How To Set Up Google Nest Camera Without QR Code

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so I'll be showing you how to set up the Google nest camera without a QR code so obviously the QR code is meant to make the work easier but in case you lost it and you've reset your camera then here's how you can set it up without that QR code so simply go to the Google home app so find Google home either on your iPhone or on your Android phone and then tap on the plus icon in the top left corner and then select set up a device okay now before you proceed make sure the Google nest camera is connected to power so that it can turn on so get your cable this is the Google Nest cable connected and once it's connected you should see that light okay so just wait for it to settle down [Music] when it's green it's settled down so or bluish okay so it's gonna go green and then this blue light so now we can continue just tap on new devices choose a home and it's going to start looking for a device around and then choose camera choose net choose your camera so for me mine is the nest cam battery you can do this also for the nest cam with floodlight uh the second generation Nest comes or other NETCOM cameras so mine is that one and it immediately gives you the option to scan the QR code now since we've lost or we don't have the QR code what you need to do is tap on continue without scanning so tap on that and then it's going to give you the option to enter uh uh six digit code now the code is on the camera itself right below or right above the charging cable so if you look closely underneath there you should see two things one is serial number and the other one is the setup code so enter those uh enter the setup code into your phone and then tap on next and then choose your camera mine is Nest cam battery select it once again and tap on next and then tap on continue of course you have to agree to the terms usage guidelines tap on next next again help improve NETCOM no thanks you can choose whatever you want at that point and then tap on next next select indoor or outdoor depending on where you want to place your camera basically from here you're just continuing the normal setup process without having used the QR code so from here everything is just a normal setup just minus the QR code choose your Wi-Fi network tap on next [Music] once you hear that sound and the light goes green it basically means the setup process is complete or almost complete choose your location mine is a front door camera tap on next it's gonna update the firmware during this process next choose how you want to mount your camera tap on next and then choose all these settings okay so where you want to mount your camera mine is already installed so I'll skip all that then tap on next how to set up and just just go tapping next okay of course by selecting the options you want and as you can see our front door camera is set and ready to go so that's basically how you can set up your Google nest camera without the QR code thanks for watching leave your comments and questions down below and good luck
Channel: WebPro Education
Views: 36,908
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Keywords: Set Up Google Nest Camera Without QR Code, Google Nest Camera set up without QR Code, Google Nest Camera manual setup, Connect Nest Camera without QR code, Google Home app setup for Nest Camera, Nest Camera Wi-Fi setup without QR code, Google Nest Camera installation guide, Setting up Nest Camera manually, Nest Camera setup alternative methods, Nest Camera setup without QR code, set up Google Nest Camera manually without QR Code, Google Nest Camera set up on Google Home app
Id: EtihxU9vpdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 27sec (327 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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