How to Solo Capture 6 Hydrolysts in one Night as Volt: Eidolon Guides 2022 (Echoes of Veilbreaker )

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foreign [Music] hey guys welcome back to another warframe video where today we are looking at how to capture six Hydra lists Solo in one night cycle as Vault I have done a few of these guides in the past however this is the first one I've been able to do for a legitimate solo run uh the devs have made the game much easier in that respect so hopefully this will be informative and help you guys to yeah basically guarantee you six Hydra list captures in one note thereby netting you 18 arcanes total um so yeah I just want to run through this build real quick and then we'll get into a commentated run uh I also want to point out as well I would say that this is a budget build however whilst all of the mods and everything in this build are obtainable there are Umbra mods there is an umbra or former used on the Vault not that it's necessary if you've been watching the Warframe done efficiently play through we have done a six cap with a much cheaper build than you are about to see and if you would like to see that build go ahead and I think it's episode 12.5 of the Warframe done efficiently play through go ahead and have a look at that because that is kind of the cheapest you can do it and it was about 100 total hours in game that we had in order to get to that point um so yeah it's it's very doable so yeah we'll run through the build I also want to point out I'm running archon shards on this build these are not necessary at all again go and have a look at episode 12.5 or whichever one it was uh and you'll see we didn't need those for that either so yeah we'll start off with our vault Prime build right here uh we are like I said running quite a few former we have an aura former on as well just for my sake for the other Vault builds that I'm also running on my other configs and then we're also using uh two arcanes here we've got nullifier and energize nullify you can Farm up just from the terrorist and I would recommend getting a full arcade nullifier before trying to do this it will make your life so much easier so either buy it with Platinum it's about 60 or 70 I believe for a full nullifier or Farm up from the terrorist if you're just farming terrorists you should be able to do in excess of kind of you know 10 to 13 14 even 15 in a single night cycle so you should be able to farm it out relatively quickly the other things to note about this build we're running holster amp as the uh the aura here this is going to be important uh a bit later on you'll see we're swapping between melee and also our primary weapon in order to get extra damage which is also why we're running vigorous swap as well and then we're also running a shock trooper to augment our first uh shock ability right here that's going to apply increase that electricity electricity damage to our rubico excuse me and then we're also running adaptation for increased durability and Eclipse it's also been put on using the helmet for increased damage someone did point out in a video I did a while ago that the uh the enhanced beta or the enhanced Graphics engine which you used to improve the damage of eclipse quite significantly has now been patched I did do a bit of testing on it and I'm pretty confident that yeah that has now been patched so we're not going to be running the enhanced Graphics engine either way um but just so you guys are aware that's not a thing anymore if you've seen my previous video about that uh but yeah it's just a quick and nasty damage buff which is why we're using it we've also got Rush on for the increased Arc Wing speed which is going to be really important for when we start Gathering lures um so yeah that's kind of the bill for volt just base it around duration and strength with a bit of neutral efficiency or better and you should be good for our rubico here we're not running uh Zenith this is a sort of budget build I guess in that respect we're not using any Milestone weapons or rewards such as Prime Shore for third or the Zenith the Zenith is a very uh popular Idol on Hunting tool because it allows you to shoot through the floor if you have a long spawn as we call it uh hydrolis or gantalist you are able to shoot the uh the limb the first limb so much faster with the Zenith which is why a lot of people uh prefer using it and it basically guarantees you sign over your shots because you can just shoot straight through any hitbox that's there and hit it so that's why people prefer to use as NF but we're using the rubico I think it's the second best thing so let's take a look at the build for this no Riven mods at all on this uh we're running primary merciless but this isn't actually necessary I'm only using it for the increased reload speed we've then got Ambush optics for the negative zoom on the rubiko which is really useful for this and then everything else is geared around critical chance critical damage as well as radiation damage as you can see here radiation damage is very good for taking down eidolons so definitely have this on vile acceleration for a bit of attack speed and then also amalgam serration instead of serration for that increased Sprint speed which is going to help our Arc Wing Mobility also make sure you have your uh your Multi Shot mods on these are going to help massively for our secondary weapon we're running the nil Prime this is going to help us take down the idlons at the end so doing the final capture or kill shot uh you can see I haven't actually maxed this build out at all but this is easily enough to uh to take it down very quickly you could replace heated charge with primed heated charge you could max out prime target cracker as you can see I haven't and you could even put an XLS adapter on here if you so chose we're running secondary deadhead this one is actually a bit important as it provides plus 30 to the headshot multiplier you can pick one of these up for about 10 to 20 Platinum if you were trading or if you're running steel path a lot you've probably got one of these already just picking up passively so yeah that's the build for the nail for our melee weapon you need a gun blade recommended um I am running the sarpa here however I would prefer to run the vaster locus just that we haven't actually got to that point in our playthrough where we've come across one yet however if on your gun blade you go ahead and put shattering impact this is going to be used to strip the armor of the idle on and help us do more damage to it and you'll see us using that throughout the run or see me using it throughout the Run and then yeah everything else geared to attack speed if you have any more attack speed mods throw them on the faster you can do it the better [Music] um for our Focus tree we are running madurai easily the best and most useful for hunting idlons if we take a look at some of the abilities increase operator and physical damage by 30 100 amp critical damage for 20 seconds on switching to operator avoid strike which although only comes around every 40 seconds very useful for taking down first Shields as it does a huge stack of damage um so yeah make sure you use that sparingly and at the right time uh avoid fuel allows us to have increased uh weapon or operator weapon damage and then the other important ones here are going to be contamination wave this is going to also increase our operator's damage and also sling strength which can improve your upper your Warframe uh abilities sorry so that will increase the damage on your uh your shields on your eclipse and on your shock uh well yeah so all important um you don't necessarily need all of these unlocked if you are going for kind of one or two definitely go for void flow and void siphon first as these are going to assist with void strike definitely the ones to get to begin with everything else is neither here nor there really um so yeah that's our Focus tree I might go into a bit more detail on this in a separate video but for now hopefully obviously if you guys just have this stuff unlocked then that should be fine let's then take a look at our parazon where we are running one particular mod that is important which is runtime plus 75 Sprint speed for 15 seconds after hacking this does apply to your Arc Wing which is why it's very important for Gathering lures and getting over to the idle on at the start of the fight one thing I'm going to note right here is that I am not going to be going into Le fast charging for this video if you want to go and see that I'm going to put a link to the the video uh that where I did the guide on that in the description below um so go and have a look at that I'm going to need to be talking about other things during this run so yeah just bear that in mind everything else here is going to be kind of you know quality of life auto breach for me this is going to be useful in this run because I am only using one Cipher per run and we'll explain that in a second Livewire is also another one I like to use because it just helps with crowd control for enemies around the lures you could use the mod that allows you to go invisible I haven't actually picked it up yet so yeah we'll need to grab that at some point in our run but for now we're running Live Wire just to um yeah just to control the enemies around the lures for our Sentinel or pet we are running carrier you don't need to run carrier you can run any Sentinel I wouldn't recommend running a live pet such as a volpovila uh kavats um or kubrow mainly because your proper amp which is what we're going to be using can intersect with the hitbox on them and go off prematurely which will cause you all kinds of issues and might even knock you over and we'll add huge amounts of time to your run which is not what we want so on our carrier just put on you know the standard Vitality vacuum uh ammo case regen Guardian whatever um it doesn't really matter and on your weapon if you have any vigilante mods spare go ahead and throws those on because they will stack up with the one that's on your primary weapon so you can get up to a 30 chance to enhance critical hits from your primary weapon which is really useful if we take a look then at our gear the main gear that we're going to be using is energy pads as well as ciphers like I said I'm only going to be using one Cipher per run so in total per night I'm going to be using six ciphers and for our energy pads you'll probably be looking to use around 10 in the entire night especially if you have energize if you don't have energize you are going to be using more energy pads without a doubt um and then the other useful tools Encore crew definitely recommend getting your hands on this it will drastically improve your quality of life when hunting idlons uh you want to be getting a tenant Cyclone or similar for your uncle crewmate as it has infinite ammo and it is going to massively help you clean up vonvalists and charges and we'll take a look at that when we come to commentate On The Run uh the only other thing here that we're going to be using is necromax salmon we're going to use it once right at the end of the run to jam the gate open so that we can make a nice and Quick Escape but that's about it obviously our quick launcher as well I should point that out that's very important um for our Arc Wing now that we've said it we are running itself make sure to have Hyperion thrusters on there for the increased flight speed you can see mine's not maxed out it doesn't matter all that much um if it's not maxed out but as long as it's high up then you should be fine cold snap for uh our Cosmic Crush augment um that's going to help freeze vomber lists in place energy amplifier again increasing the range at which you can suck fombolists in and whilst we are talking about it I just want to make you guys aware that my intrinsics let's just have a look here are up at least eight you want to get your intrinsics to at least eight because if we take a look here at rank eight you get all of the lovely Arc Wing stuff so increased Arc Wing uh ability Power by 25 20 range all of that good stuff and then piloting you also get increased Arc Wing speed and you're also getting uh reduced Arc Wing blink cooldowns as well at rank eight so do spend a bit of time trying to get all of your intrinsics up to rank a it's definitely worth it however not totally necessary as my episode 12.5 what a test to you guys will be able to see there so that's it for kind of the main frame build as it were let's take a look quickly at our operator uh here we go so for my operator I am running Elevate and vigor you could swap Vigor for probably magazine melts would be a good alternative uh if you've got your unairu and your not your own Arrow sorry your vaserin Unbound uh you're way bound on your focus tree to get your increased health I'm running magazfigure just because I have it and Magus melt strictly isn't necessary as you will probably see and then Elevate for our durability it helps us to regenerate health so we can just go in and out of transference over and over again and restore health and we should be fine for our amp we are using a 177 amp um so if we take a look that is going to be a proper scaffold certis brace and replac prism so the circus brace and the proper scaffold you can get from uh cetus sorry not cetus the other one Fortuna from little duck and they're a black prism you can get from cetus um once again I believe that we did the six cap with the one two three this isn't actually a one three three it's a one two three it's just misnamed um so yeah go ahead and have a look at 12.5 I can't quite remember but quite possibly um but yeah we're going to be using 177 for this and there are going to be a few little things you want to look out for during the run with regards to the proper which is going to be our primary tool for taking down the shields that alongside the replac when it comes to taking down the terrorists the gantalus and the hydraz shields there are there's a certain combination of proper shots and replaced shots that you want to use to efficiently take down the shield so we'll have a look at that when we come to the Run um but I also do want to point out at this point that I am not using any macros on keyboard or Mouse for this run I know a lot of people don't have access to those kind of tools so we are not going to be using macros to you know increase our shot speed from when we fire our amp or anything like that we're just going to be doing it you know without any assistance whatsoever um that's very important to note and then for our ampar Keynes we've got Eternal eradicate on here and eternal Onslaught by far the best two amps right ampar canes right now if you don't have access to a amp Arcane adapter which you get from the zaroman uh then again I would recommend getting to that point it's very useful however uh in that event I would highly prioritize Eternal Onslaught over Eternal eradicate so run a tunnel Onslaught until you can get Eternal eradicate alongside it you should still be able to do six cap I imagine you might just have to throw in a few more uh amp shots in order to take down perhaps the hybridish shields um we'll have to see so yeah that's kind of uh that's kind of all I want to say for this what I'm going to do before we get into the runners that we're going to take a quick kind of uh a quick overview of a run um and then we'll do the commentated run itself and I'll kind of talk you guys through it as we go and then if you have any questions you can obviously throw those down in the comments below so let's head into the planes and just have a quick chat about what are an idle on Hunt involves so for those of you in the know this is going to be a bit boring so you can skip forward to the commentated run if you want but I'm just going to explain basically the kind of movement and different stages of the idle on hunts that we're going to be running through so in any idle on hunt or tridalon we're going to call them uh you're going to be taking down a terrorist you're going to be taking down a gantalist and you're going to be taking down a Hydra list so for each of those you are going to need a set number of charged idle on lures which you can pick up from Grenier camps around the map for the terrorists you're going to need two chargers for the gantalus you need three and for the hydrants you need another three so in total you're going to need eight charged idle on lures and we're going to be picking up pretty much all of those that we are going to be picking up all of those before the terrorist is captured and we'll explain that as we go in the commentated Run let me just take down this here dargan whoops whatever all right so to begin with we'll do our fast charge if you haven't seen the video uh or guide on that uh then do go and have a look like I said I'll leave it down in the description um and then yeah we'll head straight over to the terrorist whilst we are taking down the terrorists signovia we're going to gather two maulers and bring those over uh and we're gonna Park those underneath the idle on and we're going to put down our uncle crewmate with the tenant Cyclone get into whole position he's going to take out any vonvelists that spawn around the idle on and help charge the lures and that's his basically the only thing he's gonna do um following that as soon as the idle on goes into what we call the down phase so we've taken out all the synovia the idle on will go down and start calling vomolists during that phase we are going to go ahead and collect the remainder of the five lures now we're not going to use any ciphers for this point the only Cipher we're ever going to use is for the first lure to get the quick charge the rest we're gonna just ignore um so if you're not confident at hacking then you know you can go and practice on spy missions or whatever or you can just use more ciphers it's up to you so once we've got all five lows we're then going to come back to the terrorist and we're going to wait around until all of the three layers that we previously parked there are charged at which point we'll grab those get any more vomolists in the current lures that we have and then we're going to fly over to garrettot late where we're going to spawn in our gantalists so when you come over before you go ahead and over to the shrine asphalt you can go ahead and put down some what we call pre-shields so in preparation for when the gag list or Hydra list spawns so the first spot you can pre-shield is close spawn which is this one right here if you want to get a better idea of kind of where this is I'll just kind of zoom out I kind of like to to Market by this kind of v in the water right here and you can kind of Base yourself off the rock to the right and the tree that'll help you know where you are the second spawn is left spawn that's this one right here you can just put it sort of towards the end of this little outcrop in the water the third is mid spawn that's this one over here and the last is long spawn we're not going to use a shield for long spawn because we don't have the Zenith which means that we're gonna have to wait for the idle on to emerge anyway and we'll have plenty of time to put the shield down during that time so we'll put the shield down like here the iodine emerges we'll go ahead and take down the shield die die um and then yeah we'll be able to just carry on and take the iron out as normal and then yeah that's kind of the fight guys so basically the only other mechanics that you kind of need to know about before we get into the commentated Run are going to be walking so walking in idle on by that I mean you are shooting specific synovia in order to push the idle on one way or the other so if you're facing an idle on and you shoot a signovia on your left hand side the idle on will go to the right and vice versa so if you shoot your son over here on the right it will go left this is really important when you're doing your sixth Hydra list if you are a bit short of time and it's sort of coming towards day you need to be able to walk your idol on away from a patch of water where it will despawn if it becomes Day by shooting the sun over here and unfortunately we're not going to have time to kind of go into that in this video but I might make another video exploring you know and just sort of talking you through the different ways you can walk the idle on away from the different spawn points um and yeah hopefully that will come out relatively soon we'll see but yeah without further Ado I think we'll probably just jump straight into uh the commentated run and I'll go into a bit more detail then about what kind of company Nations you want to be using for your proper amp and your plaque amp to take down the Shields and why so let's take a look guys alright so we're just coming into the planes here we're going to do our fast charge and then we're going to head straight over to the terrorist once we set down at the terrorist we'll go ahead and put a few Buffs on however many we can afford to put on in the time we have and then we're going to go ahead and fire off three proper shorts using our void strike which is the first ability and operator in order to take down the first shield we're going to switch instantly over into our Warframe and then take out the first synovia so once we've done that we're going to then go on this endless kind of loop with the terrorist here for his Shields we're then going to be able to put down our um uncle crewmate and put him on hold and then go ahead and gather our first few lures so let's put our first lure on hold right there put a shield down ready for our next short throw down our uncle crewmate put him on hold and then go into operator to avoid the idle on energy Spike I'm then going to do a few dashes make sure that my uh my melee weapon is out put two shots of proper up and then instantly switch to the rubico in order to take out the first limb we'll then gather our first lure up head back and then we're going to do exactly the same thing three dashes into the floor use our melee weapon use a few of our second uh abilities on our operator as you can see there are five slightly too early so the first proper shot didn't hit but the second one did which is why we do it uh let's gather our second lure once again we'll head back we've now got our void strike back up so we can go ahead and use that and there we go another instant takedown now we're going to park our lures underneath the idle on get into our Arc wing and go ahead and gather the rest of our lures so you will learn to know where the lures are after a while um it is just practice but there are a few spots where two spawns such as um this little island in the middle here which I forget the name of now I think it's hex stiletto um and yeah we're just going to go around gather up the rest of our lures our uncle crewmate is still over by the idle on so we don't have to worry about getting back before he stands up um once we're over there you will see that the uncle crewmate happily just kind of sweeps up the remainder of the vonvalists we can get down and all of the loads are charged we'll drag the remainder of all those underneath switch to our nail with all our Buffs on and just hammer it like that very nice so now as we said before we're going to head over to the lake put down our pre-shields and once we've done that we'll head over to the shrine and we'll put in our first uh first shard and then as soon as we hit the water where the idle on spawned we'll put on our void strike and we'll use our replaced to take out the shield on the eidolon it can take one or two shots so two shots switch to the rubico and shoot the link right here we're going to use our Sapa we're going to reduce the armor on the gantler so a couple shots should be fine and we're going to do exactly the same thing as we did with the terrorist for this one and I'll explain why um so if you are running a macro then it is worth um it's worth doing a relaxed shot as well and then if you obviously have the macro set up you can instantly swap to your weapon to take out the limb um but for us by the time we've actually transferred out it's uh just as much time as the second shot takes to detonate um so as soon as we've got into our back into our Warframe the second shot we'll have detonated already uh so it makes no odds um the reason that sometimes you will take the shield down in one proper shot rather than two is that sometimes you do hit those orange crits on your amp uh which will allow you to take it down in one you see right there we can use void strike as well um so yeah be aware of that uh and yeah just have a look out for vomberless as you go and it's kind of just a repetitive cycle from here on out guys so you know when the uh the gantalist or hydrus is doing its energy strike you do your three dashes into the ground make sure that you are using up all of your operator energy to prop Eternal eradicate an eternal Onslaught correctly and then you can just you know Shred the shields completely so three dashes use our sarpa get those energy waves on it and then yeah if the first shot doesn't kill it the second one will you can then come over mop up the uh the Volvo lists underneath the gandalus using your proper and then you want to go and hunt for some more vomberless now here we get a bit unlucky uh or either that or I'm being completely blind I don't know which I can't really tell because it's raining uh but you know if you don't spot any uh too quickly go ahead and look for a different spot for fonvalists uh you can see here we get some spawn on the right which we do just have about enough time to gather so we're going to go ahead and get those and then we'll head straight back to the gandalous for when he stands up we can then mop up any vomolists that spawn underneath him make sure that your nail is fully loaded and ready to go and then we'll go ahead and take down the countless like so clean up any other bombolis and pre-shield exactly the same as you did for terrorist s so we're gonna wait over at Shrine we're gonna do exactly the same thing I think we get a mid-spawn here so we'll fly over hit the hit the deck put on our void strike and then we will go ahead and just instantly take out the limb we're gonna push him for the right on Mid spawn like so now for the Hydra list our amp shots are slightly different we are going to have to use the replac in order to guarantee a shield takedown so we're gonna do three dashes sharper void waves and then two proper and one are black and then instantly Swap and take out the limb so same again I'm putting two Shields down here just to be safe by the way uh you can get away with one but I like to be safe so two proper one replac switch and shoot and right here we have void strike back up unfortunately I uh do a bit of a mistake here I want to shoot the top limb right now the one on the arm but I miss it as you can see uh but it's fine we lose a couple seconds to that in a moment but not too shabby at all so again three dashes get yourself out void waves make sure you've run out of energy two propas replac and shoot we actually missed one of the multi shots there which is why we didn't get it in one make sure to keep your Buffs up nice and high three dashes Saba void waves as you can see there the hitbox is a bit buggy which is why I wanted to get it earlier and I'm just going to mop up the volume lists here because it can affect the eidlon's health when we come to kill it or capture it and that's kind of it guys so you can see we've got three charged lures now and we're ready to kill our hydras which we're going to do in exactly the same way as we did the gantalus but we can use our void strike now as we've not got it we've not got to take down the first shield of another idle unfortunately so yeah we can just throw everything at this one to kill it instantly but yeah hopefully this was uh informative at the very least you guys perhaps enjoyed watching it and found it interesting if you have any questions or you have anything obviously you're not too sure about or you'd like me to go into a bit more depth on uh then do let me know down in the comments I'd be happy to go over it um and yeah if you did like please leave a like And subscribe and I will catch you in the next one guys thanks for watching
Channel: Jacsonitos
Views: 56,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warframe eidolon guide, how to capture hydrolyst, max eidolon farm, best arcane farm in warframe, arcane platinum farm, how to make platinum in warframe, in depth eidolon guide, how to solo eidolon, how to solo teralyst, how to solo gantulyst, how to solo hydrolyst, arcane farm, volt build for hunting eidolons, eidolon hunt no zenith, eidolon hunt no primed sure footed
Id: n1ThSjB3JKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 51sec (1671 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2022
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