How to Solo Farm Blade of Eternal Darkness as a DRUID | WOW: Season of Discovery

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what's up guys it's Jazzy today I'm going to show you how you can Farm blade of Eternal Darkness as a druid we're going to reset the instance and get right into it as a druid I think it's nice to use stealth to get a portal down that way you don't get hassled by the enemy faction because they made blade of Eternal Darkness 10 times more likely to drop in season of Discovery I think it's a must farm and you can get wild offerings while you're here too the only requirement for this Farm is that your boots are enchanted with minor movement speed which should be easy enough to get on any server we'll get a timer going here while we stealth pass these enemies so you can see just how fast this goes through this run you're going to see me come in and out of Stealth at some points to gain some speed that's totally optional feel free to go stealth all the way through if you just want to be safe if you get caught on this rock just make sure you back up a little bit before you try to jump over again I find it's the easiest way to get through don't worry if while you're going through this some of the mobs start to turn and look at you I've got no improved stealth level so as long as you hug the wall you should be fine for [Music] if you do accidentally pull something don't worry you can still live that rock that we had to jump through if you sit inside it will evade bug or if you're too far past you can run and jump down in the water off the bridge log out in the waterfall underneath the princess's platform and that'll log out skip you back to the front where you can Zone back in and retry walk straight through the middle of these last two Giants and you won't pull them now let's talk a little bit about what we're actually going to do because the pr princess is immune to Nature damage we can really only hit her with star surge Moonfire and Star Fire we open on her by using a Star Fire and a star surge to pull her around this rock next I dot her with a Max rank Moon fire run around to the Rock and get to the wall as fast as possible after this we're going to hit princess with a down ranked Moonfire rank five in this case and a star surge the down ranked moonier does not remove the max rank Dot and that's part of what makes makes this work so well now while I kite her around the arena you can see me jumping against the slope walls what this does is it starts to evade bug princess and so she'll stop moving for a little bit each time and I'll always be able to stay ahead of her if I can get far enough ahead to outrange a boulder then I can get a Starfire cast off which will really help put a dent in her health pool I'm sorry for the nauseating camera work but it's just is how I do the fight so we've got to deal with [Music] it it's important to remember to keep that Max ring Starfire dot up as well as to use your star surge on cool down once you get into a good Rhythm it's just rinse and repeat all the way around to The Far Side of the Arena from where we started once you get back around the loop opposite from where we started you can go cat form and Sprint across to the other side technically if you have enough space it isn't necessary to switch into cat form but I find it's much safer and more reliable once you get to the other side you can get a nice re off and start the loop over again as long as she's at around half Health by this point you know you're in a really good spot our main goal for the rest of this fight is to take her down past 25% so around 10K health because that'll get her limping and we will always be able to kite her without doing any wall tricks so we know we're going to win an important thing to keep in mind once you get the rest of this down is that if you get bouldered and stunned against the wall while you're jumping she can evade bug and reset all the way to full health now that she's limping at this point it doesn't matter where I run as long as I'm vaguely doing a circle I'll be able to finish her since I'm out of Mana it'll be a little bit slow but I promise I will kill her you with princess that at 6 minutes you'll hit dungeon lock out and that makes it as competitive as any other princess Farm you can do now we could log out skip back to the entrance or we could Farm wild offerings which is even easier than doing the princess because I'm bricked I forgot to bring water but all I need is my inate and I'll still be able to kill him no problem once we blow our horn we starf fire to open then we keep Sunfire and Moonfire up on him at all times we run with him in the exact same path as the princess and we're spamming SAR Surge and down ranked Moonfire again we can run the Delirious ancient around endlessly so if you don't want to spam the down ranked Moonfire you don't have to but it will speed up the fight quite a bit since the ancient doesn't have thrash or Boulder he's not nearly as dangerous as the princess when he hits you normally all he'll do is push you forward a little bit and then you'll just keep running this time try to make sure you've created a little bit of extra space when you cross back over the entrance and then we're going to go right back to the start of the loop one thing to be very careful for with the ancient is that if you don't hit him frequently enough he will leash back to where he spawned and reset back up to full health as long as you're hitting him with star surge on cool down this will never happen again once he's limping he's an easy kill so we don't have anything to worry about then in 9 minutes you've successfully completed a full princess run and you've collected your wild offering at under 10 minutes this Farm will still take you to dungeon lockout and you'll be as fast as any of the 10 Man groups spamming without having to share that dagger loot with anybody else to reset all we need to do is log out on top of this mound here [Music] logging out here will take us back to the purple entrance where we'll be able to run out reset the instance and then go back down to the portal to do a new run even if you're somebody who doesn't normally do these kinds of runs I really encourage you to because this is way easier than it looks as you can see here I'm basically just wearing the rank 7 PVP set and a bunch of gear that pretty much anybody could get their hands on don't forget to reset the instance once you leave and jump in stealth cuz people will grief you way more than princess good luck farming
Channel: ChazzeyGames
Views: 799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: w9vByqnrhSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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