How To Setup Dual Monitors - 2024

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hey how's it going guys Jackson here with PC Bros and today we're going to be showing you a simple tutorial on how to set up one two or even three monitors for your office or gaming setup let's get right into it so setting up multiple monitors is actually really simple you can do it on a laptop computer and even some tablets and the only things that you actually have to have are of course more than one monitor if you want to have multiple you have to have the right display adapters because not all monitors are created equal some have VGA some have DVI some have HDMI some have DisplayPort and some have all four or only a couple and there's even some newer monitors that are portable that have USB type c because USB type c can also carry video and the last thing that you need is to make sure the device actually has more than one video out of it and many times laptops only have one display out so that's a great example A lot of times laptop will only have one HDMI so if you want to have more than one extra screen outside of your main laptop screen you're gonna need an active splitter which are usually around 50 to 100 loads because they're not just simply splitting the signal they're actually separately outputting the signals so that it treats it like more than one monitor if you just buy a cheap splitter it's going to just duplicate the image and we're not going to be showing you guys that duplicate today we're even showing you how to actually have multiple working monitors for more than one workspace all right so we're gonna get a little bit up close for a second here because I want to show you guys the actual connectors we're going to be using these are older style monitors now obviously most of your home you're probably going to have new HDMI or new DisplayPort style monitors these ones are both VGA or DVI only so this is the DVI connector and this is basically what it looks like it can come in a couple of different variants but this is the most common one you're going to see it's very similar to like the older style like VGA where you have a bunch of pins that are exposed and then obviously you have these newer style connectors we have DisplayPort here which kind of looks like HDMI except they definitely will not fit in the same hole they usually often have a lock on them and then we have HDMI which is a connector that pretty much all of us are familiar with because like every TV nowadays uses it we have both monitors face down right now now every monitor TV is going to have your input outputs in a different spot in our case both of these monitors as you can see just take a standard computer power cord and then we have a single VGA on this monitor the other one once again again standard power cord this one has DVI or VGA you can use either one you can't use both at once so we're going to be using DVI for this one just because that's the connector I happen to have you could use you know two VGA to like HDMI or DisplayPort but I do want to show you guys real quick the computer that we're using we only have three options so we have DVI we have HDMI we have DisplayPort now keep in mind the monitors are just a spot to display the image from the computers you can't use these ones up here if you have a computer that has a graphics card in it which is fairly obvious if you don't know what a graphics card is it's basically like an expansion card you notice how it's kind of out of place you know it's not with the i o it's kind of its own spot this means you have a graphics card 99 of the time that means you cannot use any of the old HDMI DisplayPort VGA whatever these ports will not work up here because there's a graphics card overriding the integrated graphic ports is going to kind of Click into place and it actually gets locked in which is pretty nice now next up I'm gonna go ahead and plug in VGA and like I said you know I I wish I had gotten out some new reminders to make the video a little more simple but I'd almost rather it kind of uh be a little more Universal for people who don't have newer monitors so hdmi to hdmi and now some graphics cards will only have one display out some will have two some will have three I've seen up to five so I'm leaving at five display outs a lot of times most of them are DisplayPort with adapters we can make anything possible so we have both monitors plugged into Power because they have to have power we have both of them plugged in to the respective video ports that they need so in theory we should be ready to go ahead and turn on our PC and get the actual monitor set up which is also very simple most of the time they actually kind of set up themselves and we should get display out on one of these monitors don't be surprised if both don't work right away that's perfectly normal oh there we go I was just getting ready to press the power button we now have a display on one of these monitors all right so I just want to show you guys what I found real quick like I said most of the time your monitors will just automatically work but especially with older monitors they don't always know how to find the signal themselves very easily so I went ahead and I'll show you guys how to get to this screen right here it's very simple this is a really awesome thing to know so you go to display settings after right clicking on the desktop and if you press identify to actually tell you which monitor switch so number one is this one here it's actually showing up just fine but notice how number two it does detect it so it knows there's a monitor there but for some reason we don't have displays so the first thing I thought was okay it's probably not on the right input you remember how this monitor has DVI and VGA so it's probably set to VGA right now we want it on DVI so I just pressed the input select button and now we have display so it the monitors right now are actually backwards right now you'll notice if I do this it goes over to this screen so we need to reorient them so you literally just take your mouse and you're going to drag the monitor like that press apply and now they're actually in the right orientation to where you can use the monitor like you want and you can actually adjust like the height of them and stuff like that pretty seamless if they're further apart or closer together you can actually change spacing sometimes you can actually change like the actual scale so like you know how big everything on the monitor looks you can change the resolution I really recommend staying at whatever the recommended resolution is or else you might change it and it'll just be a black screen and usually it'll Auto revert but sometimes it won't but yeah this is where you can go you can also change which one's your main display so number two uh yeah number one is our main display so here let's see number one yeah so right there you can check bark check mark this box make this my main display it's already our main so like if we wanted to make number two our main you just check box that and now all of our apps are over there so yeah it's pretty simple and um just to kind of reiterate one more time as far as adding multiple monitors go it's really just up to how many your device can output at once so we do have one more possible we could do three monitors by using this last DVI port so I'd probably just get one more of these cheap monitors that already has DVI input so I would just run one more DVI cable over to a third monitor that has you know DVI right here ready to go so yeah it's really simple super easy to do I do highly recommend having more than one monitor if you're doing any type of even stuff as simple as emails I mean it's super nice being able to do multiple things at once and not have to close out of tabs every time you want to do anything else so yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you have any questions let us know in the comments down below and uh yeah have a great day guys peace out
Channel: PCBros LLC
Views: 546,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dual monitor setup, dual monitors, multiple monitors, gaming computer, easy, how to setup, more than one monitor, triple monitors, fast, computer, laptop, tablet, pc, output, display, multiple displays, how to setup dual monitors, desk setup, desk setup tour, triple monitor, setup, how to, quick tutorialk, tutorial, fun
Id: LQ7zBMfj3Lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 58sec (418 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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