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hey guys what's up happy Friday and welcome back to my channel I hope you guys are having a great day so today's video as you saw by the title is going to be the long awaited the most requested video probably on my channel and that is how to sell on PayPal yes I am finally doing this video sorry it has taken me so long it's just one of those types of videos where you kind of have to you know get some things together you got to plan it out it takes more effort so you guys have been waiting on this video for a while a lot of you guys have requested it I know a lot of you are interested on selling through Instagram which PayPal is needed for so without further ado let's get into how to sell on PayPal so before we dive in the how to so let's talk about why you would need PayPal to sell through in the first place PayPal is used as a way for your customer to pay you basically it's just a payment its PayPal it's a payment platform with in and of itself PayPal is not a selling platform it's just a payment platform so you would use PayPal if you were in a scenario like myself where I do a lot of thrift hauls on YouTube and a lot of you guys are interested in purchasing those items so that way I can offer you a better price because the Commission is a lot lower they only take 2.9 percent and then 30 cents for every transaction so the Commission is a lot lower and that's why I like using PayPal to sell through other platforms so that's a reason why you would need to use PayPal instead of say Poshmark or ebay also if you don't have a youtube channel you have maybe you have another social platform you have Instagram or maybe a Facebook group a lot of people will post pictures of items on their feeds on Instagram and they sell that way or they'll post it a picture of the item in their Instagram story and they sell that way so now we're going to get into the how to's let's get into it PayPal does have a mobile app version and they do have a desk they do have a desktop version as well so I'm gonna be showing you guys how to create an invoice through the app or through desktop and then I'm gonna be showing you guys how to ship through the desktop I have to hook up my laptop to the printer so it's not like a wireless thing so I always use the desktop so that's how I'm gonna be teaching you guys how to print labels I'm sure there's a tutorial you can google it how to print through the app if that's a thing I don't even know if that's a thing so I'm just putting that out there so the first thing you're gonna need to sell through PayPal is your customers paypal email address this is the email address that they have hooked up to their PayPal account I haven't had anyone not know what that is what I asked them for it so I think it's you know it's common knowledge say you put an item up for sale on Instagram and somebody messages you and says yes I want this when you you know come together on a price then you will get their paypal email so after that you're gonna want to create an invoice so you're gonna go in the app and at the bottom bar you're gonna see a little button where it says invoice and you're gonna click on that then it's gonna come up I think it's like a list it's like a list of invoices that you've sent before it shows like paid unpaid there's like a whole little list but up in the very top right corner there's going to be a plus sign you're gonna click that and that's gonna take you to a page where you're gonna create your invoice sorry I'm looking down at my notes because I know that if I didn't write notes I would forget something and then somebody would be in the comments you forgot this and I am aware that I forgot it but there's nothing I can do about it after it's been posted so I've got my notes all right so after you do that there's gonna be a place at the top where it says bill to and that's where you're gonna type in the customers email address and under that is gonna say add item or service so you're gonna click on that and that's where you're going to like Poshmark like ebay like any other selling platform you're gonna write your title you can write your description your price whatnot I do pretty much the same kind of title and description I don't make it as keyword e you know cuz I don't need somebody to be able to find it it's you know already being sold so i'm paypal i'm a little bit more basic with my title in my description but i do want to include you know measurements and stuff like that in the description just in case you know somebody tries to open a case and say that they didn't know that this item you know was a certain size or whatnot so you do want to protect yourself and still do a description just like you would any other selling platform and then at the very bottom it will say note to customer you don't have to do this it's optional but I just like to type in there and you know thank you so much for your business thank you so much whatever you want to put down there just a little thank you to them and then the next thing you're gonna do is click send invoice and it's as easy as that so for the desktop version to create an invoice on your desktop when you log into PayPal there's going to be a top bar and in that top bar is like summary activity there's a bunch of choices you're gonna click on summary it usually defaults to summary but just in case it doesn't you're gonna click on summary and then it's gonna pull up on the left side of your screen there's gonna be like a bar of different things like different sections there's gonna be your money and then under that is going to be invoices and estimates and right in that box it's gonna say create invoice and I forget what the other one says but you're gonna click on create invoice and it's just the same as on the app you're gonna click build - you're gonna type in the customers email address and then you're gonna do your title and description and your cost your price why couldn't I think of the word price you're gonna type in your price the only difference with the desktop version is that you can add pictures so that's nice it's a good you know way to protect yourself if you know you feel slightly uncomfortable with you know not sending pictures or maybe your customer has requested photos the way to do that is through the desktop so there is a place where you can click I think it's like attach photo or add attachment that's where you can add photos if you choose to it's not necessary it's not what's the word mandatory why am I having a hard time thinking of words today it's not mandatory it's optional but you can that's the definitely the definition of optional you can do it if you want let's move on to shipping alrighty so with shipping just to put this out there you have to calculate your own shipping through PayPal it's not done free it is done for you but you have to do the work of like weighing and measuring the package and whatnot so if you're not comfortable with that I would say PayPal is probably not for you but if you've sold on any platform other than Poshmark you're used to calculating your own shipping anyways so it's not a huge deal so this is the desktop version again that is where you print your labels from I again have never printed through the app I don't even know if that's a thing so we're just gonna I'm just gonna show you how I know how to do it so on the top bar again where it says summary activity and whatnot you're gonna click on activity this time and it's gonna pull up a list of your payments of people who have paid past transactions that you've done on PayPal and whatnot so once the customer pays that will be right at the top of the list of your transactions if you have any and right on that bar all the way over to the right there's gonna be a button that says print shipping label you're gonna click that after you do that you'll choose your shipping service your type of package if you want a priority shipping if you're using a flat rate box and you're gonna type in the dimensions of your package and the weight of your package then you're gonna click calculate shipping it's gonna give you a price PayPal's usually on par with other discount shipping platforms they give you a seller discount it's nine times out of ten the best price that you're going to get for shipping there are some things where I have checked it on pirate ship and it was a little cheaper but for the mo heart PayPal is really good on shipping cost so you're gonna click calculate shipping it's gonna tell you what the price is and then you're gonna click confirm and pay and then from there you can print your shipping label just like you would you know on any other site that's it you just send your package the tracking automatically uploads whenever you do the shipping label through PayPal it automatically uploads you don't have to worry about it you don't have to click that you've shipped it whatnot it all takes care of it by itself now I do want to talk about super quickly if you decide to ship through an outside source like pirate ship that is an option like I said sometimes pirate ship has better rates nine times out of ten they don't they have the same rates as PayPal but there is a rare chance that they do have a better rate so you can go to pirate ship or any other outside source that you choose I'm sure there's others out there so if you want to do that obviously you want to add the tracking number to the order you know so your customer knows that it's tracking so just like you would where you click on print shipping label instead of clicking on print shipping label you're gonna click the arrow the down arrow right beside print shipping label it's gonna drop down a menu and you're gonna click Add tracking and then from there you can add what service you use like UPS USPS FedEx whatever you can add the tracking number and then you can submit it and then your customer has the tracking number and they are aware you know of what's going on they're informed so yeah that's that's how it goes it's pretty simple you just send it and that's it that's that's how she goes there's not a rating system on PayPal again it's not a selling platform so there's not really a reason to rate anyone I guess it's just a payment platform so you know it takes a little getting used to but it's it's very simple actually it's a lot easier than you know if you already have a social media following or you already have like a customer base on your social media platforms then it's a great way to all things and be able to give your customers a better price one thing I do recommend is calculating your shipping costs beforehand so that when your customer says you know how much are you asking for this you can include the shipping price in your price if that makes sense so if somebody asks me you know how much are you wanting for this t-shirt t-shirts are usually about four dollars to ship and I usually charge like fifteen dollars for t-shirts so I'll say 19 dollars shipped and that means that the shipping price is included in the price so all they're paying is 19 a flat rate of 19 dollars does that make sense so it is good to weigh your items beforehand know what you're gonna be paying for shipping that will save you a lot of heartache once you get in the swing of it and you kind of know how much it costs to you know send certain items so like with denim there it's a little bit heavier and it's just cheaper dicin and a flat rated flat rated what a flat I can't talk today a flat rate padded envelope it's easier to send that and I know that the padded envelopes is a flat rate of seven dollars and 55 cents so that's easy for me I also know that nine times out of ten tops you know I can ship for 45 bucks depending on how heavy they are I can send them first-class it's a learning process you'll learn as you go and it's super super easy I highly highly recommend selling through PayPal I haven't had an issue at all through PayPal so that is how you sell on PayPal I hope I answered all your questions I hope I did a thorough explanation of said tasks what I need to go I've had so much coffee and it's like it's to the point where it's like too much and I can't think my brain is like going a million miles a minute and my mouth can't keep up so I'm gonna go now I hope you guys enjoyed this video I hope you learned something if you have any more questions just feel free to ask me down in the comments below I will try my best to get to everyone's questions and respond to everyone I hope you guys have a great rest of your day if you like this video please be sure and give it a thumbs up on your way out if you haven't already go ahead and hit that subscribe button and join our family we would love to have you I put new videos out every Wednesday and Friday and I will see you guys on Wednesday bye guys
Channel: Christina Charalyn
Views: 77,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: selling on instagram, selling on social media, selling through paypal, PayPal tutorial, reselling, reseller, PayPal invoice tutorial, shipping through paypal, little black hanger
Id: Uj6p1O7w9QA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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