How to setup AWS EC2 (2022) Ubuntu OS for remote desktop connection (rdp) ? | AWS for beginners

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hello welcome to this new video of aws beginners so in this video we are going to discuss that how you can create a aws ec2 instance for ubuntu system and you can set up a gui for that and access through that remote desktop connection so let us go to the ec2 instance so here i have logged in as a root user so first we have to create one instance so that is based on ubuntu system so how to do that you just go to instances okay so uh previously i have two instances here i have terminated that uh so that i can create a new instance phrase new so for that you go to launch instances here and then uh here i will take uh the new system okay so i'll take let's say ubuntu instance okay so we'll create this new instance name as ubuntu instance and for that here it is asking application and os images so for that we are going to use the ubuntu os here on in which we'll be installing our display manager for gui and then the server by default what it is so let it be that no need to change it and then you can in instant type so t2 dot micro here it is taking 1 gb of memory and 1 cpu so let it be there whatever by default it is and here key pair generation we can create a new pair as new key pair as well and as well as we can use the existing key pairs so i can use the existing key pair but if if you are new to this system then it's better you go for a create new pair and you have to give a name for the key pair that is you are going to create so make sure that the key pair is always unique if you have any key pair generated previously then it will not take the same name and one more thing you should check here is you should create the key pair with the dot ppk so that you can use the putty system and here then create a key pair it will ask for downloading the key pair so you can download the key pair and save it so that will be used later while using the putty software after that there is network setting so in network settings you have to do some modifications so go to edit here and in the network setting the subnet info whatever it is so just take this um ap south a so if you are from any other region you will see a b c uh all these systems will be available so better you take the first one the a because the second one are all nothing but the clone of the system so you better take the original one that is the a and after this whatever it is leave it and here ssh is there so throughput you are going to connect so this ssh security rule has to be given and then here you select it my ip you can go with anywhere or custom as well i am going with my ip and we are going to access the linux system through remote desktop connection so for that we need to add a one security rule as well here and what is that so that is my rdp and that is for the remote desktop connection and here also makes same as my ip so this is the source type from where it can be connected so it can be connected from the uh this default ip okay after this configure setup so here it is taking at 8 gb of memory and gp2 root volume and let it be there no need to change it so rest of the thing by default only thing you need to add here is this rdp security rule you have to add and after this you just launch the instance so once it is successful we will access the instance through the putty software so let us see if the instance is started running or not so i'll replace this one so once i replace you can see this ubuntu dot instance underscore instance what i've created is now pending and it will be started soon so it just takes two to three minutes maximum to start so you can wait or you can just click on replacing so see now it is running and once it is running and if you select this one particularly then it will show you an ip address so what is this ip address basically this ip address through this ipv address only it is connected to your aws virtual machine that is the ubuntu instance that we have created so what we have done now we have just created one ubuntu operating system and it is running on the amazon web service cloud now how do i access that so uh primarily that can be accessed through the puti software so if you don't know what is putty then you just search in google putty and you will find a page so here you go to download the putty version and you can choose your windows version and then you can download it so already i have downloaded it so i'm not going to download it again but you can use this site to download next i'll open my puti software okay so once the puti software is open so here i have to give the ip so which ip so the ip that i have copied from here i just pasted it over here now in the putty what are the site settings you need to make sure make sure that it is sss connection is there remember we have given the network security as the ssh connection so that's why you make sure that ssh is there and port number is 22 let it be by default no need to change and after that you have to go to this ssh click on the plus button and go to the authentication in the authentication what you have to do we have created one key pair right so the key pair we have to access and that will through this only it is going to be connected to my ubuntu system that is created over the ec2 service okay now we click here open if everything is fine then it should be getting connected so see now it is getting connected and we have to login to the system so by default the username is ubuntu for a ubuntu instance so just type ubuntu and hit enter so once you hit enter then uh it will get connected and it will show the informations as well so you can see uh the usage of 19 percent from 7.58 gb we have created 8gb system so it is taking 19 percent that is 7.58 gb is available memory usage that is the processor is there 21 percentage so all these informations will be given so after that what you need to do so to install this graphic manager or to enable the gui we need to install the display manager in the system to access through it through the remote desktop connection i need to enable the xrdp package or the remote desktop pack remote desktop connection package as well so before that one thing you need to do we need to update this os okay so how to do that you have to write sudo i'll get this see give these comments on the description you can copy it so sudo apt so this is the basic syntax if you use linux system ubuntu system then it might be knowing it if not then just follow this and just type the type these commands and it will work so sudo apt-get update it will update my system update the os so it will just take few time few minutes or few seconds now see 95 percent it is completed it will install this and it will be done so it just takes some time so now the system is updated okay and now my os is updated next what to do we are going to access it through the remote desktop connection so for that i need to install one package that is called as xrdp so how to do that so sudo apt install xrdp so basically this is the command that you need to install the rdp package or the remote desktop connection package so it takes a bit of five maximum five minutes not more than that so i'll resume after five minutes so here after downloading it is extracting the all the files that is downloaded and installing the package uh total time it took around maximum two minutes in my system so it will be similar to your system as well so it is not system dependent it depends on the internet speed and all the things so basically it is happening on the remote system this process it is not happening in my system so actually it doesn't the speed doesn't depend on your system configuration so once it is done then we have to enable this xrdp package so how do we do that so let us see okay now this is getting completed so the xrdp package is installed now and we need to enable this package so by default it is not enabled so we have to enable this or to do that again okay again sudo right so system system control enable x rdp that is rdp i am enabling here okay so now it will enable the rdp after that as this open to system in aws services that doesn't come with a display manager by default there is no display manager everything has to be done through this terminal window only so we need to access the ubuntu system through remote desktop connection so for that i need a display package as well so i i need to add one display package so there are several display packages available for linux based or ubuntu systems but i am going to use the genome 3 repository okay so for that i need to write sudo add gate then which what to get repository okay and which repository it's ppa it's just the common you need to follow it so ah genome three ok so with this command some error is there okay so the error here was it is not gate repository it is r sudo apt so now it should be adding the genome 3 uh system here genome 3 display manager here and it will take a while so for that i am just watching the video once it is completed again i will watch now it is completed what you have to do we have added the repository in the system and we need to install that the display manager as well so how to do that so here again sudo apt get install so genome cell ubuntu genome desktop so this is the package we are going to install to access the ubuntu system through remote desktop connection and gui enabled so with this it will take a bit so i'll type y and continue so after this completes i will resume the video it will not take more than five minutes just maximum five minutes it will take so this package is already downloaded and it is about to finish the process it took maximum five minutes in my system it should not take more than that so now once this system will get uninstalled properly and everything is fine we need to give a password for the system to access so next command will be how to give the password to insta to access the system from the remote desktop connection so let this process be complete then we'll give the password command how to set the password so this package of display manager is now completely installed here and after that i need to just set a password to get going so to set the password the command is so cdo so yeah sudo password and ubuntu so ubuntu is the username here just hit enter it will ask for the new password just give any password you want so once you type the password it will not not show anything there but it it takes a for the security reason it doesn't show up so i've just given the password as one two three and confirm it now everything from the pt site or setting up the linux system from the cloud is completed and after this will go to the remote desktop connection we need to access the pc okay so how to access the pc now once you open the remote desktop connection it will ask the computer or the ip address we have to give where to give the get the ip address so it is the same ip address that you have taken for the putty so just copy this ita ip address and paste it here and then click on connect okay so it will take just a while to connect give the permission and then it will ask for the username and password so what is the username password here so username is ubuntu by default it is and your password is one two three that i have take given okay and in the session do not change anything later let let it be xor and click ok so now you should be entering into the remote desktop connection and your virtual pc that is running on the ubuntu system so that's how you can access your ubuntu system remotely so it will just take a while to set it up for the first time and it is asking to colorman to change the color manager first time login so you can just cancel skip it and then it is asking to set up the window set up the linux system for the first time so if you want you can do it or else you can skip it so we'll directly go to the desktop here okay and now the thing is that i am in the ubuntu system and the genome 3 display manager requires 1.5 gb of ram at least but here we are using just 1 gb so that's why it is bit slower but not that much of slow that it will irritate you so now this is your ubuntu system that is accessed by remote desktop so you can see this is accessed by the windows system with remote desktop connection here if you go to activities and you can find the all the application that is required and here if i go to this menu then it will show me that what are all the utilities that is already available in the system so you can see this calculator text editor and liver office so all the required things are available and terminal is also here so you can open the terminal and if you want one want to work on the remote desktop system then you can work so this is a short process that how you can access your remote desktop connection of aws ec2 service based on ubuntu system and in upcoming videos i will be telling that how you can do the same thing with i'm user as well and i can restrict the i'm user to do all the things so for this video we'll stop here and in the next video we'll meet with a new concept and a new service style so thank you very much for watching and if you find this useful uh say to person who needed it thank you
Channel: M Classes
Views: 26,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to setup AWS EC2 (2022) Ubuntu OS for remote desktop connection (rdp) ? | AWS for beginners, AWS-EC2, aws fir beginners, aws ec2 ubuntu, access ubuntu throug remote desktop connection
Id: n9v_NRE9Y7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 21 2022
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