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hey everyone and welcome back to another video so recently I've been following night climb on the eus soliq server while they're boot camping there for MSI he's doing very very well for himself got a 70 win rate in master two and you can see here as well something that surprised me was just how many kills he has I mean if we look at some of the average here 9.7 108 9.8 10.3 9.7 so a lot a lot of kills and I thought we could take the opportunity to look at some of his replays see how he's getting those leads and how he's closing them out so in this video we're going to focus on a few of his replays of melee Champs and tomorrow we will check out some of the range Champs so game number one here we have a Fizz versus Cinder matchup and as a reminder I'm gonna be mainly looking at one you know how do they get their initial lead I think that's very very important especially for melee Champions and then what do they do to kind of accelerate themselves further because I think that's something that you guys struggle with a lot not so much actually closing out the game specifically I think that's not too bad for a lot of you guys but it's really kind of making sure you're really taking over the game and some of the cool Concepts behind that so Fizz versus syndrome matchup I think the 1v1 is pretty good for Cinemas in a mobile champ so it's very easy to punish especially with the gang setup and obviously if she ever does overextend she can take a lot of damage for it so we'll kind of see how we go um now first thing we're gonna kind of notice is that Cinder has gone for a pretty strong early game page you can see here that she's got uh Airy resolve which is probably the strongest Landing phase you can get um and in this matchup anyway is Fizz and as a lot of melee Champs early up against range Champs you kind of have to stack the first few levels um normally your main goal is just not to take too much damage in these first few levels did get the bone plating out there honestly I would say overall this trade probably wasn't worth it given how much damage you took I'd say normally when you are playing most melees early if you can get to level three like in a fairly solid spot you know not taking too much damage um making sure to have a you know a decent amount of Cs then you're you're in a pretty good spot what you really don't want is you're playing a matchup like this and you kind of lose the game before you have the potential to start winning the match up right like you can see here very willing to give up CS in order to maintain High HP that's very very important there are some melees that spike a little bit earlier you know if you're playing something like Aurelia you can be aggressive a bit earlier but most mid lane assassins are waiting for either level three or sometimes even level six see also is willing to use a little bit of Mana to avoid some harass right we'll jump over the queue every now and then that's because syndra like isn't going to all in early so if you waste the cooldown it's not the worst obviously it does leave me vulnerable to more harass though with corrupting part should actually be fine I'll actually show visitors just in case you guys are curious personally I would have gone resolved second is Fizz here but this is like quite good for snowballing so let's see why he's gone for I suppose now has taken a lot of damage which makes this a little bit of an awkward situation but still has enough Health that can actually play the game has a corrupting pot stack so now this is where it kind of turns right you've managed it you've taken a lot of damage but you've managed to keep up in CS and this is where you can start kind of be being aggressive is on the bounce back out now think about the bounce back out is that it's very difficult for syndra to walk up and push this because one she has to walk up really far in the lane which makes you really vulnerable and two you have a good chance of hitting level four first and you've got all this room to chase down the lane so it's real important when you play melee Champions is having like distance to chase your opponent down because normally assassins don't so much run out of damage it's more than they run out of room to chase you know like once your opponent gets on the tower there's much you can do but when the wave is in this spot which is basically your ideal spot for almost any melee Champion uh gives you so much room to all in your opponent can see here there's great gang setup the queue followed up by the E forces Cinder Flash and this is very very important in fact this is important for pretty much all types of Champs but melees in particular if you ever have flash advantage over your opponent that should be a guaranteed like kill like for you or your jungler at some point because what you can do is you can use your flash in so many different ways in order to secure a kill like for example you could flash over cinder's stuff you could um you could like look for a flash alt you can e-flash you know there's so many ways you can abuse it or even if you're just straight up all inning you might you know e over one cue and Flash over another essentially if you use your flash difference really well can be really hard for your opponent to actually survive now why did Fitz go for a RICO hit pretty simple it's just because of the TP Gap this is something I've talked about quite a lot before when you are playing in someone with TP and you don't you kind of have to base first otherwise you end up in a really awkward spot where the light the Lane's Frozen and you can't really unfreeze it but I would say Fizz here isn't a very very good spot because syndra will not have ulti or sorry will not have flash when she hits level six and once this does get his alt um she's gonna be pretty much dead now I'm just gonna quickly bring this up even though it's like a melee focused uh video I think this is a pretty big mistake from syndra so you can see that like fizz actually went for a lot of early game Power right picked up the dark seal obviously it's a great snowballing item has the corrupting part already syndra bought no sustain and no combat stats move speed doesn't really do a whole lot versus Fizz I guess for dodging the alt maybe but I don't really think it does a whole lot uh no sustain of any kind no tankiness of any kind which is going to make it really hard for her to win trades and um I'd say at this point like cinder's honestly kinda she's not doomed but she loses a lot of agency over the game because now level five or seven four probably wants to try crash's wave so the thing is normally when you're an assassin in this situation right the thing that should happen is you just crash this wave because you can't really look to harass in this situation because what's gonna happen is Cinder can just sit back farm from range and then eventually the wave will come to her Tower and she'll just happily collect it Cinder actually made a pretty big mistake here which is that she used stun and then walked up afterwards and this is something that you always want to look for especially as a melee Champion is a lot of like Majors especially they're kind of reliant on one of their abilities to stop you from trading on them so examples being syndra e Victor W LeBlanc has W and e um re charm you know all these things they have long cooldowns and they're kind of the only thing keeping them safe from getting traded on once you force that out by moving into them or by you know them just wasting it that's when you can look to punish so Cinder here should just chill out just don't walk up to the wave the leg is pushing to you and you're completely fine but instead like she walks up and she actually takes quite a bit of damage even with bone plating and then this is Super End like she turns around tries to actually get the cannon here but takes so much damage for it and now even if kha'zix didn't gank she's probably just done so like she would have to base TP at some point otherwise she dies at level six instead because she doesn't have Flash she dies and that's how Fizz picks up the first kill so to kind of recap how did Fizz pick up the first kill I would say mainly it was through Wave Control you know kind of having the wave in the right spot allowed uh kha'zix to burn Cinders flash early and then following up that I think a really good punishment of the cooldowns I'm allowed him to end up taking out Center I got a lot of damage on him set up for another gank so Cinder is based um and now Finn stood after using Knight for that kill which is a bit unfortunate but it's still in a very very good spot and you can see now that the the difference in combat stats is like really really large something that people forget about is like movement speed is a combat stat and the reason is that it's not a combat stat all the time like movement speed against Fizz doesn't really do a whole lot because it's pretty hard to kite out Fizz because he has a slow so he can always chase soon he has dashes and Fizz skill shots I mean do they really count I don't think like it's just ulti but it honestly ultra's quite hard to dodge even with move speed whereas like against cindero Cinder is basically all skill shots so having move speed against syndra is really really nice and a lot of melee Champs will Rush boots early um because they allow you to chase down your opponent Dodge skill shots you know all that sort of stuff so what are we looking for here well we still know Sandra has no flash and this is I think a situation where a lot of you get kind of lost so when you get ahead as an assassin right you kind of have a choice you can push the wave to your opponent's Tower and look to Rome um or you can kind of keep the wave here and look to kill them generally you can't do both like if you push the wave and then try to kill your opponent on the tower that you're really ahead it's probably not going to happen so instead I would just play to choose one of those and oftentimes if you're if your like opponent is just sitting under their Tower that's like your opportunity to just push waves for free and then look to roam to other lanes if your opponent is instead like pushing out here then you probably want to freeze the wave and look to punish in this situation Center's not even here so might as well just push this and then look for some sort of run another thing that is like really important with Roaming In general is that you do try and push this way first if possible a lot of assassin players like fall into the habit of just you know they can pick up kills by just like spam roaming and then they ignore CS but the thing is especially if you stay ahead as an assassin most of them actually have pretty decent wave clear you know like once you get a lot of points in ears Fizz you kill the wave really fast and that allows you to be very very efficient around the map you can clear waves easily run around the map and do all that now here why would Fez not be pushing this wave well the answer is probably that he wants to pressure syndra a bit more so if we kind of pause and look at the rest of the map it doesn't nothing really looks super gankable right now like ganking for a kog'mor Lulu is pretty hard there's no real CC here um these guys are full HP so it doesn't really seem like it you could maybe go Top Lane but again Fiora is losing doesn't have great CC kinda seems ungankable at the moment and also kha'zix is kind of doing as red so what we might have to wait is for calyx to be ready to pressure the map and one of these other lanes to be a bit lower on HP until that point probably just want to kind of keep the wave here and look to Precious Cinder harder you can see the when Center does use the cooldowns on the wave that means Fizz can force her off and she's forced to just lose both of these screams and it keeps the wave in a nice spot here what you really don't want to do and I'll just bring this up while I remember what you really really don't want to do as an assassin is to either okay probably the worst case scenario is you push a wave to the enemy's Tower they collect it and you can't do anything with it like if you ever find you're just Spam shoving waves and you can't find any roams or you can't do anything with it you're much better off just keeping the wave in the position it is here because all you're doing is like you're giving them free farm and kind of like wasting your time but this situation like pressure syndra a lot like even if you can't kill someone in this situation she will kind of just miss random CS like this right because she gets forced away from them and that slowly builds up a nice lead for yourself um here here really nice usage of level seven versus level six just really punishing that level Advantage you can see isn't allowed to walk up to the wave at all and she's just bleeding CS she's bleeding XP which is really really nice once again nowhere else really looks like it can be roamed to Butlins uh and bass I guess yeah in base journalism bass as well so instead we'll just look for those uh 1v1 trades onto syndra and with this wave like permanently in the spot you can say it just makes it so it's so pressuring for syndra um yeah and I I think this is like a good example of the fact that you obviously you want to roam when you get the opportunity to but you shouldn't just like force roams all the time because roaming at bad times is very very bad here kind of see the Fizz gang setup coming through I think even without kha'zix most likely could have cleaned that one after uh with the queue and once again like when the wave is in this spot if your opponent doesn't have Flash especially as a mobile Mage most of the time they are just dead I mean you can see the gank set up it's quite hard to respect out of Cinder she probably felt safe because she hadn't known as with her but honestly it's just not enough does end up getting taken out here and Fizz can just look to clear this wave and reset so we're already in an amazing spot I mean we're 2-0 we have a huge lead over our opponent um here can just walk down to the viego because this wave is still very very far away so Ken looks to come to this although without having cooldowns it does make it a little awkward to fight um I can still mentioned that as well as like most melee it's not all obviously but a lot of them are very cooled down Reliant you know like if you don't have important abilities you probably are better off walking away from a fight and just fighting on kind of your strong timings as opposed to trying to force like bites all the time obviously this Jinx here is I think a bit two weeks it does just get taken out and I think like yeah really important here as well is just how much CS like uh the first still has like your second I guess not quite as much as the top miners but you know very decent CS 72 and nine minutes is honestly pretty solid for something especially as like an assassin right in a losing at least a losing early matchup even though it's like a winning 1v1 and that's pretty important as well because you want to kind of like close all the gaps in your play right you want to have like as few deaths as possible obviously you grab as much gold whether that's from kills or plates or CS or whatever and if we just like check right now you can see the midline gold difference is about 2 000 which no matter how much scaling your opponent has at this point like I don't think anyone would doubt that syndra outscales fizz it's like this is an un un unrecoverable gold difference in mid lane like syndrome will just always be behind Fizz unless the game goes for like 50 minutes or something like that and that puts you in a really really great spot um just to snowball out this game so to kind of recap because I think we've kind of gone through the first 10 minutes here and we'll move on to another replay mainly it was just like really good Wave Control knowing when to push and when not to I think is really really important punishing the cooldowns obviously um was great as well and just kind of knowing I guess at all times like what you want to be doing like none of the sense of you need to know it every instance but just knowing in general like what am I trying to do you know am I trying to set up kills onto my opponent am I trying to roam around the map like like what am I actually focused on here I think that's very very important and that leads him to this giant lead here so we'll move on to another replay now so replay number two here is a Renekton versus Fizz matchup which is very very different from the matchup we just watched generally melee vs melee is really really different like in most melee versus melees you actually want to push because creeps will be really important in an early game obviously abusing level spikes is really important as well and I would say in general like there is more stat checking to be done in melee versus melee matchups which is why like most melees are used as a counter um just generally as opposed to Blind picking them I guess renekton's one of those Jam that can probably be blinded but it's not going to happen that often you can see here Renekton definitely beats visual level one so you're gonna be zoning him off the wave um this is something that you can always do if you're winning a melee vs melee matchup I mean you can kind of see already great start to the Lane right has a CS lead already significant damage Delta Fizz which can you actually force a kill onto Fizz early it should be kind of hard I think but what you can do is you can use these first few waves that you're pushing here to build up a you know a small Health lead and then when the wave comes back out and it pushes back to you you can look to kind of have it on your side and look to punish with it now something that is not super specific to this matchup in particular is like think about what the junglers want as well so in the previous game right we had Fizz versus sinra and we had a kha'zix so kha'zix is actually pretty good at ganking and mobile Champs I wouldn't say like kha'zix is a ganking jungle per se but he is like quite good at punishing especially if you have gank set up mid nidalee is like sort of more on like the she's more of a Tempo jungle like she wants to clear she wants to invade fight in the river and again she can't gank mid because she has a Renekton um but priority is going to be quite important in this matchup because it's most likely going to be quite a lot of river fights now you can see here a difference between melee and range by the way is most range would probably want to harass under Tower here unfortunately as a melee you can't really do that so you're better off using that time um to do something else whether that's like bassing or warding or whatever you really want to do so this wave you have options here is Renekton you can let it push back out to you kind of freeze it here I think instead you probably want to keep the pressure up just because there is a Scuttle crab spawning soon and both junglers are on this side of the map so you're probably thinking okay while it is probably better for my 1v1 to freeze this it might be better to keep the pressure on as well we'll see what he actually ends up doing I can't really remember I did Glimpse this game I didn't watch the whole thing velvet gets chunked out here so this is pretty nice one thing you can do is if you are way way stronger than your opponent is you can actually kind of get the luxury of both like you can freeze the wave and move to the fight before them in this case didn't really need to um it's going to thin out a bit of that wave has the gang set up here for more than Italy you can kind of see same same kind of spot as before where the wave is in this spot in that case it was cinder getting ganked up here in this case The Fez is getting ganked kind of early has the E so it's quite hard to actually punish him but it's still nice to get a little bit of Chunk um okay I mean literally maybe not the best play there but it is gonna take out Fizz so this game's a little weird I would say because that's not normally how you're gonna get your initial snowball but what we can do is mainly look at how do we actually like use the snowball so basing we have a significant item lead and one thing you should check pretty much every time you come out of base is just again who has more combat stats so just looking like clearly we have more gold spent as Renekton right because we had more CS so we just had more gold and you can see that really manifests in the items which normally if you have an item Advantage you can't just trade with your opponent and there isn't a whole lot they can do about it so whenever they look to walk up you can just fight them or storage them off the creep wave and yeah they just like won't really have much of a reply to it so once again Fizz is kind of far up in the lane they do have members around I'd be kind of surprised if this ended up working but if Fizz does use his e at any point like is probably gonna die okay so actually yeah physicist uses the aim I guess they thought that with the restaurant would be able to win but once again goes down and I guess like again pay attention to just how important the Wave Control is if you're like if you just Spam all of this wave and cue it in as Renekton there's never the opportunity to set up for this and if you pause there's nothing that Renekton can do a whole lot with the prior right now like again top looks like pretty much on games all right but as well there's no one even here so there's no point you could I suppose you should prior to maybe like pink here wood here or something like that but ultimately you can deny more by slow pushing this in and setting up the game because you know it's gonna crash eventually and then you can use your prior for something else so connecting obviously very very good at the 2v2s they do just manage to crash this in and yeah grab that now here Renekton definitely wants to fast push because we have some fights over here so we're just gonna clear that out and that means this kind of like puts Fizz on a timer it's like if Fizz comes to this he's gonna lose something for a guaranteed um and also it's like you know if he doesn't come to this then you can walk to that for free and also I swear if he doesn't come to this is jungle flame him which I ironically is is a good way to win solo queue um so yeah I don't think there's like much Fizz can do at this point I mean he's very very far behind against a champ that can basically just stat check him at this point um is going to Pork and I mean you can just see how far ahead you are now obviously this game has been like a little different from some of the other ones but one thing I want to bring up is just like a really important Concept in general is um like just how you spend your time in general right like you you can't do everything at once you can't like gank top and fall at the same time you can't like deny waves mid while you know warding their Grump or whatever like you just can't do everything at the same time right so when you're ahead you're trying to find like one the most efficient way to use your time and two to make sure you don't waste any time like what you an example would be as we're necked in here right let's just say you like walk down on this River for like three more seconds and then you walk back man right as a result you'd be at this wave slightly late maybe you would get to another place slightly late just like every second matters especially when you're ahead because you want to be you want to be pressuring the map like as hard as possible and the best way to do that is to just like be super efficient with your time and like find I guess like the the most effective way to spend that time as well gets a really nice straight onto physio again it's kind of just like the item Gap at this point you can just be as aggressive as you want and there really isn't a whole lot Fizz you can do against it um and I guess again like really just there hasn't been a whole lot of roaming I think that's something I see a lot when I watch you guys is like you force roams at bad times like it's really really important and I have a whole video on how to roam but it's really really important you don't roam at bad times because it gives your opponent like a way back into the game and it slows down you're snowballing a lot whereas like in this case Renekton kind of has everything he wants he's taking plates he's got the 78 CS at 8 30 massive gold lead over his opponent and he hasn't needed to roam to grab any of those so I don't think we need anything more from this replay we'll just go to the last one I guess we'll look at this fight first oh my God that guy just exploded so yeah that one was a bit different but I think the concept of knowing what to do with your time and kind of paying attention to your teammates like you know if for example you're in Italy and ricana right here like setting up for a gank is much more effective whereas like if they're invading the Wolves then maybe you want to start pushing so try and look at your teammates try to think about how you can use that time last replay we're going to take a look at for our melee Champs is a Silas vs Gangplank matchup so this is a pretty tough matchup in my opinion um but the thing with most melee versus Range matchups in general and I count GP as a range champ just because he basically just spam excuse you but I suppose it's a melee Champion Theory but I think he's a range gem the way most of these matchups work is you have Windows to punish your opponent you just need to you need to find them basically like most melees are much better at trading actually just like fighting but the the difficult thing is getting poked down before you find the opportunity um or before you find that go and not really being able to get onto them now this match up here um I think Gangplank yeah is just like very strong in Lane in general um but there's maybe a few things size can do like I think once you get on GP you do actually win the trade so here got some nice punishes um I'm surprised Gangplank didn't just start with Cue in this matchup I think could be a mistake but was maybe expecting that you know whenever Silas comes forward that he'd need something to disengage the problem is though you know every time one of these barrels is on cooldown and starts uses his passage to ottom gangbang takes a lot of damage you can kind of see here like when you get on him it's like really really hard um and you kind of need to in these like bad matchups as melee you you have like options right like you can either sit back and try set up ganks but you are very reliant on your team in that case and sometimes it is the only thing you can do honestly but I think there's always some window like when your opponent like Waits a cooldown or um you know when they misposition like too far up or when you have More Creeps than them you just like really have to be good at recognizing the window you can kind of see here like there's really much to the trade it's like once you realize the Gangplank doesn't really have anything you can just really hard punish and I think honestly gangplank's already in like a really rough spot the fact that you feel so threatened now is GP that you can't cue Silas and you're forced to queue creeps it's really really rough now hecarim comes from the gank mid here it's in such a huge creep wave that I think yeah it does end up just being a one for one I assume yeah it does end up being a one for one and his wave's not in the best spot um but he did get the kill and once again should be pretty strong compared to gangplane you know gangplank's got this executioners but it's not the be-all end on this match up by any means it's still I think quite easy for Silas to play around that and we'll kind of see that also another thing is like if you're playing a melee that has a dash compared to like a champ that doesn't normally if you trade flashes that is better for you so I'd say in like this situation right like Gangplank is more vulnerable without his flash than silas's which is really really nice you probably want the wave to come back to you here is Silas because again there isn't much you can do in the wave is in this state you can't really e into your opponent it's very difficult to get to them and it makes you more gankable so yeah you can kind of see here unfortunately stars does get punished for the wave being in that spot for so long does take quite a lot of damage to hecarim but overall the wave is now going to be in a pretty good spot like he has More Creeps so it's pushing to him um which is going to be quite nice has velvet in the back pocket you do need to be kind of careful like how much you use on the wave because like you definitely want the wave to push to you and you really also don't want like you you don't want to use so much on the wave that once the wave actually gets it in the right spot that you don't have anything left to punish like you don't have enough Mana left or whatever so um I'm surprised I was Heavy trading so much here to be honest I think could probably play it a little bit safer but it's maybe thinking that like you know can just go for even trades knowing that your jungler is uh closer and kind of set it up like that it's always kind of like a tough decision to make right because if I go back here it's like if for example their jungler managed to push out yours then these trades wouldn't be good because their jungle would come mid first but I guess he probably saw here that belveth you know the performers level three double Buffs there's none basically there's no way hacker room can contest this right and which means that their his jungler should come Mid First and Gangplank he basically can't do anything here like he has no option to crash this wave um without hecarim's help but hecarim's not able to help and he has no flash so it's pretty much a guaranteed death here for Gangplank as long as Belvedere recognizes it and if belvis weren't here yet the silence you'd still want to try and keep the wave here for as long as you could and just kind of make sure you can set up onto the GP so once that point happens uh GP does go down Silas will go for the reset I would quit mentioned there is a couple things you could do here so after you get this Gangplank kill if you wanted you could probably base here without pushing the wave and that would deny Gangplank an extra wave here but I think the reason size pushes here is because he doesn't have like an amazing amount of gold and you probably want to crash this wave because it's still going to deny something and as a result you base with an even greater goal difference so while freezing the wave would mean a more bigger goal difference on your neck space and like a bigger XP difference I think the immediate power might actually be better go for two anthems could even buy a second part if he needs it depending on how much he wants to trade probably doesn't need it like I think you need to be a little careful how many pots and pinks you buy like you definitely don't want to over buy them because they do add up but anyway did spend most of his goal which is very nice and once again like we're kind of getting to the point where the item difference is just too much and you just win trains right like you get to the point where all you really need to do is attack your opponent you know you just dive onto them and there isn't a whole lot they can do about it yeah one of us comes for a gank mid and looks like oh okay so it ends up being a one for one I would say a one for one even though it's more a total goal for Gangplank is actually not too bad though for sales just because Silas snowballs so well uh with gold whereas Gangplank still kinda needs to wait for his items um obviously like accelerating a gangplank because if you don't really want to see it right because he does end up very strong but in the more like immediate time I think it probably does favor Silas even though it's like a greater gold amount of GP and he's gonna look to keep abusing there so kind of at a point where it's a little awkward here because you know the wave is pushing into him and so Gangplank again all he needs to do really is just chill out um but like as Silas here if you do find angles like you do here you can look to trade with them obviously trading with bone plating up adds up to like you know quite a lot I mean here actually wait why was it so low the replay has crashed give me a moment fails I will reload it okay back to where we were so if you see before this trade you know bone planning at 17 hasn't done a whole lot I think it is kind of weird that he went bone playing I would say second win versus gangbang should be better but if you do have bone plating and you do have a way to get on your opponent first like if you can choose when the trade starts um going in like with your e like this and trading with bone plating up it does make it quite hard for most Champs to trade back against you does just absorb quite a lot of extra damage here you know it wasn't amazing but still you know an extra while like 53 damage I think it was off the trade is it definitely adds up if you can trade with bone plating more often so wave goes in here and again you have options unless you can divert component on the tablet there's probably no point sticking around better off you can go deeper with their jungle you can look for roams and other lanes you could base obviously would be another thing looks like you will just drop the ward again is there any roam opportunities doesn't look like it like no one's bought top definitely does not look gankable um very important as well if you can that you try Rome to decide your junglers on like if you went for a gank here um while your jungle is bad side there's a pretty good chance you run into hecarim and it's not going to go too well for you it's going to be like a 2v2 rather than kind of playing like with your jungle now so as he had sometimes the chain really is just longer than you intended to be Nautilus who could be in trouble yeah nice Gangplank looks like he will just go down so I actually don't think there's going to be a whole lot left to that replay um that we haven't already talked about in the previous two the main thing from this one is again like really trying to find those windows to trade right like I think this matchup more than the others was like silence just knew at some point that he would win trains right like he would just win by eating onto your opponent obviously like in a lot of match-ups is when your opponent uses a specific cooldown but in some matchups you just win you know the trade if you get on your opponent right and I think Silas knew that so an example would be um you know as if you're playing again like that fizz versus syndrome matchup if you get on syndrome like you probably just beat her in the trade all the time right but the reason you have to wait for her e is because it's quite hard to get on her without it um but it's worth thinking about you know if if you guys just fight right now like if you manage to get on them who would win because almost always it's the melee champ unless you're playing against the range champ with really good um kind of extended DPS or another another melee so examples would be like cassir for example is quite hard to just jump on because she's really good at extended trading as well or melees that take a lethal Tempo can be quite hard for SARS to trade on stuff like that so I think that's going to be it for this video don't want to just repeat myself for another 30 minutes so main things again for snowballing and extending that lead is melees I'd say initially getting the lead it's mainly through like Wave Control cooldown punishment kind of just yeah looking to kind of build a small Health lead for yourself and then it's really about punishing you know like if they extend too far from the lane they can be ganked or if they burn flash like that allows for a solo kill and then later on like once you do get that lead it's mainly going to be about just um what you do with the wave like are you pushing and roaming are you just like keeping the wave here are you trying to dive them are we warding their jungle like what are we doing with that now I guess the last thing is just like really recognizing the fact that once you get a big item difference over your opponent there isn't much they can do to train back so that will be it for this video tomorrow we will look at a bunch of Reigns Champions if you have any questions uh please leave them in the comment section below otherwise I'll see you guys tomorrow
Channel: Shok
Views: 17,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shok, ShokLoL, Rank 1, Challenger, OCE, NA, Professor, Mid, Midlane, Pro, Carry as melees, Melee mid, Melee mid guide, melee mid snowball guide, how to snowball LoL, how to carry LoL, fizz guide LoL, fizz how to carry, renekton guide LoL, renekton how to carry, sylas guide LoL, sylas how to carry, mid lane carrying guide, mid lane 1v9 guide, Knight fizz, Knight renekton, Knight sylas
Id: Ob0r6iFlpxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 16sec (1816 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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