How to Solve the Biggest Concern of Your Life | Pastor Gregory Dickow

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I want to talk to you tonight, I want to pick up where we left off a little bit, but last Wednesday, but I want to talk to you today specifically about how to solve the biggest concern of your life, how to solve the biggest concern of your life. What is the biggest concern of your life today? Is it your finances? What is the biggest concern of your life today? Is that your health? What is the biggest concern of your life today? Is it mistakes that you've made in the past? Is it guilt? Is it depression? Is it sadness? Is sorrow? Is that your family situation? Is it something missing in your life or something that needs to go missing in your life? Who's got somebody in your life they need to go missing? You hope they go missing who's who's or who's got something that's missing in your life and you need to show up. You know, the Bible says whatever is hidden is going to be revealed. And, you know, there are hidden treasures in this earth and hidden treasures in the heavenly is that when we when we believe God, the things that are hidden end up being revealed. And it's not like when he's talking about those things that are hidden, they're going to be revealed. He's not talking about sin because sin, our sins are not hidden. Our sins have been removed. Did you know that your sins are not hidden, your sins are not covered, your sins have been removed. And we sang a song tonight about the righteousness of God and that God won't find fault with us. He doesn't find fault with us. And I want to show you where that is in the Bible. And then we'll answer the question how to or we'll talk about the answer to how to solve the biggest concern of your life, because your concern may be something that's just one prayer away or your concern might be something that has to do with your physical condition or your concern might be a family member, your concern, the greatest concern of your life, the biggest concern of your life. We're going to solve it. But let me show you this. Since I'm since we're already in Second Corinthians, chapter five, verse twenty one. He made him. Now watch this. This is going to answer the question, how to solve the biggest concern of your life. He made him who knew no sin. He made him. Who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God in him. This is what we call the great exchange. The great exchange. God made an exchange with us. He became sin for us so that we could become the righteousness of God in him. And I want to I'll get to how this solves everything in your life. But I want to show you something else in Galatians, chapter two, verse twenty. And let me give you two or three scriptures to build upon Galatians. Chapter two, verse twenty two. Glad to be in the House of God tonight, by the way. I'm really glad you came to study the Bible with me. So I'm not going to I'm not going to let you down. I'm not going to fail you. We're going to study the Bible and you're going to get a lot out of this, he said in chapter two. Verse twenty, I've been crucified with Christ and it's no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me and the life that I now live in the flesh. I live by faith in the son of God who loved me and delivered himself up for me. Now, zero in on the beginning of this verse where he says, I have been crucified with Christ, I've been crucified with Christ. Well, what happened to Jesus when he was crucified? What happened to Jesus as a result of being crucified? It's not a trick question. What happened when he was crucified? He died. He died. He died. So if we were crucified with Christ, guess what? We died, too. We died with him and we were buried with him. Now, the reason I want to bring that point to you tonight is because we don't have to continually die to sin. We died when Christ died, when Jesus died, when he was crucified, we were crucified with him. Now, the reason he was crucified was because he became sin for us. And sin has to be judged. Sin has to be punished. There's a price tag to everything in life. You nothing's free, right? Everything that ever is that you ever get in this life is something that you have to pay for. You have the clothes that you wear. Somebody has to pay for those clothes, whether it's you or your parents or you or or your or your spouse or whoever paid for those clothes. Unless you stole them. Somebody had to pay for those clothes. Somebody had to pay for the shoes on your feet. Somebody had to pay for the car that you drive. Everything has a price to pay. Every crime that is committed on this planet has a punishment that is supposed to fit that crime. Now, it doesn't always do that, but it's supposed to. In a world where things go right, in a world where everything goes right, then every crime would be punished with a punishment that. It's that crime, well, why is it that mankind has in our conscience and why is it that we have in our government governing systems in the world? We have a system of justice. We have a system of now because of man, because of mankind's involvement in our systems of justice, those systems are often corrupted by the people who are governing the government itself. The actual system is not corrupt in most cases. In many cases, at least in America, the system is not corrupt, but people are OK. Are you with me? But where did people even come up with the idea of a justice system? Because that's God's idea, because God created from the beginning of time there's a justice system for everything. And so God told them when God told Adam and Eve, when you sin, there's going to be a price. If you if you do eat from that tree of knowledge of good and evil, there's going to be a price to pay for your sin. It's called death. The wages of sin is death. You still with me? I know. It's like sounds like, OK, the pastor's given us a theology class here, but I'm not trying to I want you to grasp something because why so many Christians are so weak is because they don't understand the justice system of heaven, the justice system, this that God put in this earth, not not just in this earth, but in heaven and in life. The eternal justice system is the wages of sin is death. So if you have sinned, once you are sentenced to death in hell forever because of sin, because sin has a consequence and that consequence is death, which is separation from God, that's what death is. Death is separation from God. Spiritual death simply is when you're separated from God. Now, guess what? Because of what Jesus did, we being reunited with God and we'll never be separated from him again. So we will never die because we already died and the separation is no longer there. So we're no longer separated from God. That's why when we're looking up, up somewhere. Oh, God. Oh God, God's not up. God's everywhere. And he's with you and you're with him and and he's in you and you're in human and he's with you. And he's for you. And he's in you. And you'll never be separated from God another day in your life. And that gives me comfort. I don't know about you, but it comforts me. He's not just God's not just with me when I'm doing good. He's with me all the time. Why? Because I've been crucified with Christ. And so when I was crucified with Christ, like Paul says here, when I was crucified with Christ, the justice system was complete. Sin has to be paid for and we can either pay for it, which we'll never have enough to pay for. That's why we'd have to pay for it with our own death and spending eternity in hell. Or we can accept Jesus payment for our sins. And of course, those of you that are born again here, you have accepted Jesus Christ's substitutionary sacrifice for your sins. And the moment you accepted his sacrifice, you were crucified with him. And why is that so important? Because you can only because. Because only the guilty should be crucified and Jesus was innocent. So we were crucified with him. We were the ones that were guilty. But he took our place and we were crucified with him. We don't ever have to be crucified again. Which guess what that means since we don't ever have to be crucified again, we don't ever have to die again. So when your body stops because you stop breathing, you do not die. You just get separated from your physical body, but you are never separated from God. That's why the Bible says to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. So when we're absent from the body, we're present with the Lord. We're already present with the Lord in our bodies. But when our bodies die, we don't die. We already died. We were crucified with Christ. It's no longer us that live. How can we say that? We're living, aren't we? But we're it. But we're not living the same life we used to live. The life we lived is dead. It's gone. The old you is gone. It says in second Corinthians five seventeen. If any man is in Christ, these new Christian, I'm going somewhere with this. If any man is in crisis, a new creature, the old things have passed away. Your old life is gone now. Your old habits haven't gone OK, but your old life is gone. The person that you were is gone. You're a brand new person alive in Christ because you were crucified with him. So let me explain to you this way. We were nailed to the. And we died with him, we were buried with him, we suffered with him, we were made to live with him, we conquered Satan with him. We were raised up with him, and now we're seated with him in heavenly places. Now, when you get a hold of that, you'll say, well, when did I suffer? When was I buried the Bible says and Romans Chapter six for six. We were buried with him. So when he died, we died. When he suffered, we suffered. You say I don't remember suffering. Exactly. He did it for you. But it counts for you. It counts for you. It counts for me. It counts for you. So we died with him. We were buried with him. We suffered with him. We were made to live with him. We conquered Satan with him, raised up with him, and now we're seated with him in heavenly places. And this is the greatest understanding and the greatest revelation you can ever get that you are hidden in Christ and you are in him. You are you died with him. You died in him. You were buried in him. You suffered in him. You were made alive in him. You conquered Satan in him, raised up in him and seen you with him. So guess what you have to do now to be raised up? Nothing. Guess what you have to do now to conquer Satan? Nothing. Guess what you have to do now to be raised up with him. Nothing gets what you have to do now to be seated with him. Nothing. He did it all and you did it with him. And just as he rains, we rain now. And that's why the Bible says in Romans chapter five, verse 17, through the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness for the transgression of the one death ran through the one much more. Those who receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness. Righteousness will reign in life through the one Jesus Christ. We will reign in life, one translation says. We will reign in this life first. John for seventeen says, Let's look at first, John for seventeen. Let's just look at what it says because I can quote it for you. But I want you to see this. We'll go back to verse sixteen. He says in verse sixteen, the first John four. We have come to know and believe the love which God has for us. God is what God is love. I can never get tired of hearing that, reading that, seeing that, saying it. God is love and the one who abides in love abides in God and guardian him. Verse seventeen by this love is perfected in us so that we may have confidence in the day of judgment. Because as he is, so are we in this world. Now, I need you to understand something about this verse in verse seventeen. He says that we can have confidence in the day of judgment because of this perfect love. The perfect love is the love that God has for us. Perfect love is not the love we have for God. Perfect love is the love God has for us. Right. I know. Repeat, repeat. Come on, you keep repeating it because you're going to get this. And when you do, you're going to pray like you got power. You're going to speak like you've got power. Your needs are going to be met. Like you are connected to the heavens banking heavens banking system because you are in Christ. So but he says because of God's perfect love for us, expressed through Jesus death, burial and resurrection, now we can have confidence in the day of judgment. Now, this day of judgment is not when we die and go to heaven. This day of judgment is in this life because notice what he says. We need to have confidence in the day of judgment. You don't need confidence when you go to heaven. When you go to heaven, it's because you passed through the judgment. If you don't if you can't pass the judgment, you don't even end up in heaven. If you don't pass the judgment, you go to hell. The only way to pass through through the judgment is the blood of Jesus. How did the plague of death, the judgment of death, pass over the children of Israel when there was blood over there? Doorposts that was that was a foreshadowing of Jesus blood that has been shed for us. Therefore, judgment passes over us. We're really the ones now that live a Passover life. That judgment passes over us now and it will never come to us again. There is no judgment in love and there is no fear in love and there is no punishment in love. And God loves us and God's love is perfect towards us and therefore we can. We have confidence in the day of judgment and what is that day? It is the day when you feel accused. It is the day that you feel you're being judged. It is whenever Satan accuses you. And what day of judgment is there every day because the devil accuses us. The Bible says the accuser accuses us day and night, day and night, day and night. He accuses us what gives us confidence every day and every night. And then the day of judgment and in the night of judgment and in a moment of judgment, we have confidence because as he is, so are we in this world. We are in complete oneness with God. We are in complete union with Jesus Christ. We were born again. We are in complete union with him. That's why I could have cussed somebody out today. I could have slapped somebody silly today. I could have got angry. I could have beat up the way the waitress at the restaurant. I could have done all those things, get thrown in jail and I can still stand there in jail and command the rain to stop because I'm the righteousness of God in Christ. No, I'm not going to beat up any waitresses. I'm not going I'm not going to cuss anybody out very often. I'm not going to I'm not planning to do those things. But I want you I want you to hear that. I don't I'm not as he is. So am I in this world. Not when I'm holy, not when I'm godly, not because I behave right as he is. So am I in this world forever. Now, as long as I'm in this world, as long as we are in this world as he is, so are we. So when we lay hands on the sick, they recover. When we speak to the mountain, it obeys us. When we when we plant our seed, we expect to harvest. When we pray and ask God for something, we expect to receive it. Why? Because as he is, so are we in this world. Did Jesus ever speak to something and it obeyed him. Yeah, he spoke to a fig tree and he said no one will eat fruit from you again. And it withered up from its roots and no one a fruit from it again. And Jesus said, You have the same faith that I have. You can do the same things I can do and greater works. Will you do? Because I'm going to the father. You know why it'll be great or works. It's not greater inequality, but it's greater in number because now we don't have just one Jesus in the earth. We got millions of Jesus is in the earth. I'm not saying that we're Jesus. I'm saying we're one with him. And the Bible says I was crucified with him. I suffered with him. I've been raised up with him and I'm seated with him. And so I'm in one hundred percent union with Jesus and so are you. And my union does not depend on me never sinning. My union depends on one thing, and that's just to make sure Jesus actually did this. Oh yeah. He did die. Oh yeah. He did rise from the dead. And if he did it, so did I. If he died. I died when he rose. I rose when he's seated. I'm seated as he is. So are we in this world now you're not going to hear this preached a lot by preachers because preachers are like they don't understand this sometimes. Some do, many don't. And because too, too too often people are preoccupied. Preachers and Christians are preoccupied by their sin rather than by their righteousness. And we need to become more conscious of our righteousness then our sin, because our sin in God's in God's economy, the way God looks at things is our sin is gone. It's washed away. It doesn't exist anymore, not because we haven't committed anymore, but it doesn't exist anymore because that's how powerful his blood is. Now, in Hebrews Chapter eight, verse twelve, he explains a little bit of what happened when Jesus died. It says, As a result of the sacrifice of Jesus blood, God's promises us this and I will be merciful to your iniquities and I will remember your sins no more. Look at if you go back to let's look at verse six of Hebrews, Chapter eight, let's go back to verse six and then we'll go then we'll go forward to catch up to verse 12. But now he has obtained a more excellent ministry by as much as he is the mediator of a better covenant. So now we have I know again, bear with me, because sometimes we go through theological terms and we don't know what those mean and we lose sight. And I just need to get my bills paid. Pastor. Well, if you'll understand this, you'll get your bills paid and a whole lot more. That's how powerful this new covenant is that we get to walk in. The covenant that he says is a much better covenant is the new covenant inaugurated by Jesus blood. He says he Jesus is the mediator of a better covenant which has been enacted on better promises. The reason why they're better because some of the promises are in the Old Testament and some of them in the New Testament. But the reason why they are better promises is because now they are not dependent upon our performance. The reason why they're better promises is because there are promises that God made and God guaranteed in his blood, their bread or promises, because they're not conditional upon us behaving in a certain way to deserve the promise. The reason why they are better promises is because it's a better covenant and the reason it's a better covenant. Well, I'll get to that in the next verse in verse seven. Why is this a better covenant? Go back to verse some verse six. It says, We have a Jesus is the mediator of a better covenant, which has better promises. Why verse verse seven four. If the first covenant had been faultless, there would have been no occasion for a second covenant if the first covenant had been faultless. Wait, the first covenant is like do not steal, do not kill. Do you not lie? There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with that, does there? I mean, is there anything in the commandments that God gave in the old covenant? Are there any of those commandments you don't agree with? Now I'm sure there's a few of them you've broken once or twice today. But is there any of the Ten Commandments? First of all, does anybody could anybody here even tell me the Ten Commandments? You probably can't, but it doesn't matter because you know them in your in your conscience. You know, do not murder, do not steal. Do not you know, all those things. OK, but but is there anything wrong, you guys does anybody here find anything wrong with any of the Ten Commandments like honor your father. Mother. Is there anything wrong with that. Have no other gods. But but the Lord. Your God. Is there anything wrong with that. You shall not commit adultery. You should not steal. You should not lie. Is there anything wrong with any of those things? No. So but then he says the first covenant, if it had been faultless, there would be no reason for a second one. So there was a there was a second covenant, the new covenant, because the first one was not perfect. It was not faultless. It had fault. How could how could something God make have fault? I'll show you. He says fourth, the first covenant had been faultless. There would have been no occasion. We wouldn't have needed a second covenant, which is the new covenant if the old covenant had been faultless, which it wasn't. So it had fault. But what was wrong with the old covenant? He he gives us that in verse eight for finding fault with them, finding fault with them, finding fault with them. So he said if the first covenant had been faultless, there would have been no reason for a second covenant. So what was wrong with the first covenant? It found fault with us. It found fault with us. The reason why the old covenant is not faultless. The reason the floor of the old covenant is not in its commandments. The floor of the old covenant is that it's still finds you guilty. It finds me guilty. It's still sentences us to guilt. That's why God gave us a new covenant, not like the covenant that I made. He says, behold, the days are coming when I will affect a new covenant. He said that in the old covenant, not like the covenant which I made with their fathers on the. When I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, this is a better covenant than that, for this is the covenant that I will make with those of Israel, says the Lord, after those days, says the Lord, and they shall not teach everyone his fellow citizen and everyone his brother saying no, the Lord for all will know me from the least to the greatest, and I will be merciful to their iniquities and their sins. I will remember no more. This is why the second covenant is better than the first covenant, because the first covenant still finds you guilty. But the second covenant finds you not guilty. And the second covenant. So. But you say, are you guilty? Are we guilty of things that we've done wrong? Yes, but the new covenant finds us not guilty. Why, because we died with him, so we already paid in one sense, we paid for our sins, but we paid for our sins in him. When he died, we died. When he was buried, we were buried. When he rose, we rose. When he was seated at the right of the father, we were seated with him. This is the kind of this is the this is your right standing with God. This is your right standing with God. Now you where you are in right standing. So if I sin after I've accepted Jesus Christ as my savior and Lord, what do I do about it? Well, you have to become righteousness, consciousness, righteousness conscious still. And if you sin after, you have to understand that God doesn't look at that sin because he already forgave it all at the cross. I mean, he doesn't look at it like we look at it like, look, I get it. If you sin against me, there may be a legal problem that we have. Because of that, you might have to go to jail. You might have some negative consequences. But as far as God is concerned, he doesn't even he doesn't even he doesn't even see it. This is going to be hard for most Christians to believe. But God doesn't see your sin because he already washed it away and he said, I will remember it no more. When is this? When does this happen? When he said a new covenant, the first one became obsolete. The new covenant. When Jesus said it is finished. That's when Jesus that's when God wiped away all your sins and the moment you accepted Jesus as your savior and Lord, that's when your spirit became united with his spirit. And if you sin after that. It's the same as what used the sin you did before, that it's washed away in Christ. Now go and sin no more. But first Jesus said, I don't condemn you. I don't condemn you. I don't condemn you. What I'm trying to get across to you today is that maybe you're not guilty of the big sins, the biggies. But everybody has sent today in thought, in word, in in action or in attitude. Nobody has been perfect, as your heavenly father is perfect. So we have all sinned today because we have not been perfect as our Heavenly Father is perfect. Can we all agree about that? So then which sins are we going to have to make sure we thoroughly deal with so that we can pray with authority? None of them, because they all have been washed away and the reason why Christians are powerless in this earth is because they do not understand what Jesus did for them. They kind of know, yeah, Jesus died for my sins. But if I sin, I got to go confess them to God so that I can be cleansed of it when that scripture is actually talking to people that were not born again yet to confess your sin. The sin that we confess, by the way, is the sin of not believing in Jesus. That's the sin that we were guilty of. That's what that was. That's what was sending us to hell. Jesus died two thousand years ago, not two days ago. He died two thousand years ago. So all of your sins were for future sins. Why is this such an important thing for me to get across to you? Because the effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. And if you don't feel righteous, you're not going to pray. And if you don't feel righteous, you're not going to believe your prayers avail. If you don't feel righteous, you're going to throw up some mealy mouthed prayer. Oh, God. Maybe if you could do this, if you could spare a dime, if you could spare cor, if you could spare a little extra healing. Lord Lord, I just beg of you. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Please. Oh God. Obledo God. And you say, oh, I've never prayed that way. But you know, darn right you have and we don't God doesn't want beggars in his kingdom. Nobody has to beg for anything because he knows what you need before you even ask. And he supplies all your needs because of what Jesus did on the cross. And so when you are not conscious of your righteousness, you will not pray with power. When you are not conscious of your righteousness, you will not fellowship with God. When you're not conscious of your righteousness, you'll feel like you've got to stay away from God until you get the sin out of your life. But even if you could get that sin that you're thinking about out of your life, there's probably 10 other sins you did today that you don't even remember. So are we only responsible for the ones we know? Because that doesn't make sense. Because what? Because if I if I remember the ones that I remember, but and I'm sorry, Lord, for those I repent, but I, I've forgotten a bunch. Those ones that I forgot are going to do me. And now those ones that I forgot, if I don't remember them all, I'm going to hell with the gospel that a lot of preachers preach. You're going to go to hell if you don't repent today. If you died today, you better make sure you repent if you like. If you go to the hospital, doctor says you got 12 hours to live. You better repent of all your sins. The next 12 hours you're going to hell. Like what if you forget one, God's going to be like, you know what? You forgot that one where you kind of flipped somebody off with your finger. Remember that one as you're being wheeled away in the ambulance and you flipped everybody. I remember that. I don't remember that, Lord. Too bad. See in hell or I won't see you enjoy that mentality is in Christians today. And I don't have to remember any of my sins to be forgiven of them. I just need to believe that God doesn't remember them anymore. And guess what? According to the Bible, he doesn't. And it doesn't have anything to do with me that he doesn't remember my sins. It has everything to do with Jesus. Why is that so important? Because once you know that you are the righteousness of God, you will then live with authority, with confidence. You'll be able to help people and encourage people. Because, look, there are some days that I'm down, I feel down, I feel depressed. But I have to put back on the breastplate of righteousness and realize even when I'm down, God's not down about me. God's not down towards me. God's down with me. You know, in that sense now in a cool way, I'm down with that gods, down with me in a good way. But he's not down against me. He's not down on me. So I'm not measuring my faith. I don't operate my faith based on how I feel, operate my faith based on what God said and what Jesus did. And therefore, I might be in my most depressed moment of my life, but I can still speak to the mountain and it has to obey me. I can still speak to the dry bones and they have to come back to life. I can still pray for the sick and they will get healed. I can still tell somebody about Jesus. Why? Because we walk by faith, not by sight. If we accept Jesus, there is no judgment left for us, there is no judgment left for us. If if Romans five 17 is true, that through the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness, we reign in life, then why aren't Christians reigning in life? It's because Satan is undermining and pulling out from underneath us to pull it. Trying to pull the rug out from underneath the rug we're standing on is the righteousness of God and the devil trying to pull that out so that you will feel beat up and condemned about your life. And look, the more honest you are, usually, the more condemned you feel. And so what you need to know is there's nothing wrong with being honest. Like, man, I blew it here. I blew it there. I blew it. I blew it in ways I probably don't even realize. But I am the righteousness of God and I'm going to operate from that. And if he doesn't remember my sins, I'm not going to focus on my sins. I'm focusing on Jesus and honoring what he did for me on the cross. Because when your heart condemns you, let me tell you what sets in a condemned heart is an unhappy heart. According to Romans, 14 20 to a condemned heart is an unhappy heart. According to this scripture in Romans five 17, a condemned heart is a defeated heart. A condemned heart is defeated heart. According to First John three 20. A condemned heart is a prayer, less heart. In other words, when your heart feels condemned, you won't pray because you don't, you feel unworthy. A condemned heart is a stingy heart. According to Matthew Chapter ten. Jesus said freely you've received now freely give. See, when you believe you freely receive forgiveness, you'll give it freely to. Why are we so demanding that somebody has to cross all the check, all the boxes if they want us to forgive them? Well, I'll forgive you if you apologize. I'll forgive you if you stop doing so. I'll forgive you if you do this. But yet God didn't forgive us on those terms. God forgives us unconditionally on the terms of his blood and only his blood freely we have received. So let us freely give a man a condemned heart is a imprisoned heart. A condemned heart will be imprisoned to sin because condemnation generates guilt that Satan uses to make us feel like failures unworthy of serving the Lord, unworthy of receiving anything from God. But notice what we went over this on Sunday. I want to bring this back to you, James. Chapter one, verse five in the Nive Bible, if you guys can put that up there, James. Chapter one, verse five in the Native Bible. Look at what he says, James. Chapter one If any man lacks wisdom, you should ask of God who gives generously to all without finding fault, without finding fault. You have to be one hundred percent sure. That God doesn't find fault with you when you pray, and he 100 percent does not find fault with you so that when you pray, there's not one little smidgen of. Yeah, but God's not going to answer it because look at what you did or God's not going to answer this because you didn't do enough. God doesn't measure that way. God's going to answer because he does not find fault with you. He's going to give generously to you without finding fault, without finding fault. Now you can find scriptures that look like they contradict what I've just said. But they but they absolutely do not. There is no scripture that contradicts what I just said. There are scriptures that are being misinterpreted by people, and that's what it seems like. They might be contradictory, but Jesus did it all. Jesus did enough so that you would have the gift of righteousness. And by having the gift of righteousness, the biggest concerns in your life you can pray about. You can ask God for. You can speak to the mountain about. And they will obey you. God will answer. The mountains will obey you. And you can you can have everything that you ask for because you're the righteousness of God. And so whatever your biggest concern is today, whatever your greatest concern is, today is no match for somebody that knows there the righteousness of God. All you have to do is boldly bolt into the throne of God's grace and lay hold of what Jesus blood paid for and honor him by not focusing on your sin any more. Honor him by focusing on what he did right rather than what you did wrong. No one here is going out and deliberately trying to hurt people, deliberately trying to steal and cheat and lie. But we've all fallen still. But God finds no fault with us anymore because of Jesus, not because we're not at fault, but because we've been crucified with him and the price has been paid in him. We've been crucified in him. We've been buried in him. We've been raised in him. We've been seated with Christ in heavenly places. You go take that to your everyday life and you will have the power you need to deal with whatever is your greatest concern in your life. A man. Let's stand together. Thanks for coming out tonight, everybody. If you need prayer for anything else, you want somebody to add their faith to yours. You don't need it, but if you want it, there'll be people up here to do it. You got the power right now. But if you need somebody to give you a boost of in your faith, come on up here and they'll pray for you as we stand together, take a couple of cards, invite a couple of people to church with you Sunday. We'll see you then. Love everybody. Thanks for being here. Thanks for watching online. Thanks for coming out in the snow, you guys.
Channel: Gregory Dickow
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Length: 41min 15sec (2475 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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