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what is up guys DJ Rick Webb here and by request this is going to be the first episode in audio learning tutorial slash me telling you what I know we're going to talk about how to properly set up powered speakers with your mixers all different types of mixers so to start this video off let's talk about mixers because mixers have a lot to do with the power of speakers you now you could use a very basic Yamaha mixer like this it's a six channel mixer quarter-inch inputs XLR outs great little mixer and it has this nice little digital readout that will go up to 0 DB or + 6 DB or you use this Hercules DJ controller with RCA outs and you can hook up the Virtual DJ or you can do something like the American audio VMS 4.1 which has XLR ins outs and it's a full mixer so this is a basically this in this together in this or you can do so a Rain mixer with with CDJs on either side and you can go with that the key here is when you don't worry about our output on our mixer so to start off when you setup your powered speakers turn them off now that they're turned off we need to figure out where 0db is the key for hitting 0 DB is you can go below 0 DB when you're playing on your mixer but when you go above 0db on your mixer + 3 DB is not bad but when you get above it you start to distort the sound and that's very crucial so on the may on your mixer you need to find out where 0 DB is so what you want to do is you want to find a song with a decent amount of bass and the one I like to use is cupid shuffle just because it has really big bass hits and normally I want to start it off right about in here right when these big bass has rating so only press play 1 here I'm going to turn my master fader all the way down I'm going to turn my channel fader all the way up make sure my corners is over here and we're gonna press play and we're going to slowly raise the master fader and you'll see the lights will start to blink we got against that yellow range there and right about there see just barely is tapping into the red now so just occasionally it'll tap into the red you want to just barely tap into the red so rate out there is good on mine that's normally where I run my normal mixer I and if you do have just one set of speakers I have different ones this is PR X and those are eons and I have other speakers that hook up to this you could just take a little sticker or whiteout and put a little mark there that way you always know where to put it but Ricky I have this Hercules DJ for set and it doesn't have digital readouts on what 0 DB is so a good rule of thumb here is try half all you normally normally on the mixers they have a bigger marking where 0 DB is and you can normally you can look it up in the manual what 0 DB is on your mixers that don't have that but a good rule of thumb is just never go past 75 percent on your main output on your mixer if they don't have digital readouts 4 DB now turn on your speakers okay so with your speakers on you want your faders turn all the way off if this is your first time doing this whole setup like this so make sure your volume faders your signal faders are all the way down now if you're out at a venue I don't recommend doing this out of the venue unless you warn everyone you're about to do a soundcheck because it's going to get really loud especially if you have PR x-series speakers so what you're going to do is on your mixer you're going to play the song back at pushing 0 DB and you're going to turn your speaker's up until one of two things happens one your limit starts blinking or - the volume is plenty loud for the room and the whole reason why I'm using the prx series and the Aeons is to show that when I set up these speakers right here the P R X's I typically I haven't even came close to making the limit light blink at a venue my Aeons every time I use them I when I set them up I put them to the blinking light and once you do this once you know where to set it normally for the next time so your soundcheck goes a lot quicker and you want to play that same song but for copyright reasons I'm going to use a song that I know is not copyright okay so we'll start off on the back of the EON we're going to turn it up we're going to turn our signal up to about a quarter turn I'm limit up to about a quarter and we got volume now this is going to get really loud cuz I'm in a basement but typically you're gonna turn I go signal half volume and I go limit now and that's about where you want it as you saw the limit was blinking a little bit too much I turn it down just a little bit the limit light on the Aeon is kind of weird too because it kind of just like gets a little bit brighter and then brighter you just want to notice when it is full brightness you'd want that to just blink ever so once in a while maybe on the base it and that is a good rule of thumb for keeping your speakers safe and not blowing them so now let's go over to the prx oh I just restart the song and we're going to start turning the signal gain up on is already a bounty on what not as you guys probably can't tell by the video but that is just absurdly loud when it's at peak on these PR X's it's easily twice as loud as that Eon and likewise if you have subs you also want to turn your subs up until you hit limit or overall it sounds good now typically what I do is I turn my subs I turn the tops on just so I can hear the audio but I'll turn the subs up until they hit limit and then I'll have my peer X 712 I'll turn them up until it sounds equal based the highs and mids just because the P rx-7 12s are way later than the P R X 715 X 11 reverse the process and do what I did with my eons which is I would turn my eons on turn them up the limit and then I would turn the subs up until it sounded until it sounded like we had enough base because the 715 XLS could drown out the 7 or the 615 yawns so let's say you got your two speakers you have the 2e odds or something like that and you have the volume cell in the back to where it hits the limit you have your your controller or your mixer mixer and controller here set to where it hits 0 DB and that meets it matches the limit on your powered speakers you you are you are all set to go now one thing I would advise you is if you just did this like you just set up your speakers and that or you're doing it in a cold basement like I am now the speakers will heat up a little bit and that limit will hit a little bit sooner when the speakers are all warmed up and ready to go so just check on it if you're running at full volume some point in the night that's how I set up mine is with the master at where it hits zero and then I just keep my faders at whatever volume when I'm mixing so like dinner music I'm down here at like negative thirty negative 20 DB for dinner music and then more like cake time or up around 7 and 4 and then throughout the main dancing night we eventually get to 0 dB sometimes so you can also reverse this as well so now that you know that at 0 DB your speakers are at their limit you can turn your master down if you want to go full faders and you can mix that way just make sure that when you're turning the master up about the night you don't go above 0db or you leave it at whatever if you left the mark up here okay that's how you set up your powered speakers now let's talk about how you make them sound better so most of the time you have low mid and high control this mixer the a Yamaha does not have low mid and high control but the controller does and so does this so on the PR x7 12 there is no built-in EQ ability to tune them at all now on the EON it has its own little EQ app and you can EQ it properly and if you haven't seen that yet you can check out my review video on the EON and also you can check out my favorite tune to use on the EON review this bad boy coming soon so just a recap here on how to set up powered speakers on your mixers and on your controllers you don't want to go past 75% volume output on your controller normally and you also don't want to go past 0 DB + 3 DB is okay and then on your speakers you don't want to go past the limit light and also on some speakers it's called the clip light so it just varies on the speaker manufacturer the max you want to go for the limit or clip light and be safe and I have verify this with a lot of professionals out there is to just see it blinking so you got a song that's hidden on the bass you so this is the base rate here it's blinking every time that bass is just blink blink blink once it starts getting more than that you want to turn it down you want to hear to turn your mixer down or turn your speaker's down you're in jeopardy of damaging your speakers and that's pretty much all guys for episode 1 here of audio tips uh let me know what you guys want to see for episode 2 do you guys want to see speaker placement you want me to dive more to subwoofer tips let me know so yeah guys let me know what you want to see for episode 2 in our audio tips and tricks series that we're starting here on YouTube and if you liked this video give it a thumbs up if this was helpful to you share to other DJ's that you know have power speakers and need to know this information remember to subscribe new videos every Tuesday and pretty much every Friday my name is DJ Rick Webb keep them records fit and I'll see you guys next time stay tuned to the end first off guys thank you all for staying to the end of the video now this thing right here if you guys didn't see it on Monday there was no video to announce who won that's because they did not reply a time and I'm fed up and don't want to pick another person to win so here's what I'm going to do I'm going to do a quick quiz right here on this video now part of this quiz before you answer in the comments below to my question you had to have already entered the contest prior to the end date which was July 29th I believe which I will be checking so here's the question all you have to do is answer the question be the first person answer the question in the comments below you ready first person the answer wins this if they enter the contest all right my first ever gig log video what date was the gig log and what high school did I go to for the winter formal answer in the comments below first person that answers it I will reply to your comment and you are the winner of the Huracan cj4 set mixer you had to have already entered the contest before which means you had to be subscribed to be entered a comment on that video and liked that video is what alright go for it
Channel: DJ Rick Web
Views: 314,759
Rating: 4.7195687 out of 5
Keywords: powered spearkers, dj, dj speakers, set up, jbl prx 712, jbl eon 615, eon 615, prx 712, jbl, jbl powered speakers, setting up eon 615, dj set up, speakers, dj rick web
Id: 85-98UDw3qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 22 2016
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