How to Smoke Beef Ribs in a Weber Kettle

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[Music] welcome back everyone in this video i'm going to show you how to smoke beef ribs in the weber kettle so we're going to get started today by setting our webber up right so we'll take our lid off and our cooking grate and we're going to be using the slow ones here today so we'll get started by filling our charcoal basket up and now we can bury a couple of firelighters in there just start at one end of the charcoal basket and we'll get them lit up all right so we've got about five minutes before that charcoal is going to be ready so we'll use that time to trim and season these beef ribs we've picked this beautiful rack up from our butcher at austral meat and when i'm looking for beef ribs i want to see a lot of intramuscular fat in there that's going to make for some nice juicy beef ribs so we'll get started by trimming them up all right so the first thing i'm going to do is flip them over and there's usually two layers underneath so i'm going to start in the corner i'm going to gently get my knife under there and we want to peel away the top membrane so as you can see that's the top layer we've got this layer underneath and you want to peel it off just like so now if we left that on that would just end up being super tough and chewy so that's why i like to take it off and if you can't get it the first time just change corners and you will eventually get it another option is taking out the membrane in between each bone and then you'll expose that meat as well but i'm happy with how the bottom's looking now so we'll flip it over and get started on the top now again i like to start on the corner and again we just want to take this thin top layer of silver skin and fat off once you're in there try and angle your knife slightly upwards and that way you won't be digging into the meat and also pull the meat away from the knife as well and that way your knife will be doing less work just tidy up a bit on the end here all right these are looking good time to season them all right now it's time to get these beef ribs seasoned up we're going to be using a combination of our garlic goals and steak shooter but if you've got another favorite beef rub or salt and pepper that will do the trick nicely as well one other thing we're going to do is we're just going to lightly coat the underside of these ribs with some olive oil as there's not much moisture on there it's just really going to help these rubs adhere to the meat so we'll get these beef ribs seasoned up all right so our charcoal's quarter light nicely so we can get our cooking grade on then we'll get our lid on we'll make sure our top and bottom vents are wide open and we'll give this weber five minutes to preheat all right these beef ribs are ready to go on we've got some smoking wood ready i'm going with a combination of pecan and cherry but if you've got another favorite smoking wood for beef then by all means go ahead and use that so all we need to do now is get these beef ribs on all right so we'll take our lid back off we'll get one of our cherry chunks on straight over the top where the fire's burning and then we'll put a piece of our pecan on and then our last chunk of cherry and we'll get these beautiful beef ribs on we'll fill up our water pan with hot water and then we'll get our lid back on right so now our beef ribs are on all we've got to do is get our temperatures stable and i'm going to look to stabilize our weber off at around that 275 fahrenheit or 135 celsius range as always we're going to be leaving our top vent open and we'll just control our temperatures using our bottom vent so if we need to increase temperature we'll open up our bottom vent slightly if we need to decrease we'll shut it down slightly but these slow and sea units are really really stable that's why i love using it especially since it's got the inbuilt water pan in there so like i said we'll just stabilize our temperatures off and we'll come back once we're about one to two hours into this cook all right we're two and a half hours into this cook now our temperatures are holding beautifully we've got our bottom vent open just to crack and that's working nice so let's have a look at these beef ribs all right so these beef ribs are looking awesome we're starting to get some nice drawback on the bones on both sides just going to give them a nice spritz now and i've just noticed this piece of smoking wood didn't quite burn away so we'll put it on where it's burning at the moment we'll get our lid back on and let these keep smoking away all right so for the rest of this cook i'm just going to check on these beef ribs every one to two hours and if they look a little bit dry i'll spritz them with water if you've got beef stock or apple cider vinegar that'll work too it's not really going to give you any extra flavor it's more just to help with moisture retention and bark formation now i'm going to continue to do that until i'm ready to check for probe tenderness which is going to be at around the 205 fahrenheit or 96 degrees celsius internal mark now i'm not going to wrap these beef ribs i like to leave them unwrapped for the whole cook so i get that nice bark on the outside but if you did want to wrap them to speed up that process you can do at around that 160 fahrenheit or 71 degrees celsius internal mark now wrapping them in butcher's paper or foil definitely will help speed up that process you might save a couple of hours cooking time if you do decide to do that but you will lose a little bit of that bark so we'll keep checking in throughout this cook and the beauty about that slow and sea is once you start getting to the end of that charcoal you can top it back up and it'll burn back the other way but we should still get a good eight to ten hours burn time out of that so we'll let these beef ribs keep going and check back in soon all right so we're coming up to the six hour mark into this cook our temperatures holding beautifully around that mark we want it to be at so let's have another look at these beef ribs these are looking amazing so we're at about the 185-ish range still got a couple of hours of charcoal left i reckon so we'll get our lid back on and keep going all right so as you've seen our ribs were sitting at around that 185 fahrenheit or 85 degrees celsius internal mark i said we'll start checking for probe tenderness around the 205 fahrenheit or 96 degrees celsius mark i reckon we'll be about an hour off hitting that stage so we'll come back then right we're eight and a half hours into this cook now and we did stall for a little while there so it's been two and a half hours since we last checked when we were at that 185 fahrenheit or that 85 degrees celsius they're probing nicely now so let's have a look get them out and slice them up so these are looking so good i did top up a little bit of charcoal as well before just to get us through to the end of the cook i don't think we would have needed it but it's always good to be safe these are just probing like butter as you can see no resistance there so let's get these out and slice them up [Music] all right time to taste that is so unbelievably good now that is unbelievably tasty super juicy nice and tender you probably noticed we didn't give them a rest i find beef ribs very forgiving if you've got the time definitely give them a rest but as you can see they are super juicy super tender that barks awesome everything you want in a beef rib i mean seriously oh as usual very impressed by the slow and sea i'll put links to everything we've used in the video down in the video description if you wanted to check it out but for now that's the end of the video thanks for watching if you've got any questions don't hesitate to ask them in the comments below and we'll see you next time oh man you
Channel: Low n Slow Basics
Views: 60,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to smoke beef ribs in a weber kettle, how to smoke beef ribs, how to smoke beef ribs in a charcoal bbq, how to smoke beef ribs on a weber grill, smoking beef ribs, how to cook beef ribs, beef ribs, how to trim beef ribs, weber kettle beef ribs, weber beef ribs, beef ribs weber kettle, weber kettle, weber slow n sear, weber sns, smoking meat in weber, sns weber kettle, smoked beef ribs, bbq beef ribs, bbq, smoking meat, low n slow basics, beef short ribs
Id: A01x-vBK2mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 27 2021
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