay so ryan's got his foot whip set okay now what i want to see from ryan is put his hands out arms out and i want him to think about i'm pulling from his knee here and i'm pulling from his hip here at the exact same time so the knees will track forward over the toes and his hips will shift back and he's going to sit deep into that hole okay give me five of these so the knees can go now ryan's knees can go forward a little earlier even a little bit more okay good now okay that's good now if i see somebody who tends to sort of they're a little bit stiffer in their ankles their heels start to pop and their hips don't drop back and their knees don't track forward what i tend to do then is we're going to put your heels up on the plates as we give a little bit of a cheat this is going to increase the range of motion a little bit and it makes it a little bit easier so now ryan's going to do the exact same thing so if you have someone with stiff ankles ryan typically does not um what we're going to do is we're going to raise that we're going to do heel elevated air squats so that's the first key factor is that we need to just keep this as simple as possible if you get a new athlete don't sit there and walk them through the whole eccentric portion what i like to do is actually use simple cues like hey knees forward butt back pretend you're sitting out in the in the garden and you're picking tomatoes pretend you're you know you're doing something very simple squatting as deep as possible you're looking for four leaf clovers that's the first cue is to execute this as easy as we possibly can okay so that second key step with the progression is that we're gonna do a dowel rod zombie squat and it's really really easy to do this you can get a dowel rod you pvc pipe a five kilo bar and what we wanna see is when we're doing this knees tracking forward the hips coming back in an upright posture we don't want to put a lot of stress on our hips we don't want to put a lot of stress you know on our hips if we have a super wide stance we don't want to put a ton of stress on our lower back we want to be mobile in our ankles and our knees in our lower back and even in that thoracic spine so what we're going to do here we're going to try and cue the athlete ryan here youth national champ don't forget we're going to see the knees forward hips back and it's just focusing on that posture as well as you can and remember if you have an athlete whose ankles aren't as mobile we'll put them up on the plate so i will go back on the plate now heel elevated perfect hold that same posture okay so you can see he's getting a little bit deeper in the bottom position push through those heels a little more good so this is going to force the athlete to really be aware of what their posture is doing so they're not leaning all over the place so we're gonna take that off now this next step next progression that we're gonna utilize is a driver squat and so what we're gonna see from ryan is he's gonna hold this out come off the plates and he's gonna do the exact same thing he just did but he's got a little bit more of a load there and this is gonna help him this is a really really good exercise if you have an athlete that is extremely tight in their lower back and they struggle to get deep utilize this they can go into the heel elevated squat but use that driver position to teach that full range of motion and you can even use this as a mobility drill throughout that training session so we've got that air squat then we go right into that dowel rod zombie squat and then that next key progression is a driver squat as we keep rolling through this to teach everybody how to high bar back squat okay so that next key progression that we're going to work into now we want from that driver squat we're going right into the goblet squat so goblet squat one it's a great exercise if you're just trying to get a big pump you want to you want to improve your you know your mobility in your lower back and you're doing something where it can target some quad strength growth but it's not going to absolutely destroy you but what this does is it does help as a counterbalance to help athletes get a little bit deeper so ryan's gonna do let's go five here and i would even say ryan could go down a little bit more control a little bit slower on the eccentric and then try and come up as fast as possible so using those cues where it's like down slow up fast down slow up fast and work through that range of motion try and feel those positions so again if you have someone who is tighter in the lower back or is tighter in their ankles you go onto the plates you help them feel that position or what we would recommend here is get olympic weightlifting shoes okay you get that weightlifting shoe you get that heel elevated a little bit and you're gonna hit that nice deep position okay so we won't be in this position too long so ryan doesn't black out from doing these zombie squats with a bar but the next progression that we're going to be utilizing is a zombie squat with a barbell so we've got a 15 kilo bar here now you could use zombie squat or front squat you can sort of be interchangeable with it if i have an athlete who struggles with that front squat position we'll do zombie squats first so ryan's going to execute that barbell zombie squat go down a little bit slower now remember too is that the key concept here is his posture we don't want a forward lean we don't want this the hips coming back we don't want to squat like power lifters squat in a competition that's fine for their sport it's not fine for sports performance and it's not okay for olympic weightlifting for weightlifting in general we want to see this upright posture that dynamic trunk control good quad strength and then as we transition to the back squat we're going to get the training from that posterior train now ryan's going to change his grip up so you can go into the front squat position ryan's going to grab that front squat position and now we got to make sure okay is his whole hand on the bar if his whole hand struggles to get into that front rack position you can watch our youtube video on improving the mobility of our front rack so he's got his whole hand on there he's nice and tight in his lats here he's got good opening in that upper back here and he's gonna push those knees forward hips back try and keep those elbows upright just like you were with that zombie squat so what key concept here when he was doing zombie squats his arms were straight out sometimes when people get into that front squat position their elbows might drop a little different from the actual zombie squad execution so make sure that you're teaching the athlete how to transfer those various movements the driver squat the goblet squat the zombie squats into that front rack position this posture is going to help us now as we transition into that next key piece okay so now we're gonna get into that final key progression and that is going to be that full deep back squat so we want to see that good mobility we want to see the the ankle mobility that we worked on as we warmed up and gone through all these different progressions all the way from that air squat into that front squat so ryan's gonna establish his grip hang on ryan so what i want to see typically is like a thumb length off of the knurling here okay and if you're a little bit tighter you might go pinky or rings on the ring somebody that's actually where i squat typically and what i want to see is when we get set it's going to be on the upper back here just above the shoulder blades and we want to see a nice contraction okay hugging the spine and that's going to create a shelf for where we're going to put the bar a lot of younger athletes will want a towel or a manta ray pad i think they're called do not allow them to use that tell them to deal with it that is part of lifting it's just like wearing gloves deal with the callus deal with that feeling it'll go away you'll be comfortable everything will be fine so don't let people use squat pads or towel pads it's just it's you lose connection with the barbell i think you tend to end up leaning forward a little bit with that being said now we want to see as we come in and we get loaded actually opening up that chest there and then trying to squeeze in through that belly button and then as ryan unracks it he'll take two steps back good he's gonna set that foot width position just a little bit wider there you go then go yep perfect maybe a hair wider and now we've got to think and we remember pulling the knees forward pulling the hips back keeping that upright posture and then up fast good and now ryan is squatting in sneakers here in flats ideally he would have shoes weightlifting shoes on something that's a little bit more sturdy but for most athletes when they start to train they're going to be wearing flats so it's they've got to learn how to squat properly with those flats so give me two more and just really focus we want to see it's almost the exact same position he's going to be in as he comes out of the bottom in a front squat position and it's going to be transferring really well if we're doing cleans or snatches as well so that's a really important concept here is that getting that full range of motion is going to strengthen his dynamic trunk control it's going to strengthen his posterior chain his quads it's going to lead to bigger vertical jumps it's going to lead to better sprinting mechanics because he's more mobile it's also going to lead to better agility because of that dynamic trunk control and because we utilize technical coordination movements in our sports performance it's going to enhance those movements as well so give me two more ryan up fast good one more perfect good so if you need help with your training with your back squat work click on the link down below you can pick up our back squat specific program or our course designed for weightlifting if you want more content around squat based training click on this card right here until next time guys peace [Music] you
Channel: Garage Strength
Views: 14,344
Rating: 4.9759035 out of 5
Keywords: olympic weightlifting, coach dane miller, how to squat, deep squat, how to squat properly, squat tutorial, proper squat form, squat technique, squat mobility, how to do squats, squat depth, ankle mobility, how to do a deep squat, how to deep squat correctly, how to get a deep squat, how to do a proper deep squat, how to improve deep squat, how to squat deeper, how to squat deeper and heavier, How To SQUAT As DEEP As Possible, squat progression, exercise progression
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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