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Welcome to this new video, I am Miguel Vela from your channel El Tío Tech and today we are going to learn how to insert a signature but in your PDF document, we can do this on a single page or we can also insert the signature on all The sheets that may have this PDF document, we are going to do it in two different ways, the first is the most advisable to do it using the Adobe Acrobat Reader program, if you do not have it installed I am going to teach you how to install it in this same video, actually It is very simple and we can do it for free, the second method to insert a signature in all documents or in a single page of a PDF, is to do it through Word, we can also do the same, we are going to do it like this two ways, you are going to see which one you prefer, we are going to start with this, let's go with the first method, which is doing it with the Acrobat Reader program, Acrobat Reader is this program that is here, how do we know if we have the direct program or not? Go to your Windows, in the search engine where it says type here to search, one click we put Acrobat Reader and the program if it 's here then we don't have any problem we're going to do it very quickly, but if you don't have it we can download it through Google we just go to write here adobe Acrobat Reader we press ENTER and this page is where I want to go where it says, here we click on download Adobe Acrobat Reader click there and we will have the following window, we basically have two options one that says to download Acrobat Reader and the other that says to download Acrobat Reader trials but to have the free version just click here, but before deactivate these offers so that you don't install this McAfee program, just click here to download Acrobat Reader, we hope a few seconds until the installer that we have on the left jumps, it says a click, we wait a few seconds a window will appear, we click YES, we wait Another few seconds I already have it installed, that's why only one bar appears, surely it will look like three bars for you to download automatically, it takes approximately 10 minutes and depending on your internet speed, as it says: the application already is installed so I'm going to finish and that would be all, what you have to do. The program is the one we are looking at now, I already have it but we are going to use it once and for all assuming that you already have it installed, so let's go here I have it, this is the PDF that we are going to work on simply right click, we click on open with and the program that we are going to use should appear here, Adobe Acrobat Reader, one click and we are already in Acrobat Reader, what we are going to do now is the following, we are going to go to this little window to this little tab that says tools, one click on tools if they don't have it in this part because they surely have another version of Acrobat Reader, then we have to look for it on the right but we have to go where it says tools, one click and then we will go where it says fill out and sign, one click we have two options fill and sign and request a signature, what I am going to do is fill in and sign, one click here now I am going to go down to the sheet that I want to sign which is at the end, above we have some options the " Ab" it is to fill with a text, here we have a trash can to delete it, one click and we delete it, then we also have here, add an "X" without case you want to add an "X", its trash can also be here, we delete it, then a cross if you want to give a check to something and we can also delete it here, we also have a circle where we can create a line etc., but where I want to go is to affirm a click on the signature option, I already have added a signature but I'm not going to work with that, so I'm going to click to add initials and here we have three options, we can put a text as a signature or we can also draw, we're going to click where it says draw, here with the mouse we can do it in actually any signature but beware the draw option does not really vote for you a bad signature but we have to have a little pulse, we can do for example this signature could be as follows, there we have it but the The most viable option is this one that says image, click on image and we are going to select the signature, I want you to observe something, a recommendation and here I have different types of signature, what we are going to do is sign on a piece of paper and take a photo of it as they are observing but we have to get a little closer and press the pen a lot so that the signature stands out and has better quality, look here I have another one they say that the pen is very thin actually that signature is not very useful for me because we have not pressed too much the pen and when inserting it , quality is lost. The recommendation would be to press the pen hard on a blank page and take a photo of it, just as we were observing this firm, we are going to cut it out, here I am opening it and we are going to give it click here to cut it out and wait a few seconds and we're going to put it in such a way that the signature is square, there we have it, we're going to give it where it says to save a copy click here and we'll save it wherever you want ran I am going to save it on the desktop I am going to put my signature, there we have it, I save it, wait a few seconds and that's it. Now we are going to insert it here in the image option we click on it select image and then I am going to insert my signature I put the name, here we have it we click twice and here the PDF will automatically remove the background , that is what the PDF removes the background automatically, we click on apply, we wait a few seconds we click on apply and we can insert the signature, one click and we can make it bigger we can make it bigger as you want It could be there and here we have a black dot to change color, we click and we can put a blue color, not yellow, we already have more red, black or gray, that depends on you, I'm going to leave it black so you can see until the signature, if you want to insert the same signature elsewhere, we go here in signature one click and here I have another signature it could be this is another signature that I inserted a moment ago and we have it here well we can also insert the same signature where you want for another sheet for example here, l Or you could insert it there, we make it smaller and I can put it here, this is done using Adobe Acrobat Reader, then at the end we go to a file and click on save. well we are going to save it can be here on the desktop I am going to leave it on the desktop desktop and I click save and I am saving it now yes we are going to reopen it here it is actually an example here also right click to open with a browser I am going to open it , we go to the last one where the signature is and there is my digitized signature here I also put it, now in PDF. We are going to do it quickly now but like Word, I am going to open Word programs, I have a blank document here and now we are going to go to the view tab, click on view and to the left we are going to look for this option that says schema a click on scheme and here it says show document, click here and to the right it will appear to insert click on insert and we will look for the example that is with the name here until twice click we wait a few seconds we give them to accept here you have to have be a little careful because Word itself tells us that it will not be exactly as it was seen in the original PDF, especially if this file is made into a PDF that contains many graphics, well, you have to be a little careful, that's why I don't recommend it 100% this option because many times it changes the styles or the appearance of the PDF when it is opened through Word, so you have to be a little careful and review our entire document to see if Word has not changed something to the PD F no after that we say yes to everything and now if we are going to close the outline view, click here to close the outline view and I already have the PDF but this time it has opened through Word, again I tell you that you have to be very careful when We do this because it is very possible that Word will change some aspects until the signature is what we insert through the program. I am going to insert a signature. We are going to do it quickly and we do it in the following way: well, here is something to insert in this line, we are going to insert the image I already explained, we are going to go and explain to us so that the images that have to be have to be well highlighted, it is not to press the pen well, we are going to insert the same signature, we are going to the insert tab we are going to images , insert images that device we are not going to go to the desktop and now we are going to look to see I think it is the signature folder, here also here I have it we are going to cut it twice click or if not it will take out the tab in image format and we are going to cut it one click here we are going to cut it and we more or less put ourselves in such a way, and there we have it click outside right click adjust text and we press it in front of the text to be able to move the image freely, I have already done these processes in other videos, we are going to do it again, the first thing we are going to do is put more brightness on it. Right click here the last one where it says image format, right click image format on the right those options will open you have to click where it says image, here in the last one in this little square one click will we click here we open image correction and we are going to brighten it, the brightness is going to be that the background is lost and it could more or less remain there, the next step here is to remove the background because this image has a white background if it is give an account here I pass the image and the stage to the line, we have to remove that background but if you like you can also give it more sharpness, the sharpness makes the lines of the signature look thicker, we already have it, they have realized that it has changed and we have the following now we are going to remove the background from this image, click twice image format here present image format on the left says color and we go to the last one where it says define transparent color, click here, we will click on the bottom b white of the image, not on the lines. White background, one click and automatically the background is removed and you can see the line as it does, now we do have the signature for our Word document but if you want to insert this signature on all the sheets, we are going to copy it right click copy and down here, that is, in the footer, click twice here, click twice until the following appears, the footer and we paste it control + V and in this way it will be inserted practically in all the sheets that we have here. Do not forget that if you have sections, it is very possible that you have problems for those sections. I already made another video where we can insert it in the entire document but also avoiding some sheets , not so that the signature can be inserted correctly, that is, only on certain sheets, as you can see. In the case the signature clicks out twice and that the signature has already been inserted in all the sheets that are a single section. In the end you go to each file save how, you are going to examine it and look here for the document or the name that you want to save here in type a click and we click here where it says PDF well and we are going to put example_2020 we click on save and we already have our PDF. it could be said with our signature inserted through Word. here is our PDF file. I think that last insert the signature here is also the signature not insert through Word and this is the signature that Acrobat Reader inserts through the PDF well they are the two methods you see which one you prefer, I recommend that you keep the one Acrobat Reader, because Word often changes your style, well if you have any questions you can comment on this video so I can answer you, don't forget to subscribe to the Uncle Tech channel and see you until the next video.
Channel: El Tío Tech
Views: 2,641,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: como, firmar, PDF, sin primir, ni escanear, como firmar en un PDF sin imprimir ni escanear, insertar firma PDF, Firma PDF, Firmar PDF, firma en un documento PDF
Id: C3i-rnW6398
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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