How to Share Project on CapCut PC

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hello guys Ilya here and in this video I'm going to show you how can we send project on Capcom PC to another person or tune in on the computer so basically it's not that easy but I think we have the solution and I want to show you the way of how can we deal with this so as you can see now I'm on the start page of capcat and I have like seven projects here and what if I need basically to move this project to another computer or maybe share with with other person do I have these options um let's try to figure it out so basically the first step we need to do is just to open our project and as you can see there is some elements here some audio some video and after that uh what do we need to do next is just to find Project location so to do this we need to click somewhere on timeline not on the clip Parts but somewhere in into empty area for example here and then as you can see we have like saved path this is the way where this project was saved so if you'll try to click on modify we can find it still here and there is like some options here but this one is the most important so if you'll try to open like uh this way on our computer probably will find the project and after that we are able to send it to another person using maybe mail or archive or telegram basically there are a lot of options how we can do this but what is more important is that um we have option like import materials and if you have like keep in original place it will take less um less space on your computer but at the same time on this project there will be no like these elements here so there will be like only links to the parts of computer where are they stored so if you try to move this project they probably won't be sent to another person make sure that you have like copy to project option here so basically this is the way of how can we try to send projects from one PC to another on capcat PC hope this video helped you out please leave a like comment and subscribe I wish you a very good day and goodbye
Channel: HelperMan
Views: 78,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Share Project on CapCut PC, capcut pc
Id: cNrO4FljT0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 15sec (135 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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