How to Spot Turn (Rumba Dance Tutorials) Kat Fedosova | MihranTV (@MIHRANKSTUDIOS)

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[Music] so [Music] hi everyone my name is kat ferrosova i'm a professional ballroom dancer and today we are going to learn how to dance spot turn in roomba and as you can see this logo is flipped which means this video is mirrored for you to follow along okay we're going to start with um being on our left foot so my weight is on the left and i starting with the side step on my right foot and the count will be four one four one from here we are going to turn on our right foot and continue with the step on our left foot and from here we're going to turn again on our left foot toward our right shoulder let's do this again just like that and starting off with the side step on the right foot turn step forward with left foot turn toward our right shoulder and continue forward on the right foot and from here we're gonna turn again toward our right shoulder and we complete the full turn and we're going to do the same thing to our left side and start to the side on the left foot turn continue forward with the right foot turn continue forward on the left foot turn and we completed another turn on the left side now let's practice this both directions and to the right side continue turning to the right and now on the left side continue turning to the left let's keep our arms on the waistline for now so this way you can just focus in on on our feet so we're starting off with the right foot to the side and from here i want you to practice the pivot action when we need to bring our left foot to our right foot and as we do this we also pivot in place so let's try this couple of times and you can see that i'm really keeping my both feet engaged on the floor and after first pivot i step forward now as we shift our weight on the left foot i'm having both of my most of my weight in the front foot but i also keep my back leg with my body weight and when i turn it help me to keep me in balance that my back foot is on the floor as well so from here i'm pushing off my back leg and now i'm gonna pivot let's try this couple of more times bring in my left foot to my right foot and pivoting as well and back in open in and same thing to the left side and step on the left turn on the left foot and pivot on the left foot this is a good drill for everyone to to practice and especially if you're wearing high heels it's going to get more difficult and it's good to practice exactly wearing your shoes the one you're going to dance in continue forward with the right step turn on the right foot continue forward on the left foot and completing the turn and as i turn i keep my back foot on the floor you will feel like you want to just to bring it over like this but trust me it's tremendously helpful to have both feet on the floor for your balance let's do this couple of times and step side to the right turn on the right foot step forward with the left turn on the left foot step forward on the right and turn on the right foot now let's do the same to the left side step four step side to the left turn on the left foot step forward on the right turn on the right foot step forward to the left and complete turn on the left foot and again step side on the right turn step forward on the left turn step forward on the right turn and step to the side on the left turn step forward to the right turn and step forward on the left foot turn okay so as you can see we move in both directions and we do the same step and if you are playing on dancing with your partner you can face each other and hold your hands and do the same step turn into both directions okay so from here i wanted to talk a little bit about our arms so as you can see we hold it on the waistline but the guide guidance of the direction will be for you if we can present one arm into the direction we are going okay so if i'm planning on going to my right side i wanted to extend my right hand and diagonal forward from here i know that i'm moving my shoulder and rotating it to the right side because sometimes you can be confused after here you might think you need to turn to your left side so be mindful if you step to the side on your right foot means you're following that direction turning to the right if you're stepping to the side on your left foot you're going to rotate to your left side okay let's just try it a few times like that arm to the right and i'm gonna continue moving toward my right shoulder and toward the left side i'm gonna move in and turn into my left side and one and moving toward your right shoulder and moving toward your left shoulder okay so i also like to say think about outside turn so when you dance you're moving outside outside so it's like you're inviting with you all the audience from right and left let's move forward and talk about what we already had in the previous tutorials i wanted to remind you never let go your feet off the floor always keep them brush through the floor right so when i pivot on my first turn i am pivoting on my right leg but i'm keeping my left foot in through the pressure into the floor then i'm presenting my foot just like we learned in the basic step from the heel with the brush through the floor and now as my weight is on my left foot i'm gonna pivot without letting go my back foot i'm keeping pressure on my back foot as i turn and now i want to talk in general about any rotations when we turn we are creating a momentum for our body to move to flow right and in this particular step what will help me and my balance to make this turn without losing my balance is keeping both feet engaged with the weight so if i let go one foot i might fall the opposite direction so it's very important to keep my back foot engaged and keeping my weight on it while i'm turning okay i'll do this again and so you can clearly see that my back foot is holding probably 15 percent of my weight so i have most of my weight is on my front foot but i have enough weight on my back foot to support my my body being supported not falling okay and from here as i turn i'm gonna push off my back foot to send my spine forward and to shift weight okay we'll do it again step forward keep your back foot engaged with your weight now as you turn make sure you use both feet and as you finish your turn push off your back foot okay and to complete the turn i'm just keeping the momentum of rotation from my upper body moving my shoulder forward toward actually moving my shoulder toward the direction of my rotation so my right shoulder is going to lead me to help me complete the turn and i'm creating this little twist in my upper body with my feet okay we'll do it again just like that and step forward i land on my left foot now i'm continuing continue moving my right shoulder toward forward right and as i do that i am moving my weight from my back foot to my front foot and i continue until i finish this turn okay another trick is to keep your focus forward find the target find the spot where you always can look toward the spot and then you quickly come back to that spot that's why we call it turn because you really really wanted to spot and don't lose it okay so now i'm doing i'm gonna do the same to my left side and side now i'm gonna keep focusing on my spot as i do my steps and quick turn come back to the spot and finish the turn okay so we'll do it again to the left and side um keep spotting and finish the turn okay now i'm gonna do it both directions and will i will look forward in the camera and you can see me almost never let go looking into the camera and spot turn side spot turn side okay so um that definitely will help you to keep um your turns fast and sharp make them very very quick and the same time your balance okay so now we know side step to the right that means we're gonna turn to our right side now side step to the left means we're gonna turn to the left side and four one two three four one two three four one two three four one two three four one now i wanted to put this step into accounts and because we have this uh the terms we need to add an extra count which we really don't have so for example i started with four one to my right foot to the side and now with the turn for the turn i'm gonna say and then we continue forward on 2 and then we're going to turn on end and continue forward on 3 and 4 1. turn two and three end so each time we turn we don't really have count for it we're gonna place it between counts four one and two and three and four one and two and three and four one and two and three and four one and two and three and four one now let's try it little bit faster before we try two music i wanted to give us more practice seven eight one and two and three and four one and two and three and four one two and three and four one and two and three and four one two three four one two three four one okay i wanted to show you a few ways how you can use your arms during the spot turn first is you can just have them both to the side as you open to the side and then you can bring them in and open again as you turn this is very soft and kind of pretty positions right and two three four one two three four one next will be to place your arm up diagonal up and down and kind of create a line as you step to the side and then one hand would go on your head and another one kind of on your hip and and for one head and hip as you turn two three four one hit this position first and then brush your hair and move your hand hand to on your hip and two three four one two three four one always nice to finish your line because if someone will take photo of you dancing you will look sharp strong with a big presence next we can always keep your especially for ladies arms on the skirt on the dress right so if we move we're just gonna hold them on the hips and you can move your hip um you can move your skirt as you dance four one two three four one two three four one okay here's the few ways how you can use your arms dancing by yourself with the partner during the spot turn okay variation number one when we are placing our arms to the side together side together five six seven sides close side close side close [Music] okay let's try it again the same way slowly and two three open close open close open close open close open our second variations were when we are placing our arms diagonal up and diagonal down and as we move we are moving our arm on the hip and another arm on the head so it's like you wanted to brush your hair or if your hair is on the way you wanted to take it from your face and four two three four one two three four one two three four one two three four one two three four one all right and the last probably one of the easiest ways how we can use our hands in spot turn is to holding it to our dress to maybe even your jeans if you're wearing something like pants so we're going to hold our hips or the fabric of the skirt and as we bend we can kind of move our arms away from the move from the directions so if i move one way i'm helping with my hands to move my skirt opposite direction and as i move toward this side i'm moving my skirt away four one two three four one two three four one two three four one two three four one two three four one two [Music] all right i hope you enjoyed learning this pattern and the main most important thing is to remember to make sure you spot before you turn and if you just join us today there is more videos you can find in the description box below we learned already how to dance cocaracha step and the basic step please check them out thank you mirantv for having me here today and if you like my outfit you can buy it on my website or you can also look at the description box below for the information love you bye now you
Channel: MihranTV
Views: 15,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ballroom Dance Moves, Dance Tutorial, How To, Ballroom Tutorial, Ballroom Dancing, Ballroom, Tutorial, Ballroom Dance Tutorial, How to Dance Ballroom, How to Dance, Dance Class, Dance Lesson, Dance, Lesson, Instructions, Beginners, Latin, How to Rumba, Rumba, Kat Fedosova, Derek Hough, Rumba Tutorial, Katerina Fedosova, Cuba Rumba, Beginner Rumba, Spot Turn Basics, Basic Step, Spot Turn, Basic, Step, Spot, Turn, How To Spot Turn, Dance Moves, Dance Steps, Ballroom for Beginners
Id: Kme4kVl0jW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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