How to Setup and Use a Dipsy Diver | Fastest Way to Get the Right Depth

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all right so today we want to show you our setup for the dipsy diver um we're out here on lake erie the walleye capital of the world and uh we use dipsy divers a lot because they get you uh they're really easy to search for fish change depths on uh they're easy to manage and uh easy to bring fishing in with so they're one of our favorites especially when it comes to trying to locate and zero in on fish so the way we've got it set up is we've got 50 pound braid a lot of people use 30 pound braid we went with a little bit heavier line um we have it tied to a heavy snap swivel with a good ball bearing on it so that it's got good pivot point and then on the back end we do actually have a a snubber on here and so we use the snubber and then we tie on about a six foot leader which is about my arm lengths uh of a fluorocarbon 20 pound fluorocarbon on here and then we've got another uh heavier you can go with a lighter snap swivel but you don't want to go lighter than like a 30 pound uh snap swivel with a good good ball bearing on it and then we're actually running a worm harness so we've got just a little tiny uh handmade worm harness here that we're using but we use this with a very short lead the thing you want to make sure of is that this leader is isn't longer than your net so you're going to have a heck of a time if you have the pole reeled all the way up and you can't get your net to the to the line so we use six foot that seems like a pretty good good distance for us some people go a little bit longer depending on their preference one of the other things that we do with our dipsy divers is this was a neon green when we got it and we actually went through and spray painted it with flat black and that to us gives a little bit stealth a little bit more stealthy presentation and will in those situations where you got color that may scare the fish sometimes it'll attract them sometimes it won't black will just basically be neutral we also spray painted the neon green snubber uh a flat black also so as far as setting it up you've got the three settings and we run ours on a three a lot which will get it out away from the boat the things to remember there are earlier in the year when the fish are shallower you want to run it on a uh on a wider setting which is a higher number so like a three or three and a half so you can let more line out to get to the depth that you want when you get the fish get deeper you can change it to a one or a zero which will give it a little bit of plane but you don't have to let as much line out to hit your target target depth and then as far as setting it out goes we basically have it set on a we have it set on a on a line counter and we throw it over the side make sure that it is make sure it's spinning and it's not uh it's not tangled in any way you'll see it start to kind of plane out to the side you want to make sure you've got this set snapped in and set to attention that you can easily when you need to give it a solid pull and bring it in and unsnap it and so the other thing when you're letting this down you need to make sure that you've got the clicker on which will ensure that you've got tension on it the whole time it's going and keep it from going down too fast and doubling back on itself and getting a big tangle so we'll put the clicker on we'll drop it down we'll put it in the rod holder and then we'll just let it go to the depth that we want it to go to so once a fish hits you basically pick it up out of the pole holder so fish hits pick it up out of the pole holder i like to put my thumb on the line just to make sure that it doesn't slip and you just give it a solid pull and you'll feel it go take the clicker off and then start reeling and then that's where we'll we'll take it around to the back of the boat that's reeled in the back so that's your basic dipsy diver setup super easy the fastest way to get you to the uh get you down to the depth you want and fishing quickly on lake erie hope you like this video if you did hit the like button subscribe to our channel and check out some more of our videos thanks for watching
Channel: Weekend Woodsmen
Views: 106,009
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Keywords: Lake Erie Walleye Fishing Tips, Dipsy Diver Setup, Dipsy Diver Tips, How to fish at a certain depth, Best way to fish for walleye, Tips for Walleye Trolling, Walleye Trolling Tips, Great Lake Fishing Tips, Trolling Tips, Best Trolling Setup
Id: 7zXBIuiCmqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 34sec (274 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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