how to share a YouTube video on a smartphone

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what is up guys and gals welcome to one how to smartphones tutorial videos today i have the note 20 but i will be showing you guys how to share a video uh like a youtube video on the internet so let's say you're browsing the internet and you find a helpful video um let's just say we're watching this video and we see that hey this got some information on there that is helpful i want to share it with a friend um somebody might be looking for some of this information the way to do it is all you got to do is press on the screen you will see the pause the forward all these different options come up you will be looking for the one that has this arrow on different options it might be like a little sideways v with two dots it does have a copy link if you wanted to email it there's an email option um the way to do the copy link is just press copy and it copies the link and let's say you're gonna share it with somebody um let's say you're in um you know for whatever let's say you're gonna be sending it on on a text message and your message looks like something like this right here is where you can be typing your text message all you have to do is just press and hold and it'll give you a paste option um you can be in any kind of area um a message a vlog comment area anywhere where you can type you can copy and paste and just like that you paste it and then now you can just send it off and the person that um the person that's viewing the video can just click on the link and it'll take them right to the video that you were viewing so if you were sharing information with them that is how to do it so that's all i got for you guys in this one if there's any questions about this um if you have a different version let me know i'll do my best to get back to you guys and answer any questions that you have thank you guys for watching have a nice day
Channel: How to Smartphone
Views: 9,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 42sec (102 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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