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hi everyone dr melissa here and today we're going over bunion exercises how to shrink bunions naturally and you're going to want to stick around until the end to see if you're doing this one thing wrong if you're new around here make sure you hit that subscribe button so that you don't miss out two things you're going to want to grab before we get started if you have a rubber band about the size and a ball about this size and if not no worries go grab your mats and let's do this [Music] all right let's get rid of those bunions i have five different exercises plus a bonus one all the way at the end exercise number one we're going to be doing a modification on heel raises so go ahead and grab your band and your ball throughout the exercises today i'm going to be talking about pressing through the mound of your big toe which is right here i'm going to have you take the ball place the ball in between your heels the rubber band is going to go around your big toes both of these are to help with the control of the exercise you're pressing through the mount of your big toe spread the toes keep them nice and relaxed if you want to grab hold of something you can help for your balance and then we're going to squeeze the ball make sure we're rolling off that mound of your big toe come up and then back down things you want to be careful of is not gripping with your toes you want to make sure you're not rolling to the outside of your feet which the band and the ball help with keep squeezing the balls those big toes are facing forward and then just gently coming up and down exercise number two we're going to be working on the tiny little muscles in the bottom of your feet called those foot intrinsics so i want you to take a peek first down at your feet notice what's going on what are your toes doing and we're going to start by keeping your four smaller toes down and you're going to lift your big toe up and then peek see what's going on lower the big toe back down and then lift that big toe up and back down i definitely have to work more on my left side my left foot's doing something something funky but you want to observe those little differences from side to side keep pressing through the mound of your big toe good and then we're gonna switch you're going to leave your big toe down and the other toes up good try to keep your feet relaxed you want the knees coming in or using your legs you're just trying to use the muscles and the bottom of your feet the more you practice the easier this will get the more control you're going to have with your feet and fun little fact the more you work the muscles in the bottom of your feet you're also working your entire core system because the muscles that innervate the nerves at your foot are the same that work for your pelvic floor all right one more for the toes you're going to try to spread your toes as far apart as you can and then lower them back down good spread those toes as far apart as you can peek again see what's going on at the feet if they're not spreading i promise the more you practice the the easier this one will get and then lower them back down this is a great one because when you're doing exercises or throughout your day standing you might notice that you grip your toes if you're just anytime you're standing up press through the mound of that big toe spread the toes lower them back down so i love these different feet intrinsic exercises because you can sprinkle them in throughout your day exercise number three we're gonna work on loosening up our calf muscle go ahead and grab that ball again and you're going to come down to the ground and we're going to take the ball and just place that ball down on the ground and you're looking for any tender spots along your calf maybe rolling in or out once you find one of those spots take your other foot put it on there and gently point your toes down and then back up point down and back up you want to be careful with this myofascial release technique more is not necessarily better about 30 or 60 seconds in each spot that's enough to hydrate those tissues and then i would find another spot maybe looking for two or three spots throughout your calf and then you can switch over to the other leg good let's find one more spot on this side trying not to tense up use that breath in and out you can even do some circles with that foot and then see if you notice a relationship between which toes move more and the tightness in the back of your calf and then we'll just switch it over towards your other calf look for that tender spot once you find it take the other leg on top and point it down and back up see how this side feels compared to your other side and keep with that breathing try not to grip anything holding really tight exercise number four we are going to be working on the control and stability in our hips our feet and our hips and our core everything is connected so standing on your left leg i want you to really press down through that mound of your big toe think of squeezing that glute we're gonna think of gently dropping the rib cage down like we're leaning forward from our ankle it's gonna help fire up our glute and our core with this you're gonna take your right foot option one is to keep that right foot tapped down option two is you can lean forward you wanna make sure your hips are facing the ground make sure you're not gripping with the toes keep spreading keep that rib cage down we're breathing out holding here we're firing up that outside of the left glute good and then from here you're going to take your right hip and peel your right hip open towards the ceiling and then slowly drop it back down good rotate that hip come up and then slowly drop your hip back down bring that hip lifted up and back down you want to feel that burning on the outside of that left hip keep reaching through your back right heel you can always hold on to something too you're still going to be working those muscles spread your toes and you're going to you feel the burn there spread your toes let's do one more on this side good and then bring it back down we're going to switch to the other side so pressing into your right foot mound to your big toe spread the toes we've got that rib cage dropping down left foot you're going to tap that left foot back it can stay down or you can lean forward keeping the hips facing the ground keep reaching through your back heel working here on the outside of that right hip or we add on and we rotate lift the hip up and then slowly drop that hip back down using your breath lift up and then drop that foot back down keep spreading your toes make sure you're not gripping you're using your breath and we're getting our hips our core our feet muscles everything's working notice the stability and control you have on one side compared to the other awesome let's do one more on this side keep reaching through your back left heel rib cage stays dropped down pull yourself come up maybe you just shake it out on either side exercise number five we're going to continue to keep working on spreading our toes so things like yogi toes or i love using this trick if you go ahead and grab a sock we're gonna sit down taking your sock and you're gonna weave your sock in between your toes creating some space and this is a great one you can do throughout the day leave them in and it works on spreading out those toes for my last tip the bonus tip as promised stop wearing super super narrow shoes all the time yes do i wear shoes like this once in a while absolutely but i love being in really wide toe box shoes so that my toes are able to spread apart i can use the muscles in the bottom of my feet and it stops like these toes it stops them from pushing in your toes when you're in narrow shoes like these or if you're just in a narrow sneaker what happens is it squishes your toes together that big toe starts to move inwards creating that bunion because you're not able to activate the muscles in the bottom of your feet yes they're fun once in a while but make sure you're spending some time in wide toe box shoes so that you can really let those feet breathe alright i hope you enjoyed those five tips to naturally get rid of those bunions awesome job with those exercises consistency is key if you continue to stick with these exercises you will see results i'll put all the links down below that i mentioned throughout the video and if you want to continue to learn how your core is connected to those feet i'm going to put a link down below to my free master class on learning how to build a strong core and pelvic floor i would also love to know what else you're struggling with and want to see videos on let me know down below in the comments until next time namaste
Channel: Dr. Melissa Oleson
Views: 116,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: msunn yoga wellness, melissa oleson, physiotherapy, yoga, low back pain relief, hip pain relief, how to shrink bunions naturally, bunion exercises, bunion treatment, toe yoga for bunions, bunion, bunion pain, bunion pain relief, healthy feet, strong core and pelvic floor exercises, foot pain, hallux valgus, foot pain relief, foot pain treatment at home
Id: I328kaMVRyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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