how to send mail with file size more than 25 mb | how to send big files via email| email large files

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ah so welcome back guys my name is amlan and in today's make much free campaign we go about looking at how we can send mail with file sizes more than 25 mb on gmail so let's look at how we do this first i will show you what the problem is say i decide to attach a file for my gallery and i know that it's a pretty heavy file so it's almost 75 mb so this you can see 76 mb and therefore it says the file you are trying to send exceeded the 25 size limits so well i know i cannot do it directly like this what i will do is i will install something called as a google drive so if you have a google account you get the drive and some extent of storage is free in this so here i will try and upload the file that i want to send and which is a pretty heavy file so i will go to videos and i will go ahead and this is a 76 mb file so now it is getting uploaded so wait for the file to complete uploading you can check status in the setting panel as well so here you can see like what the status is so that you don't get lost and it's almost getting completed so the file should shortly finish uploading so there you go the file has finished uploading and where can we check this under here we need to go to resend so the way we do that is by searching in drive and we search for recent and you can see that this is the file which has been like uploaded now we can directly share from the drive also so we can tap on share and like we can put in the mail id of like you know person we want to share this with and if we want to give him editor rights that means he can edit or if we want to simply give viewer rights it means they can simply view so one way of doing this is like you know directly putting it under drive like using the sharing rights another thing like what you can do is like when you want to send a mail and you want to insert a drive file you again select the picker and now instead of attaching file click insert from drive and then go to recent and select the file and this is more than 25 mb mind you and then do select and then now basically you can put in the mail id so i'll put in the mail id and then like subject pfa and there you go so this is how like you can send mail which is uh like containing file size more than 25 mb and like you saw earlier also when you are sending a drive file you can control what you want the recipient to do with the file just view can edit so totally on you so i want only view and let me do this and there you go it's gone i can check it as well if i have to check it i simply need to go to gmail and from here i need to click on send and there you go the file i have sent it to my dad and it's as easy as that so hopefully this tutorial helps if you have to send mail to someone like containing large files so this is how you'll be doing so if you think this tutorial is helpful kindly consider subscribing please tap on the bell icon for notifications and do share this with your friends and family because many people often want to do this and may not be very conversant with the steps and so i thought i will make this until next time it's me amlan signing off i will see you in the next one
Channel: Make Knowledge Free
Views: 83,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: send an attachment larger than 25mb, how to send an attachment larger than 25mb up to 10gb in gmail english & hindi, email large files with gmail, send big files via email, how-to (website category), how to send a file over 25mb on gmail, how to send large files via gmail, how to send big size pdf files via email, send large file size in gmail, send attachments larger than 25mb in gmail, send large email attachments, how to send attachments larger than 25mb in gmail, email files
Id: RXcgGCUN5l4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 26sec (206 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 20 2022
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