How to Solve the Rubik's Cube(Beginner's Method)

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hey guys the credit keeper here and this is a tutorial on how to solve the 3x3 Rubik's Cube with beginners method so anybody who does not know how to solve the Rubik's Cube this is a video for you alright so before we get into things I want to tell you a few things about the rubik's cube that's gonna help you while solving it the rubik's cube has six sides these six sides are all different colors each side has a center piece just one center piece the center piece is our have one color on them and our stationary they never move anywhere else on the cube so they spin around and around only second piece is edge piece these have two colors on them all right and they can move wherever and the third piece is a corner piece these have three colors on them and they can also move wherever alright so what we're gonna do now is I'm gonna mix this cube up real quickly and we are going to get right off and teaching you guys how to solve the Rubik's Cube all right that seems good all right so this is let me go try to go through this pretty briefly guys but I'm gonna go in depth at the same time just to make sure I keep time the way I need it okay so first thing we're gonna do is you're gonna choose your side to start with you can start with the white color green or the orange color I always start with white just my personal preference you choose whatever color you like best so what we want to do first is solve the white cross so well the white cross is we're gonna solve first and I used to see I already have one white edge piece connected the X pieces are gonna make the crosses so this is a white and blue edge piece this white blue edge piece is already connected to my center piece which is what I want but as I see the blue face is not connected to the blue centerpiece is that's what I need to do though so I'm going to turn this top layer around till I connect these two together so once I get the cross down I'm going to solve the corners and saw my first layer then solved my second layer then I'm going to solve my third layer so here it is take my top layer till I meet the blue with the blue Center there we go so now this is in the exact spot I need to have it so let's find another edge piece usually a first off you want to look at the bottom unless you already have one on the top so if I look at the bottom for any white pieces I see I have no white on the bottom so go up here and look for one I see I have a green piece right here so what you want to do is you want to get the white face on the bottom so how I'm gonna do that is I'm gonna turn this front piece to get this green one on this side and then pull down on this face that makes my white face go onto the bottom alright but let's say I wanted to turn it on to this side and pull it down only problem with this is it's messing up my connected edge piece right here that will create problems because it's gonna be misplaced so it's right now it's smart go on this side so if I pull that down I now have it on the bottom I see my secondary colors already connected to its center and that I can pull this all the way up to here with one simple move that place is another edge piece I need to do alright let's find another edge piece look at the bottom I see I have a orange and white edge piece alright I see the oranges are already connected so I can just turn this up really easily and connect it all right look for another one here's one there's none on the bottom I see two white and red this one looks different though this one is on this face facing towards us so what I do here is I also need to get the white face on the bottom so I need to turn this up to either side doesn't matter I'm gonna go left and then I need to pull this down to get it there although this is messing up my cross that I've made already so I need to move this out of the way either direction I'm gonna do that and so I can put this back so that did not get pulled back up with it and I fixed that so I look at my bottom I see my shape right hit my edge piece right here is right here whites on the bottom the secondary color is red hi it's already connected to the red Center I can simply pull it up just like that and I have another one connected alright guys so alright my last edge piece is right here but I want to show you guys all the different situations that you guys can have with this so I'm gonna move it around alright so now my edge piece is over here so I see this is a orange white piece and I can just I need to get the white to the bottom just like always so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna turn this side down that gets it on the bottom but I have messed up my cross I've already made so I do the exact same thing I did before and move it out of the way so then I can put that back my white piece should be on the bottom alright now look at the color it's also orange I need a match to the orange Center the orange Center is matched and now I have one move to move this all the way out to here there we go that creates my cross and it finishes it cross is pretty much mostly intuitive and with little practice you'll get it easily alright now that we want to put in the corners in their spots what I'm looking for here is a white P white corner on the bottom layer facing on the side though not on the bottom like the edges so as I look I see I have one right here so with this one being here I can see that it can either be here or here the white face can I see it's on this side so what I want to do though is I want to look at my secondary color on the side is orange this bottom color doesn't matter so it's orange I need to match it diagonally to the center orange so this is not matched red does not match to orange so I'll turn it blue does not matched Orange there we go orange Center match to Orange corner I want you now to turn the whole cube so the white corner piece is facing towards you so now you need to do this quick little move to put it in there you can't just turn it up like that does that ruins your edge so what you need to do is this move the corner away from your secondary color side which is orange pull that side down move it back towards it and pull it up that is placed our corner and now we can put in another corner in I see I have another one right there it's white and red I'm gonna match red up I turn it till it matches red and matches the red so now I tore turn the whole cube towards us so the whites facing us move it away from the red pull that side down move it back and pull it up let's find another one all right I'm gonna do a different one so I'm gonna do this one the white face is on the bottom okay we don't want that we want the have it on the sides so what we need to do is we need to place this under an unsolved corner so we can move it to make it on the sides so we're gonna turn either side where it will move it and so let's see this is right here so I can move this side down that makes this on the side but I have messed up my edge piece so I can move it out of the way so I can put that back so now I have my piece here since I have it there I can place it and I see my secondary color is already matched with the center orange the orange I take it and move it away from its secondary color which is here pull that side down move it back and put the side up so that is solved my for a whole entire first layer but there's one thing I want to show you that could have happened instead of those and this is this the corner is right here and so it's it's in the spot but its turn so what you need to do is look and see what side the whites on I see it's over here it could be here but whatever side the white face is on is the side you're turning so I'm turning this side goes over here you can turn this side so I turn this side down so this is on the side and down here and I have messed up my cross so I must move it out of the way and put that back not need to match my blue to the blue center there match now turn the whole cubes little whites facing towards you and pull it away from that color pull that side down pull that back and pull that up that is fate put in every single piece on my first layer so you could have had one up here turn the wrong way if it had the white face on the bottom or if it added here or here these two are just mirrored versions of each other this one you just had to pull it down onto the layer and this one you just had to pull it up I'm still there so that's how you sell the first layer guys and I'm gonna move on to the second layer right now all right guys it's time to solve the second layer so before you move on to the second layer what I would suggest is that you practice the first layer a few times so you feel comfortable before moving on all right well let's get into this so what we're doing is we're inserting all these edge pieces that go into the second layer so how are we gonna do this is we're to look and see what our bottom color is first it's yellow so we do not want edge pieces that have yellow on them so anything else is what we're gonna be placing into these spots so we're gonna look at our bottom and find a piece that doesn't have yellow in it they see this one has yellow in it so I can't use that one so does that one this one and this one does not so this is blue orange always look at the colors first so I see blue is right here but we need to match it up to the center of blue just like we did with other times with that before so match it to the blue Center just like that now we look at the secondary color on the bottom it's orange I see the orange sides over here the red sides over here so orange is here we know it needs to go right here this piece does so what we're going to do is just like placing in a corner before we wrap turn it away from that side pull that side down move it back and pull that up we have now connected the corner to the edge piece but we've took it out so we gotta put this corner in like we normally would see it's matched up pull it away from it pull it down push it back and pull that back up that is how you put in an edge piece same thing if it was on the other side the piece you just mere the moves so if you turn it away this way inside that way you just mirror the moves so look at the bottom for another piece that is yellow that is yellow is yellow this one does not have yellow so this one's green and orange I look up my greens already connected to its center my bottom is orange and my orange is over here so I'm turning it that way so I turn it away from it pull this down put it back pull that up and now I've connected the corner to the edge and I can place the cornering there matched up you can move it away from that side pull it down move it back towards it and pull that up so I place in another edge alright let's find another one on the bottom that is yellow that is yellow this one does not have yellow so I see it's blue and red luckily I am blue has already matched up to my blue centerpiece my bottom color is red which is on this side so I know I'm turning the bottom that way so I turn away from that color put that side down move it back and pull that up so now I got a place this corner back in plus I connected them together now they're matched up top this facing towards me pull it away move it down pull it back and put that back up alright now have three edges solved I need one more alright that is yellow that is yellow and that is yellow this one does not green is written red Green's already connected to the green Center it wasn't remember you just turn it till you hit it so I see it's red it's a secondary color it's not that side but it's on this side so I know I'm turning my bottom layer that way because I want to go away so I turn it away pull that side down move it back pull that side up that will connect the edge in the corner and now I just have to put the corner back I usually would they're matched I see green green so I pull away from that side move this down move it back and pull that back up now that is how you solve this second layer and now I just time to move on to the third layer hey guys it's now time to solve the third layer so I'm gonna say the same thing I said before we started the second layer I would suggest that you go through the second layer and we feel comfortable about solving it over and over again until you move on to this third layer so when we start the third layer what we're gonna do is we're actually we're gonna turn the hotel cube upside down all right so my tops yellow I know yours is but what we're looking for here is my I'm looking for the yellow cross there's four different things that could happen here one none of the yellow cross is facing up - we have two right here next to each other and that create a gun shape three we have two across from each other that make a bar or the fourth one is your cross is already solved so I have nothing which is the first out of all the four and for all these you're gonna do the same algorithm to progress each step so when you have nothing you can hold it however you want and what you're gonna do is do this algorithm right here front right up top right down top back front back there we go this leads me to get the gun shape when I have the gun what you're gonna do is you're gonna hold it exactly like this you want one edge facing towards you and one edge to the right and you don't want like that or like that you want it to be just like this you're gonna do the exact same thing front right up top right down top back front back there we go this will get us to the bar the bar you want to hold horizontally so just like this not like that that's vertical horizontally like that all right so the exact same algorithm again and you'll be done with this step so front right up top right down top back and front back there we go this will get us our cross and it's moving on to the next step now our next step is to place the edges where they need to go and position wise so what we're looking for is two edges that are connected both to the yellow and to their center color of their secondary color so this one would not because the green is not connected to the green center but the yellows all are so so that it looks like I have none but either a you're gonna have all four themselves or be you're only gonna have two of them so you're going to turn your top layer around and look for some all right there we go I got lucky and have all of them solved but let's say you only have two solved so I'm gonna put it there so you can see that what it happens all right looks like only have one there so that can't happen I need to move these around and put them just like this all right so as you see I have two solved right here you can have two salt next to each other or you can have two salt across from each other I have two next to each other so I only to do this algorithm once once if you have them across from each other you're gonna do it twice all right if you have them across from each other you hold one towards you and one in the back if you have them next to each other hold one on the left and one in the back and do this algorithm right here so right up top twice right down top back right up top back right down and top back this connects all of your edges in the right spot again if you had a cross with each other you're done twice the first time it would have gave you the two next to each other and you I showed you how to hold that just like this where they're right here and do that again alright so next step now is to place the corners in the right spot not solve them but place them so take this one for example this one is a yellow orange green it doesn't look solved obviously because it doesn't match all round but it's in the right spot because it's between the yellow orange green side so this one is in the right spot we want that you're either going to have one in the right spot or all of them as far as I can see this one's not so I use assumed that these are not so I have one right here if you have one you hold it in the bottom right hand corner if you have none you can hold it wherever you like to hold it okay so your one goes in the bottom right hand corner and you're going to do this algorithm left up top right up top back left down top right down top back this will now place all of your corners in the right spot and some of them may be solved or none of them may be alright so you may have to do that twice based off where your corners are at so the next step now is seeing how many are solved I have two solved right here and here you may have one solved or you may have all them solved if you're really lucky so I have two solved so I hold those on the left alright so just like this two solved right here two unsolved right here if you had one solved you're either gonna hold it here or here okay so if I had one up here or down here so like based off I turn it so let's say I have one here you're gonna look at the yellow face over here if there's a yellow face here then you hold right there all right let's say you turn the cube like that so this is the only salt one again if you have a yellow face here you hold it like this but for this you're gonna do this algorithm right here for any of these situations and I just said it's going to go right up twice on top right down back on top right up top back and right down left up twice on top left down once on top left up top and left down what this data is twisted my corners around on this side and kept these and so now let's do this one more time because I have the headlights here which the first time my yellow is here and here so I do it twice since now they twisted here I'd like to do it one more time I know so let's say you did I only have one solved and once you do that algorithm it is gonna bring you to two solved and then you can do it except what I'm doing right here the exact same way to solved on that side do that thing again right up twice on top right down one back right up top back and right down left up twice on top left down left only top left up top and left down and that should solve your Rubik's Cube guys and you now should be done with the whole third layer and the whole cube and I hope this tutorial helped you solve the Rubik's Cube and if you want to leave a comment or ask questions just leave a comment in the box and if you like this video and nothing could helped you then put a like up thumbs up or subscribe if you want more and I hope this beginners method tutorial really helps you learn how to solve the Rubik's Cube and just keep practicing guys and you'll get better and better and this is in credit cuber and hopefully this helps you solve the 3x3
Channel: Incredicuber
Views: 6,650,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rubik's Cube, Rubik's, Cube, Solve, Tutorial, Beginner's method, 3x3x3, How to, 3x3, Incredicuber, Carter Hintz, puzzle, cuber, cubing, twisty, 4x4x4, 5x5x5, 5x5, 4x4, tutorial, solve, cube, rubik's, how to, carter hintz
Id: vlp0-_OPRwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 14sec (1454 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2016
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