How to set up BookFunnel with your book and landing pages

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hi guys welcome back to my channel i'm rhian edwards a fantasy author and today i'm going to walk you through how i signed up for book funnel and what i'm sort of using book funnel for so in case you're not aware i have recently released um a free prequel short story um novella whatever you want to call it um i've recently released that free for newsletter subscribers and it is available to download from book funnel so if you're interested you can sign up to my newsletter and you'll get that for free only get it by signing up for my newsletter and so it is exclusive for those subscribers and so book funnel is a way to deliver and free books and things like that to people it's also good for things like arcs although i haven't used that yet so i was completely new to book funnel when i first went on and i have screen recorded what i did so i'm going to show you that um and you can sort of see that process that i went through it took me about half an hour i think to get the books up and on there with the right links and that because i needed two links one that was going direct to my subscribers already and so they wouldn't have to input that email address again and then one for new people to sign up to where you would have to opt into my newsletter in order to download it so let's take a look okay so the first thing i did was actually sign up for book funnel which meant that i had to put in my details and pay so i actually paid for um monthly versions just on the lowest account um lowest account there is um so what i'm doing is i'm going straight to add a book and in the add a book you just put in all your details so here it's by so me rhiann edwards i've put a short story i think technically it's a novellette but i put short story the volume i put 0.5 because it's not because i've already got a book one so i thought well this is the pre-book thing okay and copied and pasted my book description and book tagline and as you'll see this is where i was trying to figure out certain things and so i was trying to put different headings in just trying to investigate what that was all about have a look to see what would work best for your book descriptions but as you can see i've got my book tag line and the same hem heading on my book description and actually when i go into um have a little look in a second it actually um it just looks too like i've got two sentences the same so i went back and changed that and you'll see that over here so this is the main page that you come to and you just need to click on books add new book and put in all of your details and it didn't actually take me that long because i sort of had those details ready um in a form that i keep for all my books and but this note to readers thing um i thought okay well let's just put some of the sentences on that i've used in my social media and actually i think in the end i actually put that into the book description itself and then the next page is where i upload the cover and as you can already see so the um the headline this is where the story starts this is the alliance and you can see that again in the story description so that's why i went back and changed that so that um the first two lines i actually took out because that was my um tagline well the tagline for this that i put in so there i have my um book that i have added to book funnel this was where it got really interesting because i actually had no idea what i was doing next so i finished all that i thought right okay i'll just add in my files so i use draft to digital to download the different um file formats so i had then an epub a moby and a pdf i believe so uploaded them and as you can see that was easy to just press upload i had the files they were on there so book funnel i did find was actually quite um intuitive to a certain degree but it still took a little while to get used to so what i then needed to do was find a landing was make a landing page so this was to collect new readers so you can see me um clicking on the option that says to opt in and that's how you're creating a specific page if people are not already signed up to your newsletter when they click on your book they'll come to this page that i'm about to create so this is the opt-in page so i i think my time i put in my title so that i would know that this was my opt-in title so this is just the name that i have i don't think anyone else sees it so i'm just sort of scrolling down and having a look to begin with but it was actually really easy so i think i put the alliance free short story and then i think i put opt-in did i not but then you can come down you can change all the colors i think to begin with i just kept it as um what it came with but i think later i did go back and change some of the colors i think i went to like red and gray my accent color i think i did as red and just because the front color had a bit of red on it and i just thought that would match quite nicely and page title get your free copy of the alliance i then so this heading i actually was a little bit confused about all of this but i think i kept left where it already selected so use the books tag line heading 2 was get your free copy of then there was a pop-up message and i just used the book funnel default message for that and then this is the next bit is about the thank you page that readers will see once you have once they have downloaded it and i think again i kept the heading as it had already suggested but for heading two i think i did do not show a heading just because i haven't set um a number of days that it can be downloaded for or a number of copies because i wanted i think you have a limit of like 5 000 in a month and i don't think i'll be downloading 5 000 in a month so this is the um email opt-in page as you can see i was just checking it out and i was sort of happy with that but i did go back on to it and this was when i realized i had to go back onto the book to edit to edit the description not to that landing page and and this is where you can see me moving that note to readers onto the end of the book description so that it was really clear that you can read this prequel before or after you've read the main series um and so anything you change about the book you have to go onto the book page and and that's what i realized so i was just checking that worked but then of course then i needed um a page where if you were already signed up i didn't want you to have to put in another email address i just feel like it's just one too many steps i wanted you to go straight to it and download whatever um format you wanted and this actually did take me a little while to figure out um but so it's add a new download page um and that's when my page name i put four subscribers so that i knew that this one was for subscribers and they didn't have to input their email address and page title so download the alliance i think i put and again i think most the time i keep the headings that they've already selected but i made sure that you could see the book description on the page you could see the tag line and the heading was like download your copy of i just feel like it's quite clear then what your readers are trying to do so you can see the expiration date and the download limit and i didn't put anything in there as i said i didn't want to have a limit because i knew i wasn't going to be coming anywhere close to the limits of the of the version that i picked which i think was like the very first one so not the free one i didn't sign up for the free book funnel i signed up for the sort of the mid-list one i think it was called um you don't get an automatic email integration with that one and but you can just export the export the email address and then literally upload it to your newsletter whatever process you use so i use um mailerlite so all i did was export the email addresses and then add that document into mailerlite and it automatically added them to my mailer list i do just want to say as well that i then did join a promo but i stopped recording at this point because i think this took me like half an hour so and i wanted to check in with a couple of people that have already used book funnel before to ask about the book promos so what i did was um set up a book promo not a sales promo a book promo and i there's def basically lots of different promotions that are going on that people have set up so the one i joined and you'll have to look up to see if um your story fits the bill so i signed up for one that was like a fantasy and sci-fi and y a one and accepted like short stories excerpts things like that not all of the promos will so you'll have to read through each of the promos sort of requirements for that and i picked that one because it was starting i think the day that i did this was like the last day they were accepting people for the promo and what it means is that i put the link into my newsletter and on social media and people can use that link to go onto it's a webpage and i might put in a screen grab here for you it's a web page that takes you to all the books that are on this promo and you click on the books and decide if you want to read them or not and if you do you probably have to opt into something it just depends on if the author has required an opt-in so my book is on there down towards the very end and so if anybody came across that on somebody else's newsletter or somebody else's promotion then they would click on my book opt-in if they wanted to opt in and then receive the free book and and also then that means that your books go into other people you're sharing other people's books and i actually quite liked that so so far um i probably will do a bit of a stats review later but so far as of today i think i have had something like 61 downloads and so 61 new subscribers signing up which i think is amazing for me and i'm really happy with that number um so 61 people have already signed up and this promo runs till i think sometime in june so when that ends i'll probably go on just before i release my next newsletter i'll probably go on and see if there's another promo that i can join and because then i can put the link into my newsletter and it'll be a good way for people to come across new authors and find new books to read so i actually really like the idea of that and so definitely go and have a little play on book funnel i definitely think it's worth it right now i deliberately did a monthly sign up so that i pay monthly i know overall you pay marks i think if you pay for the annual year you save a bit of money but i didn't know how successful it would be and how long i'd want to do it so i did the monthly payment i think mine is something like only like 10 pounds or 10 or something like that and so i've paid that fee monthly and i'll see how it goes i'll probably re-evaluate in about six months time and see how that's going on but yeah that's how i signed up for book funnel i hope you found this video helpful and if you did please give it a thumbs up and consider subscribing and i will see you next time okay guys bye [Music]
Channel: Rhian Edwards Author
Views: 3,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bookfunnel, book promo, free books, how to give away free books, marketing, marketing for authors, book funnel, newsletter sign ups, how to get more newsletter subscribers, growing your newsletter lists, reader magnet
Id: nSPHb772iTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 02 2022
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