How to setup DDoS Protected Website with CloudFlare

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what's going on ladies and gentlemen it is codex and today we're going to be showing you how to set up a domain name with cloudflare cloudflare is that extra level of security that you need basically if your website keeps getting hit offline with a ddos or a ddos attack this is where cloudflare comes through so basically um in this metaphor if you own a club uh and the cloudflare is that bouncer and someone like me wants to come in the bouncer is going to be like yeah no uh go away and that's what cloud flares basically is is that extra level of protection that will filter out from authentic visitors versus malicious uh visitors that are being commanded by this other person that's setting in the traffic of attack okay that that that's another video for another discussion we're going to be talking about how to protect yourself so before we begin if you guys can do me one big favor is to hit that big red button that subscribe post notifications every time that i upload a video or live stream you'll be notified if you guys want to come through on mixer.comcortextual or even slash contextual i would thank you a whole lot all right so if you're on uh godaddy then you can follow these steps flawlessly um if you're on another hosting provider links will be in the description with all your registrars and they'll give you a step-by-step tutorial of how to set up a name server which is completely easy to do so we're going to be using one of my domain names which will be and basically what it will be doing is it's going to be copying and pasting the name records then we can modify the name records on the cloud flare so add a site so it's going to be and we're gonna go ahead and add site and we're gonna hit next because it's basically this this is saying is we're copying and pasting the information that is publicly shown here and we're gonna paste it into our system that's what it's saying then it's asking you what plan you want to choose the for free one i've been using free for a very long while and it's awesome it's great if you want to go after all these extra features then go for it but i use the free version and it's been helping me out from dos attacks or ddos attacks uh confirm now it basically copied and paste the information of what it what it could grab of normally normally it should have grabbed everything what it needed so or maybe this is the ip addresses that it just uh pinged out to be anyways um this is where you want to set up your stuff so go ahead and close out of these things all this extra stuff unless if you unless the settings you don't um unless the settings that you want there then leave it there so for me i just want to start out new and what i want to start pointing a all my traffic towards the web server so you're going to choose the a record then you're going to give yourself that name which is going to be the domain name dot info then the ipv4 address of that server now if again if it's a home server and you port forward and whatnot go to and just paste that in um whatever your dedicated server is or that vps ip address is just go ahead and pop that through so we're going to use this ips for an example of where i want to direct my traffic towards that web server and we're going to go ahead and add that record in awesome now we're going to go ahead and hit continue if you also have uh any mail servers email exchange servers it'll show the where's the mx records oh right there so it has everything of what the your domain name registers has and you can import it from here so we're gonna go ahead uh hit continue and this is where it's giving us the name server and this is this is very simple to do so we're going to go ahead and copy the first name server or the ns server or the ns name there's like so many names go around it's just called name server go to our domain name go to uh the name server down here we're going to change this uh custom and now we're gonna put in the name server here and bring in the name server here if there's more than two you can always add more but uh there's two which defaulty with any other name servers um there's always going to be two by default so now that's added in you go ahead and hit continue and it can take up to 24 hours for everything to come through so be patient and this is where you can check in and uh says okay you know it's not ready please come back in a few hours so um let me talk about your firewall okay so the first thing i would like for you to do especially if you're under attack go to security level and we're gonna adjust your website security and um we're gonna change this to i am under attack basically um what this will do is their save button no it's automatically the same as soon as you click that option so basically what this does is if you ever visit a website which we're going to go to my website it shows checking your browser before accessing so what that pops up it's checking the the visitor right it's going through this self check and there's there's codes within that that's like okay you know what is this user um malicious or is this user um real legitimate and trying to access the website so that's where that filter comes into play and this is where it helps to uh to stop sin of flood attacks so that's where that comes into play especially if someone were to do a quote a slow loris attack a sin flood attack that's where it comes into play so uh definitely have that i'm under attack and just keep that on just just leave it how it is and it'll forever be like that then you're good um then you can go to your dns and if you ever need to make modifications towards your records right here will come into play where you can just change anything and that's basically it it's just that simple um give it up to 24 hours then check back on it then go to your domain name and feel free to go through and if that self checkout or self checkout that um that filter comes through is like checking your browser now then you successfully did everything correctly it's that simple to do um if you like this video uh definitely hit me up with a thumbs up hit that sub button i would really appreciate that come through on my live streams if you have any technical questions that's that's basically what i'm here for i play video games and i i answer technical questions so yeah i will see you guys in the next video and you all take care peace out thank you for sticking around please feel free to watch my other videos don't forget to like share subscribe follow my social media if you're feeling generous check out my patreon or send in a donation of any amount with paypal it really helps out with post-production equipment food in my belly and also continue making free content for you guys links in the description you all take care and thank you once again
Channel: Codexual
Views: 40,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to setup DDoS Protected Website with CloudFlare, ddos protection, cloudflare, ddos cloudflare, cloudflare ddos protection, ddos, ddos attack, how to stop a ddos attack, how to stop a ddos attack on your ip, proxy cdn, proxy website, denial-of-service attack, denial of service, website stop working, web server is down, web server is down video, How to setup DDoS Protected Website
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 58sec (478 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 27 2018
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