How To Sideload Apps To The Oculus Go - How To Install Riftcat Vridge On The Oculus Go

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in this video I'm going to show you step-by-step how easy it is to saddle apps to your oculus go coming up hi welcome to Emer TV my name is sebastian young and if this is your first time here and if you're just as excited about the art in AR as I am then subscribe now and click on the Bell button so don't miss anything alright so you want to sign up apps to your oculus go well it's easier than you think and actually it was easier than I thought because I had read some tutorials and watched some videos and it looked kind of complicated but I found out that actually you don't need all those steps now I'm going to show you how to sideload apps with one example with rift can be rich rift can't be rich is an app that allows you to play steamvr games on your oculus go and well you have to sideload it and with this example I'm going to show you how to do it actually you only need to do two things you need to put this your oculus go into developer mode and you need to install a software called ADB and well then you simply have to copy the apk to your oculus go and dad sitting exactly how everything works I'm going to show you now in order to put your oculus go into developer mode you have to create an organization for your oculus account and that sounds very complicated but it's really really very simple go to the organisation creation page and you'll find the link in the description below and important you have to log in now with the same account that you use for your oculus go and I'm doing this right now here so in this context what is an organization and the organization mean well if you were really to develop an app or game for oculus then this organization name would be displayed next to that game or app so here's the create new organization page and now they ask you to put in the name of your organization and you can really put in anything it doesn't matter at all like for example now I write good go games and then click on submit and that is really everything you need to do you now on your phone start the oculars app in the oculus app go to the bottom right and click on settings now once you've done that click on your oculus go on the top to connect to it and then we're going to have some more options now you see more settings click on more settings now you see the developer mode click on developer mode and here's a switch that you simply need to activate now I already had it activated let me deactivate it and activate it again just to show you how simple it is and yes that's it that is step one finished now on your computer you have to download ADB now this is my desktop and this is the great tutorial where I learnt this from it's on a website called head check dot IO so big thanks for making that great tutorial so now let's click on the ADB drivers and I'm going to link them in the description below this is the oculus web site where you can download the ADB drivers that you will need so you can choose between 2.0 and 1.0 go for 2,000 Tek that mark and click on download and now you're downloading the ADB drivers so simply unpack that zip file and in that zip file now you have to right click on the dot INF file let me show you that in the zip file you will find a folder called USB Drive go there and now you'll find this file here it's called Android win USB right click it and click on install so you will be asked if you would really like to install it yes absolutely go ahead and well this installs the adb drivers you are done if you use a Mac please go to the tutorial I'll link it in the description below now we need to test if the adb drivers have been installed successfully and to do that we open the command prompt as an administrator and we do so by looking for CMD and right click on the command prompt and run as administrator just like this now into the command from type adb help in order to find out if the ADB drivers have been installed correctly because if they have been installed correctly you will see that the adb commands work and as you can tell here it does work if it doesn't work then it means that you need to change the directory with the CD command and change it into the installation directory of the adb tools where exactly that is you'll find in the description below alright so now it's time to connect your oculus go with your computer simply use the USB cable that came with your clothes go and well connected with your computer now we use an ADB command in order to see if adb can recognize your ocular skills so go to the command prompt and type adb devices now there should be one device but it's unauthorized what you have to do now pick up your oculus go put it on and using your oculus co controller authorize the request there is one pop-up now in VR and simply click on authorize or allow once you've done so open your command from the game and again type in adb devices now this time you should see an ID number and device behind and this means yes you have successfully added your oculus go to your computer and you can reach it with adb now there's only one thing left to do and that is copy the apk file over to your oculus go now apk file that is the file type of apps in the Android system so simply find an APK and copy it over with a certain apk command so first let's get that apk file for example RIF care rich in this case the risk at guys have pointed me to this website where you can download the rift get rich apk for the oculus go of course I'm going to put the link into the description below after you've downloaded the file make sure that you know the path to the file and probably also change the name to make it a bit easier to write down so I've changed the name to via rich apk now the only thing left to do is open your command prompt and type adb install now put the path to your apk file in my case that's this year and enter the name of the apk file via rich dot apk in my case then click enter and that's really it now the apk file is being transferred to Yuka's go and the app is being installed on the device and that is really everything you need to do in order to install apk files onto your oculus go now in order to start your ever game that you've just installed simply go to the library in your case go find unknown sources it's now there because you're in developer mode and look through the list and click on the name of the app that you've installed for rift can be rich I had to scroll to page number eight then there was and then I just clicked on it and everything worked like a charm and that's it is really so simple to saddle apps to your oculus go now if you have any more questions about the oculus go or how to saddle apps then please do leave them in the comment section below or much better why don't you directly get in touch with me and the motd community on the mr TV discord server the mo TV discord server is a great free resource to chat with me and the mr TV community and of course it's completely free of charge go there simply by clicking on the link in the description below and that's it for this video if you enjoyed it please give it a thumbs up and of course if you want more tutorials about the oculus go and more great content about VR in err in general then subscribe now and click on the Bell button so don't miss anything so I'm now looking forward to see you in the next episode [Music] [Music]
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Keywords: sideload apps oculus go, how to sideload apps onto the oculus go, how to sideload apps on the oculus go, oculus go sideload apps, tutorial sideload oculus go, how to install riftcat on oculus go, how to install vrdige on oculus go, sideoload vridge, how to play steamvr games on oculus go, play steamvr oculus go, can you play steamvr games on the oculus go, Riftcat Vridge Oculus Go, Riftcat oculus go, vridge oculus go, steamvr games on Oculus go
Id: kE9UgDObUNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 01 2018
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