How-To Skateboarding: No-Comply Frontside 180 with Spencer Nuzzi

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hi it's Spencer nosey and today I'm be teaching you the hipster 180 oh I meant the no comply 180 the very stylish no comply 180 today we're gonna be learning the no comply 180 it's for the homie Christian Flores he he had shout out to his no comply 180s hello swag don't get me wrong no comply 180 is pretty nice like especially when I like you know and I'm rollin regular and I want to turn switch you know no comply when days are pretty hipster and runs now it is you know I'll tell everyone switch their stance nowadays I don't like the whole popping I put my foot down kind of rest for a second scrape it your turn around it looks pretty cool you're all white and people think you just did a really hard trick but it was really easy and that is what I'm gonna make you look at today hey kids you can't get too heated and tried this trick right away you gotta start pretty stationary and standing still slow stopping totally and then for all you pushers are like previous pushers this might be easier for you take that front foot off yeah very few times you do this on your skateboard it's take your front foot off on the ground let alone you're gonna take your back foot we're going to put it along the tail not too far in that pocket not too close to the mitt like the bolts amount of color once you're standing awkwardly like I am right now and trying the balance um are you gonna push that foot down I'm gonna pop it and scrape see that pop scrape and then you're gonna turn your body 180 so you're facing this way your foot this time would probably be halfway in the air not on the ground but you gotta start somewhere yeah place that foot right back on the board facing switch the other way rolling away looking like a champion when you're rolling up to do your first note comply 180 lean back a little bit properly step your front foot off as you're pushing put a lot of pressure on your back foot and your back foot never really leaves the board at all only your front foot both your feet leaving the borane oh no comply I never seen no no compiled like that you're going to pop down on the tail a scrape push the board 180 out of the way so you don't hit your shins with your board on the way back cuz that would suck turn your shoulders 180 degrees get your foot out of the way off the ground back on through board roll a switch and that was the no comply 180 obviously you should roll way better than I do but that's a trick that you know once you learn it you never forget and now when you you know all you hipsters are filming your runs you know you can look cool with no comply 180 versus a frontside 180 or box.i 180 or the nollie 180 do an okapi 180 I mean I'll get you by and when you want to go back to normal you can learn them switch my board
Channel: RIDE Channel
Views: 1,542,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trick, Day, No-Comply FS 180, Spencer Nuzzi, Skateboarding, Flip, Skating, Kickflip, Skateboarding Trick, Tony Hawk, Ride Channel, Birdhouse, Theeve, Armourdillo, Willy's Workshop, Skate, Epic Fail
Id: r6Ri-0lSBwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 23sec (203 seconds)
Published: Mon May 07 2012
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