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Hello everyone, friends! Today I will show you how to sew house slippers out of old gins, a piece of unnecessary fabric and sewing scraps very quickly and easily! I took my comfortable home slippers And circled the left slipper on paper, like this Next, we take the right slipper and placing it crosswise, at the level of the middle of the little finger, we also circle it So, below we get a straight line, from above - to the middle of the little finger Our pattern is almost ready, and only I will add 2 centimeters, from this edge. This is how I paint. For the convenience of fastening the slipper, we will make a small overlap. Done! And we cut out our pattern. So, cut it out. And this is how the slippers will look in our finished form. Next, I cut the legs off the old jeans. And we will need their back, the wide part We cut it out. Done! Fold the trousers face to face Pin up our pattern And cut it out, taking into account the 3 mm allowance We need it, since we will be quilting the slippers and their volume may decrease a little. Done! We got two such details: these are the lower parts of the right and left slippers. Next, I took a piece of fabric, I have this thin jeans and cut out two more of the same details. Done! We got the two upper parts of the slippers. Next, I will put the small trims from sewing on the lower part of the slippers, in this way Leaving the folds of the slippers free. Done! I cover everything with the top of the slippers and iron it well. Next, I will fasten all the layers together around the perimeter with clamps And inside - with pins Done! And then we stitch it by half a centimeter from the edge around the entire perimeter. Next, I drew marks for stitching a slipper to the width of the ruler, this way And we sew all these strips on a typewriter So, it's done! This is how the quilted parts look. Next, cut off the trims on all sides of these parts And we will deal with the inlay, with which we will process all these edges. I cut obliquely, from the remaining fabric, strips 4 centimeters wide and grind them together Done! And then we iron our inlay on both sides by 1 centimeter and then in half. Done! Here's a bake turned out. And then we put it face to face to the edge of the slipper and pinch along the entire perimeter. In the corners we will make a dissection in order to lay out the inlay evenly, this is how we sew it 1 centimeter from the edge Done! Next, turn the inlay to the other side And stab along the entire perimeter Give a finishing line 1 millimeter from the edge Done! These are the blanks for the quilted slippers, we got them quite dense, they bend well in the shape of the sole and keep their shape So, then we will deal with the fastener. I took the double-sided Velcro. From the side where we have the hooks, we will sew on the inside of the slippers in this way, and the side of the Velcro, which is soft and fluffy, we will sew on the outside. Done! This is how our slippers will be fastened And so you can adjust their volume So, all that remains is to decorate our slippers, I will make a butterfly from fabric in peas. I fold the 10 by 12 centimeters section in half, stitch it 1 centimeter from the edge, leaving a small hole. Then I cut the corners and turn them inside out. We straighten all the corners with a needle and sew up the hole. Done! Then we fold our blank in the middle several times and we get a butterfly, we sew it and sew a slipper to the top So, friends, our slippers from old jeans and scraps are completely ready according to the simplest pattern! See how original, cute slippers turned out! Such slippers can be sewn for guests or please yourself, they are very cozy and pleasant to the feet! If you liked this video, like it, subscribe to the channel and everyone has a good mood and see you soon! Sew and wear with pleasure!
Channel: Sewing Ideas
Views: 2,913,240
Rating: 4.9151974 out of 5
Keywords: тапочки из джинс, тапочки из джинсов своими руками, переделка джинсов, вторичное использование джинс, джинсовые тапочки, старые джинсы, утилизация джин, швейные идеи, переделка, тапочки своими руками, выкройка тапочек, как сделать выкройку тапочек, домашние тапочки просто и быстро, как просто сшить тапочки, как сделать тапочки, тапочки для гостей своими руками, тапочки из шлепок, летняя обувь своими руками
Id: S6ms-V5OhJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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