How to Set Up & Configure your Redline 360c

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hey what's up guys in this video we're going to go over how to set up and program your redline 360 c in order to optimize the performance and minimize false alerts now this is actually going to be a two-part video in the first part of this video we're going to go over kind of your initial setup and programming to kind of get it dialed in and customize the way that you want for the second part of the video i want to go over kind of day-to-day operations so getting familiar with using the detector different buttons features that kind of stuff once you're actually driving out on the road now when it comes to all this initial setup and programming i also have all this information available on my website if you'd prefer to just read over everything instead i'm going to drop a link to that in the video description and at the end of the article you'll also find my general recommended settings for the redline 360c as well as the settings that i personally run here on my detector now this video is going to be current as a firmware version 1.3 in the future of course escort is going to be releasing new firmware updates uh which will add new features and i'll change things and whatnot and so i can't update this video after it's posted online but my article on my website i can keep that updated as new things happen and things change and so with all that said let's go ahead and dive into it now when it comes to programming your detector you can do a lot of it by going into the menu here in the detector which you access just by pushing the sensitivity button here and the brightness button on top and then you can just kind of scroll through the different options with the sensitivity button and then there's going to be if you want to change anything you can just use the volume up and down buttons to select the options and there's a couple things that you'll find in here that actually have kind of a sub menus that you'll find so like this if i want to modify the different bands i go to that and then i hit the brightness button over here on the right and this is going to allow me to go in and start adjusting kind of these sub menu options like this and then once you're done you just hit the power button like that or you can just wait for it to naturally time out on its own now an easier way to do the programming though is just to grab your phone uh launch escort live connect to the detector and then go over here to radar settings and this again just makes it quicker and easier to go in and adjust everything and just kind of dial it in and change whatever options that you want here quickly and easily now that said there are a couple options that are only available here in the detector so we're going to cover that kind of towards the very end of the video but most everything you can do directly from the phone you're also going to find there's going to be some differences depending on if you're using android or iphone some of the options might be in maybe a different order or something and same thing if you're going into the detector again some of the options just might be in a different order but otherwise it'll be all the same different options available all right so starting off from the top let's start with sensitivity so this is going to allow us to adjust the sensitivity of the detector on x and k band k a band sensitivity will always be running at max sensitivity no matter what you set here this is just for k and x band now starting off with auto mode automotive is going to vary the detector sensitivity depending on your speed it's a nice way to basically get longer distance out on the highway when you're driving quickly but then once you slow down and you get into the city there's going to be more sources of false alerts around you and so it's going to start dialing back the detector sensitivity just to keep it a little bit quieter around town and for that reason it's really popular it's kind of what most people will wind up running the detector with now the next option autonox is going to be the same thing but it just turns x-band off altogether auto locat is going to be the same thing as auto mode except it uh reduces the sensitivity of k-band at all times no matter what your speed is and then finally highway mode is going to be full sensitivity at all times if you have a lot of k-band in your area you may actually want to use highway mode because of the fact that highway mode is actually going to give you longer range performance than auto mode at speed auto mode even on the highway is not going to give you maximum sensitivity that's actually what highway mode is for so if you don't want at all it to ever dial back k-band sensitivity you can switch it over to highway mode but otherwise for the most part mode is going to be kind of a nice balance for both city and highway driving next we can take a look at the brightness option so this is going to allow us to manually adjust the detector's display brightness like this and auto is just going to automatically vary the detector's brightness so it gets brighter in the daytime and darker at night now one thing to note though a number of people have reported myself included that the detector doesn't always work properly in this area sometimes it doesn't get bright enough in the daytime it's still too dim and so you have to manually go in and adjust the display brightness and this isn't just a redline 360c thing i think this is just kind of the way the ambient light sensor stuff is programmed with a variety of different s core detectors so if you run into that and you find auto brightness doesn't get bright enough in the daytime you can come over and switch it to uh manual display brightness and on the detector you actually have a button right here where you can go and adjust the detector sensitivity like this as well this is just one of the shortcut ways to do it here in the app and then dark mode is going to turn off the detector's display like this but you're still going to be able to hear the alerts whenever they pop up i'm just gonna mute that real quick okay and we'll just turn the display back on here real quick okay and then uh the next option so we're gonna go into the pilot mode uh this is basically adjusting the main screen here and if you want by default it's going to have this kind of animated scanning bar like that if you don't want that you want just the information here displayed instead you can just put it to full word now the next option is going to be the metering modes this is going to kind of change the information that's displayed on screen when there's a signal present now if we start here with standard mode this is just going to display whatever signal is present you can see the band it's a k band alert and here is the signal strength and then we also have the arrow right there pointing and letting us know that the signal is up ahead now the next option here is going to be standard fr1 with this one it's going to give us kind of independent displays for both the front and the rear signal strength in the middle here it says three so it's saying there's three signals currently present but what you're going to see on the display here is just for the main primary alert and so this is going to be kind of the front signal strength and this is going to be the rear signal strength next we can move on to standard fr2 which is going to be a similar idea except it's going to allow us to see maybe the two primary signals instead of just the one primary signal in this situation when you're getting multiple signals present it'll display right here both the primary signal you can see right now it says there's only one so it's only going to show either the front or the rear signal string you can see right now it says it's pointing back behind so it's only going to show the rear signal strength it's not going to show both the front and rear for one individual signal however when you are getting multiple signals it can actually display multiple here on screen so for example here's a an example that i'm putting up on screen we have a strong ka band signal up ahead and then a weaker k-band signal back behind so as you can see it's able to display uh multiple signals like this if both of the signals are ahead it's only going to display it here on the left side if both of the signals are on behind it'll only display it here on the right side but otherwise yeah it's able to display multiple signals simultaneously anyways moving on to spec fr1 this is going to be the same idea as standard fr1 with the exception that it's actually going to display the frequency here on top and same thing here with spec fr2 same idea with maybe the top two signals uh one is front another one is rear and then it's just going to display the uh the frequency right there now expert fr is if you want to display up to four signals simultaneously when that happens you'll start to see multiple signals popping up on screen here and it's going to show you both the front and the rear signal strength for these top four signals now if any of the signals are locked out those are actually going to show up in gray and then finally if we switch over to uh the simple mode this is just going to be super simple if you're traveling up below the speed limit it's going to display caution on screen and if you're traveling above the speed limit it's going to display slow down like you can see here moving on we have next control over the arrows now this is going to give us the option to either display the arrows and only point towards the single primary source like this alternatively if we want to again see maybe multiple signals at once we can switch it to multiple and now you can see it's got a couple signals it's blinking towards the primary one and then it's also saying there's a rear signal and now it's switching and saying the primary alert is going to be back behind you so here you can see it's got different colors and the blinking is going to be pointing towards the primary alert that it defines now the band is basically going to adjust the arrow color not by direction or anything but by band and so x-band will be green k-band will be blue and then ka band and laser will be red so again single just points to the primary source multiple is going to allow you to point to multiple signals simultaneously and this is just there to adjust the arrow color by band next moving on to auto mute so this is going to allow us to have the detector alert at full volume normally and then after about five seconds or so it's going to automatically reduce the detector's volume if you like if you want you can turn that off and just have it alert at full volume all the time however if after the detector initially gets your attention you want it to automatically reduce the detector's volume that's what the auto mute is for and here this kind of gives you control of how far down it drops the volume low is going to drop the volume down to the lowest level after the initial normal volume alert medium is the medium and high is going to kind of keep the automuted volume level the highest we'll switch it to low i guess just to make it a little bit easier to hear the volume drop and let's trigger it so you can hear that it alerted and it actually let us know that there was an additional signal present but then after that uh it dropped the alert volume so you can tell it dropped it down to a low level and again this is just going to allow us to adjust how far down it drops the automated volume level next we can do actually let's do the audio tones so if you just heard when it alerted it alerted to one signal and then it gave us a beep letting us know hey i'm seeing a second signal even though i was just alerting to one primary signal right now that's because i had it set to standard plus this is just going to give you the traditional escort tones which is what standard is but if you'd like some additional information letting you know that hey i'm seeing an additional signal that's what the standard plus option is and then next we also have the mild alert tones these are just there if you don't necessarily want to hear traditional radar alert tones the mild ones sound kind of like maybe a doorbell and we can demo that real quick too so if you'd like you can have it set up that way um i personally prefer standard plus i like the escort alert tones and then i also like the uh the additional beep letting us know that uh hey there's a new signal that i'm now seeing as well that i want to let you know that that's present now so moving on let's go next to a zr3 mode so this is here if you actually have escort's optional laser jammers connected to the detector so if you have the escort zw5 or the zr5 hooked up to your redline 360c your radar detector can actually control your laser jammers and it will serve as kind of your interface your display and your speaker for those laser jammers and this option here in the detector is going to allow you to control how the laser jammers operate and if they automatically shut off after a period of time now if you have it set to off it's going to disable the laser jamming functionality altogether receive only will detect laser only it'll alert you here in the detector but it's not going to jam or what escort calls shifting in any way shifting is great for uh testing only uh to where you're driving and it's going to jam continuously and then if you want to disarm the laser jammer you actually uh double press the mute button when you get shot with laser and then you have a couple options here to have it automatically disarm the laser jammers pretty much giving you enough time to get notified that you're getting shot with laser and then slow down and the laser jammers will automatically disarm if you like you can actually slow down and manually again disable the jammers even faster but this is going to be a great option here to just go ahead and have them quickly disarm after four seconds uh next let's move on to the voice option so the voice is just going to basically speak and let you know when you get maybe a k-band alert or kay this can be especially helpful when you're maybe learning the detector and you're getting familiar with the audio tones and whatnot i personally usually run that turned off so that i can listen to the ramp up as it gets stronger and weaker but once you're learning i think that's a great option plus another benefit is when you go into the detector's menu it's actually going to speak the different menu options like this advanced pilot mode completed again you don't necessarily need that so you can turn it off if you like but i think it's a great option especially once you're getting familiar with the detector next let's take a look at the auto power option i think i skipped over this when i was doing the redline 360 tutorial so we'll kind of simulate it here with the max 3 but it's the same idea basically the idea is you can set the detector up to automatically turn off if you've been parked for a certain amount of time this can be really useful if your uh power plug that your detector is plugged into always provides power even when you're parked that can wind up draining your car battery and so in that situation you can have the detector just automatically turn itself off after an hour to four hours whatever something else to note is uh if you have this feature enabled after 30 minutes of being parked with the detector doing zero miles an hour basically it'll just turn off the display for you the detector will still be on but the display will turn off then as you resume driving you get above 10 miles an hour the display will turn back on so just a heads up about that feature moving on we've got the unit so you can have it set up here to run in miles per hour or kilometers per hour whatever you prefer and then we also have the option next for the gps filter the detector has a lot of gps kind of false alert muting capabilities if you want to maybe turn those off you certainly can you can do it right here but otherwise you can just leave it turned on next we can go over here to auto learn uh you're going to want to have this turned on it's a really useful feature now as you drive around with the redline 360c it's going to start to learn where your stationary sources of false alerts are things like speed signs on the side of the road and door openers from shopping centers so after it sees those signals repeatedly on successive drives it's gonna again learn that's a false alert and then you'll actually see a display stored on the screen of the detector after it learns and stores that signal when you come by again in the future the screen is going to be grayed out the detector is going to be muted and you're not going to see any arrows it'll still show you on the display that there's a signal present but it's going to be super quiet and just muting that signal now i've got it turned off for the video just so it doesn't automatically you know lock out as i keep hitting it here to demo it with k-band for the video but in general you'll want to have the feature turned on uh next we have our cruise alert this is again a really useful feature this is going to be your low-speed muting option and this way when you pick up a signal maybe driving around town at lower speeds the detector will just beep twice and then mute this way again as you're driving around town you don't have the detector screaming whenever it's picking up a false alert especially if you're below the speed limit this just helps keep it extra quiet when you're in like parking lots and whatnot now a quick note about this cruise alert threshold um it's going to be you know whatever you set here by default but when you're driving around and you're on a road uh when it's got the speed limit displayed right here it's actually going to ignore whatever number that you have set up here manually for cruise alert and it's going to pay attention to just the speed limit so if you're traveling below the speed limit it's going to give you that double beep there but then when you're traveling above the limit it'll give you your traditional normal alert tone if you're not running escort live at all it's then going to fall back and revert to this speed here moving on we've got our overspeed alert this you can just set up if you want to notify you when you're traveling over a certain speed you can just get a reminder here an indication that you're traveling over a speed that maybe you don't want to be speeding above next we have our language you can set it to english or espanol pista oh cool actually let's see what this looks like auto i don't know x i guess highway mode is autopista cool okay moving on we also have our display color so again we can just uh set different display colors and this also affects your arrows too by the way red green blue and amber so again whatever color you want maybe matching your vehicle's interior or something so the next option we've got our speed on display so you can have it display your speed right here on screen if you don't want that you can turn it off and it'll display your current vehicle voltage instead and then user mode novice in advance it doesn't change anything here in the app but if you set it to novice mode it's going to simplify the menu options when you go into the detector here directly if you want access to all the different menu options you set it to advanced next we can go in and start actually programming the different bands available here in the detector and this is nice for maybe optimizing the performance cutting down false alerts things like that so starting off if you want laser detection you can turn that on and off this is going to be completely different than the laser jamming stuff if you have that connected here to the detector that's controlled here but this option here for laser detection is purely just the radar detector's laser detection if you want to maybe turn it off you can do that here but otherwise you can leave it on and it can notify you when you get shot with laser pop detection if you want the detector to alert you to pop you can turn it on we do find that it does negatively impact performance here so turn it off if you well yeah turn it off next we have our options for ka band k-band and x-band you can turn them on and off as you like but you'll notice we also have our band segmentation options if you want to access any of these you actually need to go and first disable the options here if you have ka band turned on it's going to scan all of ka band if you turn off ka band it's then going to activate the different uh segments here so if you want to control maybe what frequencies it scans for on ka you need to go up here and turn this off first and same thing here with k-band if you want to get the k-band segment control you can do that here just by disabling that and then x-band there's no segments or anything x-band is phased out of use in most of the country at this point it's think only actively in use in like ohio new jersey and a few rural places here and there throughout the country but most people could safely turn off x-band at this point next we've got tsr this is going to be your traffic sensor rejection and this is in case you're driving on the highway and you find these repeated blasts of k-band maybe every half mile or mile or so in some places around the country they have these k-band traffic sensors just dotted along the side of the highway just to measure the flow of traffic and whatnot and if you find that your detector keeps falsing to those you can just turn tsr on but otherwise it's usually best to leave it turned off because there is going to be a little bit of a negative hit to k-band performance and so if you don't need it i generally recommend turning it off especially here with the redline 360c because the bsm filtering is so good you're not going to really be reliant on tsr for bsm filtering the way we are with maybe some of the older detectors next let's talk about the different segments we'll start with the k band segments now this is here to give us control of which frequencies within all of k-band the detector can scan for uh you can turn on and off different frequency ranges here in the us for the most part there's exceptions to this but for the most part you'll find police radar guns are designed to transmit maybe 24.050 to 24.250 kind of that range or so and that's going to be segments one two and three in some places they actually have k-band that's in use lower than that down to maybe 23.9 ish or so and if you want to scan that frequency range that's going to be k-band segment 4. it could be a good idea to turn it on if you're not sure because the detector doesn't really false a ton but for most of us here in the us it doesn't scan that low so you could turn that off next we've got our ka-band segments here and as you can see we actually have 10 different sections available or segments uh we've actually got uh segments 2 5 and 8 are going to be the traditional ones so you've got your 33 8 34 7 and 35 5 segments here the other segments if you're concerned about maybe out of tune guns you can turn that on here and this again is just designed to give you control over which frequencies within all of ka band the detector is going to scan for it comes by default scanning only 2 5 and 8 but again you can turn on extra frequencies if you want if you're not sure what's in use in your area i'm going to drop a link in the video description that goes over what segments are needed for each different state so that'll be available down in the description too now something we've noticed with testing is turning on additional segments does negatively improve or improve negatively impact the detector's performance and so uh 258 is the standard way to go if you need something like segments four and six turn them on but segmentation definitely does help performance here and it makes a detector faster and more reactive next moving on to uh multiradar detection we have the option for both the multiradar cd and the ct so if you want detection for either of those you can turn them on though if you don't have them in use in your area you want to leave it turned off because you are otherwise going to get some false alerts now i'll just put a list here on screen of where the multiradar cd and ct are in use traditionally they're going to be used for photo radar applications so if you drive past like a photo radar gun if you're speeding it takes a picture of you and mails you a ticket and the detector here has the ability to detect it but again you're going to be getting some false alerts so if you don't need it in your area you can just keep it turned off and also a lot of these might be like a fixed speed camera and instead of maybe relying on the mrct detection you can just get notified by the gps defender database that's built into the detector as well so that's another way to get alerted to a lot of these but if it's something that's maybe mobile attached to a truck or something you're actually going to want to use the multi-radar detection built directly into the detector instead of the gps database now speaking of gps database the last options here are going to be for well fixed things that you get in the defender database so things like alerting you to red light cameras or fixed speed cameras uh you have the ability to turn any one of these on and off if you like red light speed cameras it's well if you have like a speed camera red light camera all in one that's going to be the separate option here this is going to be for common speed traps and whatnot air patrol is places where they commonly do air enforcement but it's not where they actively are right now flying planes this is just locations where they commonly have been doing aircraft enforcement and then now that we're done with the app here i also want to touch on a couple options that are only available here in the detector so we'll go ahead and do this and we'll flip through real quick so the first one is going to be arcade notch option this is a great option to help filter out some false alerts from your hondas and your acuras k-notch is basically going to take a 20 megahertz range between 24.190 and 24.210 that's a common frequency range where you're going to be getting some bsms from hondas and acuras and it's going to like really reduce the sensitivity in that frequency range because a lot of times you're going to be getting kind of some weak alerts in that frequency range to those hondas and acuras so it's just designed to help do some additional bsm filtering if you will to cut out a lot of the bsm falses that may otherwise punch through the redline 360c so if you want some additional bsm filtering you can turn it on this is a legitimate police frequency range where k-band guns can transmit so if you have a lot of k-band in your area you may not necessarily want to use this but if you'd prefer maybe a quieter detector overall it's all a risk balance you can turn it on and it's still going to be able to alert you to police radar but you're not going to get nearly the same amount of range if you have this turned on and you're detecting a radar gun that's in this frequency range so again for better bsm filtering you can turn it on if you want maximum k-band range and let's say you have a lot of k-band in your area and you're cool with a few more false alerts turn it off next we have the ability to clear our different locations so if you uh let's say manually mark a location with the mark button you can clear all of them here you can clear all of your lockouts you can clear your whole gps defender database for red light cameras and stuff and if you want you can just format everything and if you want to take a look we can do one of them here okay so we hit the bright button it says are you sure we'll hit it again and it's going to say yes and again just clear all of our marked locations if you maybe created one by accident or something by hitting the mark button next we have the ability to turn wi-fi on and off if you like you can do it directly here and the same thing here with bluetooth you can manually turn that on and off as well we have the ability to automatically choose you know if we want automatic updates do we want our updates for the gps database or for firmware this is all for the wi-fi updates so if you have it connected to wi-fi you can choose what gets updated automatically or not now when an update is available it is going to display it on screen and then it's going to prompt you if you want to update if you do you're going to want to go ahead and hit the plus button and it's going to go ahead and update the detector for you it's not going to update without your authorization you do need to approve the update when the update is available now the red light camera database updates those come out every monday or so so those you're going to see more often firmware updates come out less frequently but when those are available they take longer to update the firmware over just a red light camera database update but the process is going to be exactly the same you'll see the prompt to the detector hit the plus button to confirm if you want to update and it'll go ahead and do it for you now the next option we have the ability to manually force an update so if we're like hey you know i want to go ahead and just check if there's an update available you can do that right here and then for the next option we have our interface option it's not really intuitive i guess as far as what this means but you can see we've got a mode 1 and we have a mode 2 available now mode 1 is what you're going to want to use if you have a zr5 or zw5 the laser jammer is actually plugged into the redline 360c if that's the case you're going to want to run it in mode 1. if you have the detector hooked up to an aftermarket vehicle interface not the laser jammers but an interface for your car itself in that situation you're going to want to run it in mode 2. if you don't have laser jammers hooked up to it and you don't have an aftermarket interface hooked up to your detector it doesn't really matter what you set here and other than that yeah that's it again on my website i have an article that also goes over all this plus it's got my general recommended settings for the detector as well as the settings that i personally run and then in addition to getting familiar with the detector settings and getting it dialed in the way that you want you can also check out my second video which goes over the different buttons on the detector and kind of usage and operation while you're driving you can check out that video as well so uh yeah that's it for now thanks so much for watching i hope you're all doing well and i'll see in the next video bye
Channel: Vortex Radar
Views: 29,315
Rating: 4.9463987 out of 5
Keywords: radar, detector, escort, redline, 360c, redline360c, setup, tutorial, guide, walkthrough, settings, best, configure, configuration, how to, live, best radar detector, escort radar, escort radar detector, escort redline 360c, escort redline 360c radar detector, radar detector, redline 360c radar detector, redline 360c setup, redline 360c vortex
Id: m8XtGfDr2fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 1sec (1501 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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