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hey everyone is Magdalene welcome back to my channel today I'm gonna be showing you how to sew the perfect point I know that seven points and corners is something that a lot of people do struggle with and sometimes you end up with a little lump in the corner I'm gonna show you a little secret that I learned while I was studying tailoring it always works to provide the perfect point this tip does work every time and some of you know I'm a pattern cutting teacher and I haven't really done much pattern cutting proper in-depth pattern cutting on my channel for a long time so what I want to do if you guys on my channel now is going right back to basics with sewing seems right up to draft in your own blocks and your own designs and work away through my technical fire off this contains everything I learned while study in production tailoring and pattern cutting and everything I learn now along the way I do put into my technical file for reference it's invaluable knowledge to store so what I want to do is kind of create a mini course and everything that you guys learn on my channel you can put into your technical fouls anyway if you haven't already then please don't forget to subscribe for more tutorials here is the secret to sayin points so I've cut out two squares of fabric here so I'm gonna sew together and I'm gonna sew a 1 centimeter seam down to my point and turn and go across and I'm going to sew this in the normal way without doing the secret tip so that you can see the difference in the point when it's turned through with the regular method and the method that I'm going to teach you so I'm just going to start at the top with a one centimeter seam I'm not going to back stitch because it's just a demonstration so my needle is down I've got a 1 centimeter seam in arts and I'm just going to sew to my now I'm just gonna stop at my point when I get there I do like to use the hand wheel on a point lift my foot and turn put my foot bit down and so so this is just how you would normally sew down into a point and turn so here is the point that I've just sewn and when I'm turning through my corners I do like to snip in a diagonal which helps me take it through some people do snip across here and like that but me personally I always snip in this angle so I'm just going to do that with this piece and I'm gonna go about two millimeters close to my stitch line and try and turn this fruit and see if I get a point so I put my thumb in and already it's hard to get into so let's see if I can get this to be a point the best thing that I always find to do is to fold my seam allowance in like that because when it is turned through these two seam allowance edges will meet and be flush so I'm just going to try and get a point now and see what happens when I turn it through yeah just as I thought what happens is you get the lump I'm sure some of you are familiar with that you don't get a point what some of you might find that you end up doing is getting a pencil or something to poke through sometimes it exposes the threads along your stitch line and it's just not very flattering sometimes that poke can come out and it's just not a perfect point so now I'm going to show you how to sew the perfect point so again I'm going to start at the top I'm not going to bother to backstitch I'm just going to go down and then I'm going to show you what to do I've got my fabric and my needle is down and what I like to do is take a pencil and Mark the point what I would turn the corner so I'm going to just mark here which is one centimeter in and one centimeter across right there and then I'm going to sew straight down to one stitch before that dot so as I come closer I will use the hand wheel so that I don't go over the dot right so now my needle is down I'm gonna lift up my foot turn my fabric 45 degrees so that it's in a diagonal put my foot back down and do one stitch with the hand wheel one stitch across then I'm gonna lift my foot again turn it the other 45 degree so that I can go across and put my foot back down and just continue sewing so what you can see now is that I've got a nice straight line going across one stitch wasn't the most accurate I missed the point and it's this straight diagonal stitch that is going to give you the point so I'm going to do the same thing as I did before snip across my seam allowance and that's going to follow the same angle as that stitch and then I'm going to turn it through and see if we'll get a point folding over my seam allowance just as I did before then I can turn that through and look already you can see that we'll have a point so this is the one that we did before without appointing and this is one I've just turned through and it has a nice pointed right angle so I'm going to take this over to the iron and just press these seams nice and flat so that you can see how sharp this looks versus this one I'm gonna iron them both so here they are both pressed and you can see the difference this is a nice 90-degree angle and this just has that curve to it it's not pointed it does it does kind of bunch up a little bit in the corner versus this one which is just perfectly point and crisp and I've also demonstrated here on two pocket flaps this is the one which is just only without going in the diagonal across and as you can see this bit is curved it hasn't turned through very well this angle here is usually quite easy to get into a point whether you do the stitch across or not because the angle isn't very acute so it's quite easy to turn this angle through but here again as you can see it's rounded off instead of turning through into a nice point and this is the one that I did with my straight stitch going across in an angle I've got a nice corner here a nice point here and a nice point here so you can see if it really does work guys for any point or corner that you have doing that one stitch across is all the difference to a nice crisp corner or a rounded ugly corner so that was the tutorial guys I hope you enjoyed it and learned a new trick and technique that you can use now to sew your points some of you might have already seen this and like this is old news but for some of you who aren't experienced so is this is a really really useful tip for how to say your corners and points and you shouldn't struggle any more with turning them through anyway I'll see you in the next tutorial guys bye you
Channel: Magdeline G
Views: 59,810
Rating: 4.9691482 out of 5
Keywords: how to sew a point, how to sew a corner, how to sew perfect corners, how to sew square corners, how to sew pointed corners, HOW TO SEW THE PERFECT POINT / PERFECT CORNERS | Magdeline G, Sewing a point, sewing corners, how to sew a corner hem, how to sew corners, sewing hack, how to sew a yoke, sewing a point, sewing hacks, diy, magdelineg, sewing and turning points, HOW TO SEW & TURN SHARP CORNERS! THE PERFECT POINT / CORNERS | MagdelineG, magdeline gabriel
Id: XH8AdoGYcyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2018
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