How to SetUp JellyFin Media Server in 10 Minutes With Raspberry Pi 5 (2024)

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in this video I'm going to show you how to set up a jeline media server on a Raspberry pii in under 10 minutes the only requirement of this video you need a raspberry pii with 4 gigs of RAM or higher an ethernet cable for internet connection an official power supply an SD card for booting an operating system and an external SSD for storing the media files that being said it's time to flash an operating system onto the SD card open your browser and navigate to the following link download and install the Rasberry Pi imager I'm using a Windows 11 computer so selected the corresponding version once installed open the software and connect the SD card through the usb3 port on your computer now choose the device and select raspberry pii now choose OS for the sake of Simplicity I will use Raspberry Pi OS 64bits light addition you can also choose the entu server operating system then click on the storage device and choose your dve since we're installing the light version of Raspberry Pi OS it's important to enable SSH upon booting this why we can remotely connect to pifi from another computer within a network to do so click on next and choose this option to tweak some settings enable set house name to identify the raspberry pifi on a network for example I'm going to set it as a raspberry pii then set the username and password for example pii as the username you can enable wireless land and provide a valid SSID and password for automatic Wi-Fi connection after each reboot but it's recommended to use an ethernet cable for internet connection let set the local and click on Save then click on this setting and take this option to enable SS then click on right to flash the Raspberry Pi OS onto the the SD card after flashing remove and reconnect the SD card inside my computer look for the boot FS partition and locate the config.txt file you can overclock the rasper pii by adding some arguments to this file this will adjust the CPU speed and voltage in my case I have overclocked the CPU to 2.8 GHz GPU to 700 MHz and the voltage is set to three keep in mind that overclocking requires an official power supply or any other fast charger that is capable of delivering 3 amps or more once it's done see the changes now remove the SD card from the computer and insert it into your Raspberry Pi connect the power supply and turn it on to connect to to the Raspberry Pi from a remote computer open command prompt on your Windows computer and type ping -4 raspberry py. local raspberry pii is the host name I set to my Pi running this command will display the IP address associated with that host name on the network now as you can see this is a current IP address assigned by Wi-Fi router you can use a tool called Advanced ip scanner to find the IP address of pii now type SSH pii M perent and the IP address of the raspberry pii and enter the password now edit the SSH configuration file to extend the idle timeout limit for SSH connections now uncomment the two specified lines now set the client alive interval to 1 million to keep the SSS connection active for several hours once you have made these changes save them then run this command to update the source list and if you see any package updates run this command to upgrade them now head over to this URL in your browser to set up cassa OS copy this line and paste it on the command prompt now this installation will take a few minutes so please be patient once it's done reboot your raspberry pii by typing this command then after booting reconnect back via SSH now open a new tab in your browser and enter the IP address of your pi to access the casa OAS web UI to set the username and password in Casa o congratulations you have successfully set up Casa OS on Raspberry Pi now as you can see this is the ca OS web UI accessible within a network from any browser using the Raspberry Pi's IP address the sidebar displays realtime system usage Casa OS provides a default file storage server for media files documents and more you can use primary SD card storage space to store your media content but I prefer to store them inside an external SSD now let's go ahead and format the external SSD and import some media files into it go back to the command prompt or terminal and type st-s to log in as the root user type Fisk DL to see the list of drives connected to raspberry pifi in my case this is the SSD I have connected you can use another command lsblk to list the drives now SDA is my external drive let's go ahead and format this drive to do so type CF disk for /d for/ SDA and the disk identifier in this case is SDA press enter select the free space using the error Keys highlight the new Option and press enter then press enter again to use the full space and you can see it uses the default Linux file system then highlight the right button to Foster the changes choose quit if I type lsblk again you will see one partition named sda1 under this trap let's format the new Partition to use the xt4 profile system simply type this command to format the partition once it's done it's time to mount this partition Now by default Casa OS creates a folder named data now inside the directory you will see a media folder containing three main folders CA OS uses this media folder for app Services we are going to create a folder named USB in inside data and media by typing this command then type this command to give full permissions to this folder once it's done Mount the external SSD to this directory that's it we have successfully mounted the external SSD to make these changes per assistant type BLK ID and look for your external drop in my case for /d sda1 is the one copy The UU ID argument then type Nano at C fstab and go to the bottom of the file paste the copied argument then give a space and type the mount path which is data media and USB give a space and type xt4 as the file system space defaults and add two zeros this line tells the system to automatically Mount the external drive to the specified location every time the system reboots once it's done save the changes by pressing control+ o and control+ X to exit now type CD data media and USB then Tye this command to create two new folders named USB movies and USB music this is where we are going to import media content in a moment then have this command to give full permissions to this folder that's it we are done formatting and mounting the external SSD now go back to the web browser and use Casa o click on files and you will see your USB drop I'm going to go ahead and import some files that I shot from my computer just go ahead drag and drop them like this that's it we have done importing the media now go to the App Store in Kasa AAS and find the gelin image to install it once installed go back to the main page of Casa OAS go ahead and how on this app icon click on this three dot menu and choose settings Now look for the volumes Now by default gelen uses this Mount path to grab media we're going to change that and add this path so we are mapping the external drive to the media folder inside a galopin container that's it now save the changes it's time to configure the galopin media starware go ahead choose the language then click on next set up a user account to access the galopin server now choose to add a media library choose media and select USB movies likewise you can link music and TV shows folders once it's done click on next and leave the defaults make sure you have enabled this option to allow the remote connection to the jellin server click on next and finish configuring jel this will take you to the login panel and type the username and password to login now you can stream the content present inside the movies directory across multiple devices this is the best media server that you can build with your content now as you can see this is the the 4K footage at 30 FPS that is playing with minor frame drops it struggles a lot while playing 4K at 60 FPS but when it comes to 1080p video it can play them without any frame drops on up to six screens and 720p video on up to 10 screens it's time to enable Hardware acceleration on Raspberry pii to improve the speed of transcoding and this will significantly improve the video playback to do so on the web interface from the top left click on the hamburger icon and choose dashboard now select playback choose Hardware acceleration and use the V4 L2 module for Hardware accelerated performance once it's done save the changes it's time to set up the static IP address for your raspberry pii now as you can see this is the current IP address of my raspberry pii if you want to set up a static IP address it's recommended to do so through your Wi-Fi router by reserving the IP address permanently simply log in into your Wi-Fi router and look for the list of connected devices find the raspberry pii through its host name and copy the MAC address then head over to the land settings and find DHCP server settings in my case I'm going to add a new static DHCP entry by pasting the MAC address and I'm going to use this IP address your Wi-Fi router will Reserve this IP address for pifi forever now within the network you can simply type the IP address with the port number 8096 or 8097 into any computer's browser and it will open the jelan media server that's pretty much it this is how you can set up a jeline media server on Raspberry pii under 10 minutes let me know what do you think about it in the comment section down below don't forget to check the description for more information thanks for watching this has been ksk I will see you in the next one G [Music] the [Music] G
Channel: Ksk Royal
Views: 2,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to build JellyFin media server, JellyFin media server setup, raspberry pi 5 JellyFin install, Raspberry pi 5 JellyFin server 4k, raspberry pi 5 JellyFin media, JellyFin server build, raspberry pi 5 JellyFin server, JellyFin media server, raspberry pi 5 server setup, Raspberry pi 5 JellyFin server 2024, JellyFin media server raspberry pi 5, Raspberry pi 5 JellyFin media server, casaos raspberry pi 5, Budget home server, Casaos tutorial 2024, budget server build 2024
Id: MgOFtewmBi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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