How to Sing Better... Instantly (Just Try It)

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hey chris liepe here with how to sing better  instantly any singer can use what is in this   lesson guy girl young old any voice type  doesn't matter and this is not an exercise   this is not sing this scale or make this  particular sound and instantly you'll sing   better but if you make this change you will sing  better instantly and and it really does work   this is a mind lesson not a voice lesson but  in using your mind in a different way you will   instantly improve your voice if you'd like more  help with the ins and outs of vocal technique   support breath control all of those things  click the link below and join my free course   and i'll help work through those things with you  but if you don't understand what i'm going to tell   you in this lesson and make this mindset shift  none of that is going to work no amount of voice   lessons no amount of practicing or performing  is going to do any bit of good so here it is oh i'll give you when we're singing or creating art of any kind  playing an instrument or painting something   we have this tendency as human beings to look  for affirmation from those that we're presenting   our art to now i hope this is good enough i hope  that you know what i'm singing or what i'm exuding   will be accepted the problem with this and it's  totally normal and we all do it but the problem   with this particularly with our voice is that we  are no longer in the mindset of give we are in the   mindset of take we are wanting something in the  process of creating something with our voice so   by the very definition creating is  you know we're making something if   you are trying to take if you're trying  to get or take approval from some entity   you can't possibly create in the fullest  mindset and i've covered this in a way   on a video what freddie mercury  does some of you may have seen   but i'm i'm introducing a different angle here  in that we need to think about when we're singing   we are giving it all away we are in the posture  to give to our audience to give to our listeners   the performance every note is something we're  giving away and when you're giving something away   you don't ask for anything in return that  would be selling something or bartering for   something we are simply giving you might think  i'm oversimplifying or that this video is now   click bait but i guarantee you this is one aspect  that is going to improve your voice instantly you   no longer need approval for anything you're doing  you're merely creating but we have one more facet   of this that we really need to hone in on and that  is we need to follow wholeheartedly an inspiration   this is a way to distract us from some of the  things that we tend to think about too much   when we're really engaged in a performance  the last thing we want to be thinking about   is oh sing through my mask and have right posture  and and use my diaphragm we don't want to be   thinking about that stuff we want to be engaged  in an inspiration we need to have an object   for our giving and this is often hard to do  with an audience that isn't there if we're in   a recording studio it's also hard to do if you're  live so if you're singing to an audience who you   can't see very well or you you may or may not be  completely engaged with that's one thing but what   if everything that you sing is a tribute to a  musical inspiration i'm going to do this line   or this song in a way that's going to say  thank you to an inspiration that i have   when i've done some of my chris cornell covers  that's probably the easiest way to do it   i'm not saying i'm going to do this in a way that  will be as good as chris cornell i'm going to try   to do that and i hope everybody likes it no  it's actually quite the opposite it's more   i'm going to do this in a way that says thank  you chris cornell for what you've taught me   accept this gift i know he's not here  in the room and he's not here anymore   but this mindset of i am actually giving my voice  or my performance i'm i'm doing it in tribute   to someone else to another object  and this even works believe it or not   with things that have nothing to do with  music i am going to create a gift for   someone i love in this vocal performance and  you hold them in your mind as you're singing   believe me what this does is it frees you up to  follow that inspiration to follow that person that   you love to follow that in an inanimate object  that brings you joy it it gives you permission   to go into that space that combined with what  we talked about earlier creates a manageable   and intentional distraction so that you are  fully and wholly engaged in the performance   you're letting it all out you're giving and  you're giving to an inspiration this mindset   clears the distractions away keeps you from  focusing too much on your diaphragm or uh how   you said that last vowel and the things that you  end up practicing when you're not in this mindset   become accessories to you accomplishing your  goal of creativity and engagement in other words   you don't have to think about them but your muscle  memory is helping you use them because you're in   the right state so practice is important rehearsal  is important going over the foundations of great   singing is important but when you're really  delivering a performance that's not where your   head space is supposed to be at understanding  this balance and when to go in and out of this   is going to make you a better singer instantly  listening to the performance that i did i shared   with you at the very beginning of this lesson this  i'm going to play it without the music here you're   going to hear the sense of abandon and giving it  my all and even though i'm actually singing those   words you're gonna hear this in in a special way  i'll give to you my all i'll give to you my all alpha give to you my all i'll give to my harnessing inspiration creating a gift  with what you're doing creatively this   is the ticket take this run with it see what  you can do with it we'll see it for more
Channel: Chris Liepe
Views: 138,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Sing Better, How to Sing Higher, Beginner Voice Lessons, Online Vocal Coach, Vocal Coach Reacts
Id: sIe_imz7dXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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