How To Setup and Verify Google My Business Without Postcard In 2022 (Step-by-step Guide).

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as a small business owner setting up and verifying your google my business account should be part of your online marketing and search strategy thousands of people use google to search for products and services and if you want to be seen and found you need to have a google my business account here's the good news it is very cost effective because it's free so why are you not on google in this video i'm going to share with you how to set up and verify your google my business account so let's get into the video [Music] hello and welcome to my youtube channel my name is peter ayo and on this channel i share practical marketing and sales videos and business resources that help you make sales and return customers so if this sounds good to you please hit the subscribe button and turn on the notification bell because every thursday at 6 pm i drop new videos this video is going to be in two parts the first part is how to set up your google my business account and the second part will be how to verify your google my business account especially for endurance now if if you've tried setting up your google my business account in the past you will agree with me that getting your google my business account verified especially for the endurance can be difficult you have to wait months and months for a postcard that will never arrive that contains the verification code so if you stick to the end i'm going to show you a very simple way on how you can verify your google my business account before we get into the video i want to ask a question have you tried setting up and verifying your google my business account before and you found it very difficult just drop a comment in the comment box and i might be able to help you out so now let's get right into the video the first thing you want to do is to go to google chrome browser to a new tab on your google chrome browser now i'm using incognito because i've already used this computer to set up recording my business account i'm on i'm on a private browser so that google does not track the former account that i've created on my pc so i'm going to search google my business account so you select the first option now before we get into the video i want you to understand that you need a google account to create a google my business profile now obviously if you're using a google chrome browser it simply means you have a google account so you can either click manager or sign in i'll just stick to manage now so i'll be asked to sign in my account so i use my email [Music] gmail click on next obviously i'm i'm using this as an example so i'm going to create a i won't say a fake business but a business for a case study let's say i run a salon and spa i run a salon inspires so i'm going to call it peter ayo pita eos salon yes spa now this is an indication that this business name is available so you want to pay attention to your business name and make sure no other person is using that name so create a business name with this i'll click on this now the next thing you want to do is to select a business category this will help google better categorize your business so that you to show it to more people that stage for that particular niche so just input spa spa and health club spa spartans i will just stick to spa so you choose whatever category your business is now do you want to add a location your customers can visit like a store or office depends on your business don't worry it does not really affect your google search but in this case if you have a physical location for your business you can add it up so i'll stick to no [Music] i'll go to next so where do you save your customers while this is optional you have to be very specific about the area now if you are running a physical business you have to set your location here also if you are running an offline business it sets your hometown so i would simply say that i mean lucky the key phase one lagos nigeria yes i'll click on next now add a contact info i'm going to add a number because your phone number make sure is your business number do you have a website if you have a website including your website or you click i don't have your website click on next do you want updates about and recommendation for your business on google you can click on yes you can click on anyone now remember i said getting your business verified in nigeria can be stressful simply select verify letter remember how to verify so just click on verify later now add your services please pay attention to this particular point now when people are searching for your product and services they are going to use certain keywords so depending on your kind of business make sure you are familiar with the keywords people used to search for your business on google so for my salon and spa i'm going to add a custom service say let's say massage massage let's say full body message so just had the keywords associated with your as associated with your business and click on next the dates are always available for your service if you are running an online business it should be 247 but if you are running a physical location just choose the days you are open let's say every sunday open by 11am and close by 6 p.m then monday i open by 8 in and close by 6 p.m depending on your time so do the rest for others and click on next now the new option on my on google my business profile allows customers to send you message so you want to make sure that this is ticked and you click on next add a business description now this is another very important place that you need to pay attention to this is like this is you telling goggle about your business and when you are writing a business description make sure you include a certain keywords that your business your order your customers use when searching for your product and services on google so i will quickly type something at peter peter we offer you the best must search services you can't find find here in lagos packages include full body massage you swedish massage deep tissue massage but any other thing you want to include there the next thing you want to do is to click on next now don't worry about how to optimize all these little details because i'm going to do another video on how to fully optimize your google my business account so you can just add photos maybe one or two just for now silly videos from my computer [Music] yeah my pictures picture not something serious just for demonstration so i'll click on next now goku have a platform where you can advertise your products and services with google ads now the advantage of advertising your products with google is that whenever your your kind of service or product is searched for you get to appear on top like this but i don't advise you to go into that for now so click on skip so yeah your business profile is almost ready click on continue before you get into part two if you are still watching this video you want to stick around till the end because i have a gift for you just make sure you watch the video to the end so now part two is how to verify your google my business account especially for nigerians like i met mentioned earlier it's very difficult for you to verify your google my business account in nigeria but this is how to do it now google has what we call or what they refer to as google partners these people help them manage the program and the product they have across africa so they assign agencies to help them verify google my business accounts for business owners in nigeria but you need to document the first document is a proof of business registration which will be a csc registration document for people here in nigeria the next document you need is an invoice or receipt showing your business name and the address on it you can use either of the following documents to verify your business account so let me show you how to verify your google my business account so you're going to go to your business profile manager then come to this place called users i'm going to click on add users so over here you're asked to enter a name or an email address of the user you want to add now the name of this agency is called s italian but instead of their name you're going to impute a code this is the code don't worry i'll leave the code in the in the description of this video so that you can just copy it and paste it when you paste the code their names comes up you select italian choose a row which is honor then click on invite now obviously this is just for demonstration purposes this is not an actual business so i will not click on invite but you should click on invite immediately click on invites they are going to send them an invite so what should you do next the next thing you want to do is to fill a form now this is where you are going to submit your documents your proof that your business exists either your csc documents or your invoice or receipts so i will leave the link of this form in the description of this video so it's very simple for you to fill this form just come here select i agree click on next fill in these details your first name your last name your whatsapp number click on next fill in your business name your business email business phone number your country of residence business category now this is where you should pay attention to this is the place where you get to attach your cse document or your invoice or receipt please you're not allowed to submit the following your fake documents don't try to fake any documents your logo personal identification document like passport national id or driver's license so please don't submit those ones the only kind of document you should submit is your business registration document or your invoice or receipt showing your business name and your address so click on add file select file from your computer [Music] then just click upload you might want to fill in all these details also your facebook page your instagram page your website if you have it choose pr or a friend or other you insert my channel name peter ios channel and this is very important this agency has a group where they will update you with details regarding your verification status so you want to join this group i strongly recommend you join the group so you get updated then click joining i need support and updates and then submit so that's it so how long does it take your business to get verified according to vanessa the head of the agency it takes a minimum of five to ten days for your business to get verified so please be patient after filling the form and also join the support group to get information on your status don't worry i will leave the link of the support group in the description also so if you are still watching this video please remember to hit the subscribe button and then turn on the notification bell because next week tuesday i'm going to drop another video so if you have watched this video to this point having a gift for you is an ebook called how to turn ordinary customers into loyal customers so check the link in the description and get the book thank you for watching this video and see you in the next one
Channel: Peter Eyo
Views: 1,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Verify Google My Business Without Postcard, How to set up and verify google my business profile, How to set up google my business profile in 2022, How to verify google my business in 2022, step-by-step guid on how to verify google my business account
Id: nf0dbd-C0F0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 25 2021
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