How to solve the Laravel Target class Listing (or anything) Controller does not exist error

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so I recently dived into uh laravel and I everything has just been working so well but I got to a point where I'm listing some of the things that I have on the database because I've actually done something like models already and I'm listing the later that I have on the database of my uh on the front page of the application but I'm getting this particular error right now which is basically a controller that is actually I'm trying to list something like that because it's telling me that this particular target class listing control does not exist my application right here that controller does exist because if you go to my app right now and you go to uh if you go to http and you go to controllers you're going to notice that that control actually exists so this is the controller okay and I've actually imported the control right here using this particular link but I don't know why it's actually showing me that error so I got two functions right here okay the first one is gonna uh be that of the index page which I'm going to basically return all the listings that I have on the database then after that I have another function that lists the individual uh gigs or listing that I have on database so if I tried to research about it and figure out that when you go to my web .php right here you see that I've created a route and I'm trying to import that particular class right here so I'm listing DCd listing controller class that is actually complaining against that it does not exist but I have actually shown you right here so this is the class so I figured that the mistake that I made uh or maybe the yellow that I made is where I'm actually trying to put it right here so I did not actually get that right so from my research they say that I have to use the full path okay so if you move on this you're going to see that the the full path is actually going to display okay so I need to go to the app Go to http controller then the listing controller so I'm going to go ahead and just replace this with that particular full path right now so let's go ahead and do that so I'm going to take this line away and paste this um sorry about that let me change that so this is going to be all right so I got that copied right pause let me go ahead and paste it and this is the full path to that place okay so I have that piston right there so I'm going to save the changes and if we go to my browser right now I want to refresh the server like those things um it's gonna come back okay said not found okay [Music] um request you are not found let me check to find out whether error is displayed okay let us go and check where the series actually happening I think if you go to let's go back a little bit this is my exam and if you open my SDS um and I have my Lara okay so we'll have this public folder to go outside and this is a mistake I don't know when I actually put that out so I need to drag this back into this folder which is called Lara geek so once you do that and you go back to your browser and you refresh you see that you get that actually back okay even though that's not the really the major area that I want to solve on this the major error that will just solve was the one that concerns this particular what is it called this particular line so including this line solved the earlier error that we actually have so that's actually what I want to show you guys in case you're having such an arrow and you can correct that using that thanks and I'll see in the next one
Channel: CodeKinda
Views: 1,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Educational, computer programming, website design, software creation
Id: 3ZEgwp1EkIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 4sec (244 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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