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usually we're buting the boat but today we're gonna be beauty in the vault because we're gonna be learning how to solder which is the hottest engineering skill you get pick up the people that you're attracted to at the buy with your Sutter kill all you need is solder soldering iron and something to solder so like a piece of wire the first thing we're going to learn is through hole soldering it so I'm gonna flip on my soldering iron I like to keep my soldering iron at 650 degrees Fahrenheit because I'm an American I'm definitely don't touch the tip but if you do immediately run your finger under cold water and apply whatever weird herbal medicine your mom believes them a really common mistake that people make is when the solder isn't working or when things aren't going right they jack up the heat on the side I and that's the last thing you want to do you want to turn the heat down you really don't want to run it too high or you'll start burning things off of your boards a good tip for soldering header pins on when you order sensors or anything they'll usually come as just a board with holes in them and then header pins and you have to know how to solder them on without going crooked and how you do that is with a solderless breadboard like this so you put the header pins in the breadboard and then you can put your per for Don like so inside now you can see you've got the header pin sticking through the perf board it's all flat it's all pretty it's all beautiful and I'm sorry and you're king of a solder o options Thank You rosin core solder you and that Rojas approved stuff so we're gonna take our Rojas approved solder because Andrews a goody-two-shoes perfect my side I'm gonna just heated up so the first thing I want to do when I get this is um tin the tip of the iron I'm gonna do that by just pushing it against the solder and you notice it kind of disappears you've got that glob of solder and I'm just gonna throw that in our steel wool like but that gives you a nice clean non oxidize tip for soldering solder flows to where its hottest so wherever on your part is the hottest is where your solder is gonna be which means that if you're only putting heat on the pin or on the solder or on the board that's the only place that solder is gonna go so and then the other thing is that heat flows through surface area so the more surface area you have against a nob then the more heat is gonna go into that object so the key is that you want to get an equal amount of surface area between the soldering iron tip the pin and the little copper circle around the board so to that I'm just gonna wrap around I'm gonna tap the soldering iron on both and make sure so I've got a pretty even amount and then I'd solder in yeah what's there and there you've got a nice joint and you want to get that nice little little pyramid and so I'll show you again this angle is really difficult to solder from thank you and always be sure to be cleaning your tip frequently it's kind of like painting you know you want to make sure that your brush is always clean and has enough pigment on it keep in mind it's okay to start by putting your iron on the thing and letting it heat up a bit before you go in and add your solder because then it will flow much more nicely now I'm ready to go and I can lift my beautiful thing off and you'll see you've got these header pins they're nice and straight I want to show off my dress I should do like a full fashion show because this dress is baller go all out with the you know so another thing we're going to learn is how to desolder so say you soldered something on and then you screwed it up and now you have to take it off so my number one way to desolder is I like solder wick this is just a braid of really thin copper and you can pull it apart here so that you can see think of it like a sponge for solder you know it's got a bunch of holes in it and the solder can flow up the wick now maybe I'm feeling like this loose connection should have been made so I'm just gonna hold that on there and really press the soldering iron into it and if the solder wick is filling up let's say you can see that's got a ton of solder in it so I'm just gonna move farther up the wick don't be afraid to really get in there with your with your soldering iron and now we've got a slightly more silver I accept you've removed your mistake good job all right so think we're gonna learn how to do is splice two wires together don't count on your solder to be the structural integrity of your joint do not count on the solder to be structurally sound at all okay this is actually kind of interesting so the difference between solder and welding is that solder does not melt your workpiece at all it only connects them together which is why your solder joint cannot be a mechanical function it can't have any support whereas welding is when you melt your work pieces slightly as well and then the workpiece and the filler material are melted together to create a mechanical joint did nobody else like that interesting I think that's super cool these are by far my favorite tool probably on the planet I was expecting to get a pair for my birthday and I didn't and I am still bitter that's why we broke up if you don't have really expensive really fancy pair of wire strippers you can be like the pleadians like myself those were borrowed and stripped with a normal pair of wire strippers so what I like to do is take about that much and then cross them and twist so we're gonna twist there's my bows together and then take your solder go I'm gonna tin my tip a little bit here you all right so this is something called heat shrink and it's basically tubing that shrinks as you heated up so I'm gonna slide that on like such cool so then this is a heat heat dryer okay this is a hot air gun I basically turned it on and it starts producing hot air and as you point it at something like this turn it like a little rotisserie chicken and we're good see how quick and easy what that was so that's if you have solid gauge wire if you have strand of gauge wire different ballgame again we're gonna strip this wire the thicker the wire you have the more you want to strip down so that's even I would say not quite enough I'm gonna strip a little bit more so again with the with the twisting but what I like to do is actually kind of fan it out and break it into like this and take those two kind of link them a diamond and then twist so this is a pretty solid joint there's a lot of wires tangled together there that's not going anywhere really if I were doing a lot of these I would definitely switch to a bigger tip get my solder on there paint it off okay nice big glob of solder jatin this and then and this is just gonna take a while until notice I'm laying the side of the iron against the wire and that's just to allow more surface area for heat to flow and just pushing my solder and when I hit the end of my solder be sure to throw it in your solder waste container and put that in electronics waste because high chance that we'll have leaded material in it so now that you can see the solder is really infused true throughout throughout this giant that was a lot of wire so as a result a lot of solder but there you go again put your nub solder waste not the trashcan do not fit solder in the trash put it inside thank you the baby seals well thank you as well pretty much all the animals living in the dumpster landfill but you know when they like build parks on top of the landfill those answer future animals or when you live on top of a landfill you'll thank yourself since I did heat shrink on the last one I'll use electrical tape this time thank you and it takes some electrical tape and snip the thing with electrical tape is it stretchy take advantage of that you can get a nice tight tape job by pulling on it as you wrap it around and obviously that's a little bit messier than the heat shrink but it's definitely insulative it definitely works and that's also not going anywhere beautiful now that I've made a mess be sure to periodically go through throw your things in solder waste and it here is my solder waste soldering shouldn't cost you a whole lot of money I mean like a $30 Weller you can get it on Amazon or RadioShack if you can find a RadioShack that still exists it's perfect and when you're done with your project it is super critical turn your soldering iron off you do not want to burn your house down because you've like left your soldering iron on it's like leaving your stove on like nothing probably will go wrong but you might give your cat a really bad surprise [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Beauty and the Bolt
Views: 457,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: electrical engineering, electricity, arduino, through hole, desoldering, how to, howto, beauty and the bolt, disney, zero to hero, making, maker, makerspace, women who code, girls who code, women in tech, stem, stem education, tutorial, solder, circuits, soldering basics, electronics, diy, do it yourself, technology, how to solder, soldering iron, engineering, how, circuit board, basic soldering, how-to, flux, easy, circuit, tips, solder and flux, soldering wires together, hakko fx888d, education
Id: ZwU9SqO0udU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2016
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