How to Solo an ENTIRE Team | Destiny 2 Into the Light

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now let me let me get this right you guys want me to rock Vex Scali three charge up Mods I mean I'm assuming hold on hold on let me get this buil jafa give me a dimling jafa here take this what's in here all right let's do this I don't have a lot of faith in this build but jafa says it's the best jafa has about a I would roughly say a 30% success rate when it comes to him recommending stuff in this in this stream but the idea is going to be for us to essentially grapple into a group of enemies get the melee off proc Banner ACD feedback get six charges all at once I don't know man I don't know it it just sounds extremely risky this this is this sounds extremely risky I just don't feel like this is going to pan out could be wrong could be wrong we're going to see the longer this battle goes on the stronger I get wow that's impressive sir why why run why run I thought this was the moment I thought this was the moment that we do this weing we duel we dous well that's where glaive kind of sucks you know what I mean there we go I got four [Music] charges you dot sir you dot give me that juice baby give me that juice I am the stronger jouer dude I need to start playing the objective I'm I'm getting too the other problem is I keep running out of ammo yes 5 minutes I mean dude I couldn't get a damn Shield up in time keep the pressure on it's almost over okay again if I can get him in close proximity of me very deadly we procket Banner of War as well what just happened well Fu dude he just got sh on all right that was that was uh that pop moment somebody dropped me a clip of that I need to I need to see it okay so we're right here okay I've got the charge he popped it I've got all six dude in this moment right here this guy he did everything right I did 20 I did 100 damage and then one hit from his super took him out holy so his super CED ACD feedback back I had six charges cuz I'm rocking three charged up mods and that that killed him that is wild guys look it may not be the most lethal build but you got to admit the is popping can we get a breakdown of this build yes guys we have ACD feedback which comes with the perk Fury conductors where melee hits Grand armor charge you take less melee damage while you have an armor charge taking melee damage causes you to emit a burst of damage and G Energy that jtes targets consuming your armor charges and deal more damage based on the number Stacks consumed now obviously the more Stacks you have the better so we're rocking stacked on Stacks we're picking up uh an over power will grant you one additional stack of armor charge now this applies to ACD feedback when you go in for the melee whether it's with the glaive with the grapple melee or with your uncharged or charge melee you get immediately two stacks you do that multiple times you now have six Stacks if you're rocking multiple charge up Mods which is what we're doing here but the gameplay Loop is simple we roll in we use our grapple melee uh we hit an enemy we proc armor charges if they hit us then we immediately emit that shock wave Dam or that jolt damage that will hurt them some more we use our charge melees here and then once we have our charges we just kind of run around with our glaive out since glaive got to rework where you actually get glaive energy passively we just run around with a little bit of an overshield before our pushes and even after our pushes and we get kills with the with the GLA again it's not the most lethal thing I don't see anyone using this in Trials but and something like a game of like tribute it's [Music] fantastic oh did I not have did I not have an overshield or I just maybe I just missed my melee or I may have just missed my my shot so this guy is now out of conditional finality shots he used up both of them on me this one of those builds that becom stronger as the game goes on I've also used up too many of my Glade shots and actually missed quite a few I should be saving them more perfect we're still able to get that dude this guy they are they are so I've been killed by condition of finality so much are they not using shotgun ammo on anyone else but me holy all right we got one there we go we got two all right I just that's all my charg is gone now okay that's two that guy literally just killed himself holy let me see if I can get a good grapple off okay dude you got to admit it fing Pops in this game mode and you got to admit it chat look I'm not a big fan of tribute but this right here man this is this is turning me right now this is making me love this game mode wow wow wow okay that guy just got killed by that oh JV is in my game l oh my Lord [Music] for tagged him up a little bit no he had a healing RI and my I think my melee Whi too but we block hey we blocked one of the blasts that was fantastic sh down dude it's so fast 30 seconds they off yeah if we don't get that off kind of a GG guard crush them victory is yours is this real that's got to be so annoying we were like the most one shot you could possibly be damn and dude teeing off on me over there I need to do better in those in those moments where lots of chaotic things are happening oh wow the goal is to be annoying very nice very nice keep it going fellas keep it going there it is yes yes oh yes Yes Channel your anger into your melees and then melee me oh no he's got shotgun oh not anymore brother don't be like that what I can't out kill that did I not hit him I guess I guess we just can't sit there like a dumb ass thing nice nice take it all day long the hell were you waiting for I like to kill people when they know that their Doom is coming wow wow they're learning yes yes push me now Push Me Harder yes yes push me hard yes harder come here buddy oh no oh oh sh we need to start actually playing the objective we're at the B we're damn near at the bottom take me take me I believe it you can take me oh no yes you can take me yes yes oh you got it you got it brother you got it brother minutes oh now that's how you beat it that's actually how you beat this you sit back and use your primer now you see use your primer I'm calling GG's guys GG's this is the most fun I've ever had in Iron better job but thank you so much for this for my folks that did doubt this build I completely get it who the is using Vex Calibur inside of Crucible what it works that's the kind of thing that's going to destroy you on day one day one R right there you can't have that terrible mistake there we go hav to use my primary more this is a more open map there we go excellent good stuff let's get this Bank there it is uh I don't know if this is going to necessarily start a new meta but it's going to make Troy more fun excellent that takes you out of your super what the just so you know guys if you're playing tribute if you have your super and you go to bank he will take you out of your super wow dude nobody on their squad was playing OJ though seemed like everybody was just going for kills he didn't take me out of my strand Hunter yesterday interesting oh wa it took me out of my super just then we should six stack this no I just I feel like our squad's going to get sh on if we do that somebody comeing here with some good primary play and actually knows how to backup and create distance they're going to sh this it's when we when when you mix in someone having to deal with taking on gunfire from actual guns to then oh my God here's his with the glaive all of a sudden like literally just having one person on the squad doing that is enough the old as cross would have six stack this jabber here's the thing I six stacked with you guys yesterday and you know what happened we got sh on why are you running where are you guys going where are you going brother you left your friend what the hell this guy just straight up left him why would you leave him you had a one two situation damn dude he got me bro using yeah dude it's been cut their momentum keep a hell that fighting line is actually pretty annoying cut their momentum keep pushing you know what also could counter this though is stasis stasis could counter this I'm not going to make it in time there we go John we've got a lot happening in this stream dude I'm a very onedimensional person I don't know if you could tell by now trust me I get I get hell about it all the time dude right there is where we messed up though I should have been using my other melee damn it didn't get it in wo he's backing it up all right this is going to be a GG I'm calling to crush them oh got a head shot off beautiful that's right n you said it perfectly this build is basically a porcupine with a knife exactly ball and I I don't know what this say brother I don't know what to say man we have ads but at least some of the ads are pretty good and sometimes I I get on Twitch and I just watch the ads I'm like you know I came here for a stream but um but this seis ad really has a good point you do want to be ready you don't know when that that moment's going to come could be 6:00 tonight could be 8:00 could be could be a late nighter it could be a early early morning rise who who knows you just want to be ready right wck Patron him yeah chill man everybody's playing so bad where is the aggression nice I'll take it there it is baby there it is nice again made the mistake again there having the glaive out for the grapple that messes this whole thing up use my charge melees first you saw nothing Jen dude what what is the is this play style am I really falling in love with the Glade play style you are in control show me oh he tried to use a glaive I love it man I love it Fight Fire with Fire yes harder oh no dude if I could have got that grapple melee off we could could have we could have wiped the whole team I got hit with that melee though that pushed me that was good stuff this are the most mercies I've had all week though Victory imagine playing the game and it's just craw waiting around the corner with the glaive kind of beautiful and pretty toxic down damn oh I think I got it in Chad did we get it inuh there's so many things that could be taken out of context right oh my God this in the back these in the back pight me like a man dude if we can just get some cover fire like any we have so many over here too if we can score that that's going to be so many points we have this if we can get it in cut their momentum keep pushing dude son of a all right let's secure the spot all right all right let me Bank this pick up these orbs here we go oh my God you guys actually won that I'm a okay dud we may lose this but we've won so many like crazy 1 V ones that we shouldn't have won oh my Lord dude oh my Lord oh my God I can't I I got to I was trying to make it to the spot to bank dude oh we may do this oh my god did we just holy sh one more anybody got one no no no no no no no fck holy we just pull that back it's always nice when you win it right I mean that Mak that makes all the difference but this is this is popping dude this is popping good Squad holy hell GG to everybody here joffin this build is insane dude this build has no business being this damn good it makes its entire activity substantially better this is a dominant build though no Bungie Bungie's not going to they shouldn't Nerf this if Bungie Nerfs this I'm truly going to believe they are anti-fun before I would be like it's for balanc reasons and whatnot but if they Nerf this someone there hates Titans there's no other reason SL that light button like your mama told you [Music] right [Music] oh
Channel: Aztecross
Views: 135,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Destiny, Destiny 2, Destiny bungie, Bungie, Destiny Aztecross, Aztecross, season of the wish, destiny 2 season 23, destiny 2 season of the wish, destiny 2 into the light, vexcalibur, destiny 2 vexcalibur, destiny 2 vexcalibur build, destiny 2 vexcalibur pvp, destiny 2 acdc feedback fence, acdc feedback fence, iron banner, destiny 2 iron banner, destiny 2 iron banner tribute, aztecross builds, iron banner builds, destiny 2 titan tank, solo iron banner, destiny pvp changes
Id: z960qDRGXD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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