How To: Set Your Anchor | Motor Boat & Yachting

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[Music] [Music] my name's John Mendez and a how-to series we're just going to do a little session on anchoring so firstly we've looked at the chart and chosen a suitable spot so we're towards the shore that's where the winds coming from so we're being blown away from the shore into deeper water we've chosen a depth we've looking for around about three meters under the boat so that will mean we'll put out between twelve and sixteen meters of chain depending if we're doing a short or a long stay and we've got clear and ready on the bow ready to drop the anchor when I asked and when I asked will be when I'm happy with the depth and I've got the boat balanced on the elements pretty much stopped what we want to do is hold it stopped while the Train an anchor goes to the seabed and then let the elements blow me back so that we're gently taking up a chain as we drift back we don't want to just put all the Train on the bottom in a big lump so we're just coming up to our depth that I'm happy with three meters on the screen here and all these other boats are giving me an idea of my approach angle some of those on Maureen boys have got be slightly careful and now I'm just going to stop my boat and you can see I've got a lovely transit these two boats out the window so we're now stationary drop please give killing a fin thumbs up and a nice yell I'm just going to hold her in position while the anchor goes down so he's got to release the little clip on the train and he's got to press down on the controls just losing the bow just a fraction that's good I can hear it going down then this pokes quite posh it's got a train counter so we can also look at that to establish what's going on and my gut feel is about 30 seconds works quite well rather than having to do lots and lots of counting about there we've got 14 meters of chain out according to the gadget and we can see straightaway as that chains bitten the whole boat is slowing back round towards the wind so we were stationary chain drop seabed chain went out boat drifted back as the anchors bit it's pulled the barrel about back towards the elements which in this case is just wind now what I'm going to do now is do a clicking a stern and we'll see that chain come really taut to make sure that it's bitten properly if there's any vibration it means it's dragging and we can either do it again or we can let more chain out and then try pulling again both of those things will mean that we get it really set I'm really safe so John's just going to stir on both engines so the chain is now nice inside and I'm just monitoring to make sure that there's no snatching or vibration on the anchor roller and now that we're stationary we're just going to take a transit so I'm going to use two fixed objects and to make sure that the anchor is biting and the boat isn't dragging and that's looking pretty good okay so what we've done here is we've rigged up a simple bridle which is going to take the weight off the anchor windlass and then our bride and Winstead so it gives us a nice Pleasant stay overnight and no rattling on our own Corolla so what we've done is we've taken our chain in and we've rigged up our small bridle by going through the chain links and taking it to either bow cleat on the boat now this would be perfect for a cup of our stay at anchor but if you are thinking about doing anchoring more seriously overnight you'd might want to invest in with a liner has a hook that goes to your anchor links and you then take that to each Oakley so now our bride was nicely rigged up we've got a nice amount of slack on this part of the chain to the windlass and it's going to leave us with a nice and pleasant stay okay so now we're nicely anchored we've got our bridle set boats ready for a short or a long stay really the key thing now is you want to make sure we're staying in same put for that we use transits just glancing out the window we've obviously lots of things to look at but the simplest thing for me at the moment is we got a nice blue boat next to us and then right in the background we've got a cruise ship now remember the cruise ship could move so could the blue boat cruise ship more likely just make sure that they're not dramatically changing and that gives me a are we drifting back and then on the bow of the boat I've got a nice little orange boy Sarah trees with a really tall one and that again gives me a visual reference of which way we're going anything you got remember motor boats swing a lot so you know if you watched it over time you'd have kittens you're just got to be able to glance up and think happy where we are don't forget even your anchor ball by day or your all-round anchor light by night otherwise you're breaking the law and if you get hit your insurance company will wiggle so we've had a nice cup of tea and now we've got a wife anchor so I'm gonna let the boats swing backgrounds with facing the elements I'm gonna drive it forward very gently I don't overrun the anchor and the one Hank Kieran to start hauling in the anchor as soon as I come round and start moving so I'll give them a little beep on the home because we're just coming around in the right moment now he's gonna very gently and you give me a little direction he wants to boat a little bit more to port to pick the train up and he's still asking for a little bit more it's quite breezy out there okay and then a sec hopefully he'll start winching ok he's now going for a head straight ahead and he's winching gently and that's these winching knees give me a little pull the boats actually being spun by the wind now so it's not picking shootin time now can they go to catch the bow in this breeze we've got strong breeze here now he's winching away that's good I can see the train counter going down so I can got a pretty good idea what's happening I'm just gonna go neutral so I don't overrun the chain ok I'm have a clicker stern because we're just starting to over on the anchor slightly I've only got four metres left so technically it will be off to sea bed now and you see the bow starting to drift on the wind straightaway bankers now clear the altar and I reset this counter to read from the water line downwards he's got that nicely in he'll put the clip back on and obviously we're now free to blow around IT safety backing board we can carry on to our next destination [Music] you
Channel: Motor Boat & Yachting
Views: 322,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yacht, yachting, yachts, yacht boat, yacht world, yacht week, motor boat and yacht, motor boat, motor boat review, motor boat test, anchor, anchoring, how to anchor
Id: n0H52wcKHl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 12 2018
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