How to set up local/split-screen Multiplayer in Unreal Engine 5!

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what's up guys how's it going Mike the tech here and in this video I'm going to show you how to set up multiplayer or local multiplayer including split screen multiplayer in unreal Legend 5 um and it's a pretty simple process before we get started if you're watching this video chances are you're not subscribed because 99% of you are not subscribed that's a pretty bad numbers if you like this one be sure to click on that sub or thanks button below speaking of thanks huge shout out to miss Mo Davis and Tammy the psychic thank you so much for being the channel members if you want to support the channel and get shout outs in videos like this click on that join button below all right so on to the video itself we're just in the standard uh third person uh template here so what we're going to do is go over to these three dots here and set the max number of players to two now you're going to notice an error when you first try and play this it's going to show you two windows but when you control one the other player isn't actually there this is because they're both trying to run as the main platform so what you're going to do is change the net mode to play as listen server and this is going to make both of them basically listen to each each other for active clients and as you'll see here we now have two characters in um our scene but this is again good for multiplayer like a web-based multiplayer or even multiplayer on land but this is two different windows we can't realistically play on two different Windows here so how do we get this into uh local multiplayer well let's go ahead and go to settings and we're going to go to Project settings in Project settings we're going to go to maps and modes and you're going to see we have split screen here and we can choose the kind of split screen so we could do horizontal or vertical uh we'll leave it at horizontal for now and then we can choose three player split screen layout where it favors the top or favors the bottom and then four player split screen layout where we could choose grid vertical or horizontal and we're going to choose grid uh so skip assigning Gamepad to player one generally we want to set this to true but you can uh Toy around with that and make sure that your gam pad settings are uh to the appropriate player generally this is because we want to give the main player keyboard and mouse and the second player Gamepad but that's not too important for this tutorial so how do we actually get this to run with uh two or more players uh without using networking let's go ahe and set this to one again and instead we're going to go to our level blueprint and in our level blueprint we're going to type begin play and create a begin play event and in begin play we're going to type in create player and we're going to create a local player and we're going to leave controller ID as negative 1 because it's always going to add one to the current player number and now if we hit play you'll see that there are two windows here and it is multiplayer all you have to do is assign inputs to the second player and they'll be be able to control it or if they use a Gamepad you'll be able to control it as and all you have to do is essentially set up your uh player inputs to accept either first player or second player and generally you want to set up Gamepad inputs and assign the specific controller to each um but let's move on to how to add more players it's simply as simple as going into your level blueprint and duplicating this so let's add one more player and see what that looks like now we have a split screen multiplayer where the top is preferred and again in Project settings you can set it to the bottom preferred or even have them lined up and then of course we can add a fourth player the exact same way in level Blueprints and just connect this up here and if we hit play we now have four different characters but they're all in the same spot so how do we actually assign them different locations in the scene well all we have to do is recreate this player start to create another one let's say we want our second player there our third player way over here in this corner and our fourth player way in this corner now if we hit play they are all in different areas exactly where we place the spawn points is where they're going to show up and yep there they are so yeah that's it for this one this is the very quick and uh you know nitty-gritty setup on how to get local multiplayer and split screen multiplayer working in un religion 5 if you have any questions or comments leave them in the comment section below and as always thank you so much for watching games to inters with aad view he keeps it fres always something new detect AR detect yeah detect [Music] AR
Channel: MikeTheTech
Views: 6,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mikethetech
Id: 6aAQ5ttikgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 58sec (298 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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