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Today, I prepared a method for organizing large-scale ingredients. If you put paper foil on when freezing, it will fall well. If you put paper foil in the middle, the meat won't stick. The ready-to-eat meat is refrigerated in a glass container. If you keep it in the refrigerator, it is better to eat it within 2 to 3 days. I also trim Costco pork belly. The children do not eat the oil well, so they organize it. When there is a lot of meat, it is convenient to store it using paper foil. I decided to go camping on the weekend, so I bought a lot of meat. 😊 Meat is falling well after a day has passed since it was frozen. The meat doesn't stick together so it melts quickly. 🤗 It is easy to cook because it is well separated one by one. Costco Kirkland Low Sodium Bacon is really famous. There is a lot of oil, so remove a little and store in paper foil. Layer 2 or 3 pieces of bacon and roll it up. Stand upright for easy removal and keep frozen. Take it out one by one when you need it and it melts quickly. Cut the bacon to be used for fried rice properly , place it on paper foil and keep it frozen. Bacon that has been frozen for a day also falls off well. The stir-fry bacon is also well cut, so it's easy to cook. 😊 Johnsonville sausages are also cut for stir-fry and stored frozen. Paper foil is also used when dividing by the amount to be eaten once. Put the rest in a freezer container and keep it frozen. Let’s check if the sausage is dripping well after a day. It is easy to cook because it falls off well. 🤗 Costco Basil Pesto has a short shelf life after opening. Basil pesto can last longer if stored frozen. It is convenient to freeze in a silicone ice mold. Refrigerate ready-to-eat basil pesto in a glass container. Cucumbers and eggplants fade faster than expected. Kitchen towels absorb moisture and block cold air. Vegetables that can eat skin are refrigerated with kitchen towels, and vegetables that do not eat skin are refrigerated with newspaper. The kitchen towel is not thrown away, but collected and used for cleaning. Vegetables can be eaten for a long time without throwing them away if you keep them well. Costco mini donuts are really good. 🥰 If you use paper foil for freeze storage, it will not stick. There is a lot of donuts, so I keep them frozen before eating. Use a straw to drain the air. Frozen donuts can be eaten after melting at room temperature. Costco bagels are also in great quantity. 😄 Cut the bagel to be frozen in half and put it in a zipper bag. Bread to be stored at room temperature must be consumed within the expiration date. After a day, check to see if it is frozen well. They don't stick together, so it's good to take out one by one. Bagels are delicious when baked in the oven. 🥰 This is Kirkland Salted Butter with good value for money . It's packaged small, but it's bigger than you think, and cut it and keep it. Cut it like this and keep it frozen for 1 to 2 hours. Put the rest in a zipper bag and keep frozen. Also write the expiration date. Frozen butter falls off well, so you don't need paper foil. It is easy to take out one by one when cooking. 🤗 The butter did not stick and it froze well after a day. It is easy to take out one by one. 😊 If you don't store cheese, mold will form, so keep it frozen. When I have to use wrap, I use eco-friendly wrap. Cheese is easily molded by moisture, so I use wrap. If you put it in a zipper bag and keep it frozen, you can eat it for a long time. Remember to write the expiration date without forgetting it. Fish cakes are stored separately in refrigerated and frozen. Putting the soup one by one is convenient when cooking. For sweet potatoes, dry the moisture at room temperature for a while. Sweet potatoes can be rolled up in newspaper and stored at room temperature. Newspaper protects against mold and moisture. How was the costco mass subdivision prepared today? Thank you so much for watching until the end today. 🥰💖
Channel: 꿀주부 Honeyjubu
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Keywords: 식재료 소분, 고기 소분하는법, 식재료 보관, 냉장고 정리, 식재료 보관법, 코스트코 추천템, 코스트코 장보기, 냉동 보관법, 버터 냉동 보관, 치즈 냉동보관, 베이컨 냉동보관, 자취생 요리, 냉장 보관법, 소분하는법, 식재료 냉동보관, 식재료 손질, 냉동실정리법, 냉장 냉동 보관법, 냉장 냉동 보관하는 방법, 코스트코 식재료, 대용량 소분하기, 코스트코 대용량 소분, 냉동소분법, 대용량 식재료, 식재료 소분하는 방법, 버터 보관, 치즈보관방법, 치즈보관법, 베이컨 보관
Id: soTIHvQ3IXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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