How to ski powder snow (Freeride Academy)

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welcome everybody to the freeride Academy a serious in eight parts where we're gonna make you or at least I think we're gonna make you a better skier let's go so today in the first episode we're gonna go through how to ski powder and with me I have everything done in Sun and we are together standing in line yeah so Evelina one question what's your primary key to success when skiing powder like we have one thing to forgive it one thing to keep it good I think just imagine yourself being an elf Wow yes super lie because that brings you confidence and that's what you need need confidence and you need to be the light on the snow because they are immortal very more kind of yeah they are [Music] so we're about to venture out in the unknown or at least to the what we hope is POW yeah so what are the things we have to think about when skiing so think about your positions good pressure a little higher upper body and then to be closer with your feet together so you're more won immunity flowing and then just being kind of light on your foot and feeling how would this no dust and then you know if you have to be like harder pressure or more life but more light is okay and I take it you don't want to come in with the whole carving approach from the piece you don't want to do your turns drawing up all the time but you want to feel the snow you're gonna peel with no end and being more like more fully and more like this or re not even Aubrey are those small like we they're melaka to divide the other really a little sleeve there are smaller general terms and then we learn about them one thing I've come to find really hard is that the snow is always so different depending on what Turney doing where you go so you always have to adapt yourself exactly you always have to adapt to the conditions and always try to fight back to your to your possession and you're gonna be like sometimes of violence but just come back and you know try drink a little coffee a lot of people have been talking to me about placing your poles in the proper way what do you think about that so I'm coming from moguls where we used to put on our poles in every single turn so but that's not really what I'm doing now but the poles are super important just because it helps you with your balance I mean if you would have your arms or poles here you would be back in your position so just think about having your poor pulls forward and then just like moving them because it will make you more in position and worn balance when you're skiing how about the skis this ski skis powder powder skiing ice ski on the k2 money vendor 106 you wanna have a wider ski because then you're floating more on the snow so you're not like sinking deep it's easier to ski when you have a wider ski so this is a perfect ski for powder and tree skiing and open fields powder so and a perfect match to your jacket and your posts and your goggles yeah it's the the whole package exactly it feels stylish you're gonna look Steph a man yeah okay let's go find some power okay nice Gudrun oh really good run we managed to find some at after all they started out pretty em you know we found some mellow turns but that just goes to show as you said to me that you always have to look for the powder and there's always some good snow at some good angle and to some some are free right Academy up for this special episode yeah what was your tips and tricks on how to ski pal my tips and tricks was first and foremost a position like good forward lean in your shins and be closer with your skis together when it's powder hands up pulls forward and just to be like an elf live down the snow and really feel that snow what it's doing exactly that's always something out there Rivendell ski I experienced or I got a tip when I went to the Alps for the first time movies we're talking about getting back to the position and a very good means of or a very good way of getting back to position for me have been to always try to put my toes up because that allows me to get back in position in easier way without using my my thighs every time to get focus I will always get a slam like back but as long as I use my toes my neice automatically bends over the boot which is to help me as a rookie POW ski or really much yeah so that's a very good every small little thing you find on the way just like try it out and last but not least skiing powder and being aware of the dangers of skiing powder we can't we have to mention that real short always bring your safety equipment and always know what to do when to do it and where it might not be a good idea to go exactly stay tuned for the next episodes of the freeride Academy where we will get to give you more valuable tips on how to become a better off piste skier until next time you [Music] [Music]
Views: 44,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Powder, Ski, How to
Id: o73ReQW_780
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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