How to setup and configure Action Bars in ElvUi

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good morning everyone it's wake my light today we're going to go over all the different action bar options that you really have with lvy right so first you can go into lvui so you can do lvy or you can hit escape and go to lvy and then we're going to go to the action bars tab here and then we're going to go to player bars so first you'll be in general then you go to player bars okay the next thing you're going to do is you're going to select the different action bars that you want to edit right so here we're just going to look at action bar 1 just to start and we're going to start from the top here right so you have backdrop inherent global fade mouse overs click through that kind of thing right so the first thing i usually do especially if i don't want to see my bar all the time or i don't want to see it in combat or that kind of thing is i'm going to do an inherit global fade so what that allows you to do is um if you're not targeting someone if you're not casting a spell um if you're not in combat it's going to actually fade that action bar right so you see right now i'm actually targeting someone with it uh with it on and then but once i'm not selecting anyone you see that's gone if i was to cast my amount it'll go ahead and do the same thing um you can have this for as many bars as you want of course or whatever you need to do um same thing with you do the same thing with all your action bars if you really wanted to so actually two three you can do that with all of them okay um the next thing you see is going to be click through right so what this allows you to do is if you have it off that option there you can actually click through the action bar this is really helpful if you have an action bar that you don't really need that you never really need to click on at all but you won't be able to click things behind it this is especially useful if you have action bars that you don't want to have fake um you don't want to have fade so you always want to see the bar but you have it set all your buttons set up how you want uh and let's say you get into a vehicle or something or you get into like the shell game from back in bfa um and you might have stuff that hovers over it you can use this to be able to click through those action bars um because if you also if you hover over the action bar um if you were to mouse mouse over it might show up so doing this will allow that will allow you to be able to click through it right um you also do keep size keep size ratio this i believe is on by default so you don't really have to worry about that too much um and then the other thing is show empty buttons right so you see here that i have show empty buttons uh so you see like mouse button 4 shift mouse button 5 shift mouse button 4 are seen but if i didn't want those scene i could just do that right so for some people it looks more clean for me i think it's more clean if i show empty buttons um just because it's easier for me for me to kind of decipher and stuff um but i might change some of that in the future who knows um the next thing that i'll highlight is your anchor points for your bar settings so if you see this action bar 2 here right um that is the one that's underneath my bar or underneath my health bar as well as this action bar here um you see this anchor point bottom left right so that's where it's saying where is that first button really set up at so if we go to that's for action bar one so we go to action bar two we see that's top left so the first button is that function function three right if i wanted to change it right so let's say i want the first button to be top right right i would change it and you see how all my buttons actually shift and now my first button is that top right button there so you can set this up however you want top left top right bottom left bottom right and you see it each time all the buttons rearrange themselves right so go back to top left so another one here will be i believe this is action bar six or seven let me see here right so action bar six or sorry action bar seven this is the one this is one here um i set this up to mirror what my razor or my corsair sim tar would look like so this bottom button is my is 1 through 10 1 4 7 10 middle buttons top buttons so i have a range in that respect and so i have my anchor point and my bottom left so i want that to be my first button and then it's gonna just go through the items right um the next thing you could look at is how many buttons you want to display so most are gonna you're gonna want you know 12 buttons that kind of thing however like for my setup i actually have a bar uh it is action bar which one is it six six action bar six this is the one that's over here on the corner next to action bar two it just has uh cooldowns i don't exactly need um to be keybound because i haven't keyboard somewhere else but i want that information to see like cool down and that kind of thing um you can actually say how many buttons do you want buttons per row that kind of thing right so like for this one i usually enable click through so i can click through it um action bar one i usually enable click through as well at a minimum uh sometimes do it for two as well but i swap things around sometimes on action bar too so that's one thing to keep in mind is that if you have click-through enabled you can't move things around because you can't click on the action bar so you'd have to go back into lvi and deselect click through change what you want and then you can re-enable it it only takes a few seconds but for some people if they move stuff around constantly or if they're like they're in pvp and they're always moving things around this can sometimes be a nuisance but if you have click-through enabled it's very nice especially if sometimes your mouse may go straight or something you don't want to move you don't want to accidentally move something this is an easy way to do that so that you you don't have to worry about it so those are some of your some of your options um the other thing to look at is if you want to enable cooldowns and stuff but i'll do that in a different video so if you want to see your cooldown text and that kind of thing as well as different things that would uh block those cooldowns cooldown numbers from showing so there's obviously a lot more options that you that you can have in action in your action bars for lvy but this is the these are the main ones that i really focus on or that are really pertinent um remember too that you can always move them around right so all your action bars if you toggle your anchors all your action bars are going to have the numbers associated with them here and almost everything is snappable right so if i have it here it i can snap it wherever i need to snap it to automatically if you don't want to snap it you just hold shift and you can move it however you want and it will not snap but then once you let go shift it'll snap you also have sticky frames and they actually show you here too um different options that you have for it so that is it here make sure to like and subscribe this video um if you have any questions or concerns comments or complaints please let me know in the comments below don't forget to like this video to let me know how i'm doing and don't forget to check me out on twitch my light and i hope you guys all have a fantastic freaking day
Channel: Wakemylight
Views: 35,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WoW, Warcraft, World of Warcraft, shadowlands, elvui, actionbars, fade, setup, UI, priest, paladin, configure, raiding
Id: UNjoy0jXjYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 36sec (456 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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