HOW TO SNEAK SNACK ANYWHERE YOU GO || Sneaky Food Hacks By 123 GO Like!

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hold it right there kids and no food no problem thanks bro okay next you've got to be kidding me [Music] no sugary treats get past me what you can read right oh but we need this sugar to hype us up wait check it out see this karaoke mic pop off its top and pour in your favorite candy once it's full just close it right back up [Music] we're gonna rock so hard tonight okay fine you're good then you go that's why they pay me the big bucks [Applause] looks like we're a hit but i could sure use a sugar boost oh yeah we do it all for the fans all right i'll just open my locker and pull up my candy that i hid in here looks like the coast is clear which means it's time for some gum [Music] hey we want gum too pass it around oh come on this was supposed to be my gum here take it everyone can just have a piece oh i hardly have any gum left just this little bit i wish there was a way to hide my gum so no one would ask for it that's it i've got a great idea okay i've got my spool of gum i'll just unspool some and then cut it off that should be enough now for my hoodie i'll need to use edible glue for this part time to add some glue onto my hoodie in a cool pattern just like this i'll add strips of gum to the glue on my hoodie done my hoodie looks so cute is anyone around nope which means it's time to reveal the secret of my hoodie no one knows i've got gum which means no more mooching oops i see what you've got there in your hand can i have a piece of your gum [Music] oh uh sure here you go excellent thank you this is my favorite flavor whoa that was a close one i almost got in trouble good thing i've got more gum for me hello darling kisses ah where's my pencil bag i need a snack before class begins and that means no food in class hey what did i just say that food is not allowed look at her she's just wasting away how could you don't worry darling i'll save you put these back on and prepare for my magic [Music] perfection now lean back first i'll be using this i'll just put a nice line around your frames all the way around just like that wow you did such a good oh my gosh yes keep your eyes closed tightly we need a lot of sprinkles darling now shake away the excess voila your glasses are edible artwork now yes you look fabulous just like me time to give these snack glasses a taste oh so yummy don't forget to include her in the photo oh oh sure okay here we go show off your frames darling [Music] wow this runway show is great okay no one's looking time to treat myself where did you get that croissant i'm starving i haven't eaten anything in hours hold on i gotta hide this just a little more powder here [Music] let's see maybe this one yes that one will do and what's going on over here what is that crumbs someone has been eating food you've brought in food food around my fashion what is this disgusting pastry i'll tell you what it is garbage what about you are you hiding anything no well good job i suppose [Music] she's finally gone because i am starving and need a snack did you just eat makeup that's so gross look it's not makeup at all i'll show you i took a square piece of candy like this and i removed it from the wrapper [Music] then the next step was easy i started to mold it with my hands i just rolled it around until it softened then when it was a ball shape i just smooshed it flat then i took my makeup palette and removed the colors the candy fit perfectly inside the spots for the makeup i just filled the whole thing with pieces of candy so you see i'm not eating makeup try one oh thanks it's so good [Music] stop where are you going uh just heading over that way oh are you now you wouldn't be hiding anything would you is it hot in here or is it just me i've just got this first aid to deliver that's all oh well that's fine of course go on through oh my gosh she's so scary i feel like i just went through a complicated surgery as the surgeon you made it what took so long oh that doctor at the front desk is the worst but anyway look what i brought [Music] wow it's like a first aid kit of candy you're the literal best thank you so much this milka bar is gonna taste amazing i can just tell yep i was right it's delicious i love eating candy it always makes me feel better oh shoot there's nothing left to drink [Music] oh don't worry i've got you covered are you kidding that's so gross oh my gosh just watch ew i don't want to watch you being disgusting it's all right i took a can of soda right and then i just stuck this bulb syringe into the opening it was easy to suck up all the soda with the bulb that's so clever top me off if you would i'd be delighted to bottoms up refreshing now to reach my mouth this chocolate's hitting the spot but nothing makes my stomach flip like the beautiful bella kisses darling hey is bella at that party i should bring her a sweet treat she'll fall in love with me [Music] not so fast these rules are dumb you know stop right there now turn hoody chocolate oh but i need these i'll just have to get creative think that's really noticeable i got it oh yeah double-sided tape check now for the placement and they say chocolate can't get you abs and just one more that's what i'm talking about [Music] don't forget the top button [Music] let's do this hmm let's see here excuse me sir someone goes to the gym phew that was pretty smooth and now for the real test ugh that guy again enough with the pleasantries time to whip out the big guns or shall i say sweet guns have at it ladies ah can i snag one of those whatever why limit yourself right [Music] so bye
Channel: 123 GO Like!
Views: 6,295,589
Rating: 4.4321184 out of 5
Keywords: DIY, hacks, tricks, craft, crafts, prank, pranks, 123 go, 123 go like, 123GO!, tutorial, how to, know how, sneak food, sneak snacks, sneak candy, sneaky school hacks, school hacks, how to sneak food, food hacks, food tricks
Id: o-W4rc6Vfhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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