How to Sew a No-Fog Face Mask // Quick & Easy 3D Mask Sewing Tutorial

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i'm not trying to be purposefully weird i'm just trying to check the thoughts of my glasses and it doesn't woo if you would have told me a year ago that someday i was going to be obsessed with collecting masks i was going to make one for every season and get so excited when i found a new print i totally would not have believed you but 2020 has been a doozy am i right in this video i'm going to teach you how to make a 3d mask with a nose and chin covering without using a pattern hi i'm nikita and welcome to my channel where this is what i do i drink and i throw things today i'm drinking an old fashioned which i think i mentioned in a previous video it's my go-to wintertime drink it's not technically winter time but i'm getting ready for the season it's the most wonderful time of the year i swear this is my first one of these all right without further ado let's sew a mask you're gonna need three pieces of quilting cotton ten inches by seven inches this is going to be the front of my mask and this is gonna be the lining i'm doing two pieces of lining because i believe the three layer mask is still the recommendation you're gonna need two pieces of elastic for the ear loops you're also going to want a rotary cutter the first thing that you need to do is stack all three pieces on top of each other then you are going to take a ruler a measuring tape or i'm using one of these like quilting rulers from each corner mark two inches down two inches two inches you're going to connect those two lines and you can either draw a line and then cut it but since i'm using a rotary cutter i'm just going to cut it you're going to repeat that for the other three corners [Music] always make sure your drink is nearby these masks are really easy to make lots of as you can see you just bulk cut the fabric and then when you are placing them right sides together because i'm using three layers i'm putting the top layer upside down the second layer right side up and the third layer it doesn't matter it could be upside down or right side up now when you are cutting the corners off you can place lots of layers of fabric together as long as you make sure that they line up and are square you can cut lots of layers at the same time now you're going to take your pieces and put them right sides together and let's pin it normally my projects are half inch seam allowance but this one is going to be just a quarter inch so you're going to sew from so you're going to you're going to sew from one mark down here at the bottom all the way around making sure to put your needle down and pivot at the corners and you're going to stop here leaving about a three inch gap so that you can turn the mask right side out let's go sew it we're going to use a straight stitch and a quarter inch seam allowance remember it's very important that you keep your drink close to your sewing machine make sure you forward and back stitch and then go all the way around now clip your threads the next step is very important you can't forget it take a drink now you're ready for the next step the next step is to take the corners and we want them to look nice when we flip out our mask so you're just going to trim them using your scissors straight across it trims off the extra fabric be very careful not to actually clip the theme if you can hear that noise in the background it's the baby monitor from watching my daughter now take your mask and flip it right out use your fingers to pull apart not too hard press open the seams and push into the corners we will make them look extra nice here in just a second i like to take a pen closed of course or the eraser end of a pencil and gently work it into the corners i say gently so you don't have a seam it just makes them look a little bit nicer i just want to show you real quick if you're doing a triple layered one when you open it up there's this hole right here and then there's this hole right here the one that you want to open when you're turning right side out are the ones where the two right sides are touching i have a wrong side and a right side so i know that that's not the one i want to turn out this is a right side and a right side so this is the one i'm going to turn out now get your iron just waiting for it you know take a drink while you wait for it to heat up it's nice and hot nice and spicy okay now just go ahead and press the seams flat now this little open side here you're gonna turn it under a quarter inch same as your seam allowance you're gonna press that flat too now you can pin this if you want but i find with this cotton pressing it actually works just fine now you are going to top stitch really close to the edge here on the bottom and also here on the top let's go do that now take your mask and flip it over you're going to fold it down until it meets this corner right here see and then we're going to press it now you have this nice little crease straight across from point to point and then we're going to do the same with these two points here so now this is what it looks like with these creases here so fold in the top and fold in the bottom you are going to top stitch again using the same seam allowance that you did here so lining up to the inside of your presser foot and you're going to sew from this corner to this corner and this corner this corner make sure that you're remember to backstitch it's very important make sure that you remember your drink that's also very important [Applause] [Music] so if you open it up it kind of looks like this i know it looks a little bit weird right now but we are going to um add the elastic right now [Music] now we need to make the little sleeves for the elastic you're going to put your elastic on the edge of your mask and you're going to fold the mask over probably about a half of an inch and then you are going to pin it so do the same to the other side now take this to your sewing machine and sew as close to the edge as you can making sure that you forward and backstitch on both sides also make sure that your elastic can move freely [Music] now you're going to take your elastic and you're going to put it together and you can make it overlap as much or as little as you want and this is how we're gonna adjust the size of the ear loops so i am going to overlap it about three quarters of an inch and you can pin this or i'm just going to place it right under my sewing machine like right now and then just stitch back and forth over it a couple of times i sew back and forth over it three times and it looks kind of gross right now now it looks a little less gross that i trimmed my threads but just wait magic can't even see it and now you have an ear loop now do the exact same thing to the elastic on the other side uh make sure you try to overlap it the same amount also make sure i almost just did this make sure that you don't um twist it when you're sewing it otherwise it will be forever twisted if you have finished working with the elastic you should take a drink because elastic can be difficult cheers to you now it looks like this grab these two middle parts and pull them so the mask kind of folds in half and then you're just going to help it help it fold in half by working it pulling this up a little pull this down a little flatten it then one last time i'm gonna use my iron and now you finish your mask you can pull it up over your nose you can pull it down over your chin to kind of adjust it man it's hard to drink with these things on well if you stuck around this long i'd appreciate if you like and subscribe and then stick around so that you can drink along and sew along with me on my next video thanks for watching [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Drink and Sew Things
Views: 76,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: face mask tutorial, face mask sewing tutorial, face mask diy, fabric face mask, no fog face mask, no fog mask for glasses, beginner sewing projects, diy face mask, easy sewing projects, easy sewing tutorials, how to make a mask, step by step face mask, mask making tutorial, mask making machine, how to make cloth face mask, how to make cloth face mask at home, sewing tutorial, face mask for glasses wearers, how to sew a face mask, 3D mask, anti fog mask
Id: 5GbnnoFteIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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