How to Solder on Circuit Boards!

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[Music] in the past soldering video we showed you how to solder and how to make a very nice solder joint with wires this video will include some advanced soldering techniques so let's get started in addition to the standard soldering tip every high quality soldering station will include a number of interchangeable tips that you can add to your soldering tool from left to right we have a long screwdriver tip which is one thirty seconds of an inch then we have a conical tip followed by a long conical tip and then another standard tip the conical tip that we already have installed will be fine for a general PCB soldering now you always want to start with a clean solder tip so we'll make sure that that tip is clean and free of any old solder here we're gonna solder an audio jack into a board with four pins now I like to use the larger gauge or smaller diameter solder that's because I think it's easier to use but your preference may be different as you get more experienced in solder as with any soldering you always want to apply heat to both the pad or in this case a through-hole and the leg and let the solder do the work and fill the through-hole completely again apply heat and solder and make sure solder fills the entire through-hole and the leg now the smaller the circuit board like this one that we used for our LED cube it's gonna require a little bit more patience and care to make a good solder joint and not to cross the solder onto another through-hole now sometimes instead of using wire to join contacts on a board you can use solder fly solder to one of the through holes apply solder to the other two hole that we want to connect and then add some solder in the middle to make the connection now the key here is not to let the solder get too hot or it won't join with the other solder you have to let it cool and then slowly work it across and make a little bridge from one connection to the other don't forget to keep your tip clean it's just gonna make your job easier now when soldering chips or other small components in this case and I see holder it's helpful to have a piece of wood or something else so once you get it in place put your module in place you can put the piece of wood over it and flip it over now you have access to all your pins then all you need to do is apply solder to one of the pins and that will hold the module in place then you can make all your other connections without the component falling out now to solder other components like transistors resistors and capacitors there's an easy way to get them to stay in place because once you flip the board over they're gonna fall out once you insert your component and flip it over all you have to do is bend the leads just a teeny little bit so the component stays in place don't bend them too far because when you're done making those solder connections you're gonna want to clip those leads well I hope this brief tutorial on PCB soldering will help you become a better maker if you missed any of my other Kipkay tips click the end cards on the screen to check those videos out or Kipkay tips next week thanks for watching
Channel: kipkay
Views: 361,964
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Keywords: tech tips, tech tip, kipkay, kip kay, kipkay tips, kip kay tips, pcb soldering, soldering, how to solder, circuit board, circuit boards, solder circuit board, how to how to
Id: Pjsoq-ZejRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 50sec (230 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2017
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