How to Split and Merge Polygon in QGIS

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hello everyone welcome to java special today i will show you how to split and merge a polygon in qgs so let's get started so go to the section called layers create a layer and create a new temporary scratch layer let me enter the layer name as the split earn merge merger polygon now let me choose the geometry type so we're going to split and merge a polygon so we're going to use as a polygon so the projection system is wgs84 so now click ok so this is our layer called uh split and merge polygon so let's get started so let me turn on this so now let me turn on this call this setting calls toggle editing so let me turn on this so go to this option called add a polygon feature so now let us add a polygon feature so this is a polygon so now we're going to split and merge this polygon so let us uh split this polygon so before splitter to split a polygon you have to select this polygon so go to the option called uh select the feature by area or a single click let me click this now let me select this triangular polygon so we have selected this so when i click outside the feature it gets deselected so let me select this polygon again go to this feature called go to tool called as a select features by area or a single single click so in this there is a variety of options available first i will use as a select feature so let me select this polygon so this triangular polygon has been selected so let us split this polygon so let me go to the option called edit and go to the edit section now go to the properties now to go to the section called edit geometry and now go to the split so so let me splits the split this polygon let me cut this here so let me right click now so you can see that a polygon has been split here uh let me show you using an attribute table so now we have two different polygons let me show you once again go to the edit undo so this is how the features has been selected the triangular polygon has been selected go to the section called edit and go to the geometry and go to the section called go to the section called split features so the tool is now ready now let me show you the attribute table that is our and now we can you can see that only there is a one polygon has existing which is indicated as one now let me use the split tool i will cut this to and right click so now the polygon has been cut into two polygons i will show you using the attribute table now there is two different polygons are present in the feature that is in our attribute table so let me close this and remember that you can only split a feature or a polygon only if you have selected it in our case i have selected this polygon and i have split it into two different molecules so you have to select the polygon to split it to split the polygons so now let me show you once again now go to the set go to the section called edit and go to the edit geometry and go to the option called split features now i'll now i will show you spread this powder polygon again into a third polygon so let me select this side right click so now three different polygons has been selected i'll show you in the open in our tri attribute table so three different polygons are present in our attribute table suppose if you want to uh cut or split your polygon here now so now there is an error indicated because this particular area is most not selected so it will not split the polygon so suppose uh if you want to split the polygon in this way so whether it will uh split or not uh but it will split because the we have uh selected the we have drawn the boundary in the selected region so it will split the polygon so let me show you that so you can see that the polygon has been cutted it has been splitted so we have a one two three and four four different polygons i will show in the attribute in our attribute table there is a four different polygons so now uh so now we have uh splitted our polygons into one two three and four different polygons so let me show you that so we have four different polygons so now suppose if you want to merge all this polygon into a single polygon all you have to do is go to the section called as a select features by area or a single click so let me select this let me select the entire triangle triangular polygon so now again go to the section called edit go to the edit geometry and you can find the name called merge selected features so it it's now pop-ups and it says you want to merge all of this polygons so of course we want to merge all these polygons so now click ok so we can see that now two different polygons so we have only two the two polygons are left so let me uh show you in the attribute table now we have one polygon so now you can able to see that we have only one polygon has will have only one polygon let me show you that so we have only one polygon all the separated or splitted polygon has been merged into a single polygon let me show you in our attribute table so there is only one polygon is existing so in this way you can able to split your polygon and merge your polygons so in this video i have shown you how to how to split a polygon and how to merge your polygon back so thanks for watching please subscribe to our channel de la special
Channel: Terra Spatial
Views: 25,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: QGIS, Split, Merge, Polygon, Split Polygon, Merge Polygon, Quantam GIS, Split polygon using QGIS, Merge polygon using QGIS
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 53sec (473 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 26 2022
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