How to send DS18B20 Temperature Sensor data to Adafruit IO using MQTT and NodeMCU
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Channel: MyEngineeringStuffs
Views: 274
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Keywords: how to publish data to the cloud using mqtt protocol, internet of things, adafruit io, publishing data to cloud using esp8266, mqtt protocol, publish, using mqtt, with mqtt, how to, with nodemcu, using adafruit, thingspeak, publish to cloud, message queuing tele, iot project, mqtt iot, adafruit io iot, learn iot, publish data to cloud using iot, publish and subscribe protocol iot, internet of things mqtt, publish data to adafruit io, DS18B20 Temperature sensor
Id: jxHJddB5XUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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