HOW TO SNEAK FOOD FROM ANYONE || Funny DIY Ideas! Cool Hacks and Snack Situations by 123 GO! FOOD

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[Music] hello i'm just here to visit my friend oh look at you you're positively glowing thank you i'm very happy can i go in oh of course my dear head right on in oh my gosh what how are you so big are you pregnant you should see the look on your face but calm down it's actually just snacks i'm sneaking in here you go oh thanks but make sure you hide it so you don't get caught hmm let's see where's my next patient don't worry sack belly i'll protect you oh that must be her come with me miss oh no no there's been a mistake whoa this won't end well sorry sorry it wasn't meant to be a prank or anything i've never seen a sonogram like this before utterly ridiculous hey free candy don't mind if i do [Applause] looks like i made it on time you're about ready to pop hey little guy is it supposed to be lumpy like that well if you must know it's my secret marshmallow stash can't i keep it no way absolutely not no eating or drinking on the flight now safe travels hi there sir and who is this [Music] hey sofia what's up i didn't know you were bringing the pup whose teeth they won't hurt you see just a decoy to cover up my snacks pretty brilliant right you had me fooled [Music] hungry for a little cookie action and that's why we're besties thanks a lot tina [Music] kill my dude i have a ticket enjoy the movie [Music] hi there two please no candy allowed i don't make the rules can't bring that stuff in [Music] whoa what okay just hold these all we need is an extra hand where'd you get that it's fake that's genius can it fit all her candy make sure it's packed in there really holds on to it huh now for the perfect placement beautiful i like naturals don't worry hey you want this to work or not can we go in now please all righty you don't have any snacks right you'd better not be hiding anything [Music] oh boy i didn't see that coming uh thanks security guy [Music] [Applause] oh work you got is so hard huh they're giving mediocre effort oh a message i need to take this you two keep doing what you're doing okay i think he's gone which means it's time for a snack i'm so hungry i can't wait to eat the snickers [Music] yes it tastes so good it's the best thing i've ever eaten wow she must really be hungry [Music] oh no he's coming back into the gym quick pretend like we didn't stop working out what is that on her face oh no way oh stop stop what you're doing right now now let's see where's the food [Music] you hand over the candy you know the rules you can't sneak one past me now how about you [Music] all right good job at following the rules i approve i'm keeping my eye on both of you though [Music] hey don't worry about your snickers take a look at my shirt it's not just a design i've got real candy on there wow you're a genius at hiding snacks i know it's great right [Applause] hey these guys aren't half bad freak out we got this hold on you don't have any food on you do you well what do we have here i thought you kids knew better well we only brought some little things does candy even count nope you're not seeing the band sorry this is unbelievable we were so close [Music] don't lose hope yet wait for me deflate a balloon and fill it up with your favorite candy just squeeze them on in [Music] now you just need to inflate it an ear pup works best looks innocent right all right here goes nothing wait weren't you just here we'll try this again so far so good can we go in there now this is the best night ever [Music] this calls for a celebration [Applause] candy time [Music] candy and bts is there anything better [Music] [Applause] using blue hues can be tricky i'm getting the hang of this but my hunger's making it hard to focus lunch isn't for another hour did that come out of my stomach do you mind keeping quiet yes ma'am i know how to put a stop to this grumbling i've just gotta get a little creative yum first unwrap the starburst quietly no candy in class that didn't work how am i gonna do this [Music] i know the answer's right under my nose take a regular paint palette and take the colors out with a blade unwrap your candy we're starting with yellow press it between your hands and roll it into a ball it's perfect get your palette ready and press the candy in an empty spot use your fingers to fill in the space very nice and now the fun begins orange is my favorite just a quick bite that sure hits the spot what's going on over there just painting my sky miss looks good huh i suppose that was a close one better finish him before she comes back could it be any more beautiful out all the more reason to have a pool day and what's a pool day without snacks i am so relaxed right now good afternoon ladies [Music] is that food i see and drinks don't you people ever read no eating or drinking at the pool [Music] get rid of it now fine geez i'll help you is this mango this day sure took a turn [Music] goodbye sweet fluffy marshmallows wait a second i have an idea take your top and put a strip of double-sided tape on the bottom then stick a marshmallow to it okay lots of marshmallows tina like my new suit and it's edible fun pool day is back on you can have the first bite can never get enough of these bad boys you can save that again he's coming back act cool [Music] is that kid holding a kebab sure fooled him didn't we [Music] all right who's next here's our boarding passes everything looks in order but let's just see [Music] all right you're good enjoy your flight whoa look at her hello boys don't mind me i've just got a flight to catch here's my boarding pass what are you kidding me right now don't look at her you should be looking at me oh my gosh i'm so sorry i didn't mean to touch you ugh excuse me hey that's kind of weird right oh no i think i've lost half of my butt ah i hope no one saw anything i'll just sit quietly right here whoa look at her are they real hi i hope this seat isn't taken wow [Music] um what are you doing back there just getting a snack would you like some candy oh my you're not gonna believe this i've also got a bowl of snacks i was sneaking on the plane this is amazing great minds think alike [Applause] this fashion show was so high-end i have one rule for my show no candy allowed okay we understand that means chocolate too i hate the stuff if you need a snack you can have celery it's healthy and delicious you can eat as much as you like i'm glad we've got that covered i don't want to eat this celery it's gross well don't worry because i have a plan i snuck in some skittles here you can have some too what did i say about candy this is not allowed i will be taking it so sorry that he confiscated your candy but hey look what i've got shoes they're not just any shoes though you snuck skittles in on your high heels so smart here you go have a yellow one i know they're your favorite [Music] so much better than that donald celery oh my gosh i just got a great idea i'll be right back oh well more skittles for me then i guess hey look i'm back and with brand new clothes whoa you made an entire skittles outfit it looks pretty good right oh no he's back she's gonna get caught again what do we have here this outfit i can't believe my eyes it's magnificent glorious a masterpiece oh yeah i made it myself [Music] i actually think it's delicious for the test you'll need to memorize this quote [Music] anyway i don't think i've ever been this bored let's try and focus i do not get paid enough for this now hand over the gum missy here what is this you want your teeth to fall out wait all hopes not lost check this out pull the gum out like this then cut the tip on an angle take this retractable blade and take out its insert gum replacement coming through don't forget to put the end back on pretty nifty huh gum anyone i need a big piece today whoa you really like to live on the edge let's not blow things out of proportion what in heaven's name is this fresh out of the mouth gum oh i quit oh my bad [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh hey come over and sit next to me [Music] hey thanks for coming to visit me do you think you could get me something to drink check this out don't want to drink fish bowl water just trust me and give it a try [Music] look i even brought straws for us [Music] watch i'll show you [Music] it's so good seriously don't be a chicken uh no thank you seriously i waited until the front desk doctor was asleep when the coast was clear i made my move you know how good i am at sneaking seriously if sneaking was an olympic sport i'd win a gold medal but she was asleep which means she didn't notice me taking her bowl there were a few tense moments though i'm not gonna lie but the bowl was mine i took it right off the desk i just left the stuff inside on the desk then it was just a matter of sneaking back and i already told you how good i am at sneaking and that was the hard part everything else was easy once back in here i grabbed my hidden bottle of soda sprite because it's my favorite of course but also because it looks like water i just emptied the whole bottle into the bowl then it was the fun part decorations [Music] wow you did all that for me of course but also because i'm gonna share the sprite with you [Applause] hello here's my passport that's fine but let me take a closer look at you i'll just give you a quick run through of my food scanner hand it over the scanner is never wrong that's what i thought trying to sneak snacks through customs let's continue with our scan shall we but i really wanted to eat this lollipop later too bad i'll need to confiscate it i'll be taking all of these snacks and candies from you too even the gun i'm chewing fine take it here's your passport back enjoy the rest of your day hello here's my passport oh look at you you're practically glowing [Music] well i won't keep you on your feet go on through i'll just take a seat on one of these chairs is anyone looking no all right time to reveal my baby my food baby that is filling this beach ball with soda was a great idea i can take a drink whenever i get thirsty and no one will even know hmm nice beach ball oh uh yeah i guess no seriously it's really smart look what i did i hid my drink in my stuffed cat it looks just like a toy but it's filled with soda oh my gosh that is amazing so clever cheers math class is anything but fun [Music] saved by the bell hold it right there naomi you haven't solved today's problem no answer no recess but i can't focus when i'm hungry i can sure use a little brain food okay think who even invented numbers anyway is it negative nope i can't think for one more second you coming or what recess is almost over i haven't even in yet ah got it hang tight okay what's the answer to this problem bingo operation feed naomi in full effect first fill the truck up with the essentials put double-sided tape on the back of the candy then stick it to the side of the car perfect but don't stop there think this is enough snacks it sure is beautiful isn't it special delivery health is on the way naomi don't let the teacher see it time to make a beeline to naomi's desk here we go that thing sure moves fast what you're the best tina thank you chocolate's a good place to start and this is the good stuff [Music] sweet milky goodness boy does that hit the spot or what okay now i can think straight duh it's five read it and we teach oh goodness this girl's in worse shape than i thought no snack can fix this problem [Applause] is chemistry supposed to be this hard something yummy ought to get my thinking straight chocolate is just what the doctor ordered isn't it the most perfect piece it's just a little sugar mom not until your homework's done you need to focus lizzy focus on this bowl of candy you mean [Music] seriously is everyone's mom this strict just gotta get a little sneaky [Music] see this big round brush turns out it's hollow inside simply pour your candy in what is that rocket um that better not be candy quick get it all inside here and make it look like you're working [Music] nothing to see here is this your work candy you never learn do you oh i'm smarter than you think secret candy stash to the rescue come to mama oh why are these always so good what mom doesn't know won't hurt her [Music] [Applause] whoa check out tina's six-pack how long did it take to get those yep i worked hard for these bad boys 100 sit-ups a day sure paid off they sure are looking good [Music] whoa how'd she get those i can barely lift these 10 pound dumbbells [Music] and what's the use anyway i'm doomed to be fluffy forever [Music] this is truly hopeless how does she look so perfect it's just so unfair whatever i bet she'd never eat snacks like me but i can't live without my chocolate wait that's it [Music] like these chocolate squares put double-sided tape on the back [Music] and stick it right to your belly once your shirt's down you've got yourself a six-pack hey think my crunches are working i'll take that as a yes i gotta go do some sit-ups suit yourself i'd rather eat some chocolate i suddenly have a new appreciation for working out hi there can we use the pool what we can't bring anything in there [Music] that's what the trash can is for [Music] well this sure is a bummer [Music] hey there any room left at the pool not with that soda there isn't [Music] into the trash it goes got to be crazy i've never been one to waste food what's all this the answer's suddenly quite clear brb first take off your headband and pull some hair over your face put the soda can on top fold the hair back and secure it with a bobby pin then tie the headband back on it's cute right let's try this sucker out wish me luck just have my towel can i go in now nothing hiding in here right i wouldn't lie see see ya [Music] oh hey thomas [Music] heat making you thirsty seems like a good time to pop open a cold one what kind of hair sorcery was that where there's a will there's a way it's so refreshing care to share i guess so sure oh it tastes even better than normal thanks no prob dude hey stop right there what's that you have in your hands no food or drinks allowed past this point but my friend misses her snacks read the signs people are always trying to break the rules what am i supposed to do with all these snacks now i know i'll just sneak them in the snack trench coat a classic misdirection [Music] okay now i just need to be cool and stroll on in um excuse me hello i'm here to visit my friend okay go on in as long as you don't have any food [Music] oh no the candy snacks i knew you couldn't be trusted not with that suspicious coat ouch you know the rules i swear it's all day every day with these people just gotta tiptoe as quietly as i can i don't see any other guards and the doctor is asleep on the job all right looks like the coast is clear [Music] what's that there's an alarm on the door [Music] huh what's happening why is the alarm going off no one ever told me there'd be so much paperwork as a doctor hello i'm here to visit my friend wow you're uh you're well endowed go on in thank you so much oh look at me whatever phew i finally made it in hey how are you doing i've missed you whoa what happened to you you're huge just wait check this out i stuffed my bra with a bunch of candy oh my gosh no way hand it over okay here you go and don't you worry i've got plenty more where that came from i even brought a whole bag of chips [Music] you're the best i've been craving snacks thank you of course i've got to run but i'll come back later thanks again for the food [Music] [Applause] all right i'll just open my locker and pull up my candy that i hid in here looks like the coast is clear which means it's time for some gum [Music] hey we want gum too pass it around oh come on this was supposed to be my gum here take it everyone can just have a piece oh i hardly have any gum left just this little bit i wish there was a way to hide my gum so no one would ask for it that's it i've got a great idea okay i've got my spool of gum i'll just unspool some and then cut it off that should be enough now for my hoodie i'll need to use edible glue for this part time to add some glue onto my hoodie in a cool pattern just like this i'll add strips of gum to the glue on my hoodie done my hoodie looks so cute is anyone around nope which means it's time to reveal the secret of my hoodie no one knows i've got gum which means no more mooching oops i see what you've got there in your hand can i have a piece of your gum oh uh sure here you go excellent thank you [Music] this is my favorite flavor whoa that was a close one i almost got in trouble good thing i've got more gum for me [Applause] nothing like yummy snacks to go along with a great movie seriously i just bought these who's that nothing like some big time security to change the mood of a room move over kids this dude has some serious power i'll take it from here david boss's orders are these rule breakers in my midst let's not waste any more time yep that's right keep it going little do they know this boss is a master food sneaker i can't believe they all fell for that time to get snacking folks if you want to learn more awesome ways to sneak food keep your eyes peeled and your mouth watering what i was really hungry okay wow this runway show is great okay no one's looking time to treat myself where did you get that croissant i'm starving i haven't eaten anything in hours hold on i gotta hide this just a little more powder here [Music] let's see maybe this one yes that one will do and what's going on over here what is that crumbs someone has been eating food you've brought in food food around my fashion what is this disgusting pastry i'll tell you what it is garbage what about you are you hiding anything no well good job i suppose phil she's finally gone because i am starving and need a snack did you just eat makeup that's so gross look it's not makeup at all i'll show you i took a square piece of candy like this and i removed it from the wrapper [Music] then the next step was easy i started to mold it with my hands i just rolled it around until it softened then when it was a ball shape i just smooshed it flat then i took my makeup palette and removed the colors the candy fit perfectly inside the spots for the makeup i just filled the whole thing with pieces of candy so you see i'm not eating makeup try one oh thanks it's so good [Applause] stop where are you going uh just heading over that way oh are you now you wouldn't be hiding anything would you is it hot in here or is it just me i've just got this first aid to deliver that's all oh well that's fine of course go on through oh my gosh she's so scary i feel like i just went through a complicated surgery as a surgeon you made it what took so long oh that doctor at the front desk is the worst but anyway look what i brought [Music] wow it's like a first aid kit of candy you're the literal best thank you so much this milka bar is gonna taste amazing i could just tell yep i was right it's delicious i love eating candy it always makes me feel better oh shoot there's nothing left to drink [Music] oh don't worry i've got you covered are you kidding that's so gross oh my gosh just watch ew i don't want to watch you being disgusting it's all right i took a can of soda right and then i just stuck this bulb syringe into the opening it was easy to suck up all the soda with the bulb that's so clever top me off if you would i'd be delighted to bottoms up ah refreshing now to reach my mouth [Applause] these elements are tricky so many abbreviations whoa my tummy is a rumbling wait i forgot i had some chocolate tina put that down but i'm just so hungry fine ah don't worry tina i have something that'll hold us over like gummy candy take fun shapes and stick tape on the back peel off the backing like this and stick it onto your hair elastic bet you didn't know this was candy now when you're feeling peckish no problem wow that's awesome can i this one has my name on it girls are you eating each other's hair [Music] what am i actually looking at they're like animals how things trend these days i'll never know [Applause] these are allowed inside right oh definitely not stupid rules enjoy the movie miss [Music] next nothing on us see enjoy [Music] hold it right there no drinks allowed [Music] you can enjoy it outside okay this is just ridiculous the balloons this may just be my ticket in deflate a balloon and get a bottle of your favorite soda pop that sucker open and pour it into the balloon [Music] fill up a couple of balloons like this cheers to being sneaky can't see him now can you oh movie security guy any seats left in there for me like my shirt do ya oh you're a doll thanks [Music] i love this job i can't believe that worked good thing i had straws handy tina uh what i don't even want to know [Applause] all right i'm ready to do my very important job whoa excuse me stop right there there's no eating or drinking allowed past this point this is very serious but that guy just walked by with a huge bag of chips listen i'm telling you you can't bring food past this point that girl had a literal shopping cart full of food you need to discard your items right here okay fine whatever here are my chips phew that was a fight people just don't understand how serious this is
Channel: 123 GO! FOOD
Views: 7,928,909
Rating: 4.2608008 out of 5
Keywords: 123, go, food, ratata, crafty panda, challenge, school, students, mukbang, dona, troom troom, troom, hacks, crafts, 5 minute crafts, la la life
Id: MAYBu7lnKtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 17sec (2417 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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